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Bad feeling about lack of "Expansion" news


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I did as well but then I was working on 1.7 being on the PTS by now. Currently it does not appear to be hitting the PTS until at least 12/2 (no maintenance advertised) so I'm thinking of reviewing my estimate.


Which means even if they only have it on PTS a week a do nothing else they only just to meet the absolute outside of their (extended for christmas) release window.


PTS may be much shorter, they have been employing external testers this time which they have not done before, that implies that RotHC will be more heavily tested before it hits PTS than the patches we have had before. So I don't see the fact that it is not on PTS yet to mean very much.

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Indeed, no one would expect them to tell you the Makeb plot.


However everything else should be plainly laid out before pre-order IMO.


I do think it probably is though, it's just that Makeb is an adventure pack, not an expansion (in the traditional MMO sense) and there isn't going to BE very much too it.


Well, there's still plenty of time for them to announce more features. Spring is still a long way off. And then we don't even know when in the Spring it will be. We could be 4-5 months from release (though I'm betting on April, personally).


So far, I like the game and am looking forward to more of it. So I pre-ordered immediately. If your experience is different, maybe you should wait. No biggie and nothing wrong with that. Complaining about the lack of an update at this time is fairly pointless, though.

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Ordering now is no more different than pre-ordering any new game. You really don't know what to expect until the the game is near finished. It was like this when people first pre-order swtor. I would just wait and see if your that paranoid about the expansion. The way I see if your enjoying yourself I would pre-order since your already having fun playing the game. If not, then I would hold off and see what they have to offer.


I'm still having a blast pvping and just starting to get into a little pve, barely starting run dungeons or flash points in this game. Thus, I pre-order even though at first I was a bit in doubt. I'm still annoy that paid transfers aren't available though. I would really like my 3 50's on bastion to get off and xfer to Harbinger.

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I can't really say much else, but trust me it's coming. It looks great, and you guys will enjoy it. Yes, lack of details suck, but they probably have a very valid reason for it. Just look forward to Gree, and give them time for Makeb.
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I'm not too worried about the lack of information just yet.


I've got enough to be interested in an expansion and thats about it.


As we get closer I'm sure, like every other MMO expansion does, we will get more details. It's a simple waiting game for now. Something I'm used to and familiar with as far as being a gamer goes.

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Last I heard anything some official Bioware dude said the influx of cash from the cartel shop is allowing them to flesh out the expansion more than they had originally planned. I do not expect to hear much though until media events or test server goes live. They won't even comment on plot and other mechanics are never talked about until set in stone.


Bioware has always been dead quiet when it comes to development and it amazes me that players keep whining about lack of information each and every patch and game they put out. Proves once again that the population as a whole has the memory retention of a lobotomized kitten.

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I can't really say much else, but trust me it's coming. It looks great, and you guys will enjoy it. Yes, lack of details suck, but they probably have a very valid reason for it. Just look forward to Gree, and give them time for Makeb.


You know this how?! Or is this your opinion based off the trailers??


Bioware's lack of communication has no valid reasons...it's inexcusable imo. It is obviously how they want to operate, but I feel their silence is as damaging to the health of the game as lag is.

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You know this how?! Or is this your opinion based off the trailers??


Bioware's lack of communication has no valid reasons...it's inexcusable imo. It is obviously how they want to operate, but I feel their silence is as damaging to the health of the game as lag is.


The reason is that it is still too early. Patience, young one.

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Well, there's still plenty of time for them to announce more features. Spring is still a long way off. And then we don't even know when in the Spring it will be. We could be 4-5 months from release (though I'm betting on April, personally).


So far, I like the game and am looking forward to more of it. So I pre-ordered immediately. If your experience is different, maybe you should wait. No biggie and nothing wrong with that. Complaining about the lack of an update at this time is fairly pointless, though.



There is certainly, but people are saying if it's time to pre-order it's time to have pretty much all the details, I largely agree (although I think they have).


The most it could be away is 3.5 months if they stretched "Spring" to its very breaking point.

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The reason is that it is still too early. Patience, young one.


That has nothing to do with anything I said. If you're referring to their silence, I wasn't commenting on it just for this 'expansion', I meant in general. Patience hasn't changed their communication in over a year...no amount of patience will change it.

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Bioware have always been the silent development type. It makes it much easier to develop then because you don't have CM's posting in forums one thing and then the design team decides to scrap that idea and the playerbase gets really really annoyed because theres a mismatch of information..

for a developer its better to be silent and have customers complaining that theres no information on their product than it is to be active in communication with the customers and have a very very likely scenario where there is a mishap in the communication and something is said which is no longer true, or is not supposed to be released.


I'm going to use an example i hate to use because i hate the company in the scenario but it is one which is very easy to understand.


Apple when developing a new product will never release any details on this product until usually 1-2 weeks before the actual release of said product. This gives them freedom in design options which allows for any last minute changes. The customer knows nothing official(obviously there is leaks) and therefore if apple has to get rid of something which the customer may like because of technical difficulties then the customer dosn't complain that it has been removed because they didn't have an official word that it was there in the first place.


the less you know the wiser you are

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Bioware have always been the silent development type. It makes it much easier to develop then because you don't have CM's posting in forums one thing and then the design team decides to scrap that idea and the playerbase gets really really annoyed because theres a mismatch of information..

for a developer its better to be silent and have customers complaining that theres no information on their product than it is to be active in communication with the customers and have a very very likely scenario where there is a mishap in the communication and something is said which is no longer true, or is not supposed to be released.


I'm going to use an example i hate to use because i hate the company in the scenario but it is one which is very easy to understand.


Apple when developing a new product will never release any details on this product until usually 1-2 weeks before the actual release of said product. This gives them freedom in design options which allows for any last minute changes. The customer knows nothing official(obviously there is leaks) and therefore if apple has to get rid of something which the customer may like because of technical difficulties then the customer dosn't complain that it has been removed because they didn't have an official word that it was there in the first place.


the less you know the wiser you are


This isn't Apple and that's a poor comparison anyway. Apple is known for spectacularly bug free, easy to use products (several exceptions, but few). Apple puts more research into that one button, than Bioware put into the entire game. EVERYTHING Apple releases is thoroughly researched, focus group tested and undergoes extreme QA testing. Apple is the W0W of their market.


The only feedback Bioware seems to take is from exit surveys, which is why they claim they switched to F2P. Seldom do we see ideas, suggestions or requests answered or even acknowledged on these forums, or in-game where tickets are simply "closed".


I'm a firm believer that Bioware's biggest assets are the current players - they should utilize us more to build hype for their game by being much more forthcoming. Instead, they rely on twitter, fb and other gaming sites and tend to ignore the existence of this forum most days. It's sad...I don't get it.

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This isn't Apple and that's a poor comparison anyway. Apple is known for spectacularly bug free, easy to use products (several exceptions, but few). Apple puts more research into that one button, than Bioware put into the entire game. EVERYTHING Apple releases is thoroughly researched, focus group tested and undergoes extreme QA testing. Apple is the W0W of their market.


The only feedback Bioware seems to take is from exit surveys, which is why they claim they switched to F2P. Seldom do we see ideas, suggestions or requests answered or even acknowledged on these forums, or in-game where tickets are simply "closed".


I'm a firm believer that Bioware's biggest assets are the current players - they should utilize us more to build hype for their game by being much more forthcoming. Instead, they rely on twitter, fb and other gaming sites and tend to ignore the existence of this forum most days. It's sad...I don't get it.


First, in game tickets are not where you submit ideas. Those are support tickets and should be used for support only.


Second, I don't know game you have been on but Bioware has been communicating pretty regularly over the past couple of months. They haven't responded to all the larger items but they have made an effort to extend communication outward. Social media is just one of those ways. They don't owe the forum users anything. I don't get this idea where gamers feel entitled to feedback just because they use these forums. These forums are more for us than for bioware.


Third, you are the consumer and this is how bioware has chosen to communicate. Based on the amount hate spewing and garbage flung about on these forums I don't blame bioware one bit for not communicating about makeb any more than what we have been told. If its not worth your 10 bucks right now then you have more than a right to keep your money in your wallet. Don't, however, come in here proclaiming and demanding your needs be met. It's up to you as the consumer to decide if their model fits your needs. Once they finalize some additional features and are 100% sure they will hit the makeb expansion then I am sure they will very excited to share it with us. Until then, just accept it or go play something else for a month or two.

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First, in game tickets are not where you submit ideas. Those are support tickets and should be used for support only.


Second, I don't know game you have been on but Bioware has been communicating pretty regularly over the past couple of months. They haven't responded to all the larger items but they have made an effort to extend communication outward. Social media is just one of those ways. They don't owe the forum users anything. I don't get this idea where gamers feel entitled to feedback just because they use these forums. These forums are more for us than for bioware.


Third, you are the consumer and this is how bioware has chosen to communicate. Based on the amount hate spewing and garbage flung about on these forums I don't blame bioware one bit for not communicating about makeb any more than what we have been told. If its not worth your 10 bucks right now then you have more than a right to keep your money in your wallet. Don't, however, come in here proclaiming and demanding your needs be met. It's up to you as the consumer to decide if their model fits your needs. Once they finalize some additional features and are 100% sure they will hit the makeb expansion then I am sure they will very excited to share it with us. Until then, just accept it or go play something else for a month or two.


My point about the in-game tickets was that they are closed and ignored as much as any forum post is. I have a very real issue in-game that keeps getting "escalated" (which means the ticket is closed), which is never resolved...simply ignored.


You and I seem to disagree on just how important the games active customers are. I believe they are the most important piece of ANY game/company. You seem to think they're disposable and even suggest I go play something else...why?...because I think their communication is terrible?! Wow...it is...


You blame us for Bioware's inability to communicate better...I tend to believe that most forums are a direct reflection of the company. Happy players post happy thoughts, frustrated players tend to act frustrated, hopeful player are optimistic. When a developer cares about their product and their consumer, it's reflected in the forums.


I made no demands...I simply stated my opinion...

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F2p have "limited" Access to HM, Ops and WZs.

Now a F2p player gets himself this "Content Patch" for 20$?

He logs in and should noticed.. uh ya.. i payed for this stuff but have no access to it.. nice.

Wich means with the release of Makeb, they CANT add Ops, WZ or new HM as long F2P got themself

the "update"

More like 6-12 weeks later as casual Patch.


F2P have limited access to FPs and Warzones, so they can access them, so I really don't get what you're saying.

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I still find the fact that most people on here think the expansion will include wz's , fp's and op's , it won't . Why ? you may ask , it's because those will come as part of our subbs and are nothing to do with 5 level cap increase , not everyone is going to buy the expac so it won't affect end-game at the beginning at all. That my opinion only.





Edited by BadOrb
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So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between.


I'm much more concerned about almost no details about 1.7 and it's not on the PTS yet. Tomorrow will mark 8 weeks since 1.6 dropped.


From last Live Q&A

We are hitting our 6-8 content release schedule pretty good. There will be a 9 week window between the game update (1.6) landing before the holidays and the update after the holidays (1.7) since we want to give our guys the holiday off since they were all here last year. We will aim for 6 weeks but will go for 8 weeks for quality issues etc.


Since 1.7 isn't even on the PTS yet and the point release patches are normally up for for several weeks they are either going to be several weeks late on this, have a shorter PTS time, or not put on the PTS at all.

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I'm much more concerned about almost no details about 1.7 and it's not on the PTS yet. Tomorrow will mark 8 weeks since 1.6 dropped.


From last Live Q&A


Since 1.7 isn't even on the PTS yet and the point release patches are normally up for for several weeks they are either going to be several weeks late on this, have a shorter PTS time, or not put on the PTS at all.


Thank you for digging that up.


I'd be disappointed if we slip past the 9 week mark...not because I don't understand that a delay can happen, but because I dislike false promises. THEY committed to 6 week releases. They claimed that F2P would allow them quicker turns and that THEY were changing their internal working to be more efficient...if they slip past the 9 week mark (which they allowed for because of the week of Christmas), they are failing to keep one of their biggest commitments to their customers.

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