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How to entice healers back into the WZs?


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/wave Zek-anlai!


I know the feeling all too well and *sigh* when I get random apologies from dps for hunting me. As 'known' healers on the server we are marked the second we hit the warzone and the next thing we see is 2-3 smashmonkies licking their lips as they fly through the air at us. Rinse, repeat for the entire match.


Players also seem to be clueless in regards to what it means to protect a healer as well. Simply tossing a taunt at the mara that is getting all too personal with me helps, but should be followed up with an active peel. Sure, you reduced his damage, but if that is all that is done it does nothing to stop the true bane of a healer: interrupts, cc's, and pushbacks.


/wave Heya! Been a while since I've seen ya, but then, I'm not around much x)


As to the previous posts: A lot of what the healers here present on this topic are saying is that they do make attempts to keep themselves alive. I've been called a cat because I kite for my life so often. I certainly do not disagree that there are healers who are a problem, who make no effort to even learn a few tricks to keep themselves on the playing field longer.


My problem is when everything you DO learn to become a skilled, adept healer is rendered useless because of the TTK in the game and the lack of support anyone on the team wants to give. There are certainly bad healers. But there are also good ones who are completely dragged down by circumstances out of their control.

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i would settle for taking away the ability to mark players in pvp. that way their pugs can suffer from the same terrible cooperation and communication. even a special needs smash monkey will smash someone with a giant 'target' or 'shield' marker over their heads.


once folks started targeting a few weeks after launch i stopped healing mostly just because it's no fun to be focus fired by 8 people. the stun lock CC train blows bad enough when you can dps and stun back.. when you're a healer ( and heals were nerfed out for pvp back in one of the first patches) you're free stat kills for the other team.

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Harbinger has lots of healers. Usually, if you have one healer in a round, you'll have a minimum of 3 of them (or more, at which point you wish there weren't so many healers, because let me tell you, a team of 6 healing sages is NOT fun).


However, some matches I end up not healing much despite playing primarily healers (actually specc'd heals, not DPS) because I'm spending more time running for my life or dead behind the barrier. So if you want to entice healers to actually heal (or even a heal class to throw you some heals despite being a DPS tree) you can throw guards on them, taunt any enemies near them (if you are not a tank, that's fine but you still have at least one taunt if you are a class that can potentially tank, use it!) and peel for them (for the love of all that is good, please peel for your healers! Stop making us face tank when we run out of escapes).


I usually put out the most heals when I have a competent person guarding me (someone who comes into range to take half my damage and doesn't LoS my healing abilities constantly while I'm channeling) or if a competent DPS is peeling for me (smashers have surprisingly become very useful for this, as people see the smash and suddenly scatter to the four winds trying to get away from each other, thus giving the healer some escape time). These do not have to be premades, but just people that watch out for their healers. You watch out for me, I'll watch out for you. If you run right past me while I'm being stunlocked and backstabbed repeatedly by an operative, I'm not going to throw you many heals at all unless I have some downtime between healing those that actually helped me.


My favorite guards are from vanguards (they've always been the most reliable for me and most use their pull to get at least one DPS off of me - I've never had a shadow do the same, because I rarely see a shadow specced that deep into tanking to have it), but I'll take anyone that has over 20k health (I'm sorry recruit geared tank, I'll take your guard, but realize that I take a LOT of damage thanks to having a big target over my head and I won't be able to keep you going if you are taking 50% of it).

Edited by Prettyevilish
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I giggle every time I see a sage healer getting focused, and pull a team-mate over to help.


When I do that, I always wish that I could use them as a shield when I pull them over. Not just pull them over to 'help'. I want to hide behind the jerk that was watching me get 6-man brutalized. And those AFKers would finally have a use if I could do this with them.

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I play on the Harbinger server. On the imperial side, you usually average 2 healers a game. One the republic side, you are lucky if you get a healer every 3 games. Needless to say, pugs are mostly dominated by imperial on the Harbinger.


I play on Progenitor and I've noticed the same trend in number of healers.

But so far, on my latest Sent (lvl 48), rep PUGs have won more WZs than they have lost them. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Progenitor is an RP server.

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PUG healing is the most thankless and frustrating job to have in a WZ. Communication will win, end of story. It's not that different on Jung Ma, Pub healers are in short supply.


I'm a healer, always have been, regardless of the game. I've leveled 2 Commandos (different servers), 1 Merc, 1 Sorc, and a Scoundrel to 50. The 1.2 patch broke my heart, the KB snare was a nice bandage if a bit late.


Scoundrel healing is my favorite because of the HoT, 2 instant heals, a free channeled heal that doesn't act like a beacon, and above all else, STEALTH. Just being able to hide as I cross the map to the fight is a big help, as is the instant escape from a smashmonkey.


Just to keep things interesting though, all my healers have Field Respec for surprise DPS moments, like when left alone guarding a node in a PUG WZ. I have the respec and bar realignment process down to about 30 seconds, only having to stop running on my Mando to change cells. I do it as often as needs now that it became free for subs.

Edited by Houzukimaru
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What would you, healers, like to see or change in WZs so you would be more inclined to focus on healing?


Would something as healers announcing themselves at the start and asking for a dedicated guard, help in any way? Similar to announcing the tactics of the play at the start of the WZ.


An thoughts?


I would like to last longer. If that means to reduce healing done and increase armor, let it be. Sometimes, I feel like I am unstoppable, but that is only against people who are not really informed how my class, or classes and warzones in general work. I know how many people will not believe, but sometimes I get killed during one stun. Many healer won't admit you that, because they think it will hurt their reputation, but I have experienced it and I have seen it happen. I was the one dying in one stun and I was the one doing it to others.

That is not fun. Maybe it is not the class, maybe it is the map, but that does not have to mean that I need to be happy with dying in 4-5 seconds. The worse thing that can happen is defending VS against a coordinated team. I usually do not heal - I have no time. I run out, interrupt the guy planting and back to my spawn area. If I menage to bubble someone, that is the bonus.


Sometimes even announcing you are a healer won't help. I have witnessed many times a Marauder calling for healing -" how about some heals?"- (like he is the only one in a wz) while I am, or the other healer, getting chased by 3 warriors. So, that is where second problem hits: the people. Just because you are dps, does not have to mean you cannot protect me. Stun, slow them, pull away from the healer, so I can actually cast a heal.

I swear, the warriors are the worse. Not every, but majority. They are usually crying for heals without noticing that healer just died 10th time in a row.


So, yes, I have been thinking what could be done. My final conclusion: less damage. If that would make healing 'too good', reduce healing but increase survivability.

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(From a tank perspective.) I've now decided that calling out who I'm guarding in chat helps (me at least). I started doing that since I saw this thread, and it feels like I'm making a more binding commitment than just silently throwing a guard on a healer. :o


Sounds lame probably, but I end up being more conscious of actually protecting said healer and heading back to wherever he/she is when one of us dies. Watching more closely for enemies that decide to harass em, etc. 'Course, it also makes me feel useless when all my "tanky" CD are on cool down (taunts and Ccs) and the healer is *still* being pounded on by 3 DPS, and all I can do is throw some pebbles at one of them. :(

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This is ridiculous. Every warzone i enter has 2 bubble spec sorcs on the other team. Healers do just fine.


Why do the Sorcs get themself a hybrid rather than a 31-point-spec?


Answer: Full Heal is not viable in PvP if there aren't 2 heals crosshealing.


Solution to the Bubble Stun epidemic: Make the 31-point-sorc viable in PvP.

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I started to play Healer in PvP Env. a while ago. I was lucky to find a good PvP oriented Guild on my Server so i usually can play Premade all Day. Also i found some other good People to play with, so its okay for me. One important thing to do is, dont heal those you can not keep alive. Dont even try to. It will always bring the attention of the enemy team to you. And, do never heal the useless. Someone does not help you out in a sticky Situation rigth after you gripped him from the brink of Death and he/she simply runs off zerging leaving you behind with a bunch of enraged Maros? Remember the Name. But most of the time a well placed, friendly (!), reminder in Chat does the trick. Tell the Team to protect you and the decent Players will do. By doing this they will be in Range of your heals, being gratefully for the green Numbers they recieve and those who arent helping...they do not deserve the heal ;-)
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Basically- it all adds up to the most miserably healing experience I have seen in an mmo.


Sounds like you're a Trooper or Sage. Smuggler/Operative is where it's at - by far the best class for PvP. I just got one to 50 a couple weeks ago and it's a completely different experience. I recommend rerolling if you'd consider it.


I'd also like affirm a couple poster's comments above. Stay in my LoS for the love of god.


Sometimes I wonder if the lack of healers has trained DPSers out of protecting them, kind of a chicken/egg problem. I've personally experienced wz-1 i'm left alone, but in wz-2 with some of the same faces I'll get better support from them.


And thanks to those puggers who play like a team.

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Sounds like you're a Trooper or Sage. Smuggler/Operative is where it's at - by far the best class for PvP. I just got one to 50 a couple weeks ago and it's a completely different experience. I recommend rerolling if you'd consider it.


And thanks to those puggers who play like a team.


^ Exactly this.


I started the game with a sage seer, and noticed after 1.2 with tanks going DPS that active protection (not just guard) declined enough to make it much less fun and effective.


So I rolled an Op med. and it's a whole different game. They have enough mobility, self defense, and escape to stay aloof or get in the mix. And you'll have enough fans from your quick output on individuals that getting peels when needed isn't much of a problem.

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DPS/Tanks: Peeling is a team concept. It's everyone's job to protect their healers, not just the tank. The only thing that has higher priority is getting/preventing a cap.


Healers: As stated, either heal in spawn to "annouce" or /say in Ops chat. Sometimes its hard to tell unless you do this. Also, if you are being mobile/changing nodes, make sure you are still with the person guarding you or drop guard. As a tank, sometimes I can't guard you because you have guard up from someone in another area/node.


Devs: Increase "payoff" on casted big heals.



but I see enough healers in WZs now, so I guess I am just offering some insights.


Does this thread mean healers in general or variety of healers? I think Ops/Mercs/Sage are ok for the most part...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Lately I have noticed that although there are healing classes in my WZ group, I am the top (or close) healer at the end even though I am a Watchman. Usually there is only one, and even that is becoming more and more rare, with huge healing numbers which would mean there was only one that was actually playing as a healer.


It happens a lot and it made me thinking about the reasons why healing has become so rare in WZs.

I understand that Sages, Scoundrels and Comandos can be specced as DPS, but is that the only reason those classes end up with very little actual healing? Or do they simply refuse to heal since healing is probably the most difficult profession in warzones and guards are (imo) rare?


What would you, healers, like to see or change in WZs so you would be more inclined to focus on healing?


WZ groups can be very frustrating if for example there are just a bunch of DPS classes and no tank to guard a healer, but this happens rarely. Usually groups are more or less a mix of all three professions, so I see the lack of communication as a big obstacle in making a group fight as a cohesive unit. Which is the only way to win.


Would something as healers announcing themselves at the start and asking for a dedicated guard, help in any way? Similar to announcing the tactics of the play at the start of the WZ.


Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to bash healers. I think theirs is the profession that can have the most impact on the outcome of the WZ, so I would just like to see if there is a way to make them more inclined to healing.


An thoughts?


SGR and only SGR will ever entice healers back in warzones.

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Augment your gear with aclarity so you can cast faster.. healer is the most important role in the WZ and if you arent running with a friend or guildies then its gonna be rough. I make sure i have an assassin tank guarding me at all times and im always using the aoe heal with consumption (making sure i have the armor set buff to gain hp each time i use comsumption). IF you can stay alive during battle then you can most likely get away with a win.
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Lately I have noticed that although there are healing classes in my WZ group, I am the top (or close) healer at the end even though I am a Watchman. Usually there is only one, and even that is becoming more and more rare, with huge healing numbers which would mean there was only one that was actually playing as a healer.


It happens a lot and it made me thinking about the reasons why healing has become so rare in WZs.

I understand that Sages, Scoundrels and Comandos can be specced as DPS, but is that the only reason those classes end up with very little actual healing? Or do they simply refuse to heal since healing is probably the most difficult profession in warzones and guards are (imo) rare?


What would you, healers, like to see or change in WZs so you would be more inclined to focus on healing?


WZ groups can be very frustrating if for example there are just a bunch of DPS classes and no tank to guard a healer, but this happens rarely. Usually groups are more or less a mix of all three professions, so I see the lack of communication as a big obstacle in making a group fight as a cohesive unit. Which is the only way to win.


Would something as healers announcing themselves at the start and asking for a dedicated guard, help in any way? Similar to announcing the tactics of the play at the start of the WZ.


Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to bash healers. I think theirs is the profession that can have the most impact on the outcome of the WZ, so I would just like to see if there is a way to make them more inclined to healing.


An thoughts?


Keep in mind, the sorc "healer" is currently extinct, in favor or the bubble sorc. Still (sort of) serves the same purpose (bubble sorc mitigates and -prevents- damage by stunning everyone all warzone), but doesn't necessarily produce a lot of "healing" stats. If a bubble breaks from something other than damage (such as, for instance, the target clicking it off), does it count as a heal? Don't think it does.


It might be that you're seeing nothing but these in most of your warzones, which wouldn't necessarily produce high heal numbers on the stats screen.

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I've been pugging in wzs with my scoundrel healer for 6 months now (since my guild left). I know that i'm the odd one here, but i'm loving it.

No i never receive a guard, nor a taunt, nor any help, but my class can easily survive in pugs when the enemy is not coordinated enough, and many times i end with 1 or 2 unbeatable.


Yeah, but we're stupid powerful (my healer's an operative) with all our escapes, immunities and lack of channels and cast times. The frustrations other healers might have frequently don't apply to us.


Someone mentioned being attacked from behind by marauders as a problem...that wouldn't accomplish anything against us unless every stun was blown, stealth and evasion were off cooldown, we had no stacks of tactical advantage, had no probes on ourselves and the marauder was specced carnage (which is sort of like saying a unicorn can be killed if hit by three bolts of lightning in a row).

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All I will say is that I like playing a healer when things are working out with a good team, but when I pug, even if the majority of the time I am with a good team (LOL as if), it's those times where I am with a terrible team to where I just don't stay specced that way. Just too much frustration for a video game for me most of the time.


That said; I do hope to play more often on some healing specs here in the future, but I hope look to group up with some people more often as well.

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Keep in mind, the sorc "healer" is currently extinct, in favor or the bubble sorc.

On my server there are a good number of full healing sages/ sorcs that haven't respecced, despite the general increase in bubble stunners. I for one have been full healing spec and will stay true to it. Despite the utility the bubble tree provides, it feels wrong to me changing to a spec I don't enjoy playing simply because it's fotm. Have also been doing ranked in full healing and fared very well with it, noone on my team has ever complained about my performance or asked me to switch.


It might be that you're seeing nothing but these in most of your warzones, which wouldn't necessarily produce high heal numbers on the stats screen.

I have seen bubble spec sages/ sorcs do amazing amounts of healing in this spec, so it is definitely viable. If people aren't producing great numbers, they aren't doing it right and would probably suck at full healing aswell. ;)





As for the OP: situational awareness is all it comes down to, basically.


- If you're a tank, give me a guard and stay focussed on me like you're supposed to. Come to my help when I'm in trouble. Focus targetting should be easily done - you see my health drop, you stop whatever you're doing and come to my rescue. Be assured that if you show me some love, I'm going to be healing the **** out of you the rest of the wz and all of those other wz's we might be in together. Healers don't forget dedicated tanks.^^


- Again if you're a tank and have given me a guard, do not run away from me first thing when we're off the speeder. If I'm supposed to heal mid, I don't want you running off to one of the side turrets... I want you at my side.


- Use. Your. Taunts. And buffs. And the other utilities you have at your disposal. But in all honesty, I shouldn't be the one telling you how to play your class. (Classic example: beginning of a huttball match. Me: "Pop transcendence please." Sent: "Sure!" ..... *no transcendence, opposing team gets the ball* "/sigh"......... Not necessarily to do with healers, but you get my meaning.)


- Stay in range. If you choose to go fight way out there and then complain that I'm letting you die, well.... too bad. I'm not wasting my friendly pull on someone who thinks he can charge in and faceroll 5 reds simultaneously. I'm also not going to blow my cover after I have found my sweet spot and run out into the open if you're fighting way out there, if that would mean that I would start getting focussed. ;)


- Watch out for my aoe. If you see a yellow or purple circle on the ground, stand near it. No, don't all group up IN it in a tight bunch printing "smash me" across your foreheads, just get close enough for the heals to get through.


- If you see me running past you with a red behind me, please, PLEASE focus that red! I'm not running past you because I feel like bonding with you during a match, but because I'm trying to get your attention because I'M IN TROUBLE. That also goes for pulls: if I pull you to me either a) you're about to die, or b) I'm about to die. (Or we're playing Huttball.)


- For me probably one of the most important things in a pug wz: Don't leave me guarding an objective alone. Ever. Seriously, what were you thinking?? First of all, I'm squishy. I might be an excellent kiter, but against 2 stealthers who pop up out of nowhere and know what they're doing I'm toast in no time. And second, who the hell did you think would be healing you at that other turret if I'm stuck here guarding??


- You're free to name yourself however you want, but turning off your mile-long titles in a wz would definitely make things easier for me. Yes, I have my ops frame, but there ARE occasions where I need to discern WHO that person in the middle of that huge mob actually IS so that I can pull him - meaning my ops frame doesn't help me. If I see things like "Grand Champion of the Great Hunt" or "First Line of Defense" with another title like "Captain" + your weird-ish name + your legacy strewn in somewhere around there, it's precious time lost for me trying to sort out who you are. May sound silly to you, but believe me, your chances of staying alive without the flashy title are higher.



Those were the most important points for me, I guess. It all boils down to whether people actually care about investing energy in you as a healer or not. When people actually acknowledge you as a healer, it is a very gratifying experience, and the mutual respect and teamwork make up a large part of the fun for me, even in losing warzones.


- lvl 50 sage/ sorc healer, The Red Eclipse

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