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why are people freaking out about Ilum in 1.7?


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Events usually mean that there's some challenge involved(be it hard PvE boss or other players) and if you complete that challenge you get awarded with event items. If you don't complete this challenge or like you said you aren't a person who seeks challenges you don't do it and you are you are not rewarded for the event. Why can't you ignore the event if you don't seek challenge and don't like to pvp, which this event will bring?


Define PvP themed items. Expertise? That's a bad indication. Some items such as pet, mount, 10-49 armors don't have expertise, but you are required to do pvp to get them. Here I will give you definition of PvP item: pvp themed item is an item which requires you to defeat other players in pvp. Illum 1.7 is a pvp event thus items you get in this event will be pvp themed items. Why you can't ignore the autoflag zone(SWTOR has already auto flag zone btw. It's not new thing.) in pvp event just like you ignore warzones?


Heh maybe but:


I DO warzones... but onyl below lvl 50.. because on lvl 50 i get Recruit gear... and stil get 2-3 hit by those ELITE griefers...thats why i left warzones once i hit lvl 50.


Ive tried it so often and being canonfodder is not even a challenge.. its more likely for people who are masochists...


And this Illum 1.7 event will be the same... Overgeared Griefers will rule it.

Not nice Endgame for players who are not Overgeared / have bot much time to get that gear or are simply to busy with PvE all day...


Do you think this is fair?


then you are really anti-social person

Maybe some peopel have psychological disorders?

Also the amount of people who ignore others just for the sake of it is increasing heavily ( on Red Eclipse ).


not all PvP people are the same, what you see is very small minority which gets some weird pleasure from killing undergeared players (it does not reward anything, so I really do not see the point)

Ive met / experienced it otherwise... in so many games there are many people who just kill you in 1-4 hits and then call you noob right after... then you hear that they talk in TS about it too.. they have higher gear and kill you and laugh about you...justr for the sake of it.. in almost all mmos...



and fromal what i see the PvP in this game will heavily increase in the future...someday there wil be a point ingame where u cant contine because the others are THAT GEARED ... with 2 years time ahead of you.. how can u keep up?


Star Kills

The New Griefing Online


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Heh maybe but:

And this Illum 1.7 event will be the same... Overgeared Griefers will rule it.

Not nice Endgame for players who are not Overgeared / have bot much time to get that gear or are simply to busy with PvE all day...



Let's wait for the event to see how this plays out, before releasing the hounds. World PvP is more about who gets more numbers and who plays out the fight better rather than gear. Remember you are not alone. Group up with overgeared players on your side. In old Illum we had always up an OPS group for pvp and everyone was invited who asked in general chat . I assume this event will be no different and people will group up.


Do you think this is fair?


Nope, but I came to realization that pvp(EDIT: at least open world) is never fair. Sometimes you're on the top, sometimes you are on the bottom.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Let's wait for the event to see how this plays out, before releasing the hounds.


Mhh sounds okay to me :D


PS. ive seen old illum videos btw.. melee needed only to stand and wait all time..and waited for pullers to pull peopel in ... seemed dull to me :(

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PS. ive seen old illum videos btw.. melee needed only to stand and wait all time..and waited for pullers to pull peopel in ... seemed dull to me :(


Hehe. Yea sometimes this was the case and that's what people with bad computers did to get at least some kills. I remember we were teaming up with several knights and jumped into enemies synchronized with all our cooldowns up to break their numbers and let ranged people aoe the crap out of them while they are busy escaping from us. A lot of times we wiped like this, but a lot of times it actually worked.

Anyway now people know their classes a lot better so it could be different this time. Can you believe that marauders back then were considered THE WORST class and that ranged classes are rock to their scissors? Fun times.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Youre on wrong server then?

I dont get why people join PvE servers and then want to turn them into PvP server.. ***?

Next thing i will hear is " Hey pls remove peacezones from RP server so i can grief everyone there " or what?



Also, who tells me you're no lying and secretly you're on PvP server?


I'm not trying it to turn it into a PVP server, I like it PVE, I'd just like to feel like I'm in an open, alive world for a change.


TOR is so sterile and compartmentalized it's a travesty.

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Basicly you say:


Right you joined a PvE server .. now Bioware continues bringing in AUTOFLAG on PvE server .. there is new content but if u dont want to PvP you have to ignore the new PvE gear (( gear without expertise )).


Wow what is is? this is just stupid... either the Illum 1.7 event items should have expertise OR we dont want to get autoflagged... IF the gear has expertise.. i would not complain. because if you want PvP gear then u have to pvp right...


Your post makes 0 sense at all. This is a pvp event!!! If you wish to have the gear, partake in it, if you don't participate, you simply don't receive the gear. Get over it.


bw wants to try to revive wpvp... even though this is not the correct way I give them points for trying and actually give the pvp'ers some love.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Sometimes an update will not cater to your preferred play style, it happens, get over it.

Another update will come along.


There are things in this game i hate, I could use the money argument and claim that by paying Bioware need to make it more fun for me, but i know not all aspects will please me, and that while i maynot like it others do.


Bioware implements A

The Bs cry and kick up a stink


Bioware implements B in the next patch

The As cry and kick up a stink

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Simple as it is:

There should be no autoflag on PvE servers.. nuf said


There have been MMORPG servers like this, but they are few and far between, mostly because about as few people want to play on them as people want to play on opposite "hardcore" PvP servers (gear and coin loot or even perma-death etc).

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Hehe. Yea sometimes this was the case and that's what people with bad computers did to get at least some kills. I remember we were teaming up with several knights and jumped into enemies synchronized with all our cooldowns up to break their numbers and let ranged people aoe the crap out of them while they are busy escaping from us. A lot of times we wiped like this, but a lot of times it actually worked.

Anyway now people know their classes a lot better so it could be different this time. Can you believe that marauders back then were considered THE WORST class and that ranged classes are rock to their scissors? Fun times.


Aimless zerg vs aimless zerg will still be ranged >>> melee, that's just how it is almost irrespective of class balance. Organised WBs are a different beast but there was little to no call for them in orginal Ilum.


The biggest problems with Ilum were that it was probably the worst implimentation of RvR ever seen in an MMO (LOTROs was much better - never mind WAR/DAoC or even WoWs) combined with the engine falling over once you got above 16 vs 16. Hopefully the engine has been optimised a bit, we'll have to see about whatever RvR structure they put in though.

Edited by Goretzu
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Sometimes an update will not cater to your preferred play style, it happens, get over it.

Another update will come along.


There are things in this game i hate, I could use the money argument and claim that by paying Bioware need to make it more fun for me, but i know not all aspects will please me, and that while i maynot like it others do.


Bioware implements A

The Bs cry and kick up a stink


Bioware implements B in the next patch

The As cry and kick up a stink


correct i play PVP on my vanguard (no pve gear at all) as a main, and PVE as a main on my operative raffes, but it only took me a week to get my full Warhero gear so ill be taking him to event aswell


i like to be involved so i do everything i prefer pvp so i am so happy event for this ... but i do understand the point of view of the 100% pve crowd saying, why are their NPC's in a pvp area. i played LOTR online back in the day the Events which codemasters organized (what use to be EU side lotro) well they use to put NPC's into the Ettenmoors, even GM's use to play as *trolls + **rangers with a few million health and then they tried new things with the balrog of morgoth and the free peoples and monster players trying to kill it together... during these type of the event there was no ganking because the GM's from CM was the target ... when they died all hell broke loose and they was so much fun... and i think you find on lotro there is no cross team talk

*=this does not include the normal players who used 5k destiny points with the outnumbered buffs

**=same as above


you never know this could be the test for the servers to see if a Dev from BW can play as a Jedi or sith (maybe even a AT-AT) to see if they can get good old real Pvp ... ofc i dropped of topic .. this is a Gree starship but i am to expect unexpected

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Maybe some peopel have psychological disorders?
You missed the smiley after it, it was not meant to be serious. However, if you have psychological disorders that keep you from interacting with people on at least minimal basis, then I feel sorry for you, as living with that has to horrifying. But, if I might suggest, MMO is not a very good genre for you, as it is just full of people


Ive met / experienced it otherwise... in so many games there are many people who just kill you in 1-4 hits and then call you noob right after... then you hear that they talk in TS about it too.. they have higher gear and kill you and laugh about you...justr for the sake of it.. in almost all mmos...

Well, it may seem as a majority, but I think it is just a very vocal minority or people with some unresolved complexes that take them out by killing others while getting absolutely nothing from it.

I am not saying that they do not exist, I am just saying that not all PvP players are jerks who teabag you after quickly dispatching you.

On the side note however, one-shotting is something I have yet to see in this game, but I agree, if stronger person catches you unprepared, you are pretty much done for. So hint: Put on your free Recruit MK2 gear when entering area known for gankers


and fromal what i see the PvP in this game will heavily increase in the future...someday there wil be a point ingame where u cant contine because the others are THAT GEARED ... with 2 years time ahead of you.. how can u keep up?
That is why BW started handing out Recruit gear to all players (via a quest), to help them keep up. They already upgraded it once to a better version, and after the gear progressions of PvP equip will increase again some more, I am sure we will move on to Recruit MK3 gear, and so on.
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and fromal what i see the PvP in this game will heavily increase in the future...someday there wil be a point ingame where u cant contine because the others are THAT GEARED ... with 2 years time ahead of you.. how can u keep up?



That day will never come, simply because new gear will come at as you need reach certain lvls, making the previous "top" gear obsolete and the new "base" (which is easily obtained) gear above that. We've already seen this happen, the gear gap is much easier to close than when launch came about. Those were dark days for new pvp'ers. So BW learned their lesson, problem solved, your prediction simply will not happen.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Time limit: This event will go on for a whole year and will be added to progressively. If you attempt to tell me you will not be able to put together a group of players to help you (even PvE players, ganker will already probably lose vs 2 Campaign+ geared people), then you are really anti-social person :tran_smile:


I'm in a fairly active guild. I still have absolutely no desire to go into a PvP area, even in a group.

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That day will never come, simply because new gear will come at as you need reach certain lvls, making the previous "top" gear obsolete and the new "base" (which is easily obtained) gear above that. We've already seen this happen, the gear gap is much easier to close than when launch came about. Those were dark days for new pvp'ers. So BW learned their lesson, problem solved, your prediction simply will not happen.


Things definitely changed from wearing PVE gear to being able now to get War Hero when you hit 50,

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All I see in this thread is a bunch of people who only do PVE whining like babies, because this pacticular event may not be for them. Personally I enjoy both PVE and PVP so win for me and many others like me and also for those who only do PVP, because, even though they may have to do some PVE to earn the rewards from event, at least they are getting something, besides only two measily WZ's since Launch. Noboy is forcing anybody to do anything. If you don't like don't do it, simple as that. Like others have said 90 percent of the content in this game is PVE related. PVP'ers and people who like to both PVP and PVE are getting something to enjoy for once and you arnt. Get over it.
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I'm in a fairly active guild. I still have absolutely no desire to go into a PvP area, even in a group.


I've done everything there is to do in MMORPGs, and organised PvP (and especially RvR) is by far the most fun you can have in an MMO.


You should give it a try. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Well, I have only just got into PvP in TOR and as a new player I love it, even if I am only running dailies for now.


I agree PvP could do with a little more love as regards Open World scenarios etc. But as for it being a gank anywhere always 'overt' game I would have to disagree.


That was the single most annoying and most often complained about feature of SWG, the Player Bounty system. a BH could go to a terminal, take you as a mission and gank you un-announced anywhere apart from in a locked house or on your ship (Cantinas were safe zones too I think).


Ok interesting game mechanic but when you have spent MONTHS grinding a Jedi out only for someone to come along and kill you and 'take XP away from you and send you into debt' was a real game breaker for a lot of people.


Ok there are fans of that system and those opposed to it, fair enough, but what I am trying to say is perma-overt forced PvP is never going to do this game any favours, just speaking from experience. By all means lets see the scope of PvP widened, lets have open areas, hell even full planets, where it is a free for all, but make sure it is a choice, and make sure anyone going there knows you are overt and attackable by the opposite faction.

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Well, I have only just got into PvP in TOR and as a new player I love it, even if I am only running dailies for now.


I agree PvP could do with a little more love as regards Open World scenarios etc. But as for it being a gank anywhere always 'overt' game I would have to disagree.


That was the single most annoying and most often complained about feature of SWG, the Player Bounty system. a BH could go to a terminal, take you as a mission and gank you un-announced anywhere apart from in a locked house or on your ship (Cantinas were safe zones too I think).


Ok interesting game mechanic but when you have spent MONTHS grinding a Jedi out only for someone to come along and kill you and 'take XP away from you and send you into debt' was a real game breaker for a lot of people.


Ok there are fans of that system and those opposed to it, fair enough, but what I am trying to say is perma-overt forced PvP is never going to do this game any favours, just speaking from experience. By all means lets see the scope of PvP widened, lets have open areas, hell even full planets, where it is a free for all, but make sure it is a choice, and make sure anyone going there knows you are overt and attackable by the opposite faction.



Doing a RvR relaunch event in the RvR bit of Ilum isn't really any different to doing one in a Warzone, you know what you're doing there, and if (somehow) you don't you can't really complain.

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Let's wait for the event to see how this plays out, before releasing the hounds. World PvP is more about who gets more numbers and who plays out the fight better rather than gear. Remember you are not alone. Group up with overgeared players on your side. In old Illum we had always up an OPS group for pvp and everyone was invited who asked in general chat . I assume this event will be no different and people will group up.


How many times does this need to be repeated? People do join PvE servers because they DO NOT WANT TO TAKE PART IN OPEN WORLD PvP.


People who have chosen that should not be forced to take part in Open world PvP if the content is aimed at PvE progression (as this seems to be as its for the Gree faction).


And that is an important point, from what we know so far this is not a PvP event, its an event that is being placed in a PvP area. The event is about facing a PvE foe in the Gree spaceship and gaining Gree Reputation which is also PVE content.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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How many times does this need to be repeated? People do join PvE servers because they DO NOT WANT TO TAKE PART IN OPEN WORLD PvP.


People who have chosen that should not be forced to take part in Open world PvP if the content is aimed at PvE progression (as this seems to be as its for the Gree faction).


And that is an important point, from what we know so far this is not a PvP event, its an event that is being placed in a PvP area. The event is about facing a PvE foe in the Gree spaceship and gaining Gree Reputation which is also PVE content.


Ilum is supposed to be part of the RvR relaunch, so it is likely be PvP (I'd say certain to be - but Bioware EA have a track record of not living up to promises, unfortunately :().


If it's not then fair enough I don't see (then) why it would be a PvP zone, but more worrying is then they must have simply given up on RvR for SWTOR altogether.


But really "Gree" has nothing to do with whether it's PvP or PvE or not really, but I wouldn't want to see PvP to PvE as it is a pointless mixing of ideas.

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How many times does this need to be repeated? People do join PvE servers because they DO NOT WANT TO TAKE PART IN OPEN WORLD PvP.


People who have chosen that should not be forced to take part in Open world PvP if the content is aimed at PvE progression (as this seems to be as its for the Gree faction).


And that is an important point, from what we know so far this is not a PvP event, its an event that is being placed in a PvP area. The event is about facing a PvE foe in the Gree spaceship and gaining Gree Reputation which is also PVE content.


If it is in pvp zone, I would consider it a pvp event. I understand your point but don't neccisarily agree with it is all. An MMO has all aspects of the game in it, just because you are on a PVE or PVP server doesn't mean that's all that should be offered.

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