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Who is still around from years ago


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Created my account here in 2009 and had a few thousand posts before the wipe in the week before launce. Played first time during one of the open beta weekends, and regular at December 14th 2011. Never left, always had a sub (even though I also play Guild Wars 2).
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Been following the BioWare MMO rumors since '05. Created my first account under the name of psychodude in oct 2008. Switched to this account to stuff SWTOR into the mail address my origin account was linked to. And since then remained an active subscribed.
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I started playing in summer of 2011 beta. I'm still here, although I've cancelled my 6-month sub and my time will be running out in February. When the bad news in December kept hitting, (pay to win space, no life day event, Makeb both delayed and increased in price in the same day, ect...) I finally hit the cancel button.


I found myself throughout December turning into one of those people that couldn't help but make negative post after negative post. I had so much anger over being mistreated as a customer. Most of my anger has subsided now because I know I'm leaving.

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I recently re-subbed.


I was around when the game was first released, officially. I have a "Founders" title for my characters.

I took a break for a little bit but got tired of the other game and came back. And I am liking it and having fun. Nuf' said.

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Been here since first day, was in beta for a month in July 11.


I remember all thoses discussions when we didn't knew much about the game, like thoses about the trinity, add-ons.... Also waiting every friday evening in hope to get a little piece of new info...

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Me, Joined the forums the day they opened.


Same here. Heard the rumors less than a week before the official announcement. Signed up day 1 of the forums. Don't post here much, though I do browse the forums.


Oh, there is also a way you can tell how early people signed up on the forums.


Open their profile and look at the URL in your address bar, the # that appears at the end is the order in which they signed up to the forums.


Mine is "...member.php?u=4894" I was the 4,894th person to sign up / account to be made. Simple as that.


Edit: heh, darn, Caelith beat me. Less than 1k people signed up before him.

Edited by Jaing
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I was wondering. Who is still around from when the idea of SWTOR was first released? I can remeber some of the posts that people would make about this game. How they were so excited. I myself love this game. I can only play maybe 10 hours a week. Mostly weekends. I have yet to get any of my chars to lvl 50. I am ok with that, I enjoy the story line.



Just was wondering


Depends on your definition. While I have my founders title, played since early access, etc. I was not someone extremely active in the pre-launch process. I found out about it when going home to visit family at a time that happened to coincide with one of the Beta-test periods. My sister had a beta key so I spent a few hours trying it out and proceeded to go sign up for the next (final) beta to play around with on my own.



I think the second I saw the animation of my Sorc. first casting overload I was sold.

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Was watching the game info since they started working on it. Signed up on the forums pretty early too. I think somewhere around August 2009, but I don't know where to look to see that anymore. Been playing since early access and have never let my subscription slip.


I love this game.



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Been playing since release but highly doubt ill be playing much longer. I'm completely and utterly bored with everything except for pvp but even that is getting dull and repetitive. And, tbh, I don't think BW is going in the right direction and don't expect them to do anything worthwhile with the game at this point. Makeb? Meh. The planet quests are boring as hell and I skip as many of them as I can while leveling, although I don't think I'm ever going to want to deal with that monotony and boredom again and don't see myself making another character. 1.7? LOL pve crap in ilum pvp area will definitely encourage open world pvp :rolleyes: Even just looking at the cartel store annoys me - with all the issues and unrealized potential in TOR...they're occupying themselves with selling recolored versions of gear we already have.


And I forgot about the space missions. I never bothered with them until the last toon I leveled (to help skip the boring planet quests) and big surprise - not only is it on rails (I knew that) but they've only bothered to make 4/5 rails and just reuse them over and over with slightly harder junk thrown in. Pretty much sums up how I feel about it at this point, if they don't care why should we?


Elder Scrolls Online looks very, very good though...

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Signed up first day of forum access, beta'd, pre-ordered, and have played since the first round of early access invites in the wee morning. Have been subbed and playing since and the only complaint I've ever had is the lack of Open world PvP and client stability. Otherwise, I've been enjoying the game since the first time I've logged in.
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