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Staying at Dark Side I


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hey all,


I hate how fugly dark side corruption makes your character and was wondering what the repercussions would be of staying at dark side rank 1, where the only change to your character's face is the orange eyes. What kinds of things at level 50 require dark side rank V? Will I gimp my character if I stay at around dark side rank 1? thanks :mon_tongue:

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Not really. My main is tier light 1 and I've never felt that I've missed out on anything, save for a couple of cosmetic items (a speeder, a pet and one pair of moddable boots. That's pretty much the gist of it). The -only- downside is that you cannot use relics that require dark side/light side attunement when levelling, but that doesn't really set you back much at all.


At end game, the alignment doesn't affect anything.

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During your quest to level 50 you won't be able to equip those alignment-based relics (which have both stats and an "on use" short buff) that are pretty handy, but they are not esential. You can still fill at least 1 of those 2 slots if you get some matrix shards [datacrons] and assemble them in the Dark Temple / Jedi Temple to form a relic - it's better than nothing.


And it's not relevant once you are level 50 - you'll get better ones then.


There's also some fluff you'll miss (like a vehicle), but they are just that: fluff.


But hey, neutral/grey alignment gear is coming soon!... or so they said a whole year ago :rolleyes:

Edited by Khyle
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I thought there was an option to turn off the dark side corruption? Is it not where the unify colours bit is, or was I just imagining this?


I think he wants the none extreme DS corruption. Beyond no corruptiojn at all and less than the 'Darth Sidious' look.


What I did is created my character with those yellow eyes and a bit pale and I leave the corruption off.

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The first stuff has locks, but that becomes less and less as you advance in rank. Like when you start, those damned relics have certain LS and DS requirements. A lot of the planet gear has those requirements too, but later the flashpoints and pvp gear don't have those requirements. At least, as I've seen.


Let me know if I'm wrong on that. Haven't played the end game stuff much.

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I think he wants the none extreme DS corruption. Beyond no corruptiojn at all and less than the 'Darth Sidious' look.


What I did is created my character with those yellow eyes and a bit pale and I leave the corruption off.


Ahh, I get ya. How do those glowing eye things from the Cartel Packs work? Are they permanent or do they expire? They could be an option if permanent.

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Not really. My main is tier light 1 and I've never felt that I've missed out on anything, save for a couple of cosmetic items (a speeder, a pet and one pair of moddable boots. That's pretty much the gist of it). The -only- downside is that you cannot use relics that require dark side/light side attunement when levelling, but that doesn't really set you back much at all.


At end game, the alignment doesn't affect anything.


You can still get the speeder and a pet and then farm your way up to dark 1.... i'm lightside myself but I have both dark side and light side pets and mounts.

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Wiggity-Whack, that is.


They don't consume when used, luckily. Too bad the cd is so long :<

IMO they should toggle a glowing eye buff on/off when used.

As is, they're a pretty disappointing fluff item.


What I'd like to see is the option to set your Dark Side level appearance assuming are on that Tier or further in the alignment. For example I have max Dark Side but would like to look like the first or second Tier.


Ooh, I'd like that too. Dark side I/II definitely look the best. Not a fan of how my Twi'lek goes albino at max DS. I always have it turned off.

Edited by Beslley
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Speaking of dark side corruption I think they way it's done in this game is terrible as well. It turns all characters white. Sith Pureblood, a race who pride them selves on red skin and attonment to the dark side turn white when high dark side....umwut?? I guess Darth Maul in the movies must have been light side, cause he was pretty red black.


I love the idea of having dark side corruption and liked it in KOTOR but the way they do it in this game is awful. It needs to either not chance skin color so dramatically or very a little with races.

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Speaking of dark side corruption I think they way it's done in this game is terrible as well. It turns all characters white. Sith Pureblood, a race who pride them selves on red skin and attonment to the dark side turn white when high dark side....umwut?? I guess Darth Maul in the movies must have been light side, cause he was pretty red black.


I love the idea of having dark side corruption and liked it in KOTOR but the way they do it in this game is awful. It needs to either not chance skin color so dramatically or very a little with races.


I consider it an underhanded attack at white people.

I mean, really, the eviler you get, the whiter you get? Are they implying that white people are evil?



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I consider it an underhanded attack at white people.

I mean, really, the eviler you get, the whiter you get? Are they implying that white people are evil?




And let's not forget that all the Sith speak with English accents - There you have it. The most evil guys in the galaxy, according to BW, are white English people.


Tis a slur.

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