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groups of 3+ should have to queue ranked Warzones


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I am at the point now where I am never going to solo queue ever again. Not because I cant but because I am so sick of these threads I will now only run groups and punish poor poor pugs. The only time I wont be doing this is when I do ranked. If this game fails because of this I will simply move onto the next one and continue to do this. You can then trace the failure of all PvP to that one guy that thinks like this.
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I am at the point now where I am never going to solo queue ever again. Not because I cant but because I am so sick of these threads I will now only run groups and punish poor poor pugs. The only time I wont be doing this is when I do ranked. If this game fails because of this I will simply move onto the next one and continue to do this. You can then trace the failure of all PvP to that one guy that thinks like this.


Good, now you don't need to keep whining in this thread anymore since it won't have an effect on you.


And finally, you've admitted what you want to do and what you regularly do, rather than your poor attempts at hiding it. Everyone in this thread already knew this is what you did from your first post, and we've all been laughing as you try to convince us otherwise.

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Good, now you don't need to keep whining in this thread anymore since it won't have an effect on you.


And finally, you've admitted what you want to do and what you regularly do, rather than your poor attempts at hiding it. Everyone in this thread already knew this is what you did from your first post, and we've all been laughing as you try to convince us otherwise.


Oh I am not going anywhere. I actually rather enjoy facing premades when I solo queue, maybe because I am not a baddie and if we do lose I don't come here with a box of tissues trying to hold back some tears as I make post #318 on this subject.

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Good, now you don't need to keep whining in this thread anymore since it won't have an effect on you.


And finally, you've admitted what you want to do and what you regularly do, rather than your poor attempts at hiding it. Everyone in this thread already knew this is what you did from your first post, and we've all been laughing as you try to convince us otherwise.


I have to assume that you have some unresolved animosity towards our friend Cycao. Perhaps he stealth mauled you for 6k crits too many times (according to the OP, premades have 100% crit rate right?).


Look, it comes down to what you can expect from a match. If you go in not knowing anyone on your team and expect to witness a renaissance of PVP then you may want to adjust your rose colored glasses. Would I like to see matchmaking to make things more fair? Yes, but seeing as we have no timetable for when that will be finished, you may as well do what you can to help yourself. What's the easiest way to help yourself? Play with people that don't suck.


Otherwise, you can solo queue like I do, but don't come to the forums to complain that you get put on bad teams.

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Oh I am not going anywhere. I actually rather enjoy facing premades when I solo queue, maybe because I am not a baddie and if we do lose I don't come here with a box of tissues trying to hold back some tears as I make post #318 on this subject.


Yet that is what your very last post stated. You can't even go one post without a direct contradiction. I love it.

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EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I'm on an RP Server. I have a right to complain about Premades.


What has the server-type to do with a right to complain?

I'm on a PvP-server, so do I have a supirior point of view on PvP? (No, I don't.)

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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If that's how you interpret that then, sure?


There aren't different interpretations, there is only one correct one in this instance. And yes, that is how you wrote it.


The PVP on these forums is more fun than the one in the game. I don't even play it in the game anymore, it was too boring.

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When people complain about Premades, they're generally complaining about the Hardcore PvP Guilds that have full EWH Augmented each and stomp PUGs. Not the ones where 4 friends are having fun.


So making friends is hardly going to solve anything.



Edited by Glower
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There aren't different interpretations, there is only one correct one in this instance. And yes, that is how you wrote it.


The PVP on these forums is more fun than the one in the game. I don't even play it in the game anymore, it was too boring.


Yeah you sound more like a call of duty person which sounds about right.


And if you really think PvP is boring and don't play it anymore then why care about anything PvP?

Edited by cycao
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Yeah you sound more like a call of duty person which sounds about right.


And if you really think PvP is boring and don't play it anymore then why care about anything PvP?


I don't play FPS, but I do have friends in that competitive scene. I always preferred fighting games and RTS myself.


I post on here to pass the time and because the PVE in this game is very good when you play in groups. It's probably the best group MMO PVE leveling experience you can get. But coordinating schedules to play can be an issue, and if you've done the PVP grind at 50 once you really don't want to do it again. So I post on here to possibly help Biofail improve their PVP, which I know they won't, so it's mostly just to pass the time. I can't play at work so this is the next most interesting Star Wars related thing to do.

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I am getting sick and tired of being in warzones with a premade; on my server it's the same one every freakn time. At first it was cute because they sucked, but now they finally have it together and it is just hell. I don't even expect to win any matches anymore as I get focused and critted for 3-6k damage on almost every hit. Not to mention the largest problem about most premades is that they are on all the time, almost every hour of every day. I mean do these people even sleep?


How does EA/Bioware expect to keep a general community who doesn't form groups, you know the casuals to hardcore that enjoy pug PvP? It is nice that you guys finally made gear so much easier to get but seriously, you are only fixing part of the problem. Sure you can say its the hardcore that are loyal and would pay to play this game's PvP, but I would beg to differ because PvP is fun in pug and there are a lot of people who play it pug. However, going against a premade hardly gives me any reason to continue to speak nicely about the pug PvP for this game.


please EA/Bioware, if there is a group of more than 2, force them to ranked Warzone matches. The number is flexible, but I am really getting sick and tired of focus firing brigades rampaging pug PvP


Q: Not enough people to force ranked PvP?

A: Cross server PvP.


Q: still not enough?

A: well that's a shame, but maybe you shouldn't subjugate non-premades because of it.


Q: you mad bro?

A: ya, I mad. This thread isn't much for discussion, more that a thread to populate the forums about an issue.


Your just going to get all the players who do premades in here telling you that you suck or you don't have friends..... The Fact is they don't want anything to change because they enjoy their easy wins....


Not really a issue for pvp servers since you know what your getting on those servers, but the real issue is the pve/rp servers where you have hardcore pvp only guilds rolling on them because their cowards and want easy wins against casual pvp'ers..


The last I heard was in a interview with some Dev's few months back where they said they were tweaking the match making system to do a better job at separating experience pvp'ers from new 50's.... Personally I would still like to have a PUG only option, at least on the PvE / RP servers...

Edited by Monoth
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What has the server-type to do with a right to complain?

I'm on a PvP-server, so do I have a supirior point of view on PvP? (No, I don't.)


His point is if your on a PvE/RP server you expect to play against other casual pvp'ers, not Hardcore PvP ONLY guilds that run premades all day, these type of guilds should be on a PvP server.... These guilds don't RP, they don't PvE, all they do is PvP and choose a PvE/RP server so they can have a clear advantage.

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His point is if your on a PvE/RP server you expect to play against other casual pvp'ers, not Hardcore PvP ONLY guilds that run premades all day, these type of guilds should be on a PvP server.... These guilds don't RP, they don't PvE, all they do is PvP and choose a PvE/RP server so they can have a clear advantage.


Why should someone on a PvE/RP server expect only to play against other casual folks in the PvP crowd?

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I have been on many 100% pug groups where we steamroll premades.I have also been on premades that get steamrolled by pugs. I have also been on 100% pugs that GET steamrolled.


Premades isn't the problem, the problem is people not wanting to work as a team, and a failure to communicate. Yes, undergeared players will get destroyed by fully geared players, but that is more a nature of they are geared and know how to play as a team.

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Techinically, in the spirit of balanceand fun, it should be premade vs premade and pug vs pug.


There is no balance in a premade on vent vs a pug going derp derp derp.


It's just another failure in pvp that ruins the fun of pvp for many of the players. Not the ones on premades, mind you. They will be the first ones to tell you "stop crying" and "play the game like I do" or .....some other gobble gobble gobble.


If one team cannot compete, that means 50% of those involved probably aren't having any fun playing your game BW......something to think about.......


To those who think it should be one big scrum?Your arguements are self serving only. Nothing more.

There is a reason so many pvp people leave this game......angry, frustrated, disappointed......it's not because the gameplay can't be learned, despite premades resting there laurels on anyone who doesnt like it must be bad. Which is simply laughable.....

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Why should someone on a PvE/RP server expect only to play against other casual folks in the PvP crowd?


Why should they expect a more evenly matched game experience? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Right.....they should expect no semblence of fairness or fun. Losing 4 everyday to complete dailies is going to go a long way to hold players here....pfft. Glad your not a dev.....or are you?:o

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Local pick-up sports do not put anywhere NEAR as much of a gap in communication abilities between friends and singletons as WZs put between premades and PUGs.


I'm not even an anti-premade type, and I still have to point this out because your logic is just that bad.


Lol voip is unnecessary for regs. I don't even use mumble most of the time when I do regs because I enjoy listening to music, and the few times I'm on mumble I'm talking about other stuff besides the actual match. If you're good, you already know what to do (mark and kill healers, peel for your healers, intercept and CC to get objectives, etc). Chat is perfectly fine for regs since all you need to do are call incs.


And I'm pretty sure there already is match-making. When I premade I go up against premades most of the time, and when I solo q there usually isn't a premade. The problem arises when one faction has way more people than the other. For example, Imps usually outnumber Reps (they do on my server), so the amount of premades Imps are running > the amount Reps are running. Thus you run into situations where soloers get matched against premades.


The only way to fix this is to force faction balance, but I'm 100% sure nobody wants to be force-ably rerolled.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Why should they expect a more evenly matched game experience? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Right.....they should expect no semblence of fairness or fun. Losing 4 everyday to complete dailies is going to go a long way to hold players here....pfft. Glad your not a dev.....or are you?:o


That wasn't my question...

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Actually, I finish my weekly fine. I am not blaming premades. I blame BW for throwing them in with pugs. Its not balanced. Premades clearly have an advantage over pugs. For the pugs, this is not fun. When people dont have fun, they complain and often stop pvping or leave the game altogether. This isnt good for the game no matter how you slice it. We need the population to grow not diminish....

More fun = more players = more content.


Also, why is making premades go against other premades.....punishing them? Strange you would look at premades vs premades as punishment.:confused:

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Here we go again...


Someone else who wants to punish pre-mades because he can't finish his weekly.


maybe the weeky is the issue?


9 WINS is pretty much retarded. It should be GAMES played.


Winning and losing should mean much less than participation. There should be no more than 10-15% boost in comms/valor for wins over losses.


Losses being meaningless to your weekly completion just makes everyone quit and/or form unstoppable premades to win... yet all games must have both winners and losers, but quickly enough the losers will stop playing at all if theres no reward at all for them.


My premise is that the current win or you get nothing weekly pvp mission system only hurts pvp and the community.


I hardly think people would complain half as much about premades and getting rolled if they had an outside chance of completing their own weeklies against these premade steamrollers.


Sure, losing is still not as fun as winning, but participation is the main factor. Without participants, there can be no winners, nor losers.


locking losing players out of their weekly comms because they will never, ever, ever win 9 games is what makes them rage against the system of premades, not the losing itself so much. And by missing out on those comms, they just stay losers for longer, undergeared, underskilled, and frustrated.


I just cant get behind a system that penalizes and holds down the PUG player so easily.


But I sure am sick of seeing this thread topic over and over, so its clearly an issue. (for everyone but the steamrollers) I dont know if seperating PUG/premade groups is the answer, but I do know the system in place right now certainly isnt working for the majority of players - and thts why we all play against the same 200 people ...new players quit fast.

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It is obvious that it is physically impossible for a pre-made to lose.


It has never happened.


PUGs, such as the OP, are clearly outmatched and will never learn the keys to communication nor will he ever have a group of like-minded friends to play with.


Ergo, instead of asking him to improve his gameplay and adapt it is clear that Bioware must restrict groups attempting to play this as a multi-player game.


Simply stated Bioware needs to make this MMO more friendly to solo-players.


They are obviously the core demographic of the population and they must be catered to!


You know when you solo queue, you are part in a group, with other players. Which in essence forms a group with multiple players that play as a group.


Just thought I would point that out. :D

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