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Rise of the Hutt Cartel - New classes?


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Can we expect new classes or race in first expansion? I believe that pretty standard "future" in MMO's expansions.


No, extra classes would mean developing as opposed to scripting/recolouring.


The new race will cost you extra from the cash shop but may come around the same time.


EA are in limited development/maximum profit mode.

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New classes for a $10 expansion? Not gonna happen, especially given how extensive the class storylines are in the game. I'm sure there's still content they haven't advertised yet that will be included in Hutt Cartel, but something that big they wouldn't be keeping quiet on.


Cathar launch might be in it, but I'm pretty sure they're set on that being a separate Cartel Market thing.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Standard expansions are also £30-£40...,

This, ofcourse. RotHC will have some features from a $30-$50 expansion, but also leave out some features found in such more expensive expansions. For $10.00, I think RotCH looks like a pretty good deal.

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Can we expect new classes or race in first expansion? I believe that pretty standard "future" in MMO's expansions.


Nope (it's basically an adventure pack - small content addition with a few additions - not an MMORPG "expansion" in the traditional sense - i.e. Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Lucin, Burning Crusade, Core Combat, Mines of Moria etc.)).




Besides which we probably won't see any new classes, ever (because of class story issues from L1 to L50 Ch1-C3). I guess we may eventually see some new advanced classes (because they can share the L1-L50 Ch1-Ch3 class stories), but even them I wouldn't hold my breath for as there aren't many class archetypes that aren't already covered in SWTOR (I can only really think of a pet class, but with companions that largely becomes moot).

Edited by Goretzu
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I'd guess not. This isn't exactly a 'standard' expansion. It's more of a DLC pack.


It is a full expansion but they havent revealed its content and there wont be boxed edition probably.


Standard expansions are also £30-£40...,


$10 is preorder price.

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New classes for a $10 expansion? Not gonna happen, especially given how extensive the class storylines are in the game. I'm sure there's still content they haven't advertised yet that will be included in Hutt Cartel, but something that big they wouldn't be keeping quiet on.


Cathar launch might be in it, but I'm pretty sure they're set on that being a separate Cartel Market thing.


They could add new classes by increasing the choice from 2 to 3 in each main class, that would mean no need for new Class story lines. However even that is a huge amount of work, its 8 new "classes" with 4 differing skill sets that need balancing, and PvP balancing is very important here (and 8 sets of skill animations because while the skills function is pretty much mirrored the animations aren't). I suppose they could add them one pair at a time but people would complain that "Trooper/BH" got their 3rd advanced class and "Inquisitor/Consular" has to wait.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I would doubt you would see a new class ever, unless it's just a new AC or a Heroic Class, meaning you start at a certain level and don't have the same progression as the rest of the classes.


If anything, I think you will see an expanded AC, so instead of two to pick from, there will be 3 or 4. If the game picks up steam, maybe we will see a heroic class of some sort.


As for the new race, I do kind of think it will be apart of the Makeb expansion. We will see. It is the first content patch we have to buy, so I'm assuming it has a lot of content in it. Makeb and the Cathar are the last items that were released last year as coming in the future, but we will see.

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Cather is CM so it might be available at the same time as RotHC but you will have to pay separately to unlock it.


Never seen anything about the Cathar being bought from the CM. Do you have a link or something proving that? This is a few times I've heard it, and I'm interested in seeing if what you are saying is true.

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Never seen anything about the Cathar being bought from the CM. Do you have a link or something proving that? This is a few times I've heard it, and I'm interested in seeing if what you are saying is true.


"The last thing that was said about Cathar was in the last Q&A livestream.


16. When is Cathar coming out? Are we planning on any races beyond that.


Damion: Cathar race is coming in the months timeframe not the years timeframe.

Jeff: Probably, yes.


Damion: I want it out as soon as it is feasible because we want to see how everything does on the market. The answer to the second question is how well is the Cathar doing on the marketplace. Doing a race and all the customization options is very very expensive but if it is something popular, that is something we will do more.


So that's all there is. It has never been stated that they will come with Makeb."


From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=580925


Obviously that's a Q&A so hardly word of god but it's the best we have at the moment. It's unlikely they are going to change their mind to make something free anyway.

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I would doubt you would see a new class ever, unless it's just a new AC or a Heroic Class, meaning you start at a certain level and don't have the same progression as the rest of the classes.


If anything, I think you will see an expanded AC, so instead of two to pick from, there will be 3 or 4. If the game picks up steam, maybe we will see a heroic class of some sort.


As for the new race, I do kind of think it will be apart of the Makeb expansion. We will see. It is the first content patch we have to buy, so I'm assuming it has a lot of content in it. Makeb and the Cathar are the last items that were released last year as coming in the future, but we will see.


y'know what they say about assuming. It makes an *** out of you and me. :rolleyes:

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"The last thing that was said about Cathar was in the last Q&A livestream.


16. When is Cathar coming out? Are we planning on any races beyond that.


Damion: Cathar race is coming in the months timeframe not the years timeframe.

Jeff: Probably, yes.


Damion: I want it out as soon as it is feasible because we want to see how everything does on the market. The answer to the second question is how well is the Cathar doing on the marketplace. Doing a race and all the customization options is very very expensive but if it is something popular, that is something we will do more.


So that's all there is. It has never been stated that they will come with Makeb."


From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=580925


Obviously that's a Q&A so hardly word of god but it's the best we have at the moment. It's unlikely they are going to change their mind to make something free anyway.


Thanks for the information. That kind of sucks. Maybe if you buy the expansion you get the CM unlock with it. We will wait and see I guess.


It wasn't stated to come with Makeb, but it seemed to fit the expansion part. So it seemed likely. I guess time will tell.

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With the current combat mechanics in game, there is no need for any new classes. We already have light/medium/heavy armoured flavours of healers, tanks, melee dps and ranged dps and the standard variations of the main roles. We have single target and aoe options for healing and dps. We have dot versus direct, burst versus sustained etc. So, new classes with the current mechanics would just be a rehash of what already exists.



However, if they ever overhauled the combat mechanics in this game to become something more complicated than the childish crap we get now, then we open up the possibility of loads of new classes.


Specifically: Support Classes



I'm talking buffers, debuffers and cc classes. So, that could be three base classes right there (buffer, debuffer and cc) which you could then do in light, medium and heavy armoured versions if you really wanted to milk it.


By introducing support classes, you can then start to implement "proper" (read: what I prefer :p ) boss fights that aren't just tank and spank with a bit of movement. I HATE enrage timers, they are just lazy really, a crutch for designers who can't think up other ways to make a fight. With support classes, you can instantly make boss fights far more complicated and then remove these stupid enrage timers and base it on tactics instead. For example, a boss with 100s of adds that requires you to constantly CC + move + aoe otherwise you get overwhelmed, or a boss that requires proper debuffing at correct times to avoid being 1 shot etc. I'm not a designer, but I came from LOTRO which had no enrage timers at all and yet managed to consistantly provide us with challenging boss fights that could be completed with a variety of tactics.

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