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Pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel to receive exclusive new in-game items!


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This fluff items are nice and all, but to be honest it worries me that they've already made 2 attempts to encourage people to pre-order without releasing any new info on it.


Agreed. We been given a vague 1 min video today. Obviously there's new content, but some details would be nice and an estimated time of arrival too. (Not just an estimated season of arrival).



PS>> Thanks for the fluff.

Edited by king_nile
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To me the extra freebies suggest that the pre-order didn't go as well as expected, especially as the holo-statue is fairly useful for altoholics. Here's a hint Bioware, provide information on the content over and above 5 levels and a planet and you might get more.
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free gifts. free useful gift and a cute pet.


how is that a bad thing? why are we complaining about it?


and personally i don't care if they sell it afterwards. I honestly don't. let other people buy it if they want, I'm getting it for doing something I was already planning on anyways, and not paying extra for it.


and i LIKE being able to train in a field. the only reason I don't have Satelle/Malgus statues is because they are expensive.


that hutt? is a free bonus.


I don't understand some people. I don't know if I want to.


No, you probably don't. BW should simply say fine, don't like it you're not getting it then while everyone else will. The Satele and Malgus statues are great. Fortunately scored mine in packs.

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To me the extra freebies suggest that the pre-order didn't go as well as expected, especially as the holo-statue is fairly useful for altoholics. Here's a hint Bioware, provide information on the content over and above 5 levels and a planet and you might get more.

Providing more information on the new content would be very very welcome, but I'm pretty sure they had these items already slotted for pre-orders. The amount of account-wide stuff I get in the mail when I start a new character indicates they are very willing to give out new pets and extras for larger content releases. I'd say the included items (they're not free, you're paying for them) are pretty much par for course. I would have been surprised if they hadn't included something like this.

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In general, a well-run corporation will do the minimum it believes is necessary to differentiate itself from the competition and/or maintain profitability.


In the case of SWTOR, we have already seen EA try this tactic several times; with the obscenely priced Life Day gear, and the availability of Grade 7 ship parts on the Cartel Market (the P2W argument). Both cases led to quite an outcry among players leading to quick apologies on the part of BW.


To me, the addition of new incentives to pre-order the expansion points to only one thing: the number of pre-orders fell short of some internal metric that EA demanded. The 5 days of early access wasn't enough to stir player interest so they are trying a bigger carrot.


EA is first and foremost interested in its bottom line; whether or not their customers feel loyalty or satisfaction with their experience with EA is somewhere far down the list of priorities.


EA will give their customers the minimum they feel is necessary to maintain profitability and will ruthlessly exploit any avenue to increase their profit margins at the expense of their players, if necessary. There is a reason why EA is one of the largest game companies around. They are really good at being businessmen.

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Sorry Bioware, it's not really that enticing.


I was going to buy the expansion for extra content as most of us have done it all, not for some trinkets.


1. The Jaba holo training statue - pretty pointless. When levelling you are not training all that much, mainly when you level and get a new ability, by which stage you are generally near a trainer in a main city. So like the Darth Malgus holo statue trainer, its pretty - but that's about it.


2. The Pet.

Dont get me started on Pets. If I wanted to be vain and parade around with vanity pets, I'd play Tera. I want a Pet that does something, one I can feed/raise and fight other pets (no, im not a Pokemon fan) .. even the simple Beastmaster system SWG had would suffice.


3. A new title.


Is it going to be as great as "The Skip Tracer" ? or "Flyboy" ?


Besides the fact titles are nothing more than an extension of the vanity system, they serve absolutely no purpose than creating even bigger walls of text above peopl's heads.


I didn't really want any rubbish items with this update, and ure its great you are giving them but make them something worthwhile. Even the training Holo when we go from 50-55 with be usless.. great I can use it 5 times (thats if you added new abilities too... If..)

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To me the extra freebies suggest that the pre-order didn't go as well as expected, especially as the holo-statue is fairly useful for altoholics. Here's a hint Bioware, provide information on the content over and above 5 levels and a planet and you might get more.

Really? It suggests to me they are doing something relatively standard in these situations, giving pre-order bonuses.



Hutt statue? Sold. But then I pre-ordered already. I love hutts.

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How about DONT preorder and possibly send Bioware the message that F2P and Cartel crap isnt what the customers want...and that they should use the expansion to actually meet at least some of the long held expectations of same cusotmers! Edited by Netavarious
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How about DONT preorder and possibly send Bioware the message that F2P and Cartel crap isnt what the customers want...and that they should use the expansion to actually meet at least some of the long held expectations of same cusotmers!


Long held expectations... Like more content :rak_02:

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Alright bioware, I get it. you really want us to pre-order the expansion, previously you offered early access and now your offering another insentive of some stuff, but why don't you tell us more Official information about what you want us to pre-order? the only really information given has been the same since back when it was orrigionally going to be a free patch, ok it's a planet and it has a level cap increase... Why do you want us to desperately pay for something we still know little about?


I think it's about time we had actual details, screenshots, video teasers, developer interviews on it, anything other than "there's a planet and a level cap increase" because we already knew that six months ago.


Make me want to buy it, because right now I havn't a clue what i've payed for other than early access and a pet.

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Sorry Bioware, it's not really that enticing.


I was going to buy the expansion for extra content as most of us have done it all, not for some trinkets.


1. The Jaba holo training statue - pretty pointless. When levelling you are not training all that much, mainly when you level and get a new ability, by which stage you are generally near a trainer in a main city. So like the Darth Malgus holo statue trainer, its pretty - but that's about it.


2. The Pet.

Dont get me started on Pets. If I wanted to be vain and parade around with vanity pets, I'd play Tera. I want a Pet that does something, one I can feed/raise and fight other pets (no, im not a Pokemon fan) .. even the simple Beastmaster system SWG had would suffice.


3. A new title.


Is it going to be as great as "The Skip Tracer" ? or "Flyboy" ?


Besides the fact titles are nothing more than an extension of the vanity system, they serve absolutely no purpose than creating even bigger walls of text above peopl's heads.


I didn't really want any rubbish items with this update, and ure its great you are giving them but make them something worthwhile. Even the training Holo when we go from 50-55 with be usless.. great I can use it 5 times (thats if you added new abilities too... If..)


then don't preorder to me i don't need any free items to be encoruged to pre order expect for the words new content increase lvl cap the items are just a bonus no matter how useless. And the class trainer holo will be useful because they are adding some new ablities or at least be in the talent trees if not the trainer. I remeber 1 of the first trailers awhile backs showed a assassin doing spinning strikes that awesome aoe only npc's have atm and if not useful from 50-55 be useful for alts unless you got 1 of every class at 50

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After having seen all the worthless items they gave for pre-ordering the game, I doubt many players will pre-order this time just for these items.





As bored as I am with running the same things every time I come in, I have not ordered the coming content nor will I. For the very first time in all the many years I've played MMO's, I won't be ordering any new content. Maybe in the future after and if I hear it's worth it.


And it has nothing to do with the price.

Edited by RikHar
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