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Galactic Market is HORRIBLE


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Things I consider obvious issues that most other MMOs figured out 10 years ago....


Issue: You can't click-link item names into the galactic market search window.


Issue: Items are only on the market for two days at max so unless you log on nearly daily there isn't much point to making much to add to the market.


Issue: Number of items you can put up for sale is pretty pathetically low in my opinion.



Address these things and your game will not be quite as horrible....because right now having to run the same hand full of quests daily and having to PvE in order to make credits so that I can PvP is about to drive me off as well.


What i dont get is that most games already have dealt with this years and years ago. Look at Aion....awesome market. The best system without any question that I have seen was Star Wars Galaxies, but no one wants to invest the effort and funding required to develop sandbox MMOs anymore because its all about the quick return....


You learned so much from Blizzard, why not at least allow players to use mods on the market if you don't plan to make it user friendly. Or you can brag about how innovative your game is while people keep leaving. Its not as if there are a lot of people left to care right?

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It's fine for me then I'm not an 'Economic tycoon' in these games. Sure it can be improved but meh, rather have content.


Oh yes no to auctioneer and the like please, if you want to work at making money at least work and don't have an addon scan the GTN for you.

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While it may seem annoying to have to type the stuff in, it's really not that big of a deal. It only takes a few more seconds to actually type the item name, or search an appropriate level range for gear to get an average price. Players are too used to addons like Auctioneer to realize these games never started with this stuff.


Also, if you are a sub, you have 50 slots to use on the Market. That's plenty for a while. I would always end my evening of playing with putting my stuff on the market, and come back online to 30+ mails and can continue adding my pieces each night. Sometimes I would run out of space, but I could either keep these items in my bag or store in the cargo hold. Every MMO has a limit on how many items you can put up. If you choose to go F2p, you can always purchase more market slots.

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I have to agree with the OP. It would be nice to be able to see what previous sellers offered, for those times when there isn't another of the same item on sale right now. It would be nice if it would automatically enter in the name of whatever you drag into the sell window to the buy window to ease your search. Also, would be nice if we could sort by price per item, instead of total stack price.


I wouldn't call it HORRIBLE, but it could stand some improvements.

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Funny I can't make any gold in wow, but I played the GTN and found was to make millions. But I guess to some they need an add on to do the work for them. It's not hard to make credits off the GTN just do a general search for artifact mods or something there's always someone dumping things at default listings and not market value, it's not that hard....:rolleyes:
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Things I consider obvious issues that most other MMOs figured out 10 years ago....


Issue: You can't click-link item names into the galactic market search window.


Issue: Items are only on the market for two days at max so unless you log on nearly daily there isn't much point to making much to add to the market.


Issue: Number of items you can put up for sale is pretty pathetically low in my opinion.



Address these things and your game will not be quite as horrible....because right now having to run the same hand full of quests daily and having to PvE in order to make credits so that I can PvP is about to drive me off as well.


What i dont get is that most games already have dealt with this years and years ago. Look at Aion....awesome market. The best system without any question that I have seen was Star Wars Galaxies, but no one wants to invest the effort and funding required to develop sandbox MMOs anymore because its all about the quick return....


You learned so much from Blizzard, why not at least allow players to use mods on the market if you don't plan to make it user friendly. Or you can brag about how innovative your game is while people keep leaving. Its not as if there are a lot of people left to care right?


1) sounds like a personal request, never seen anyone else want this

2) this is a by design kind of deal. They want you listing at prices that will sell, not at an ideal price that might someday sell.

3) You can list 50 on each character. You can have up to 22 characters per server. And I'm pretty sure if that's not enough you can buy more sales slots from the cartel coins. You'd be hard pressed to produce enough stuff to need more market slots than that, even if all you did was craft.


pvp is free. You don't need a single credit to do it.

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Things I consider obvious issues that most other MMOs figured out 10 years ago....


Issue: You can't click-link item names into the galactic market search window.


Issue: Items are only on the market for two days at max so unless you log on nearly daily there isn't much point to making much to add to the market.


Issue: Number of items you can put up for sale is pretty pathetically low in my opinion.



Address these things and your game will not be quite as horrible....because right now having to run the same hand full of quests daily and having to PvE in order to make credits so that I can PvP is about to drive me off as well.


What i dont get is that most games already have dealt with this years and years ago. Look at Aion....awesome market. The best system without any question that I have seen was Star Wars Galaxies, but no one wants to invest the effort and funding required to develop sandbox MMOs anymore because its all about the quick return....


You learned so much from Blizzard, why not at least allow players to use mods on the market if you don't plan to make it user friendly. Or you can brag about how innovative your game is while people keep leaving. Its not as if there are a lot of people left to care right?


Resolution: You can highlight item names and press Ctrl+C (Copy!) + Ctrl+V (Paste!) in the market search window.


Resolution: This is SWTOR not the stock market. 2 days is plenty long for items to be on the GTN.


Resolution: 50 is more than enough in my opinion, if you really need more you can buy some, as at that point it is no longer a necessity.

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How much stuff are you people seriously selling here? 50 slots isn't enough? So what if it's only 2 days? If you have that much trouble getting all your stuff listed I'd think you'd be on the market everyday listing things to replace the stuff you sold in the first place.


It's not your personal make-me-rich machine. For the normal average player the market is just fine how it is.


As for the copy paste name thing, I cannot remember the last time I thought "omg, how god-awfully dreadful that I can't copy and paste this item name". That few times I do want to check something to make sure I'm listing at a competitive price (e.g. undercutting your 400 of the same thing on the market at ridiculous prices, thus garanteeing a quick sale of my stuff) I just select the level and item categories and type in about 5 letters of the most uncommon word... it takes about 5 seconds... omg all that time I wasted.

Edited by bahdasz
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The ability to click an item name into the search box would be nice, but no showstopper IMO. 2 days is long enough, if you don't sell your stuff in 2 days, either the price was wrong or there is no demand at all for the particular item you're selling, so try again a few days later. And you need more than 50 slots, but you don't check the GTN daily? I find that hard to believe.
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Its very poorly implemented..


It needs the simple things fixing and I would use GW2 as a simple model that works.. The sell page shows the lowest price on the market of the item your about to sell making it easy to set a price..


Itsnot an issue to type the odd thing in and have to swap from one page to another but once your past doing it for five things its a real pain in the rear bumper..

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The problems you have stated have been in 90% of the mmo's I played.


Which one did you come from which made the market stupid easy? WoW?


SWG had to type everything, limited days on market (bazaar not vendor), and limited items.

Vindictus had to type everything, limited days on market, limited items.


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no i have to agree the market is quite horrible!! when ever i actually find things in there i consider myself lucky!! and the inability to separate items into smaller groups is just plain stupid. a lot of the sorting options in the search area don't work at all or at least i cant. the whole thing needs to be reworked
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The market works, but could be a lot better.


One obvious problem with the GTN (and mail and a few functions like that) is that they are not crisp and are slow. I can hit the button to list my items and count from two to six before the listing is shown in my interface. Sometimes the delay gets really bad.


I would like to be able to list n stacks of m items at one time like in WOW rather than have to list each stack one at a time. For example it would be nice to be able to list 5 stacks or 10 mutagenic paste a once rather than having to go though the process five times. The arguemsnt against that would be the people who list stacks of 1 item which is annoying to most and clogs up the listings at the top.


As far as the two day listing limit, I have no issue with that because it makes it difficult for players to use the GTN as a second cargo hold.


I have never had a problem with the 50 item limit. I have never tested it, but isn't that a character rather than an account limit? I list on multiple characters and it seems to me that often, account wise, have more than 50 items listed.

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What is truly horrible atm is that you don't need to make gtn cut-deposit right away and it allows others to constantly camp gtn and undercut everyone else. It's ridiculous and annoying. It wasn't be so much of an issue in the past because then cancelling an auction would make you lose 100k-300k for end-game modifications. Now you only lose few hundred after you cancel auction in order to undercut!
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my opinion:

- 2 days is long enough for items to be GTN. (i really hope they dont extend this)

- 50 slots /char. is fine. ( usually i have 100-150 items on sale)

- the sorting options in the search, works fine in my client. (this may have little hard to learn use.)

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