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stun bubble is a dev made hack.


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even the worst player in this game can make it so every single time you attack a teammate you get stunned. this makes it so you cant do ANYTHING to them for about 10 seconds not to mention its an area stun. its absolutely obnoxious and you spend the entire warzone stunned. the only way to combat pathetic guilds that use this is to do it yourself which makes for the most retarded warzone experience on this planet. do i sound mad? ya, cause i am mad. you people put a mechanic in the game that allows one single player to stun an entire team every 20 seconds.

i guarantee you if you do not fix this ridiculous talent im canceling my sub. you either need to legit erase it from the game completely since sages already have a push back and a stun, which is the same as a merc! or you can put a 2 min CD on it and it only applies to the caster as every other damn stun in the game is. its absurd and you people need to fix this immediately.

what were you thinking? seriously. did you think people wouldnt figure out how to chain stun every opposing player with this ability? fix it now.

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You truly believe the ONLY issue with stuns/roots/knockbacks is the Sage's ability?

Sages are squishy. They have had the distance of their stun crippled.


I have spent games being chain stunned - stun, root, knock-back and root. A Sages ability on top of that makes very little difference.

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You truly believe the ONLY issue with stuns/roots/knockbacks is the Sage's ability?

Sages are squishy. They have had the distance of their stun crippled.


I have spent games being chain stunned - stun, root, knock-back and root. A Sages ability on top of that makes very little difference.


I'm sorry, but no. It does make a difference.. It's an aoe 3 second stun on a 17 second cooldown PER TARGET that does not contribute the appropriate level of resolve. Given enough players being bubbled, a group of melee dps can be stunned indefinitely due to the extremely low resolve value associated with the ability.

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You truly believe the ONLY issue with stuns/roots/knockbacks is the Sage's ability?

Sages are squishy. They have had the distance of their stun crippled.


I have spent games being chain stunned - stun, root, knock-back and root. A Sages ability on top of that makes very little difference.


I completely agree!!!!


It's not ONE specific stun/cc...it's the whole freaking lot of them. There are simply FAR too many and resolve sucks. There's no more "strategy" involved in chain CCing a player to death than there is in taking candy from baby.


Reduce damage when stun'd by 75%, have CC breaker on a much shorter timer, Resolve needs to grant immunity longer, fill up quicker and drain slower.

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Does everyone close right away when bubbles are up or do they wait for range classes to take bubbles down and squish sages and sorces when they come down?


Just how many bubbles are you expecting us ranged guys to remove? I'm single target from 30m...as quickly as I can take one off, another will go on somewhere else. And I'm not sure what type of PvP you play, but in mine, the enemy doesn't stand still waiting for us to come to them...they close the gap as quickly as they can. It's never just one player that's bubbled, it's generally all 8.

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You truly believe the ONLY issue with stuns/roots/knockbacks is the Sage's ability?

Sages are squishy. They have had the distance of their stun crippled.


I have spent games being chain stunned - stun, root, knock-back and root. A Sages ability on top of that makes very little difference.


no. it makes a massive difference in melee. I don't think that's even debatable. attack. stun. attack. stun. attack. stun. this scenario is completely separate from the "normal" way stuns are employed in which a person is stunned and focused down by 2 or 3 players before can ever get out of the stun.


and as frustrating as bubble stuns are for the lolsmashers, they're that much more frustrating for the OTHER melee, cuz the bubble stun also holds a slew of opponents in place for your own team's smashers. think flash grenade before orbital strike...but much faster.

Edited by foxmob
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Does everyone close right away when bubbles are up or do they wait for range classes to take bubbles down and squish sages and sorces when they come down?


I have not played a bubble spec (yet? Not sure if I will as I get higher), but like I posted in another thread, when I am running a seer sage, and I see someone taking damage, I turn to heal them and I apply bubble if there isn't one applied. (maybe I shouldn't if there is one with the stun specced in as I don't think they can overwrite it.) So even if range popped that bubble, the window for a melee to hit them before they get another is going to be fairly small if I am quick on the heals to that target.

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every single time you attack a teammate you get stunned


you cant do ANYTHING to them for about 10 seconds


you spend the entire warzone stunned


you people put a mechanic in the game that allows one single player to stun an entire team every 20 seconds


i guarantee you if you do not fix this ridiculous talent im canceling my sub


you people need to fix this immediately


I have separated the gems for your viewing pleasure

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Melee should be able to run around and jump and smash and kill people that's pvp and not being stunned cuz it's not fair if I get stunned cuz I pvp and I melee and no one should bother me from runnin around killen people cuz that's why I made a melee so I can smash em and stun em and kill everyone. Edited by MotorCityMan
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have CC breaker on a much shorter timer


Just this *MUCH* shorter cool down and refresh upon death. I don't mind the stuns, been getting stun locked and beaten down by a sage quite a bit lately. It's more frustrating not being able to break it. I mean just let us do it more often and it may give us a chance.


I have never even had resolve because I don't stay alive long enough to generate a full bar. I am currently a level 21 Assassins and in the PUGs I come up against 49 sages that stun lock with their smuggler friends and other buddies. I don't mind them grouping together as everyone has the right to play with buddies. I don't even mind their playstyle, it's just frustrating as hell not being able to move and then getting burnt down.


I blame game design mainly not enough opportunities to break the stun.

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refresh upon death


I used to want this for Stun Breaker but then I read a dev post and actually agreed with them. They said that if it refreshed upon death, there would be less tactics in deciding when to use it. That would make it so everyone would always use it right away if there was any risk of death.


But as it is now, sometimes its best to "man up" and just die and save the Stun Break for an actual important situation other than a random fight in between nodes.

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I used to want this for Stun Breaker but then I read a dev post and actually agreed with them. They said that if it refreshed upon death, there would be less tactics in deciding when to use it. That would make it so everyone would always use it right away if there was any risk of death.


But as it is now, sometimes its best to "man up" and just die and save the Stun Break for an actual important situation other than a random fight in between nodes.


That would be a fine theory of theirs if it weren't for the over abundance of CCs. CC's aren't even close to "tactical", they're tossed out like candy at a parade, heck, I have 4 CC's on equal or lower cooldowns than my 1 CC break ability, yet our only ability to reduce the impact of those numerous CCs is supposed to be "tactical"?! That's just dumb.

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That would be a fine theory of theirs if it weren't for the over abundance of CCs. CC's aren't even close to "tactical", they're tossed out like candy at a parade, heck, I have 4 CC's on equal or lower cooldowns than my 1 CC break ability, yet our only ability to reduce the impact of those numerous CCs is supposed to be "tactical"?! That's just dumb.


But if the problem is the CC, then fix the CC. The stun breaker IS tactical and rewards players for using it only at the right moment and right situation. Fix the problem, don't just break something else so they match.

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You truly believe the ONLY issue with stuns/roots/knockbacks is the Sage's ability?

Sages are squishy. They have had the distance of their stun crippled.


I have spent games being chain stunned - stun, root, knock-back and root. A Sages ability on top of that makes very little difference.


Hey, don't take away his easy kill! A commando grav rounded him too hard once and now he has nightmares :p He needs something to make him feel better

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They really need to fix the resolve system do away with crafted stuns and up the bubble stun to 5 sec but make it only work for caster, and for Christ sake buff sorc/conc survivability. really would go a long way in "funning up" wz again.
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what some of you people don't get is this is not just a sage/sorc problem, this bubble ability can be placed on anyone and works on everyone they put it on. If it only worked on the player themselves it wouldn't be a quarter as bad but they can place it on every player so every player has an immediate AOE stun!

Moreover, you don't even have to break i yourself to get stunned since it's an aoe so even if you planned it out with a ranked premade team that ranged take it off... melee would have to stay back? And then they could reapply every 20ish seconds??? That's ridiculous and absurd. There is no other ability like that in this game. Every other lock or stun is for the player themselves.

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But if the problem is the CC, then fix the CC. The stun breaker IS tactical and rewards players for using it only at the right moment and right situation. Fix the problem, don't just break something else so they match.


Very true. I completely agree with you.

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