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Former SWG/Tarquinas players check-in thread


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Thats because there is an exploit using Warzones that allows you to speed lvl, and Bioware knows about it and is banning accounts forever when they catch them.


This sort of stuff is why we chose not to go to a PVP server, tired of all the epeen queens.


What's really going to be funny is when Bioware preforms their account reviews and they see people have reached 50 in a few days Not doing any of the quests, and then Bans those account lifetime.


Will be classic, spend up to $150 for game, Exploit your way to lvl 50 in a few days, become banned forever the next week from a game you have been waiting years to play :eek:


Oh BTW we are now at 40 members and still not Launch Day :cool:

Every day I get a tell ingame from someone I have not heard from in years is very cool hearing from lost friends.


If there any any other lost souls from VADR or Tarq that need a good home on the Sith side send me a tell in game or apply on our website.




Is there a reported exploit of some sort? I do warzones nonstop and get about 9k-11k XP from each one. It sure is fast leveling. I am really enjoying this game that allows you to level how you want, be it in pvp, quests or ship combat.

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Is there a reported exploit of some sort? I do warzones nonstop and get about 9k-11k XP from each one. It sure is fast leveling. I am really enjoying this game that allows you to level how you want, be it in pvp, quests or ship combat.


Yea BP the Devs have already addresed it, you can find there posts in Dev tracker.


Is kind of lame that people will cheat, its just a game.

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Yea BP the Devs have already addresed it, you can find there posts in Dev tracker.


Is kind of lame that people will cheat, its just a game.


I haven't seen the Dev Tracker but I did hear some rumblings about players joining the WZ and AFKing or not playing out and the WZ ended early. I'll check it out, thanks!

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old guild 'OotJ' from Tarquinas is on Canderous Ordo. If anyone is looking for us, send PM or check out my sig.


Can also send ingame mail to "Ootj"


Or try to catch me on one of my 5 chars ingame!



We have a 512 user Teamspeak, crystal cllear, dedicated server. Could use a few more old Tarq players :)

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I haven't seen the Dev Tracker but I did hear some rumblings about players joining the WZ and AFKing or not playing out and the WZ ended early. I'll check it out, thanks!


I actually can't find the dev post. Gunner, mind linking it?


My basic (and I stress basic) understanding is that it wasn't specifically leveling via warzones like honest people do. Some warzones cleanly end in 10-15 minutes. Others can go longer.


I want to say its something about artificially ending a warzone competition due to lack of people giving everyone full experience as if they finished it with full population. So imagine getting 15 minutes worth of WZ experience, artificially, in 3-5 minutes. Groups would force matches to end due to population a minute after it began...and Bioware's QA team and beta testers never considered to scale the warzone experience based on time in the warzone.

Edited by islander
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I actually can't find the dev post. Gunner, mind linking it?


My basic (and I stress basic) understanding is that it wasn't specifically leveling via warzones like honest people do. Some warzones cleanly end in 10-15 minutes. Others can go longer.


I want to say its something about artificially ending a warzone competition due to lack of people giving everyone full experience as if they finished it with full population. So imagine getting 15 minutes worth of WZ experience, artificially, in 3-5 minutes.


I've been in a few that ended early, and got about 3k. Most go the full time, 10+ mins. I literally pvped for 8 hours yesterday.


My toon is level 24 and I have capped level 24 Valor rank heh.

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I edited to add more clarification for those unfamiliar. This is more about a nice fat exploit missed by the beta people and QA team...and the fact the groups willfully exploited it.


Yes, you PvP in WZ's for 7-8 hours, you should get a couple levels obviously.

That'll happen with smart questing too. If you're a schizophrenic like me now, and leveling a couple guys then you're lucky to have one in balmorra :D


Candorous is nice though. it's a shame it's PvE but I can live with it. Between VADR and soon IFN it'll be a nice place to have some characters.


I have to roll one Republic force user though. My 5 year old keeps wanting to play. he got to mess around (with my help) on Corsucant with a Jedi knight during beta. I don't really want to have him playing bad guys right now for obvious reasons. I can get away with the imperial agent, because he doesn't wield a red "evil to a 5 year old" lightsaber. And the IA is a little more complicated to play then a force user, so that's not optimal.


One of the only things he's asked for this Christmas is one of those ultimate FX lightsabers - a green Luke Skywalker one. I can't lie, it looked bad ***, really bright compared to Vader's red LS. So yeah, I'll have a level 10 Jedi Knight rocking a couple green lightsabers in a couple days for him!

Edited by islander
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I edited to add more clarification for those unfamiliar. This is more about a nice fat exploit missed by the beta people and QA team...and the fact the groups willfully exploited it.


Yes, you PvP in WZ's for 7-8 hours, you should get a couple levels obviously.

That'll happen with smart questing too. If you're a schizophrenic like me now, and leveling a couple guys then you're lucky to have one in balmorra :D


Candorous is nice though. it's a shame it's PvE but I can live with it. Between VADR and soon IFN it'll be a nice place to have some characters.


I have to roll one Republic force user though. My 5 year old keeps wanting to play. he got to mess around (with my help) on Corsucant with a Jedi knight during beta. I don't really want to have him playing bad guys right now for obvious reasons. I can get away with the imperial agent, because he doesn't wield a red "evil to a 5 year old" lightsaber. And the IA is a little more complicated to play then a force user, so that's not optimal.


One of the only things he's asked for this Christmas is one of those ultimate FX lightsabers - a green Luke Skywalker one. I can't lie, it looked bad ***, really bright compared to Vader's red LS. So yeah, I'll have a level 10 Jedi Knight rocking a couple green lightsabers in a couple days for him!


I try and quest while I am queued for PvP. I'm perma-queued so I've fallen behind on quests. That being said, I can solo my quests and I get to pvp, which is why I'm playing :D


I'm most likely to play alts on Canderous since that's where most people are. That'll be down the road as I have about 4 Sith toons to explore on Kinrath :D

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I try and quest while I am queued for PvP. I'm perma-queued so I've fallen behind on quests. That being said, I can solo my quests and I get to pvp, which is why I'm playing :D


I'm most likely to play alts on Canderous since that's where most people are. That'll be down the road as I have about 4 Sith toons to explore on Kinrath :D



Snipers aren't Sith, just sayin' :wea_09:

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Heh I had the post booked marked now it's gone, so who knows whats going on.

The post on the 14th said its not true, but there was one on the 17th saying that anyone found to be exploiting the warzone bug would be perma banned, by a different dev.


So who knows whats going on maybe damage control because it wasn't fixed I really don't know. I hope it's just not them trying to keep it hush hush, but is weird that a dev post is erased.


Anyway doesn't matter to me I know the people that I call friends and game with would never do it.


I did also note after going through the dev history that EA has installed a 2 day grace period now, so thats good news for a lot of people.



Edited by GunnerBod
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How much of that was in warzones?


Just wondering ;)


I don't even know how the warzone exploit worked, but I did PVP between missions only because I had no one to do heroics so I needed to pvp for the XP buffer ^_^.


But I did get level 50 last night :D


3 days 23 hours /played

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Kavol Avatar here. Imperial Governor of Dantooine and mayor of Avatar Metropolis, voted the nicest city on the server numerous times, before I quit.


Winner of Nym's Scavenger Hunt, first (and I still believe the only) person in the game to get all the dev badges including the hidden ones, yada yada yada blah blah blah no one cares.


I'm on Vrook Lamar already with the remains of AV and some other guilds, but it's nice to see the Tarq community is still alive and communicating.

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I don't even know how the warzone exploit worked, but I did PVP between missions only because I had no one to do heroics so I needed to pvp for the XP buffer ^_^.


But I did get level 50 last night :D


3 days 23 hours /played


Now delete toon and re-roll. Jk, good job dude. :)

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