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On behalf of my Commando buds: green beam in pvp? change please


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I feel bad for all my fellow guildmates that want to PVP as a Commando, but they find it totally unfair. I don't even play a commando, but I can see their argument. The classes are so well balanced as total mirrors... but this seems unfair. Commando healers can be seen a mile away by Sith players in PvP. Yes, we can see Merc healers cast bar and everything, but this is a huge difference.


I'm guessing this has been requested before by commandos on these forums, but I just wanted to add my two credits.

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I couldn't agree more. The Commando in general needs work. My trooper was the most fun I had leveling, I love all the specs, it's a FUN class, but it's detrimental to you're team in endgame PvP when there are significantly better choices.


Now I heal on my Scoundrel. It's fun and inb a WZ I can get 300k heals and the other team never marks me and has no idea I healed. On my commando I'm marked in the first 10 seconds. It's just not as fun.


I love the game, and I will continue to play, but why not make every class enjoyable to play at level 50, if that's a viable option?

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You guys get so side tracked.


The green beam needs to be changed. For pvp it's horrible. The Mercenary's stream of green bullets isn't nearly as noticeable as the green beam. Mind you, I only really use hammer shot if I'm in dire need of healing on the move or I'm out of ammo for some reason. It's basically like jumping around shouting "kill the thing on one side of this beam cause it's already dying, then come kill the other cause it's out of ammo".

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  • 1 month later...
Indeed, although I do not play Commandos, I can't tell you how many times in PvP I have with my Marauder completely obliterated a Healer Commando simply because they are so easily spotted in PvP. They are typically the first Healers that get the big bright Target or Star or Lightening above their heads. Not fun for them I am sure.
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yea that is pretty obvious, well hey, atleast ur dps spec doesnt fire a missle that leaves a smoke trail spelling out "kill me " . same could be how sorcs shoot lightning and sages throw small pebbels...
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yea that is pretty obvious, well hey, atleast ur dps spec doesnt fire a missle that leaves a smoke trail spelling out "kill me " . same could be how sorcs shoot lightning and sages throw small pebbels...


Statement: Except nobody sees those abilities and says "defeat this player because they're dealing damage". Their target is the healers primarily and everyone else is secondary. Provided the players know what they're doing. And the healing beam is a huge red flag that says "this one is going to keep others alive if not dealt with."

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yea that is pretty obvious, well hey, atleast ur dps spec doesnt fire a missle that leaves a smoke trail spelling out "kill me " . same could be how sorcs shoot lightning and sages throw small pebbels...


You could say that about wielding a lightsaber though.

I completely agree with the green beam of agro. Because that's what it ends up being in PvP.

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Fixing this would go a LONG way towards fixing the commando. Merc is bad enough but commando is even worse because of the green beam. It painfully obvious that this has needed to be fixed for a long time but STILL BW refuses to do anything about it.


After playing a smuggler healer I was amazed at how much more I am left alone than on my commando healer. The big gun is bad enough as a dead giveaway, let alone the "follow me to the healer" beam that you can see across the WZ.


In my opinion this is the single most appalling imbalance issue.

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Aside from PvP, I've always disliked the Hammer Shot green beam in general. The BH equivalent has a rather cool "rat-a-tat-tat" sound and visual, whereas the Trooper version is silent and boring. On a similar vein, I dislike the Grav Round sound, too. A big gun should not sound like a silent fart. I want a powerful saw sound like in the trailers!
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  • 2 weeks later...
couldn't agree more. the steady green beam is more than half the prob in pvp. just make the hammershot animation with a greenish tinge like the merc heal shot would allow us more survivability in pvp. as it is now all we really have to offer is being agro magnets. that can be worked to an advantage against mediocre teams, but not much.
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  • 2 weeks later...

No to removing green beam in PvP.


There is no good argument to say that people "detect you" easier if you use the green beam. People will discover you being a healer anyway. If a player is experienced enough to understand that it's smart to focus healers, then he will be experienced enough to separate a DPS/tank from a healer. And he will do that just as fast against a sorc/OP as if he saw a commando use green beam. If you get focused because the opponents are bad, and therefore you are the only healer they are able to detect, that is no excuse. Game animations shouldn't be changed based on people only being able to detect you. That's their own problem. Every healer will be detected just as fast against people who can play.

Edited by Uggen
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I doesn't bother me, but I wouldn't mind a change to it.

I've learned not to use it as often in PVP, which has been working lately. I still have the times where 3+ players attack me but I see it as a good thing since they're focused on me rather than the objective.

When I do use green beam I'm pretty much jumped immediately, it's far too easy to spot, but you just gotta learn to adapt. Unless they've marked then you, then you're dead no matter what.

Sure, as healers, we're the easiest to spot because of the green beam but it's still fun to play.

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You're also the only Commandos throwing balls of Kolto and standing around with your hand glued to your head and your gun half on the ground. Healers in general stick out pretty well.


Sages kinda blend since their counterparts also stand around casting. Scoundrels are easy, they're either in your face attacking or in the back healing.

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