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HM FP: You Caused Wipe, I Need on Your Gear for Repair


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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Did you ever think that maybe the cause of these people not knowing what to do in these flashpoints is because of all the high and mighty epicly geared people that stomp through them time after time and never say anything to anyone about what to do because really there's no need? ( I do this as well)


Then they get in a group with more than 1 new person and a self righteous player like you and they are then prevented from getting any upgrade they could have got cause you feel it's unfair to have to play with people that are new to something. ( I do not do this however)


And I never did any of the story ones leveling up. I spent all my time leveling to 50, then did heroics. Like most people I know.


I guess when you started playing, you were immediately aware of every single mechanic in every flashpoint. If only we could all be as wonderful and amazing as you......if only...


and in case you didn't get the point, that last bit was sarcasm. Have a nice day.

Edited by _tegrof
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Did you ever think that maybe the cause of these people not knowing what to do in these flashpoints is because of all the high and mighty epicly geared people that stomp through them time after time and never say anything to anyone about what to do because really there's no need? ( I do this as well)


Then they get in a group with more than 1 new person and a self righteous player like you and they are then prevented from getting any upgrade they could have got cause you feel it's unfair to have to play with people that are new to something. ( I do not do this however)


And I never did any of the story ones leveling up. I spent all my time leveling to 50, then did heroics. Like most people I know.


I guess when you started playing, you were immediately aware of every single mechanic in every flashpoint. If only we could all be as wonderful and amazing as you......if only...


and in case you didn't get the point, that last bit was sarcasm. Have a nice day.


I agree with this.....I had no group of friends or anything to assist in my learning curve....and I haven't seen any easy to understand guide to how to run these for loot, etc....and the game doesn't teach that either....so how is one supposed to know?

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No I just try to help the people learn the fights so they get better and can contribute rather then get discouraged and stop playing.


Not every person will learn the fights, or actually cares to learn them.


The best example of such behavior is the study of economics in the world. It is something that is very beneficial for everyone to know and understand for multiple different reasons... there are a lot of people willing and wanting to share insights about the studies of economics, but still the mass population remains clueless when it comes to it.

When it comes to economics you have two type of people that know it, those that was born with a mind for it, and those that study it.


In a game like this you have people that are naturally good at the game, and will pick up on mechanics extremely quickly and you will never know/realize they may be new to the flashpoint. Then you have the select few that will take the time to read up on the fights, maybe watch a youtube video or something even, and perform just as well. You even have a third type, that will state that they are NEW and need a quick run down. The people that dont fall into either of those three groups will ALWAYS be bad players, and majority of the time they just dont give a ****.

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The best example of such behavior is the study of economics in the world. It is something that is very beneficial for everyone to know and understand for multiple different reasons... there are a lot of people willing and wanting to share insights about the studies of economics, but still the mass population remains clueless when it comes to it.

When it comes to economics you have two type of people that know it, those that was born with a mind for it, and those that study it.


Reminds me of when I was in a department store around Christmas waiting at the counter. They guy in front of me was like you know if you get their credit card you can get like 20% off, I've done it like 15 times, then just cancel the card. People say it hurts your credit but who cares.



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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


I don't do it often but every now and then I will need on other classes stuff for my Alt or Comp but to need on somebodies gear purely to sell it for your needs IS NOT COOL.


The only way you could justify this is if the Toon in question is displaying all 4 special qualities.


1. Total Noob (Toon is stupidly ignorant)

2. Refuses to Listen (you can tech people who are bad to be better but, YOU CANT FIX STUPID)

3. **** Attitude (Noob who keeps talking **** even though it's all his fault that the team is doing poorly)

4 MOST IMPORTANT. You know for a certainty that YOU carried that guy through 80% of the FP or OP.


Granted most of this stuff would get a Toon kicked pretty earlier in an FP or OP but, if you cant get rid him or her for whatever the reasons may be I think needing on that Toons gear is a valid option.

Edited by GalaxyStrong
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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


So by your logic.... all those times when i knew the fight in beta.... and we wiped because the tank didn't know to taunt or interrupt and certain times, that I should be repaid for my repairs right? Get off your soap box pedistal dude.If you que up thru the tool.. you are accepting that you are taking the chance of having undergeared players with you. if you don't want that or noobs who don't know the fights.. then pls feel free to spam general and inspect everyone you invite to run a HM with you. The LFG tool wasn't put in place just for you.. and you needing on every piece of gear just makes it sdo those undergeared players never get geared so your poll of awsome geared players stays small.

Edited by Excorsion
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I do not put them on ignore, I hope they put me on ignore.


I do HM FP on 16 toons on the Harbinger, I am fair and nice and will greed all loot and ask to need if for companion / alt. Admit up front your new, and I always explain the fights, I never bail no matter how bad it gets. I am one of the nicest players you can pug with, but if you come unprepared, I will not yell and make the person feel bad, I just take the loot and move on because 90 percent of the time, I can help carry bad players through these runs.


One single daily would more than cover your repair costs. For a patient, nice person you sure are presumptive and arrogant. Just sayin'.


I have run my fair share of bads through dungeons in other games, some that were up front and some not so much, and I would never, ever dream of taking their loot. Wiping too easily and don't have time to derp around with them? Then I leave and move on to something else. Otherwise I will hold their hand and explain the fights after the first wipe (usually even before, regardless of experience of the group if I'm in a pug), and when we finally finish it, their loot is their reward for listening, doing their part, and LEARNING.


I'M the one who chose to incur an unreasonable repair bill by staying with them. Why should I punish them because I'm the one stupid enough to not drop group?

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Yes the goal is to have fun, sadly it is runied by some that takes stuff they should not.


I have said it before and I say it again, this game needs to change the lootrules.


The OP is a prime example of that


While I would not choose to roll to vendor the gear for repair bills, I must ask: did the OP contribute to killing the boss and producing the loot? If he/she did, then he/she has every right to roll on the loot the boss drops. I'm not saying that they should roll, only that they have the right to roll.


Do you decide which employees are more deserving of a profit sharing award from your employer and deny the rest of the employees that profit sharing award? No? Then why would you think you can decide who is eligible to roll for loot everyone helped produce?

Edited by Ratajack
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While I would not choose to roll to vendor the gear for repair bills, I must ask: did the OP contribute to killing the boss and producing the loot? If he/she did, then he/she has every right to roll on the loot the boss drops. I'm not saying that they should roll, only that they have the right to roll.


Do you decide which employees are more deserving of a profit sharing award from your employer and deny the rest of the employees that profit sharing award? No? Then why would you think you can decide who is eligible to roll for loot everyone helped produce?


Lets not do this dance again, we did that in the last thread that got deleted.


I have my opinion and you have yours, lets leave it at that

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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Can we have a list of your characters? So we know to roll need the whole time we're in a group with one of your toons. Thank you

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Can we have a list of your characters? So we know to roll need the whole time we're in a group with one of your toons. Thank you


I was thinking the same thing, except as a way to stay away from him and his special self. Since I know he's on Harbinger, I know not to play on that server. Thanks for telling us where the shark infested waters are OP.

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Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc.


That's total nonsense dude. If you didn't want to wipe you leave group.

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I rather be a jerk than cause 3 other people to hate me because I do not know how to play the game and hide the fact than I am new and wasting their time and credits.


So you caused almost everyone in this thread to hate you because you're perfect and never make mistakes and never cause wipes yourself. And you're the only one in the group that has to pay repair costs.


Way to maximize.

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It's people like this who stopped me doing HM FP's outside my guild. It's a game stuff happens get over it. Sorry but I'd rather have the noobs than the I'm so superiors. Dealing with these people isn't worth the 5 BH comms.
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Not every person will learn the fights, or actually cares to learn them.


The best example of such behavior is the study of economics in the world. It is something that is very beneficial for everyone to know and understand for multiple different reasons... there are a lot of people willing and wanting to share insights about the studies of economics, but still the mass population remains clueless when it comes to it.

When it comes to economics you have two type of people that know it, those that was born with a mind for it, and those that study it.


In a game like this you have people that are naturally good at the game, and will pick up on mechanics extremely quickly and you will never know/realize they may be new to the flashpoint. Then you have the select few that will take the time to read up on the fights, maybe watch a youtube video or something even, and perform just as well. You even have a third type, that will state that they are NEW and need a quick run down. The people that dont fall into either of those three groups will ALWAYS be bad players, and majority of the time they just dont give a ****.


So since they have a harder time learning the fight we should take their gear as OP suggests? I'm not sure that's going to solve the problem. BTW what is this mystical gear that sells for so much its worth taking from a person who can use it?

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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Could you tell me your server and character name please? Granted as a tank I rarely cause wipes in HM FP's due to having most of them memorized, but I sure wouldn't want to have to run with someone like you...oh and to be frank if you were in my Group and you pulled that crap, I'd be vote kicking you in a heartbeat. Regardless of however bad the other guy might be.


*EDIT* Never mind. I read further down and found your server. Now I know where not to roll a toon. Thanks. :)

Edited by WillCaedes
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I rather be a jerk than cause 3 other people to hate me because I do not know how to play the game and hide the fact than I am new and wasting their time and credits. The benefit of the group is superior than the 1 person in the group. If your new, say so, its not that hard.


I take it you were born with the knowledge of HM FP. Stop playing with pugs if you don't like it, and stop whinging on the forums because of your mistakes.

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