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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A case for a more robust preferred status


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A fundamentally flawed view of the two models. A subscriber pays less up front, but gets access to all content whenever it is released. The preferred member has to buy each new piece of content and pay a large upfront cost to get all the sub perks but isn't constrained by the monthly fee.


So long as the cost of fully unlocking a preferred account is more than the average length of a sub account (less than 6 months in this game) then you generally come out ahead.


And, again, most of the revenue of this model is coming from the store ayway, not the sub fees.


As some will tell you, subscribers do not get all future content patches for free, nor do F2P'ers pay for all future content patches. F2P have had to unlock ONE content area, section X. Subscribers have to pay for what some will tell you is nothing more than a content patch labeled as an expansion.

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I wonder how much Bioware already bungled the F2P. When I first logged onto it there were only 2 quickbars, 2 characters and severely limited XP rates and quest rewards.


I wound up erasing all my toons and rolling onto another, PVE server (my previous 4 were all on a PVP server, but it seemed pointless with the warzone cap, no artifact gear and raised prices etc etc).


The only reason I'm subbed now is because I have 2 friends that I'm playing with and one really wanted to sub. But now I barely have time to play anyway so it's just a waste of money. I think I've played maybe 3-6 hours total so far this month and it doesn't look like I'll play again for another week at least (and didn't play this week either).


If I had my other toons still I'd indeed probably just not even think twice about staying subbed, I could then play by myself when my friends aren't playing instead of trying to coordinate free time amongst the three of us.


This game is pretty unplayable as F2P, even on preferred.

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My account went to Preferred today as a matter of fact. Just a few minutes ago, I had logged into my account to see if it was done, and in fact it had been.


I logged into my first character and I know what the restrictions are with the Preferred account, and I didn't think it would affect me that badly. It did.


The limitations are just atrocious. Some are warranted and can be looked over and brushed aside. Others however, have absolutely NO merit to them at all except for them to just make you not want to play.


So, you guys enjoy the game, I did while it lasted. Logging into the mess with Preferred just made me log out ASAP and gave me a complete distaste of the game. I never thought that I would be able to do that with TOR, but thanks BioWare for proving me wrong. :)


Signing off!

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I'm soon going to give preferred a try, and I've already spent most of the cartel coins I've gotten to purchases unlocks to make it more bearable. The one restriction I am dreading more than the others is the medical probes.


I play on a PvP server currently and I am not looking foward to losing 75 cents from getting ganked by a 50. It's going to be a huge punishment of my choice of server. If I played on a PvE server I might not have an issue with it, but rerolling would mean losing all the legacy unlocks I've gotten.


It will remain to be seen whether I'm okay with having to run back from the medical center every death. I would certainly pay for a permanent account-wide unlock of medical probes, but there is no way I'm going to pay money for probes that will get ganked away.

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I happen to agree with you here. The way to make the sub appetizing is by giving it extra rewards, not by locking out other paying customers out of important game features such as medical probes, credit caps and other needless restrictions. These should be able to be bought like any other game features. Reward subscribers, don't penalize preferred.


No. The way to make sub appetizing is by keeping the difference between the sub and the preferred status large enough. That can be done two ways and either is effective. One is to add more for the subscriber and the other is to limit the preferred status players. None of the features that you have named is essential to paying this game. They are conveniences and should remain in the realm of the subscriber.

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The limitations are just atrocious.


I too had no idea of just how bad preferred status was until girlfriend logged on to her account. She had over 2 million credits on her main character when she was subbed. With 350k cap, her 1.7 million vaporised. Although I could cover her credits and buy artifact equipment and other unlocks without fuss, what really got to her were the restrictions on character customisation. Headgear cannot be turned off. Armor cannot be dyed to the same color scheme as the chest piece. She went ballistic and logged off without even a though of re-subbing. Frankly, I would have done the same upon feeling those kind of restrictions on my own skin.

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I too had no idea of just how bad preferred status was until girlfriend logged on to her account. She had over 2 million credits on her main character when she was subbed. With 350k cap, her 1.7 million vaporised. Although I could cover her credits and buy artifact equipment and other unlocks without fuss, what really got to her were the restrictions on character customisation. Headgear cannot be turned off. Armor cannot be dyed to the same color scheme as the chest piece. She went ballistic and logged off without even a though of re-subbing. Frankly, I would have done the same upon feeling those kind of restrictions on my own skin.


She can't get full access for the minor technical detail that she is no longer paying? Outrageous!

Edited by Cretinus
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She can't get full access only for the minor technical detail that she is no longer paying? Outrageous!

For some ppl, roleplaying is much more important than metagaming

not having unify colors, head hide slot and unable to use titles makes the game look disgusting


and roleplaying for me is the only reason I play a Star Wars MMO

otherwise I would be playing Rift because that's the only true mmo for metagamers

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For some ppl, roleplaying is much more important than metagaming

not having unify colors, head hide slot and unable to use titles makes the game look disgusting


and roleplaying for me is the only reason I play a Star Wars MMO

otherwise I would be playing Rift because that's the only true mmo for metagamers


How does this bring you any closer to not having to pay for playing the game? Spend some money and you can rp as much as you want.

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I'm a bit confused by the hostility towards the OP as seems to make a great deal of sense to me.

Subsribers know up front how much they pay per month for unlimited access (aparts from x-pacs).

F2P'ers know they have to buy the "bits" that they want or make do with restricted features.


Surely it benefits everyone that the F2P'ers can purchase as many items as possible to remove the restirctions.


Most F2P models I know make it so restrictions can be lifted permanently but at a high premium. The F2P'er can then choose if it's better in the long run to pay each premium (even if that is permanent) or just subsribe. For subsribers it works out better for them if the F2P'ers decide to pay the Premium as that generates more revenue.


Sure in theory a F2P'er could end up owning everything on permanent unlock but as long as a) they have paid a lot more than a subsriber would or b) a good F2P model would never allow a situation where isn't something in the store to purchase, then it doesn't matter.


Pay 800 coins to remove currency cap on 1 character / 2600 all toons? Many F2P'ers would do that generating some decent profit for BW whilst also reinforcing to Subsribers that in the short/medium terms they get a much better deal. Sounds a good diea to me.

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I'm a bit confused by the hostility towards the OP as seems to make a great deal of sense to me.

Subsribers know up front how much they pay per month for unlimited access (aparts from x-pacs).

F2P'ers know they have to buy the "bits" that they want or make do with restricted features.


Surely it benefits everyone that the F2P'ers can purchase as many items as possible to remove the restirctions.


Most F2P models I know make it so restrictions can be lifted permanently but at a high premium. The F2P'er can then choose if it's better in the long run to pay each premium (even if that is permanent) or just subsribe. For subsribers it works out better for them if the F2P'ers decide to pay the Premium as that generates more revenue.


Sure in theory a F2P'er could end up owning everything on permanent unlock but as long as a) they have paid a lot more than a subsriber would or b) a good F2P model would never allow a situation where isn't something in the store to purchase, then it doesn't matter.


Pay 800 coins to remove currency cap on 1 character / 2600 all toons? Many F2P'ers would do that generating some decent profit for BW whilst also reinforcing to Subsribers that in the short/medium terms they get a much better deal. Sounds a good diea to me.



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I'm a bit confused by the hostility towards the OP as seems to make a great deal of sense to me.

Subsribers know up front how much they pay per month for unlimited access (aparts from x-pacs).

F2P'ers know they have to buy the "bits" that they want or make do with restricted features.


Surely it benefits everyone that the F2P'ers can purchase as many items as possible to remove the restirctions.


Most F2P models I know make it so restrictions can be lifted permanently but at a high premium. The F2P'er can then choose if it's better in the long run to pay each premium (even if that is permanent) or just subsribe. For subsribers it works out better for them if the F2P'ers decide to pay the Premium as that generates more revenue.


Sure in theory a F2P'er could end up owning everything on permanent unlock but as long as a) they have paid a lot more than a subsriber would or b) a good F2P model would never allow a situation where isn't something in the store to purchase, then it doesn't matter.


Pay 800 coins to remove currency cap on 1 character / 2600 all toons? Many F2P'ers would do that generating some decent profit for BW whilst also reinforcing to Subsribers that in the short/medium terms they get a much better deal. Sounds a good diea to me.


F2Pers can buy all this stuff in SWTOR too, so what's the big difference between SWTOR and the games that you're talking about? The only thing that they can't have is the higher currency cap, but this has nothing to do with sales policy, or BW being too restrictive. It's here for protecting the game against gold sellers and I absolutely agree with this measure.

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The only thing that they can't have is the higher currency cap,... It's here for protecting the game against gold sellers and I absolutely agree with this measure.
That's been debunked several times already. Every IG gold seller spam with an attached credit comes from an account with subscriber status.
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That's been debunked several times already. Every IG gold seller spam with an attached credit comes from an account with subscriber status.


I don't see how this could possibly be an argument in favour of allowing F2P accounts to have unlimited credits cap.



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F2Pers can buy all this stuff in SWTOR too, so what's the big difference between SWTOR and the games that you're talking about? The only thing that they can't have is the higher currency cap, but this has nothing to do with sales policy, or BW being too restrictive. It's here for protecting the game against gold sellers and I absolutely agree with this measure.



All subscription games and f2p games have gold sellers. I can think of only 1 other game with a credit cap. Credit caps do little to stop gold sellers. There are many, many ways to go around it.


Inconveniencing a large chunk of your players in order to not really do anything to gold sellers is not very smart. They would still need to buy the credit cap unlock too, which could be very expensive.

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Why should players who do not pay a sub fee have access to the full game that I pay a sub to experience?


I find it funny that subscription paying members think that they pay more than people who use the store to play the game. The question should be if I pay more to play the game, why shouldn't I be able to spend more money in order to unlock everything.


I too had no idea of just how bad preferred status was until girlfriend logged on to her account. She had over 2 million credits on her main character when she was subbed. With 350k cap, her 1.7 million vaporised. Although I could cover her credits and buy artifact equipment and other unlocks without fuss, what really got to her were the restrictions on character customisation. Headgear cannot be turned off. Armor cannot be dyed to the same color scheme as the chest piece. She went ballistic and logged off without even a though of re-subbing. Frankly, I would have done the same upon feeling those kind of restrictions on my own skin.


Everything you listed, except the credit cap, can be unlocked from the store. The solution to your problem is to buy it from there.

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The thing that you guys aren't seeing is that people who don't want to sub simply will not sub to MMOs. Medical probes and credit cap is not enough to sub, especially after spending a lot of money on the game for unlocks. Bioware will make more money if they offer these unlocks.


I know that this can make subscribers angry, but in the end, it's in bioware's best interest to offer these unlocks, for a price. After buying all of the other unlocks, subbing is not worth it. If they don't sell these, they won't get money for them.


Answer me this: After bioware has earned more than $100 for the unlocks that I have bought, why can't I buy the last few? So after spending more than $100, I need to sub? That would basically mean that I just lost $100, and it will just never happen. As people buy more and more unlocks, you will see more and more people buying a la carte. The unlocks posted in my OP are very standard for freemium games (which is what swtor is).



I'm going to add something else. I don't see why there is hostility between preferred and subscription. Both are a way to pay for the game. Ideally, both payment methods should be around the same amount of cash -or- subscription payers should be given bonuses.


IMO, the model should aim to provide better benefits to subscribers instead of penalizing preferred players. Both types of players spend money, and both want a barrier free gaming experience. The subscriber has the bonus that they are never bothered with small purchases every week/month. They simply get everything and they don't mind paying extra for that. Ideally, they should also get loyalty bonuses. The preferred player gets the advantage of only buying what they want, and not renting content. Both type pay money. Ideally, both should have access to the full game, if enough money is provided.


The thing you're not seeing is that subscribers pay $15/month for those perks. You should not be allowed to purchase them or you invalidate our subscription. Bioware wants to maintain their subscriber base as much as possible - that is why it ultimately makes more sense to subscribe than try to buy access in pieces and parts.


Non-subs should NEVER be offered the things you are asking to be included in your free access. You don't understand the "hostility" between a freemium and a sub? You want everything the sub gets for free (or a one time price)! If it's the difference between an F2P player or a subscriber leaving, then it's no option, really. The freemium player will just have to rage quit - the subscriber is and always will be the more valued customer.


So it's in Bioware's best interests to NOT give you what you want for free or even a one-time unlock. If you can buy a better deal than subscribers get then there is no longer a reason to subscribe - and THAT will never happen. Both should NOT have access to the full game - that's a subscription ONLY benefit.


So... either subscribe or deal with it, but stop asking for subscriber's benefits without the subscription.

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The thing you're not seeing is that subscribers pay $15/month for those perks. You should not be allowed to purchase them or you invalidate our subscription. Bioware wants to maintain their subscriber base as much as possible - that is why it ultimately makes more sense to subscribe than try to buy access in pieces and parts.


Non-subs should NEVER be offered the things you are asking to be included in your free access. You don't understand the "hostility" between a freemium and a sub? You want everything the sub gets for free (or a one time price)! If it's the difference between an F2P player or a subscriber leaving, then it's no option, really. The freemium player will just have to rage quit - the subscriber is and always will be the more valued customer.


So it's in Bioware's best interests to NOT give you what you want for free or even a one-time unlock. If you can buy a better deal than subscribers get then there is no longer a reason to subscribe - and THAT will never happen. Both should NOT have access to the full game - that's a subscription ONLY benefit.


So... either subscribe or deal with it, but stop asking for subscriber's benefits without the subscription.


Actually, the way games are going these days, I'm pretty sure that you're just wrong. No other freemium game has an unlockable credit cap, and they seem to be doing fine. People pay subs not to get the whole game, but to have hassle free gaming. People stay preferred because of real life issues (months away from home), or just wanted to permanently unlock things so you can play on your timescale.


The thing that goes against you is that people who don't subscribe will be waving their money at bioware waiting for them to release more unlocks in the store. The money that they would get from releasing these unlocks is certainly not negligeable. I think it's only a matter of time. Other games have done it sooner rather than later. Hopefully bioware will realize this.


You are just arguing about HOW we pay for the game. One of us pays a very small chunk of money every month. The other pays a huge amount in one go, then spends a bunch of smaller chunks every content release. Both should work out to be the same, or close. Therefore, both should have access to the full game, including credit cap.

Edited by leojreimroc
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Bioware wants to maintain their subscriber base as much as possible - that is why it ultimately makes more sense to subscribe than try to buy access in pieces and parts.
Yet Bioware stated that people did not feel a subscription was worth the money. Instead of sweetening the subscription benefits they created a worst-in-class Freemium program that even further discourages people from sticking around.
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My account went to Preferred today as a matter of fact. Just a few minutes ago, I had logged into my account to see if it was done, and in fact it had been.


I logged into my first character and I know what the restrictions are with the Preferred account, and I didn't think it would affect me that badly. It did.


The limitations are just atrocious. Some are warranted and can be looked over and brushed aside. Others however, have absolutely NO merit to them at all except for them to just make you not want to play.


So, you guys enjoy the game, I did while it lasted. Logging into the mess with Preferred just made me log out ASAP and gave me a complete distaste of the game. I never thought that I would be able to do that with TOR, but thanks BioWare for proving me wrong. :)


Signing off!


Since you are no longer paying money, you won't be missed. Sorry, but that's the way it is. You don't get to keep the same access to the game for free. This is a business, a for-profit enterprise.

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The thing you're not seeing is that subscribers pay $15/month for those perks. You should not be allowed to purchase them or you invalidate our subscription. Bioware wants to maintain their subscriber base as much as possible - that is why it ultimately makes more sense to subscribe than try to buy access in pieces and parts.


Non-subs should NEVER be offered the things you are asking to be included in your free access. You don't understand the "hostility" between a freemium and a sub? You want everything the sub gets for free (or a one time price)! If it's the difference between an F2P player or a subscriber leaving, then it's no option, really. The freemium player will just have to rage quit - the subscriber is and always will be the more valued customer.


So it's in Bioware's best interests to NOT give you what you want for free or even a one-time unlock. If you can buy a better deal than subscribers get then there is no longer a reason to subscribe - and THAT will never happen. Both should NOT have access to the full game - that's a subscription ONLY benefit.


So... either subscribe or deal with it, but stop asking for subscriber's benefits without the subscription.


Why do you think this game went F2P in the first place? It's because there weren't enough of these "valued customers" to support it. Also it's not like EA actually values subs either, you're delusional if you think they do.


The F2P option is just their attempts at milking this game for the last bit before they shut it down. There might be a momentary spike in subs but the same issues for why subs quit before are still there. A lot of people probably tried the game out for the first time because of the F2P option (which is something they should have done earlier) and a bunch of those people probably subscribed because of the restrictions, but a lot more people probably didn't.


The best part of this game always has been the PVE leveling from 1-25. Even if you're really strapped for time, after 2 months you're going to be out of that range and possibly even all the way to 50, and then you'll wonder why you're playing.

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