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Everything posted by Eyesmindassassin

  1. Sounds eerily similar to (Silver+) Proving Grounds in WoW where they are braindead easy on melee and retardedly hard on ranged (other than Hunter which is LOL).
  2. HM's are not that hard. Have done them random queueing as DPS with level 50's in the group. Just carry them and keep on going. If someone leaves, just take out a healer comp and 3-man it. Even easier. Tank/DPS left and 3-manned with healer comp. No problem. I thought these would be a pain, but they're not that bad honestly. I forgot all the fights pretty much, but usually will get it down to perfection after the first attempt and play like a god. It is what it is. Whiners gonna whine and shiners gonna shine.
  3. The heroics are 4-manned because it pays a lot more credits, not because it is easier. Heroics are faceroll easy solo, so not sure why you even brought these up anyway.
  4. That guy really attempted (and failed horrifically) to say that Cartel <> Credits is player driven. Like BioWare doesn't determine rarity among their Cartel Market items resulting in ridiculous prices for certain things and dirt cheap prices for others. Cartel Market is the reason for inflation. When you don't put Black And Black Dye up for sale for months and when you do it's for a few minutes at 2k Cartel Coins per that are not unlocked through collections and are destroyed if you take them out, then how can you be surprised when someone puts one up for 30 million? Same thing for Lightening Weapon Tuning, Kylo Ren's lightsaber, etc. C'mon now. And by the same token, if you have certain stuff drop like candy, it will be cheap. BioWare controls the market. Always has, always will. What's most surprising is people still haven't figured EA out yet. This isn't their first rodeo after all. Does no one remember Maxis and The Sims franchise/The Sims Online? Eerily similar to BioWare, KOTOR franchise and SWTOR. Go take a look at history. I hear it repeats itself and I have dog ears.
  5. They could have just as easily added new content like chapter(s) into the game with the two companions as story characters where you interact with them and make light side/dark side choices and then given out which ever one came out on top. This way, you can do the content with existing characters and don't have to create new characters. Could of done the same with the other rewards if hey wanted. Could of even put all of this in an expac or something. All of that requires work/time/money, though. The current method does not and is just old content. They also couldn't make additional $$$ off of players needing extra character slots. Thinking and logic isn't hard.
  6. Been playing since launch, came back after a few years. Seeing people I had on ignore for being blind white knight defenders of this game turn into 'haters' and 'people who need to unsub and play something else' is priceless. I'm not sure if some of the others that are still around (and posting in this thread I might add) will ever fall to the dark side so to speak, but I'll sure enjoy watching it all unfold.
  7. I swear I remember SM (non-tacticals) back in the day and even HM's being way easier than tacticals are now. Part of it is the groups... maybe, but things are just hitting hard and fights take way too long. I don't understand why you would leave in 1 and 2 shot mechanics when it's 4 DPS, all new players and all around level 20. They don't know how to do anything or avoid stuff, nor do they have the means (they can walk slowly out of stuff with no mobility abilities yet, but that means they have to react faster which indicates muscle memory due to knowledge and experience of the fights. Some of the most painful ones are Maelstrom Prison (2nd and last fight), Manaan (1-2 fights, mainly the other one, though with the puddle spam), Blood Hunt (bro and sis), etc. Hell, even struggled with stuff like Assault on Tython which I remember being faceroll, but that was from max level perspective with only other max levels. Trying to do that with a bunch of low toons who are new to the game is a nightmare. I have aggro the whole time and have to run to the health stations non-stop. I'm a 'Slinger so I'm doing little dmg this whole time while everyone else is doing even less because they are new and have few abilities. Eventually he enrages and we die. Maelstrom is ridiculous. Had two separate groups of utter wipefests in there. It's always lowbies and new players. I ended up having to solo the second boss because everyone kept dying and that is freaking hard considering he hits like a truck if you're in LoS for even a second. It's extremely unforgiving. Solo, you have to keep running around the pillar and pop out for a split second to toss a DoT on him and heal up every time it's up. Sometimes he even bugs out and jumps over the pillar and one-shots you. C'mon now. Pillarhumping is not newb friendly. Kilran is also absurd. First group I wiped on him and eventually quit because they just wouldn't learn the fight. He kept enraging. We had a bad comp anyway. We were all ranged so no one got in melee range to turn off his 1-shot. I repeatedly tried to Blaster Whip him but had to keep running out of LoS before he got off his Snipe. Even if you get past that part, he would hit like a mac truck with Series of Shots and obliterate you from behind a pillar sometimes killing. I don't understand why bosses have to hit so hard in tacticals. Maybe I was a lot better than I am now or played with a lot better players but I remember all of these being far easier on even HM back in the day. To be honest, I wish they'd just bring back normal SM FP's again and remove tactical or have them only for the stuff they had them for at first like Kuat Drive Yards. I feel like I'd rather just wait in a long queue when I queue into 4 DPS lowbie new players and literally have to tank + heal every fight because I"m doing the most DPS and no one else knows what to do. If I wanted to tank/heal, I'd play that like I have in the past. It defeats the purpose of tacticals when you still make people tank/heal anyway. Give us that solo Jesus droid healer or something at least. Don't even get me started on Manaan. Those AoE circles should be a different color. They are almost the same color as the floor. Why can't they just be red or something? Would be very easy to see. Fights shouldn't be hard because of the visual display, they should be hard because of the mechanics and timing, etc. Even still, I don't see why tacticals need to be hard anyway. Kind of defeats the purpose of Hard Modes when tacticals are the ones that are hard. Mandalorian Raiders first boss is pretty dumb, too. Should I just not accept queue if lowbies are in there? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having lowbies queue with high levels in the first place? All that's going to happen is I'm going to have to tank and heal again running around across the room. Not fun at all. I'd rather something be fun than difficult, especially something that's not supposed to be difficult anyway. Fights take too long, bosses hit too hard. Pretty simple. Lower HP and lessen big hits. I don't care about elitism. I'm probably better than anyone who plays this game having solo'd the last phase of Kephess in TFB back when it first came out in a grueling long exchange of slowly wilting away a health bar and easily being able to die in the blink of an eye. So when I say things should be scaled down, there's some merit to it. Look, I'm not asking that the game be 'watered down' or 'made easy for casuals.' I'm saying new players to the game at low levels have too steep of a learning curve TOO EARLY on for their own good. Let them grow a bit slower. Either change it back to how it was where new players would slowly unlock new FP's with slowly increasing difficulty or make them 'more accessible' for them to complete. Simple. You will still have your HM's, Ops, HM Ops, NiM Ops, etc. Not every FP can be done solo and they are supposed to be able to be done with as many as 4 DPS. If that is the case, they are a bit overtuned (at least some of them/some fights/bosses/abilities).
  8. I got two lightsabers on a Smuggler. Don't have a companion that can use lightsabers. GG. It's terrible implementation. Stop defending evil and crucify it. Sheep-like attitudes on this forum is why Trump is being elected. I just pray a meteor collides with this useless rock so that the universe is a better place.
  9. Jedi Knight, this is happening on all classes, so no real point mentioning what class you're having the issue on. The fact this still isn't fixed and they are basically making it a requirement for part of the event with not having ironed out all the kinks or fixed the previous blunders stinks to the high heavens and shows just what type of company EA is.
  10. I don't get the comparisons to the Party Jawa. I have never once used it. If you're that upset over it, i'll gladly trade it for your Nico. Hell, you can have my Founder title, Hutt Training holo, etc, too. All that stuff is either useless mechanically or there is a replacement in the game already. There is no replacement companion from level 1 that will increase the amount of crafters you have. I'm also a huge min-maxer when it comes to conversation influence, so I always need to have out the right companion for the maximum amount of influence I can gain. This disrupts my crafting as I then have to wait until they get back since I don't have enough to send out that I know I won't gain any influence with in conversations. Time = credits, thus this gives an unfair advantage to people who were subbed at an arbitrary date and time. Hell, someone could have subbed that month and gotten him while someone else played since launch and their sub fell off. So now that person will have an extra crafting companion while leveling on all present and future characters from now until forever while the other person has a title they never wear and some useless Jawa that doesn't give them any sort of advantage. You can buy a training holo that does exactly the same thing as the Hutt one off the CM, but you can't buy a companion that crafts from level one - and this is important - while also being ineligable to those who already have Nico so that there is no imbalance. Buying another holo trainer and adding it to collections does nothing for me unlike buying another level 1 crafting companion would do for someone. That along with finishing all 8 class stories and not receiving Legendary status while they doll out this new event when their legacy system is still buggy and broken is enough for me to say so long. Not to mention, the new event exacerbates the issue even further since tons of people will be leveling new characters and getting an edge over others who didn't sub on an arbitrary date, especially when one of the prerequisites to achieving the final tier is getting all professions to max level. How EAWare is so utterly oblivious to the errors they make when it comes to this game and how they affect the playerbase at large borders on insanity. I'm close to not only just boycotting - and more importantly - lobbying against not just BioWare/EA, but also Lucas, Marvel and even Disney. This much blatant corruption and undeniable sadism warrants nothing short of extreme violence on a massive scale.
  11. Egress does provide leap immunity. I'm guessing you never PvP on a Sage/Sorc or leaper or never get leapt to while using Egress or never leap to any Sage/Sorc while they are using Egress. As someone who has a Sage/Sorc/Jugg/Mara/PT/VG, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Egress does provide... actually, maybe I didn't understand what you were saying correctly. Did you mean leap immunity or immunity to roots? Because it already has immunity to roots and leaping just makes you leap to where they were when you leapt, but they won't be there anymore since they used Force Speed, so you just effectively wasted a gap closer and didn't close the gap. I'm guessing you want Egress to make using Force Speed make it so that you can't leap at all during the duration? Kind of like Cover or Electro Net? Eh, that can be good and bad. It would be good if you got far enough away or ran behind a pillar so that they can't leap to you, but any less and they just leap to you immediately after which is far worse than the way it works now where they may still leap to you, but only get halfway there and it didn't close the gap. Now I do agree with you that shutting down Egress is very easy with CC's/stuns. Happens 90% of the time on my Sage/Sorc against decent players. CC/stun immunity every 20 seconds on top of root/snare immunity might be OP'd, though. As long as the health cost is attached to Noble Sacrifice/Unnatural Preservation it will never be good in PvP. Making the 4-piece remove the health cost may work, but I fear that PvE Sages/Sorcs will just get the 4-piece set bonus from PvP and use it in PvE.
  12. OP is right and PT aren't melee. In rated arenas, which hardly anyone does, melee are good and only Madness is a good ranged class. No one does rated arenas. Who cares. In reg war zones, ranged are much stronger than melee, especially when they are stacked (mainly Madness as they are ridiculously OP'd). Have not logged into my Jugg in a long time and I was only playing him for a long time before that. Last patch ruined it for me and it's not fun to play at all anymore. All it takes is for you to get one match where the other team has all ranged that focus you every respawn and time to uninstall. I've always said PT's are melee and not ranged until I played a very good one unlike the bad ones in this thread who say they are melee. A good one will make TRUE melee classes like Jugg feel like an absolute joke by 6-10 kiting you and dead zoning you 5 trillion times worse than any Rogue could a Warrior back in WoW. They are a hybrid if anything. Some bad PT kept bringing up interrupt is 4 meters. What are you interrupting from a melee class? Operative casting Orbital Strike in your face? lol, stop it. Interrupt being 4 meters DOES NOT MATTER. You would only interrupt a ranged class and being in melee range with a ranged class makes sense since you are trying to stay on them as much as possible. What makes PT NOT a melee class is when they meet a TRUE melee class and proceed to render 90% of their abilities useless by staying at 6-10 meters and doing 90% of their dmg. THAT is the difference between a TRUE melee class and a PT. That is why PT are NOT melee. Now get better and learn to use your 10 meter range to your advantage instead of making everyone aware that you're a bad on the SWTOR forums.
  13. Harbinger. At 55 they win about 90% of the time, if not more.
  14. Yep, only bad players argued for the ED nerf and it doesn't heal more than 20k if all heals crit. Was just in a match where their strategy was to just focus fire me down every time. Worked like a charm. I would pop ED and last maybe a second longer, if that. It hardly healed or seemed to. Burst damage/focus fire utterly hard-counters ED. Good players know this and take advantage of it. Bad players don't and cry about 1v1 which no competitive PvP is balanced around. It's quite sad, but whatever. Time to reroll next FotM in Madness. It's really fun getting a team of them and being perma rooted/stunned while you die in a few globals. Cool game.
  15. Nah, it's not that good. Would rather they just revert it to the way it was before and remove the Rage cost like we asked. It's really easy to burn through it with focus fire. If you get unlucky with crits, can kill you just as fast whether you use it or not. Even when you pop it, might live a few seconds longer. It's really not that good, people just whine about stuff.
  16. Sorcs in here really lying about having a Carnage Mara and killing bads in 3 seconds when they are the ones that are not doing anything to interrupt Gore windows and are dying in 3 seconds. Bads gonna bad. Bad Sorcs gonna cry and get buffed. Sorcs are ridiculously OP'd right now and I get off full Ravages on my Warriors about .00000000001% of the time even vs. full PuG groups. But keep lying though here on the forums acting like you consistently kill people in 3 seconds with your 30 second CD ability while 99.9% of Sorcs in the actual game Fade Out, Overload, Electrocute, Barrier, Whirlwind, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc your Gore Ravage and then easily kite + kill you in a few seconds (lol @ 18, more lying). Every class in the game has a million ways to stop Gore (+ Ravage). Not only that, but even when they don't 99.9% one of their teammates will stop it anyways because, well, why not? It's easy and shuts down the entire class/spec. But like I said, though, bads gonna bad. Liars gonna lie and whine on these forums about stuff that only ever happens against bads every 5 trillion war zones/arenas.
  17. This. Madness is already the best ranged spec in the game. Sniper and Merc have the bottom two spots for both group and solo ranked arena. You don't need any buffs.
  18. Yeah, that guy's horrible. Even on non Stealth classes if I'm being heavily focused, I can sometimes get out of combat around a pillar and H2F then go on to win the match.
  19. As someone who has all classes 55 including a Sorc and a Jugg that I've PvP'd on extensively, this is correct. Madness Sorcs are very very strong ATM and will probably get nerfed when it's all said and done. Maybe against really bad ones I can melt them on my Vengeance Jugg, but against good ones that kite, it's a nightmare. They definitely should win that fight more times than not. No idea how Sorcs are complaining about Warriors when they shouldn't lose to any in their current state. Even seen one Sorc in this thread complaining about Snipers having more tools when Snipers are bottom of the barrel in both solo and group ranked arenas (along with Mercs) and guess what? The best spec of Sorc (Madness) that already has higher rep than any Sniper spec in the game got buffed tremendously while Sniper received no buffs at all. What a joke.
  20. This thread would be funny if your class (spec) wasn't the one that got buffed into OP'dness. This thread is like LeBron James making fun of people complaining about colluding when he has 4 HOF'ers on his team. C'mon.
  21. Solo'd all of them with my Sniper who was in full 78 gear and Treek in tank stance with full 72 gear.
  22. 20% rep in group ranked I would consider OP'd, but I do agree with reverting ALL nerfs to Undying Rage. I thought it was retarded and Mara hasn't been my main since 2.0.
  23. Exactly. It was a buff, not a nerf. It's now just like the Monk roll in WoW, which is what they copied it from in the first place, but balanced it retarded like they always do. Anyways, I don't know why this thread exists. Operative got buffed and Juggs got nerfed. What's the big deal? Medicine Op's are still ridiculously OP'd. Surgical Probe nerf wasn't a big deal at all, more of an annoyance than anything, especially in PvE. Healers in general are pretty dumb, and when they are guarded are just plain stupid.
  24. It doesn't just happen to Operatives/Scoundrels, though. It's happened to me on my Sniper as well as my Operative. I put in one of the most hateful tickets ever, IMHO, and they sent the same response they always do. Lol. They clearly don't even read any bug reports/tickets and don't care to fix bugs like that that have existed since the incarnation of the ability. I don't play my Sniper or Operative anymore in PvP, but now on my Jugg I'm noticing the ever so annoying Charge half way to your target bug which is also ridiculous and impacts matches when I have a healer with a sliver of health almost dead and Charge only halfway to him as he easily escapes and heals back to full. Bottom line, this game sucks and is a glitchy mess with no end in sight. WildStar curbstomped it and it's in ICU right now with the surgeons about ready to pull the plug. Couldn't come sooner either. R.I.P.
  25. WildStar can't come soon enough.
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