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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why the hell are inquis/consulars so damn tanky?


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I'm a commando. I'm squishy in heavy armor. There's no way in hell some cloth covered mage should be taking less damage than I am.


inb4 "they're only tanky because bubbles."


Bubbles are even worse. They need to be specific to a tree and not a "get out of execute free" card.


Bubble Sorcs are ruining the game. They do nothing but prolong warzones and irritate everybody.


The dash is really stupid too. In reality the options are Fight and Flight. Clothies get both. in the quick 3 seconds they have to sprint they can close a massive distance or create one. It's another "get out of death free" card that needs to go away.


Look, reactive shield is awesome and I love it, but that being the only real defensive ability I have as a commando is sickening when I have to watch these OP little *****s sprinting around with bubbles upon bubbles.


Nobody likes huttball because of clothies. Nobody.

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Did you just say that Sorcs/Sages aren't squishy?



You've obviously never played them then.


EDIT: Just to inform you, Commandos get more defensive abilitys than Sage/Sorc do, and you have heavy armour and a 360 degree knockback.

Edited by Jayshames
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Do you mean heal-sorcs?

I guess that if you attack me and i play out my "selfheal-rotation" it can look as if I can take a lot of damage. In reality I take a ******** of damage but are able to heal through the initial attacks. Still dead some time after that. AND you've managed do neutralise my heals on others = you win. Try to start with some stun or so....

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Did you just say that Sorcs/Sages aren't squishy?



You've obviously never played them then.


EDIT: Just to inform you, Commandos get more defensive abilitys than Sage/Sorc do, and you have heavy armour and a 360 degree knockback.


commando is more squishy than sorc. heavy armor is only a 10% mitigation buffer. bubble and speed are better than lolshield and knockback.


not saying sorc is tanky, but commando is squishiest class.

Edited by cultivatedmass
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Not too sure where you were taking this little rant but...


I have both a Heal spec Sorc and a Commando Trooper. Now

unless its a brutal dog piling where both of my toons would drop

like a prom date in seconds, I will still say that my Commando has

far more survivability than my Sorc and I bubble my *** off.


Now I get by here and there, but usually as soon the opposing team

witnesses me healing its a wrap and I end up in the aforementioned

dog piling scenario and its a fight to get out of harms way. I need my

burst of speed and my fleeting bubbles to keep alive and to keep healing.


You must have went up against a decent Sorc player who schooled you

in a little Inquisitor 101. But still... I PvP WAY more on my Commando

than I ever do my Sorc just because I get tired of the squishy.


Stop getting angry and ranting on about what needs to be taken away

from a class that busted your ego and learn what you need to counter

against all classes to win in PvP.


just throwing that out there....

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Stop getting angry and ranting on about what needs to be taken away

from a class that busted your ego and learn what you need to counter

against all classes to win in PvP.



Except you cant pin down a clothie in a 1v1. They just run away and heal.

GGWP your argument is lackluster.

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You have a concussion shot... a Cryo gernade...as well as the 360 degree

aoe blast as stated earlier by another post.


I am not sure what yer doing wrong but most Sorcs, unless really damn good

and really geared up dont last too long after I rail em with 3-4x grav round and

then follow up with the rest of the rotation resetting your full auto should it proc.


The beauty is Troopers are stationary MAC TRUCKs of DPS. Your job is to keep

the Inquisitor on their toes since the majority of their abilities are channel casts.

Assassin is a different story but yea.....Grav Round...its your friend...and quickly

turns a bold opponent into panic mode as his health bar diminishes ever so


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Except you cant pin down a clothie in a 1v1. They just run away and heal.

GGWP your argument is lackluster.


Last time I checked, commandos could use an ability that allows a casted spell to be instant. Use it in conjunction with your big heal. Less squishy. And if you use a wz med pack on top of that :).


What you describe as tankyness is not that at all. A tank stands there and soaks up damage. If a sage just stood there, even with bubble, would go down quicker than a commando.


Sages played correctly can be beasts.


Another tip for survivability, experiment with your cleanse. You can cleanse ask tech stuff so do it. That means when vanguard's or gunslingers put a dit on you cleanse it.

Edited by sphyg
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Force speed increases speed by 150% for 2 seconds. You run and they run, and they can get as far in 2 seconds as you can get in 3. How far can you run in 1 second? That is how far away from you they can get. I know you can't run 30 meters in one second, or melee's wouldn't need a force charge at all. Force speed is also completely negatable. If somebody jumps or charges at me I can try to cast a root at the while they are in the air, and nothing happens. I can try to run away with Force Speed and somebody hits me with a root, stun, mez, etc and I stop moving.


I'm in full EWH and I still get hit with Smash for 7k occasionally. How many times have you been hit for 7k? Don't tell me I'm not squishy. Snipers literally hunt Sorc's first, because with their all white damage they can sometimes get off 11k+ damage in 2 moves. When was the last time you were hit in your heavy armor for 6k+ from a an Ambush?


Just because you're bad, don't try to make up lies and excuses on the boards.

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Force speed increases speed by 150% for 2 seconds. You run and they run, and they can get as far in 2 seconds as you can get in 3. How far can you run in 1 second? That is how far away from you they can get. I know you can't run 30 meters in one second, or melee's wouldn't need a force charge at all. Force speed is also completely negatable. If somebody jumps or charges at me I can try to cast a root at the while they are in the air, and nothing happens. I can try to run away with Force Speed and somebody hits me with a root, stun, mez, etc and I stop moving.


I'm in full EWH and I still get hit with Smash for 7k occasionally. How many times have you been hit for 7k? Don't tell me I'm not squishy. Snipers literally hunt Sorc's first, because with their all white damage they can sometimes get off 11k+ damage in 2 moves. When was the last time you were hit in your heavy armor for 6k+ from a an Ambush?


Just because you're bad, don't try to make up lies and excuses on the boards.


Ohhh.. Calling someone a baddie n a liar.


Well for one, it is 3 seconds on sprint.


But yea I agree with you in most of the other stuff. I've hit a sage for 7k with my aimed shot followed by a 4.5k trick shot

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Lolz. He clearly hasn't played the class. Ever hear of the term "glass cannon" OP?. Also you can't just spam bubbles like you seem to think, or you'll have no energy. Also sprinting away does not give me a "free get out of the death" due to the high number of pulls and leaps that stop me in my tracks.


Go play the class to 50, get an average battlemaster title, then come back here.


Cya on the field!:D

Edited by Sleprock
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Lolz. He clearly hasn't played the class. Ever hear of the term "glass cannon" OP?.

Except for the fact that the cannon part is clearly missing you are right.



Bubble counts as a instant-heal (it also does medal-wise). It absorbs ~3-3.5k damage, doesn't seem to scale with gear at all and is mostly taken down by 1-2 hits.


Force speed has so many counters.Root, stun, mezz, charge, pull. Even simple slows counter it if the Sorc hasn't specced fadeout in the healing tree.


The baseline version of our knockback isn't 360 degrees and doesn't slow or root. It gives you 1-2 seconds of time until the enemies are in your face again.


In addition, we have one instant single target stun and a single taget mezz with cast time.


None of the above can be considered as a defensive CD and none of them will help you survive longer than 3 seconds when focus fired (Except you've got guard, taunts and 2 other healers supporting you :D). Bubble is a heal, the rest of them are utility.

Sorcs have 0 (ZERO) defensive cool downs, so please, if you complain about something we've got then take the retarded bubble stun that should only apply to self-casts.

Edited by iphobia
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All those tanky sorcerers and DPS assassins running around really ruin the game. Same with all the CC vanguards get.


Am I the only one who noticed the incredible whisper of this message. Sorcerors are quishy. The end. I can (unfortunately) have any class just rip me apart. Mara/Sent ripe me in 10sec (OP but i guess Mara/Sents cant be OP on this forums). Merc/Commandos are not as squishy as Sorc/Sages at all even with out roots, stuns, cc, etc.


I agree with the guy who raised you a Gunslinger. Ill play my Lethality Sniper and run laughing dropping dots and tanking better than a Sorc

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To be honest im really really good at keeping my bubble up while im playing my scorc and I often Have had 100k heals in a PvP match wilsting the full tele tree just from absorbed damage. I don't care what anyone says with FS and my bubble im tankie as hell. With bubble up smashes hit for around 3.5 to 5k and up to 7.2k with no bubble for me personally. I don't agree with all the OP points but i will say for a light armor class im very hard to kill even as a non healer spec.
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Force speed increases speed by 150% for 2 seconds. You run and they run, and they can get as far in 2 seconds as you can get in 3. How far can you run in 1 second? That is how far away from you they can get. I know you can't run 30 meters in one second, or melee's wouldn't need a force charge at all. Force speed is also completely negatable. If somebody jumps or charges at me I can try to cast a root at the while they are in the air, and nothing happens. I can try to run away with Force Speed and somebody hits me with a root, stun, mez, etc and I stop moving.


I'm in full EWH and I still get hit with Smash for 7k occasionally. How many times have you been hit for 7k? Don't tell me I'm not squishy. Snipers literally hunt Sorc's first, because with their all white damage they can sometimes get off 11k+ damage in 2 moves. When was the last time you were hit in your heavy armor for 6k+ from a an Ambush?


Just because you're bad, don't try to make up lies and excuses on the boards.


Err you got the math wrong bud. It increase speed BY 150% not TO 150%. Means they go 250% for 2 seconds. Means, if you go 30m per seconds they go 75m per second, meaning you'll be 90m away after 2 seconds. That's 3X out of range on most range abilities.


What annoys me more with sprint is that you can't root them and deny them on it. I guess it'd be a bit underpowered if it were like that.


And bubble needs fine tuning.

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