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50 pvp vs. 10-49 pvp


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Lots of people think that lowbie pvp is more fair than 50's pvp. Here are some reasons.


-More diversity in toons

-Less gear gap

-Less burst


I would just like to say that all of this is not true. Please stop misinforming new players. I still see more Jugs, maras, and sorcs than any of the other classes in lowbies. I have no proof except, but neither does the people who claim that lowbies is better.


Gear gap is the same or more than recruit to war hero. I can't agree that a level 11 with 12k hp is the same as a level 49 with 17k hp. Also a level 11 has less utilities and skills they can use compared to a level 49. At 50 recruit you have around 15-16k hp and at full war hero depending on class you have 18-20k hp. But atleast at 50 everyone has the same abilities they can use, but not at lowbies. If anybody says that a level 11 jug is the same as a level 49 jug is not right in the head. :D


Less burst at lowbies is also a lie. I see people hitting for 5k in lowbies against people with 11-12k hp. I also see people with full wh gear hitting for 6k against people in recruit gear that have 15-16k hp. At 50 you actually lose less % of HP compared to lowbies. (42%lowbies>38%50's) These are just averages not exact.


Here is the biggest difference between the 50's bracket compared the lowbies bracket. In 50's you have to grind to get your gear, but in lowbies you can pay to win!!!! In 50's no matter what you have to grind gear and get it with coms and lowbies you can just buy all the gear, mods, augments, relics with credits. It is tough for most people to dominate at one thing then all of a sudden become the bottom of the barrel. Everybody likes it when you happen to be the big fish in a small pond but most people hate it when they become the small fish in a big pond. It is a lot harder to get good gear at 50 than lowbies. Most people are apart of this now era where they need to get what they want now and are not patient enough to wait for it.

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Premades do not exist (or are very rare) in lowbie PvP. That's what makes lowbie PvP more fun. I don't want to hear any 'buts', just agree with me and let's move on.



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it's true that there are fewer premades in lowbie on my server. however, I 1v3 ppl regularly on my pyro. I have more hp than any lowbie tank. I have since about lvl 35. sorry. the gap is more disparate in lowbie. although I think not so many ppl are as ambitious as I was in gearing out my little guy.
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You do realise one of the things that Premaders have over others is Gear? Which is hardly a problem in lowbie PvP.


And I do know as I rarely see people from the same Guild on my Team, and when I do it is at maximum 2 people.

Edited by Chlomamf
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it's true that there are fewer premades in lowbie on my server. however, I 1v3 ppl regularly on my pyro. I have more hp than any lowbie tank. I have since about lvl 35. sorry. the gap is more disparate in lowbie. although I think not so many ppl are as ambitious as I was in gearing out my little guy.


Nah man it's the same basically everywhere. Some people will gear there lowbie. That is no problem with me at all. I don't want new players thinking that 50's is not fun. It just takes time and effort.

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You do realise one of the things that Premaders have over others is Gear? Which is hardly a problem in lowbie PvP.


And I do know as I rarely see people from the same Guild on my Team, and when I do it is at maximum 2 people.


Very true. Precedes are groups of four often waiting for RWZ. Meaning they have gear in order to compete in RWZ and usually are voice communicating to be more organized. So new 50s in recruit gear get rolled and it just isn't fun.


50s WAs are very fun once you have most of your WH gear. The grind to that point is long and tedious but once you get your first piece of WH gear you feel very accomplished.

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Oh goodness, 10-49 is a great PVP experience. Only once have I seen a premade of level 49 twinks (4 Scrapper Scoundrels are a joy to fight against), but anyway I like how OP is saying how it's not true. Everyone has their viewpoints, PVP in this game is really really good. However 50 PVP is not as fun as 10-49 is. It's just 10-49 nothing is at stake, Sorcs and Mercs can even have some fun in it. Bubble stun spec isn't as viable in Lowbie PVP.


Besides, some classes do well at low levels, some don't. It's all what you make of it.

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Nah man it's the same basically everywhere. Some people will gear there lowbie. That is no problem with me at all. I don't want new players thinking that 50's is not fun. It just takes time and effort.
For a completely new player it's actually easier to gear a 50 than a char while leveling. Assuming that you don't have any comms saved for 50 it will only a take a few days to get in full wh. If you have comms saved you'll be able to skip the "grind" (notice the quotation marks) altogether.


I'm currently leveling a char on a new server and it is hell to not have an established Legacy and alts who can provide you with stuff. To be able to keep a modded set somewhat up to par you have to run all the heroics and other crap youre not interested in for planetary comms. The problem with that is just that it also makes you level faster than intended so by the time you get to use those comms you'll be on your way to outlevel them. It's also a problem if you want to take it slow and save up warzone comms. GTN has totally unreasonable prices too for new players. What new player can spend 45K or more on implants as lvl 21 or 8K per mod as a lvl 13?

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10-49 is one of the most blatantly unbalanced things i have ever seen, yet the "Bolster" mechanic makes the majority of people think everything is balanced.


you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of abilities.

you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of spent skill points

you dont have balance when players are missing key abilities b/c of their level.


at first i thought that Bolster was a good idea, but it does nothing but give players a false sense of success in the lowbie bracket. in any particular lowbie wz, the average level is ~25. players in their 40s have a huge advantage, and if they have been PvPing thoughout the 40-50 part of leveling they have likely been highly successful. kicking the crap out of players with less-progressed characters is really tough work :rolleyes:



as far as gear being a hurdle for 50 PvP, it no longer is if you actually participate in PvP. thats been said hundreds of times, cba to elaborate.

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10-49 is one of the most blatantly unbalanced things i have ever seen, yet the "Bolster" mechanic makes the majority of people think everything is balanced.


you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of abilities.

you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of spent skill points

you dont have balance when players are missing key abilities b/c of their level.


at first i thought that Bolster was a good idea, but it does nothing but give players a false sense of success in the lowbie bracket. in any particular lowbie wz, the average level is ~25. players in their 40s have a huge advantage, and if they have been PvPing thoughout the 40-50 part of leveling they have likely been highly successful. kicking the crap out of players with less-progressed characters is really tough work :rolleyes:



as far as gear being a hurdle for 50 PvP, it no longer is if you actually participate in PvP. thats been said hundreds of times, cba to elaborate.


i was winning 1v1's and topping scoreboards in my 20's. This is just another attempt to blame losing on the game mechanics/class balance.


there is a small advantage to high level characters in lowbie pvp but its far outweighed by skill. a 49 toon will die just as fast as a lvl 20 if he doesnt know how to use his class. The only exception to this is people who purposely twink their 49 with full epic augmented gear.

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Lots of people think that lowbie pvp is more fair than 50's pvp. Here are some reasons.


-More diversity in toons

-Less gear gap

-Less burst


I would just like to say that all of this is not true. Please stop misinforming new players. I still see more Jugs, maras, and sorcs than any of the other classes in lowbies. I have no proof except, but neither does the people who claim that lowbies is better.


Gear gap is the same or more than recruit to war hero. I can't agree that a level 11 with 12k hp is the same as a level 49 with 17k hp. Also a level 11 has less utilities and skills they can use compared to a level 49. At 50 recruit you have around 15-16k hp and at full war hero depending on class you have 18-20k hp. But atleast at 50 everyone has the same abilities they can use, but not at lowbies. If anybody says that a level 11 jug is the same as a level 49 jug is not right in the head. :D


Less burst at lowbies is also a lie. I see people hitting for 5k in lowbies against people with 11-12k hp. I also see people with full wh gear hitting for 6k against people in recruit gear that have 15-16k hp. At 50 you actually lose less % of HP compared to lowbies. (42%lowbies>38%50's) These are just averages not exact.


Here is the biggest difference between the 50's bracket compared the lowbies bracket. In 50's you have to grind to get your gear, but in lowbies you can pay to win!!!! In 50's no matter what you have to grind gear and get it with coms and lowbies you can just buy all the gear, mods, augments, relics with credits. It is tough for most people to dominate at one thing then all of a sudden become the bottom of the barrel. Everybody likes it when you happen to be the big fish in a small pond but most people hate it when they become the small fish in a big pond. It is a lot harder to get good gear at 50 than lowbies. Most people are apart of this now era where they need to get what they want now and are not patient enough to wait for it.


this is extremely true... i moved servers to the bastion and all i see is sentinels / maras its ridiculous and half of them dont know what theyre doing! however, i notice in 50 pvp that everything is based around skill gear plays a pretty big role but ive seen ppl in recruit gear STOMP on WH/EWH but im pretty those ppl were key board turners... anyways back to the point lowbie there is somewhat less burst... lvl 49 scoundrels or 49 anything will rape face if they have the right gear and are specced right.

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10-49 is one of the most blatantly unbalanced things i have ever seen, yet the "Bolster" mechanic makes the majority of people think everything is balanced.


you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of abilities.

you dont have balance when players do not have the same number of spent skill points

you dont have balance when players are missing key abilities b/c of their level.


at first i thought that Bolster was a good idea, but it does nothing but give players a false sense of success in the lowbie bracket. in any particular lowbie wz, the average level is ~25. players in their 40s have a huge advantage, and if they have been PvPing thoughout the 40-50 part of leveling they have likely been highly successful. kicking the crap out of players with less-progressed characters is really tough work :rolleyes:



as far as gear being a hurdle for 50 PvP, it no longer is if you actually participate in PvP. thats been said hundreds of times, cba to elaborate.




You can't win with equal gear and without a premade rolling a PUG, so you consider it "unbalanced." But when you are a premade at level 50 with a huge gear and class disparity rolling PUGs everything is fine and dandy.


I've dominated with every class in pre-50 pretty much the entire way in quest greens. Even at level 10 I've been effective. At level 50 I can only be effective if I'm using a FOTM class, have at least optimized 2nd tier gear (so now that would be WH, since BM is gone) and if I'm going against another PUG. If I'm in recruit, with a lame class (basically any class not PT, Mara, Sin) or heaven forbid on a PUG against a geared, FOTM stacked premade on voice comm, I won't stand a chance.


The gear in this game at level 50 absolutely ruins any class balance the game had. Some classes scale very well while others simply are not viable no matter what you do with them. And then the massive difference in gear is just stunning. You have something like 1/3rd the HP and do 1/3 the damage as your geared counterparts. No matter how good you think you are, nobody is going to make up that type of absurd handicap.


They claim they are lowering that gear discrepancy, who knows. I know the people that play this game don't want a level playing field so I expect some difference, but I seriously doubt Bioware can find that healthy medium.

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You have something like 1/3rd the HP and do 1/3 the damage as your geared counterparts.


I'm an HP-stacking Jugg tank in 50's PvP. I have just under 27,000 HP with exotech stim. A third of that is under 10k. Even quest greens give you more than that. Recruit DPS gear gives you more than half of my HP total.


Yes, it sucks to be in recruit, but you're really overstating the problem.

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I'm an HP-stacking Jugg tank in 50's PvP. I have just under 27,000 HP with exotech stim. A third of that is under 10k. Even quest greens give you more than that. Recruit DPS gear gives you more than half of my HP total.


Yes, it sucks to be in recruit, but you're really overstating the problem.


Ok, what do recruits have, about 12k? Writing out 44% doesn't look as cool as saying a third. The discrepancy is still fairly massive.

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Ok, what do recruits have, about 12k? Writing out 44% doesn't look as cool as saying a third. The discrepancy is still fairly massive.


Unaugmented full recruit DPS gear with shield has 16k hp w/ fort stim, 14.7k with might stim:



A WH jugg in DPS gear will be in the 20-21k range. So you're running around 75% of a normal WH character's HP. Not great, but not as bad as 33%.

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i was winning 1v1's and topping scoreboards in my 20's. This is just another attempt to blame losing on the game mechanics/class balance.


there is a small advantage to high level characters in lowbie pvp but its far outweighed by skill. a 49 toon will die just as fast as a lvl 20 if he doesnt know how to use his class. The only exception to this is people who purposely twink their 49 with full epic augmented gear.


I cannot carry a team on my lone PT pyro. focus fire will bring me down. but you're nucking futs if you think the gear gap + abilities/skill points, doesn't unbalance lowbie. if I see two ppl guarding I node, I can't get there fast enough. that thing is mine. mine! muwuhahaha. can you imagine that mentality in 50s? I mean...I've taken nodes from 2 and even 3 guards before (with brute force) in 50s, but it's a *regular occurrence* in lowbie. I'm playing a simple class that I know how to play and I'm geared to high heaven. ~every 3 levels I throw on fresh purple everything. it's been like that since about lvl 25. and before 25, I was holding my own against any one/lone opponent. that's the gear. plain and simple. now I'm 46. I have the gear AND the skill points. it really isn't fair for the majority of the opponents. I can't look at anyone with a straight face who tells me lowbie is remotely balanced.


that said, I don't find myself running into the same ppl over and over again in lowbie the way I do in 50s, so I presume other ppl don't keep running into me either. thus, the experience overall isn't as exasperating for everyone as 50s can become. there are also considerably fewer (talented) premades in lowbie. and even when there are, I can often power through them...because of the gear disparity.


edit: it also helps that many of the classes are not yet immune to interrupts on their casts.

Edited by foxmob
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I'm actually about to start doing the 50 bracket again on my new server, got my Scoundrel to level 48 last night. And while I know PvPing in recruit gear is going to completely suck, since I've been there done that already. But at least once I have WH gear augmented, I can just PvP. The most annoying part about 10-49 has been keeping my gear updated. At 50 once it's done it's done, until the new set comes out anyway.
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I have to disagree with the most people here,

I think that lowbie warzones are more equal.(After level 20 it doesn't matter if you're level 20 or level 49, excluding marauders-those are only good after level 40)

For the rest of the classes the only things you need are:

-Your basic attacks (which you get between level 10 and 15 for most classes)

-Your break stun ability

- Your stun ability (most classes get that one at level 12)


as level 10 in a warzone I can kill a level 49 (done so multiple times)

on level 50 I cannot kill an elite war hero geared pvper when I'm in recruit gear.


On level 10 I still do around 150-250k damage done per warzone

on level 50 with recruit gear I have a hard time getting above 100k damage done per warzone


I actually got more medals, kills to death ratio, solo kills and damage done as a green geared (Starting zone quests rewards) level 11, than I've ever had as level 50.



imo: The world would be a better place without the "Expertise" stat.

Edited by Eterud
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Here is the biggest difference between the 50's bracket compared the lowbies bracket. In 50's you have to grind to get your gear, but in lowbies you can pay to win!!!! In 50's no matter what you have to grind gear and get it with coms and lowbies you can just buy all the gear, mods, augments, relics with credits. It is tough for most people to dominate at one thing then all of a sudden become the bottom of the barrel. Everybody likes it when you happen to be the big fish in a small pond but most people hate it when they become the small fish in a big pond. It is a lot harder to get good gear at 50 than lowbies. Most people are apart of this now era where they need to get what they want now and are not patient enough to wait for it.


Spoken like some one that really hasnt faced the never ending losing streak the RNG and que give. I have had to "grind" gear on two servers, either way once I hit 50 I do the daily's and the weekly if there is a streak going on, other than that it is pointless to get facerolled against the normal premades that exist on our server and you get to face over, and over, and over again while "grinding." At least in sub 50 you can have more fun and it will be more of a random luck than what I see at 50. Now this may not be true of all servers, but for some of us it is. It wont take me the month of grinding at sub 50 to be considerably more effective than it will at the 50 bracket when pugging it.

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Few myths about 10-49 brackets:


No premades or less than 50 - False. If you look around you will see them all the time. I don't premade that often in 10-49, but I had guildies who didn't even step into WZ without one in pre-50 bracket. Reason for that is pretty simple: pugs in pre-50 are more than often awful, very awful.


Less leavers - false. Just yesterday I had a voidstar match where enemies got to the last room, but not the core. Guess what: around 4 people started to leave and shuffle around. Here's the funny irrelevant part: we won by reaching the core


"10-49 is fun even if you're level 11!" - oh my this is the worst myth ever. Try sentinel/mara or guardian/jugg and come back and say with straight face it's fun. Slinger/sniper I think is the only AC that is fun from the beginning to the end of 10-49.


No gear grind - I guess it's half false. You don't have to grind anything, but still people who invested more credits,CCs and time into their toons will melt you away just like in 50s. Keeping your gear updated is essential to your victories. Unless you want to be that loser 40+ with 11k hp.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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