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Best player on shadow lands? In pvp!


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I think Capium is the all around best in-warzone leader (if you want to argue this just look at the team he leads - they lost once in live through the fall/winter?)


Cap is on a level that no one on this server is on when it comes to seeing the whole battlefield and executing strategy perfectly.


As someone said before, it is about role players. Some roles are harder than others. But if everyone plays their role, Cap leads us to victory...


jk. He's not really very good. JD normally calls things out.

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T-elos joining ID, Cap posting on forums... what's next??? Maybe Femme saying something in mumble :eek:




thanks babe

What's next? Hmm, a pregnancy drama fest that belongs on Jerry Springer. Definitely a bunch of half nekkid cathar. So, maybe a cather cyber orgy? :eek:


Your welcome hun.


By the way, I don't see you on fleet very much lately to /hug you. :(

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omg maod is the biggest moron i've ever met, one of the major reasons i gave up on organizing 16 man ranked.


Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.

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Maod body type 4 sorc, tends to use full madness, infamous on icebreaker for always saying *easy day* after winning a match. Is this the Maod your talking about? He loves to brag to random ppl and in general I think(maybe it was just me), nonetheless hes a great sorc, I wouldn' go as far to say hes the best sorc dps tho, I taught him how to play lol, He can also be very nice at times.


I had no idea he still played then, again I hardly use my juggernaut or sorc.


Hi Maod!


Why hello there! Thanks

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Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.


Dem bes fightin words! Because sorc 1v1s are the best way to measure it stick :D


Good to see ya still play Maod, been awhile since I've had a game with/against ya

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Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.


Talk to Kinshin.

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Come on, not everyone on this server is that well-informed. People from that moms/dads guild forum might come peruse over this thread and think "Huh, I guess people like Lien-tsai and Maod are really good players." Stop spewing these fallacies as you're awful. Lien-tsai isn't *that* bad, but it's cringe-worthy seeing him come post that here. Also thanks to Maod for the giggles I guess
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Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.


You amuse me. I've only seen you in warzones a couple of times and you did nothing to impress me.

You can keep thinking you're the best, but you are far from being the best sorc

Edited by Drachuss
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Come on, not everyone on this server is that well-informed. People from that moms/dads guild forum might come peruse over this thread and think "Huh, I guess people like Lien-tsai and Maod are really good players." Stop spewing these fallacies as you're awful. Lien-tsai isn't *that* bad, but it's cringe-worthy seeing him come post that here. Also thanks to Maod for the giggles I guess

In other words: Don't believe everything you hear without thinking about it and especially without first seeing first hand what people are talking about. People just like stroking their friend's, guildies, and especially their own e-*****. It's almost like an e-circle jerk fest. :eek:


By the way, I'd say there are quite a few people sitting under the radar. A bad team just limits what a person can do. Not only that, no one can really see what everyone is doing in a WZ at all times.

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By the way, I'd say there are quite a few people sitting under the radar. A bad team just limits what a person can do. Not only that, no one can really see what everyone is doing in a WZ at all times.


Actually no, I shine in every game. Its a big server, were not all going to see each other every game. If you want me to prove my abilities instead of just having this d**k swinging competition on swtor forums play 1 warzone with me so I can put my try-hard pants on. And you ID kids are really boring btw. Not worth my reply.

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omg maod is the biggest moron i've ever met, one of the major reasons i gave up on organizing 16 man ranked.


Cap - "I'm going to cc star don't break it"

flashbang followed by immediate single target attack

Angry Cap - "I gave you 5 f***ing seconds and you still did it"


I laughed at that for days

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Actually no, I shine in every game. Its a big server, were not all going to see each other every game. If you want me to prove my abilities instead of just having this d**k swinging competition on swtor forums play 1 warzone with me so I can put my try-hard pants on. And you ID kids are really boring btw. Not worth my reply.


I feel sorry for you so I'm going to shower you with lots of hugs and kisses xoxoxo. You seem to think you can troll its pretty funny.


Love you

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Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.


Sooooo... When I whispered you about dueling and you declined, I did not expect a forum post like this to follow.


Truly a Jester.

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Maod here. Haha ID talking trash on me? Maybe if they were still a top 3 pvp guild on the server I would care and cry about it. But I know I am simply the best. And no clue how I can make someone stop organizing 16 man ranked. That just doesn't even make sense. Why doesn't ID give me their best sorcerer dps to demolish instead of bashing me on forums, merkave? No one can stop me. No one.


Sooooo... When I whispered you about dueling and you declined, I did not expect a forum post like this to follow.


Truly a Jester.

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Merkhave needs to remember that just because someone isn't in ID doesn't mean they're bad. I have yet to see any sorc/sage that is able to keep up with my healing consistently, including taesty. It's fairly ignorant to assume someone bad just because they aren't in your beloved guild
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