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Everything posted by J__H

  1. Lol, you're just getting trolled, relax.
  2. Would be cool to ride a Bantha or a Rancor. Would cost something like 1500 CC I'd imagine.
  3. https://www.google.ca/search?safe=off&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=775&q=people+die+if+they+are+killed&oq=people+die&gs_l=img.1.0.0l8j0i10j0.1724.4292.0.5498.
  4. It sounds like an alright feature, but it seems a lot more work than it's worth.
  5. Sorry, potential options.There you go.
  6. Some people can't look past the headgear and that's a shame as good looking headgear is hard to create consistently without becoming very redundant. Other than the head slots, a good portion of the the gear actually looks great and I am quite impressed with it.
  7. Which doesn't make sense when the pony costs as much as the warhorse.
  8. It is a crime when they start taking away options from the game with sole intent of forcing people into the cartel market. I have no problem with a business being a business but when their decisions become transparent and inconvenient to everyone that's when the issues arise.
  9. No matter how hard it is, by this time they could have implemented it by now. I will be very surprised if this is added within the next 2 years. BW has proved they do not deliver on a lot of promises. I'm very reluctant to believe we will receive a new more convenient system when we already have one in place, when other common MMO features that are wanted by a large population of the community eg. paid transfers, still aren't even in the game at all. I would very much rather them have taken awhile longer and actually implemented a better system rather than place a patch over it then put it aside forever.
  10. I get you can still use the system and it works that's fine. The problem is that the technology to release a better system is out there yet they refused to do it, and made a system which is just unnecessarily inconvenient.
  11. Fixing, new feature, you can call it what you want I'm not interested in debating semantics. The system is a poor one. May I ask why when the technology is readily available they produce a half-assed system that neither group of players want. Yes most people just deal with it and move on but that doesn't discredit the fact its a bad system and could have been made a whole lot better. I can play the metaphor game as well, as in its more like purchasing a dishwasher that still requires you to pre-wash your dishes before you put them in as opposed to purchasing a dishwasher that does all the work for you, for the same price.
  12. It's not a section in your posts, its your condescending tone and attitude that speak louder than words. My point is the feature may be working as intended but its a stupid intention in the first place. If you can switch specs with no real consequence what's the point in putting any barriers at all. it doesn't stop people from switching, it doesn't stop the effect on an MMO that spec switching has. All it does is annoy the player who wishes to switch their specs. It is in no way beneficial to either side of the fence and is a poorly thought out and implemented system.
  13. Dual spec is not WoW only, stop trying to be so 'unique' from WoW it doesn't make you a better person/ gamer. Also it does need fixing, as the game supports switching specs yet does so in an inconvenient and archaic manner. If BW don't want us switching specs then don't allow it at all, don't implement a system which doesn't really deter spec switching just makes it tedious and an annoyance.
  14. The one on the left is a pureblood.
  15. There's a reason some combos aren't very popular. Most people (myself included) think they look stupid, and are especially not worth legacy unlocking for a different class.
  16. I'm sorry but I think you forgot STUNS.
  17. Uh-oh... Oh god, brace yourselves for self-entitlement impact Abort thread!, abort thread!, abort thread!
  18. First of all that's an assumption, a false one at that. Secondly there's many things many people want fixed but there's already threads on them. Normally I'd say that would suffice, but knowing BW we could probably use a few duplicate threads.
  19. Once you equip an item it usually becomes bound to you, for the exact purpose of not letting you use it for a while then sell it later.
  20. To those complaining that the expansion is less money than the mount let me ask you this. Would you rather it be the other way around where the essentially necessary piece of content cost more money than the purely optional one?
  21. Resolution: You can highlight item names and press Ctrl+C (Copy!) + Ctrl+V (Paste!) in the market search window. Resolution: This is SWTOR not the stock market. 2 days is plenty long for items to be on the GTN. Resolution: 50 is more than enough in my opinion, if you really need more you can buy some, as at that point it is no longer a necessity.
  22. There's desperate people everywhere, video games or not. Give them the ease of access to talk to people they're attracted to and you get 'girl gamer syndrome'.
  23. What's wrong with PVPing for PVE objectives? You don't have to do it, you're not entitled to everything in the game, you chose to limit the content you play, then you also choose to limit what you can achieve. If it's not game changing gear then there is no reason it can't be PVP for PVE rewards. Want the content? then gear up, team up, or shut up, don't expect everything to be handed to you based on your own agenda.
  24. Yes it is it forces people to deal with it and either gear up or get friends/a guild. That brings more of the game together as it forces players to participate in other activities. Don't like it? then don't do it, it's not a mandatory objective, it's purely optional, players should not be able to get everything they want doing only what they want.
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