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Is it time we apologise?


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However, there are some facts that can't be ignored. Two million of the 2.4 million players that initially purchased this game decided it wasn't worth paying a sub for and left. F2P has only improved the situation slightly. That's a problem.


It indicates nothing directly however. Keep in mind that people from many different backgrounds hopped on TOR.


Some seeking a new sandbox MMO, some seeking new SWG, some seeking a new theme park MMO, some seeking the replacement for WoW, some seeking the new KOTOR, etc. All seeking very different things, things which not unexpectedly couldn't be pleased for all.


Beyond that, there was also quite a number of players who just went for it because it was a BioWare RPG, sort of falling in the line of people just seeking the new KOTOR. To them a monthly is quickly a turnoff. As even without monthlies, they ultimately stop playing.


Take a look at for example Skyrim, sold nearly 3 million retail copies, sold a major number on Steam as well. More sales than SWTOR. Yet, currenly only just over 30k people play it per day.


Sure it's not an MMO, however don't forget, there's been plenty of players who didn't seek the MMO in SWTOR either. There were many dissapointed it became an MMO in the first place.


Also if we look at various other MMO's and take game tracking tools such as xfire and raptr into account, the game isn't doing bad at all. It's still the 3rd highest ranked MMO on Xfire, and ranks at 25% of what WoW has on playtime registered there. Also on raptr it has registered roughly 30% of WoW playtime with 50k hours vs 160k hours logged over the past week.


The game is doing a lot less bad than some people here may want to let it appear. And by pulling in other territories by opening up F2P options and such for the regions where subscriptions are too costly, it's only going to increase. If they'd manage to now start marketing well in Asian countries and introduce regional dubs, they'd truly be booming.

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lol, yea that showed us...


EA are distributors, nothing more, nothing less.


TSW is 100% Funcom.


Yeah, you're right, EA has nothing to do with TSW.


They own a big share of teh game. I never once said they developed teh game or had any part in the development, they only invested in 2011 I believe. What I said was I wish EA would give Funcom this game, which they could.

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Why, it wasent the middle/top management people who made the game, if you got beef with how the game is, it is the designers, you got beef with, not the management.


Sorry but who choose what to focus on ? What's the targeted audience ? What to delay or launch now ? How teams are organized and communicate ? What to fix and what to let rot ? ...


The very problem of SWTOR is a mismanaged project that got its goals changed too late in the development cycle. It's quite easy to see they completely abandoned some parts, that they had to make some quick and dirty changes to fit some things into their new roles without enough time, that they focused on wrong parts, that they were way to slow to answer to some problems.... all that is not the fault of the designers but the management.

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If I were a developer I would certainly feel dismayed and disheartened when you try and give your fans what they want only to get in thrown back in your face.


Not if some of your fans own multi-GPU rigs and can't play your game with them. They could in the past, but you broke your product, and for four months haven't fixed it.


You also constantly ignore ANY questions regarding your intention to fix the issue.


No. I will not apologise even if some of my posts were over the line.



Edited by Rogoo
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Yeah, you're right, EA has nothing to do with TSW.


They own a big share of teh game. I never once said they developed teh game or had any part in the development, they only invested in 2011 I believe. What I said was I wish EA would give Funcom this game, which they could.


They dont own anything, they are just distributors, and not very good ones.

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Take a look at for example Skyrim, sold nearly 3 million retail copies, sold a major number on Steam as well. More sales than SWTOR. Yet, currenly only just over 30k people play it per day.


Sure it's not an MMO, however don't forget, there's been plenty of players who didn't seek the MMO in SWTOR either. There were many dissapointed it became an MMO in the first place.


Pretty sure Skyrim doesn't charge a monthly subscription to play the full game either, yet you are comparing it to SWTOR, hmm ok.

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Sorry but who choose what to focus on ? What's the targeted audience ? What to delay or launch now ? How teams are organized and communicate ? What to fix and what to let rot ? ...


The very problem of SWTOR is a mismanaged project that got its goals changed too late in the development cycle. It's quite easy to see they completely abandoned some parts, that they had to make some quick and dirty changes to fit some things into their new roles without enough time, that they focused on wrong parts, that they were way to slow to answer to some problems.... all that is not the fault of the designers but the management.


The problem with SWTOR is the overll game design, and for that yhou can thank the designers.

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I think these forums would benefit tremendously if at least some of the more obvious trolls got a perma-ban. Just creating a topic with the word "TORtanic" in the title is a dead give away if you ask me. There's a noticable difference between disagreeing, being critical and trolling. And the trolling types hardly even bother hiding in the grey shades between those things.


There are just as many "fanboi" trolls as there are "hater" trolls, so any perma-banning should apply to both factions.

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I am an in a retail business, I strive to be the best and expect all my employees to do the same.


Are we perfect? Far from it, but I guarantee that we do try to offer the best product out there for the best value... that being said the only time I know that we arent living up to those standards is when one of my customers points out something we missed or maybe didnt do quite the job they believed they were paying for... When that happens I get on the phone myself I discuss what the customer feels we failed to do or if we didnt live up to one of our promises, then I do everything within my power to correct this issue, I issue them a discount and buy them dinner at a place of their choice.


What I am trying to show here is that the only way that BW/EA knows that they arent living up to the standards that their customers expect is when people point out their flaws, promises not kept etc. Granted not all the vitrol and hate that is spread on these forums is true, but more often than not, there is some truth behind the complaint.


I still love Swtor and think it still has great potential, but the only way they are gonna get better is to hear about the shortcomings of the game and know that they have a responsiblity to their client base and paying customers. Remember they are a business and they have to "earn" our money, and once they have that money they then have a responsiblity to live up the the expectations of their client base.

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Take a look at for example Skyrim, sold nearly 3 million retail copies, sold a major number on Steam as well. More sales than SWTOR. Yet, currenly only just over 30k people play it per day.


Sure it's not an MMO, however don't forget, there's been plenty of players who didn't seek the MMO in SWTOR either. There were many dissapointed it became an MMO in the first place.



How would you even know how many people play Skyrim? It's not an MMO, they don't keep track of people playing it. I also highly doubt that 30k number, you just made it up.

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I'd find it rather awkward if the waiter delivered me the appetizer, main course, dessert and all beverages at the same time ;).


I would. I want my order to be ready all at once so I can enjoy it at home at my leisure. I sure as heck don't want to have to make half a dozen trips back to the restaraunt for one meal.

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They dont own anything, they are just distributors, and not very good ones.


They didn't just distribute it, they co-published it aswell, they invested money into it and as far as I'm aware are still investing. When you invest money in something, you generally own part of it through stocks and shares.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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They didn't just distribute it, they co-published it aswell, they invested money into it and as far as I'm aware are still investing. When you invest money in something, you generally own part of it through stocks and shares.


They didnt invest anything into it, i dont know where you got that from, but it is not right :)

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Doesn't make sense to apoligize over EAware's downfalls, I mean crapware sorry. Why apoligize over someone else's mistakes? Theres lots of posts rubbing it in about crapware's downfalls for a reason. I don't really care anymore I just laugh when they have gone wrong on something in the game. I use it as my daily comedy. Its best to accept the game for what it is, not for whats its not and can't be. :rak_03:
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So... are there things we as players should apologize for? Yup. There sure are: slanderous insults, gross generalizations, and just plain ugliness toward the devs and each other. It can be humorous, sad, and annoying but it serves no purpose other than to inflame and disgust others. I for one apologize for that.


However, in general, as paying customers we have the right to whine, ****** and cajole. And criticism when warranted and constructive is not only wanted but necessary. Unfortunately there are a few who take it a bit to far and become so invested in being right that they root for the game to fail. It is illogical and to be honest a bit insane. There are people who sub to play the forums... and that is insane. I apologize for that.


And while it is important to point out what is going wrong, there are plenty of threads in the vein, it should also be just as important to acknowledge when things go well. It happens rarely, but on occasion you do see a positive thread. We should see more of them on a regular basis. So I apologize for that.


As for the rest... its all fair game. No apologies necessary.

Edited by Rafaman
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There are always those who cross the line, the ones who took the game too personally, the ones who go above and beyond,


You will always get the fans like that, is it there fault?

You can point and show things to shine a light on them if you wanted.

They come with every game, and are not anything new


For me, much of the issues arose pre launch, the Us v Them stance by Bioware for not interacting with the Community, removing the social parts of this site, and the Red Zone incident didnt help either

It was a mess, sure Fans will over react at any chance, but same of the policies and mistakes made should never have happened.


Early on they got nervous, they started to panic, things changed.


I am still a strong believer that silence is deadly, and like it our not the job of winning back fans is on Biowares hands for 2013

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EA co-produced TSW, but that's the extent of their involvement.


not even co produced. They only distribute it. They have not given any money to help develop the game and they get no say in it. They just get a profit for distribution

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While I've always wanted to do but haven't, I wanted to say






Thank you to BioWare and EA for putting together this effort. I realize there are bugs, issues, and stuff that needs fixing, however despite that I have been happy with the game over the past year. I for one, look forward to more for this great game and will continue playing for as long as I can.


Thank you again.

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not even co produced. They only distribute it. They have not given any money to help develop the game and they get no say in it. They just get a profit for distribution


On January 10, 2011, Electronic Arts announced that it will co-publish The Secret World with Funcom. Funcom told VG247 that they were "leaving [their] options open" in regards to the 360 version.




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apologize for what?


Being customers that demand quality and don't wish to accept anything that falls well short of that mark?


Yeah think OP is either a share holder or really mixed up


An apology is definitely warranted BUT its not from the subscriber base or fan base.

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