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Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree is coming soon!


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Now those that are on a PVE server, and it forces you to be flagged for PVP then I understand that will be frustrating, however you're in luck. This is an MMO it is very easy to get into ops groups and be protected. Problem solved, if its truly such a big deal that you unsub than this progressive game isn't for you.


What's the sense in forcing people to group to get these objectives completed when this particular grind is there to bypass the need to group up (and do raids) to get gear?


This content should be soloable, and not force pvp, or it's entirely pointless. There are already grinds in place for people who like to group (raids) or pvp (pvp gear).

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I see we have rep to grind with the Voss. However, what about those 50s who have already finished that planet? Do we go back and complete repeatable quests? I love rep, it gives you something to work on and hopefully... things like mounts, pets, special gear and more recipes.

I was thinking the same thing. but i did read that they are thinking of revamping the planet so that we'll revisit them. Which may let use gain some rep

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Legacy level 50 should grant some perks. What about that?


- quick travel ability with no cool down ?

- fleet pass with no cool down ?

- snazzy new vehicle ?

- title of some sort ?

- unlimited major xp boost stim for new alts ?


How about giving those who have hit legacy 50 get something in addition to adding this new reputation systeml? As it looks now, it is basically a slap in the face to those who achieve Legacy level 50 - you get SQUAT for your effort.

I would like to see the ability to re spawn during battle for p2p

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I think that share Reputation points and ranks across all the characters within the same Legacy is so wrong! I want to raise the reputation of each of the characters individually. I'm afraid that because of the reference to the Legacy in 3 months the system simply would be worthless, since all will up reputation to max and even newborn alt will have all the privileges of main character! So what's the point of this grind? Edited by -LightSaber
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Not knowing what i'm talking about? Please explain.... This happens on my server all the time and its a PVP server...




Now those that are on a PVE server, and it forces you to be flagged for PVP then I understand that will be frustrating, however you're in luck. This is an MMO it is very easy to get into ops groups and be protected. Problem solved, if its truly such a big deal that you unsub than this progressive game isn't for you. Being that a new event that wont hurt you or hinder you causes enough frustration for you to unsub...



Trust me having plenty of server 1st, and playing this game since beta I have a good grasp on this game.


You don't. Clearly, you have no flipping clue what you are talking about. While true you might have a good grasp of the GAME, you have no idea how the PLAYERS feel about this.


People rolled on PVE servers to avoid being griefed by the opposing faction. Forcing these players (myself included) to PVP to enjoy a world event is wrong.


Were you around during the Zombie Invasion event in World of Warcraft? Lemme sum it up for you: You got "Infected", you died, you came back for 5minutes as a zombie. How do you get infected? Get attacked by a zombie player. There was no "safe" zone, no sanctuary, nothing that would "Protect" you from getting infected until the very end of the event (they added healers that would cure you if you got close at the end).


I had more stuff thought but I lost my train of thought

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  • It refers specifically to the contested area in the Western Ice Shelf.
    It comes on the heels of Jeff Hickman talking to 'some interesting changes to a special PvP area' as well as the Gree, and alluding to changes to the Western Shelf of Ilum in the same State of the Game blog.


It's PvP all right. The question is whether there are PvE objectives in there.


It actually sounds alot like what Blizzard did with Wintergrasp. Encourages both factions to fight over access to the PVE content.


Now sadly, this is just speculation with the little information that has been given out. So there is no mention if it is repeatable or not.

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I really hope it doesn't turn out like that. That's the major reason I got bored with WoW and quit.


I agree wholeheartedly. Reputation grinds weren't my favorite aspect of that game....to say the least. I am not too bothered by this though, as "reputation" is earned by Legacy, and not the individual character. Thats freaking awesome in my opinion. I don't have to grind a bunch of rep on each and every single character like I did in WoW, and that makes the entire concept less tedious by a factor of ten. Maybe thats just me though.

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People rolled on PVE servers to avoid being griefed by the opposing faction. Forcing these players (myself included) to PVP to enjoy a world event is wrong.

You are no more forced to do this than you are to play Warzones. No one is holding a gun to your head to make you do it. This isn't a story based expansion, this is an optional questing area. I'm with you, I don't want to put up with the frustration of being griefed either, so I don't play on a PvP server. If I don't feel like running the risk of being killed on Ilum then I won't participate or I'll wait 'til the dead of night when few people are around.


I understand the frustration that you might be missing out on some elements of the game, but just because YOU do not want PvP mixed in with your PvE doesn't mean there should be no such content in the game.



I for one and really looking forward to this update. I love the Legacy system and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they handle reputation. I do hope Rep doesn't transfer completely from character to character though, perhaps a capped at a certain point. It would be very tedious if my three 50s got to the maximum level and then my level 25 BH was already there too. I do love the concept of a Legacy based rep system though, I just hope it doesn't become too simple. But at the same time I want it to be more than farming dailies/mobs.


Also there is nothing that says there won't be bug fixes coming with this patch, so before you have hysterics about the need to fix some old bugs why don't you wait for patch notes?

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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At first glance I thought this " Reputation " thing was going to allow Reps and Imps to finally group together and chat but no... this is about building points towards factions such as the Gree, Voss, or the Rep/Imp Military? I don't mind being honest this at present doesn't sound all too exciting. The idea of being able to chat and group with mixed factions sounds really cool, also being smuggled into the Empire or Republic fleets.
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You are no more forced to do this than you are to play Warzones.


So you're stating your assumption that this new reputation grind is purely a pvp system giving only pvp gear?


Because if it's also supposed to be for pve gear and items, and you can only do this in a pvp zone while flagged for pvp, then this is pve content which is being denied to all who don't enjoy pvp.

Edited by lollie
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You are no more forced to do this than you are to play Warzones. No one is holding a gun to your head to make you do it. This isn't a story based expansion, this is an optional questing area. I'm with you, I don't want to put up with the frustration of being griefed either, so I don't play on a PvP server. If I don't feel like running the risk of being killed on Ilum then I won't participate or I'll wait 'til the dead of night when few people are around.


I understand the frustration that you might be missing out on some elements of the game, but just because YOU do not want PvP mixed in with your PvE doesn't mean there should be no such content in the game.



I for one and really looking forward to this update. I love the Legacy system and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they handle reputation. I do hope Rep doesn't transfer completely from character to character though, perhaps a capped at a certain point. It would be very tedious if my three 50s got to the maximum level and then my level 25 BH was already there too. I do love the concept of a Legacy based rep system though, I just hope it doesn't become too simple. But at the same time I want it to be more than farming dailies/mobs.


Also there is nothing that says there won't be bug fixes coming with this patch, so before you have hysterics about the need to fix some old bugs why don't you wait for patch notes?


Going to reserve judgement on the update till it actually comes out or we get more information, however:


Forcing players to go through a PvP zone to get to PvE objectives is the same as putting giant world bosses in the middle of a warzone. In my opinion the two should really not be mixed, Especially not on a PvE server. If its purely a PvP thing, then I'll just avoid it, but if there are PvE elements and I am forced to run the gauntlet, I'll be a bit upset. Again, just my opinion.



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So you're stating your assumption that this new reputation grind is purely a pvp system giving only pvp gear?


Because if it's also supposed to be for pve gear and items, and you can only do this in a pvp zone while flagged for pvp, then this is pve content which is being denied to all who don't enjoy pvp.

No, I'm stating that people who enjoy mixing PvE and PvP have as much right to content as you. No one is forcing you to do the Ilum content anymore than you are forced to do Warzones or Operations. Currently you get high end equipment through dailies, Ops or Warzones. With 1.7 it will be dailies, Ops, Warzones and Pve/PvP Ilum. More variety of content = good.


Going to reserve judgement on the update till it actually comes out or we get more information, however:


Forcing players to go through a PvP zone to get to PvE objectives is the same as putting giant world bosses in the middle of a warzone. In my opinion the two should really not be mixed, Especially not on a PvE server. If its purely a PvP thing, then I'll just avoid it, but if there are PvE elements and I am forced to run the gauntlet, I'll be a bit upset. Again, just my opinion.



No it isn't. Designing a zone to encompass both PvE and PvP is radically different from just stuffing a few world bosses in a PvP area. Even then there is nothing wrong with that, I don't PvP but I the idea of opposing factions fighting over a boss kill is an interesting one.



I for one and much more interested in this mix of PvP and PvE than simply doing Warzones.

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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What about those of us on pve servers already - the contested area will cause pve players to flag and get ganked. Any bright ideas or words of wisdom for the pve players on a pve server getting ganked? Maybe everyone but the gankers should unsub.


The things to work with this...

Edited by antwillgreen
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No, I'm stating that people who enjoy mixing PvE and PvP have as much right to content as you.


Yet what happens is that group gets more content and pve-pures get less content, because this content offers pve gear but is exclusionary to the people who don't enjoy pvp. Assuming of course the gear offers pve goodies and also is only in a pvp flagging area.


Do you understand yet what the issue is, or are you going to say (again) that your group has as much right as others to the same content (because if we start down this path, then we will need to offer another special reputation grind system in a purely pve area, perhaps involving petting rainbow unicorns and escorting them across a field of flowers, to put off the pvp lovers and make them start writing up equivalent protest posts).


Put simply, this content actively excludes an entire group of people who might otherwise like the rewards and the grind, if it wasn't for the location of this content.

Edited by lollie
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You don't. Clearly, you have no flipping clue what you are talking about. While true you might have a good grasp of the GAME, you have no idea how the PLAYERS feel about this.


People rolled on PVE servers to avoid being griefed by the opposing faction. Forcing these players (myself included) to PVP to enjoy a world event is wrong.


Were you around during the Zombie Invasion event in World of Warcraft? Lemme sum it up for you: You got "Infected", you died, you came back for 5minutes as a zombie. How do you get infected? Get attacked by a zombie player. There was no "safe" zone, no sanctuary, nothing that would "Protect" you from getting infected until the very end of the event (they added healers that would cure you if you got close at the end).


I had more stuff thought but I lost my train of thought


Sorry but it is only the same as forcing us who only enjoy pvp to do pve to enjoy an event. Of which there have been several let the pvp players have something for a change.

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Sorry but it is only the same as forcing us who only enjoy pvp to do pve to enjoy an event. Of which there have been several let the pvp players have something for a change.


If you don't like pve why would you want or need pve gear or items?


Adding pve gear/items to a pvp event is just wrong. Should only be pvp items in a pvp event, and pve items in a pve event.

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It is true MMO's should not STOP new content development to fix bugs and that all MMO's have plenty of bugs. The problem is that UNLIKE most MMO's, SWTOR's development is generating new bugs much faster than it can quash them while old ones go unfixed. They are piling up. This was not always the case with this game.


The problem was two-fold. First was the massive cut to the game's budget and staff last Spring. Before that happened, bugs were fixed at a decent pace. While not all bugs were fixed, they were at least fixed faster than they were generated. Major issues like a memory leak were actually resolved (mostly) in a fair amount of time.


The second was the introduction of the six-week major patch development cycle. The moment Bioware announced that, I knew what was coming, and everything that has transpired since then has justified my concerns. With reduced money and manpower, not only would each major patch see fewer existing bugs fixed, but with such a short development cycle there would not be enough time to ensure that new content and features are properly completed and tested before they are released, to say nothing of unintentional new bugs.


The result is that every patch will create more bugs than it fixes and/or introduce broken content. This is exactly what has happened. For instance, Heroic space missions, a major feature of 1.6, were broken when released and a month later they still have not been fixed. A large portion of the playerbase, that is, everyone using 32-bit Windows, cannot play this game without constant crashing due to a memory leak re-introduced in 1.4. Four months later, it still has not been fixed. It was fixed in about one or two months the first time around, before the budget cuts. It is offensive that you dismiss such major issues affecting so many people as "whining."


Most MMO's in my experience at least strike some semblance of balance between the fixing of old bugs and the introduction of new ones. Not so here. Here the bugs are piling up like cancer cells. Bioware has stretched the limits of their meager development budget and staff past the breaking point with this ridiculously short development cycle. And this wasn't always the case. The situation was pretty well balanced before 1.4.


Bioware needs to either adopt longer development cycles (or re-adopt them, rather) or put more money and resources into the game so they are able to do more in less time, or preferably both. However, since money and resources are not forthcoming due to EA's loss of confidence in this game, the only realistic option is to extend the development cycles. They should never have shortened them to six weeks to begin with. It was not realistic.


They could also, with their existing budget, redistribute their funds at least temporarily to address the imbalance. It is true that software development companies have different departments that do different things. So they can't have everybody in the company work on bugs. Artists and designers can't go through lines of code to fix bugs. However, what a development company can do is adjust the size and money they allocate to each department. They can lay off 10 people from the new content department and hire 10 people in the QA department.


Bioware needs to embrace the Blizzard philosophy of "we will release it when it is FINISHED" not "we will release it whatever state it's in to keep to the schedule."




This is a very eloquent summary of the problems with the game as it stands.

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