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PvP is ruined


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You seriously just released a patch without addressing this nonsense stun bubble?!? I get the feeling absolutely no one at BW/EA has ever even seen this game. The Sorc/Sage stun bubble is pure nonsense and u idiots should know this by now... lol It's incredible how bad you guys are at your jobs.
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You seriously just released a patch without addressing this nonsense stun bubble?!? I get the feeling absolutely no one at BW/EA has ever even seen this game. The Sorc/Sage stun bubble is pure nonsense and u idiots should know this by now... lol It's incredible how bad you guys are at your jobs.


Thanks for providing us with a nice example of how NOT to post a balance issue. They already said they will fix it, but guess what it takes a patch to do that.

1.6.2 was not a patch, they just sneaked in some bug fixes exploiting the server downtime.

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Thanks for providing us with a nice example of how NOT to post a balance issue.

It is not fully a balance issue. Designer probably didn't planned that Sorc healer will abuse this stupid stun by shielding whole team with it. The problem is that Sorcerers dont play in Full specs: pure Lightning, pure Madness or pure Corruption. Instead, they use any possible hybrid specs. So first part of it is BAD DESIGN.

Second part is just a bug. Bubble stun generates less Resolve that it should generate.

They already said they will fix it, but guess what it takes a patch to do that.

1.6.2 was not a patch, they just sneaked in some bug fixes exploiting the server downtime.

Link please where did you saw that.

They could fix Resolve, at least, a lot much earlier. A bug is in the game since 1.4.

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Thanks for providing us with a nice example of how NOT to post a balance issue. They already said they will fix it, but guess what it takes a patch to do that.

1.6.2 was not a patch, they just sneaked in some bug fixes exploiting the server downtime.


Its not a balance issue, its a stupid ability that's being exploited at an extreme level. It's a quick bug fix if they were paying attention to the problems with resolve, but they're not. I don't complain about balance cause I don't care about balance. I want the game to be playable that's all.

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The link to that has been long gone i think. They simply said that the stun part of bubble will apply only to the caster.


Its not a balance issue, its a stupid ability that's being exploited at an extreme level. It's a quick bug fix if they were paying attention to the problems with resolve, but they're not. I don't complain about balance cause I don't care about balance. I want the game to be playable that's all.


You don't care about balance but here you are complaining about one of the 2 biggest balance issues of the moment?:rolleyes:

Call it how you want, this is a balance issue. The bubble is working as intended.

Edited by Spoletta
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**** yes!


Stun bubble and smash spec combo is all pvp is these days and quite frankly it's a joke. I'm sick of it. My guild is sick of it. Personally I've been avoiding lvl 50 pvp bracket for a few weeks now because it's sapped all the skill and fun out of the game.

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The link to that has been long gone i think. They simply said that the stun part of bubble will apply only to the caster.




You don't care about balance but here you are complaining about one of the 2 biggest balance issues of the moment?:rolleyes:

Call it how you want, this is a balance issue. The bubble is working as intended.

please stop spreading misinformation. The dev never said the stun would apply to caster only. What he said was that is ONE of the things they're looking at yet they also know should they do that then sorcs/sages lose team utility, they don't want that and would need to compensate in another area. That's almost a direct quote. The devs fully intended for this to be able to be cast on entire team. The resolve it fills was fully intended also because they know otherwise it would have filled resolve way to quickly and then you'd have an even larger melee issue with mara's and smashers running wild. There is no quick fix coming for bubble stun, nor is there a fix coming for smash damage. You can all stop crying as it's not going to change a thing.

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You seriously just released a patch without addressing this nonsense stun bubble?!? I get the feeling absolutely no one at BW/EA has ever even seen this game. The Sorc/Sage stun bubble is pure nonsense and u idiots should know this by now... lol It's incredible how bad you guys are at your jobs.


So you want to make the Sorcerer & Sage completely useless in PvP by removing the bubble stun without giving something that would make up for the loss of utility and team support? Why don't you just ask them to completely phase out the sorcerer while you're at it. You must be one of those FOTM LOLsmash monkeys that QQ because they cannot kill a Sorcerer or Sage in one 3-button push thanks to the bubble stun. You want some cheese to go with your whine?

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The link to that has been long gone i think. They simply said that the stun part of bubble will apply only to the caster.


Call it how you want, this is a balance issue. The bubble is working as intended.


No, they didn't. That's purposely false information. A Dev reply about this would still be available to link if it were true...but it's not. And I highly doubt the bubble is "working as intended"...that's another guess on your part.

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It is not fully a balance issue. Designer probably didn't planned that Sorc healer will abuse this stupid stun by shielding whole team with it. The problem is that Sorcerers dont play in Full specs: pure Lightning, pure Madness or pure Corruption. Instead, they use any possible hybrid specs. So first part of it is BAD DESIGN.

Second part is just a bug. Bubble stun generates less Resolve that it should generate.


Link please where did you saw that.

They could fix Resolve, at least, a lot much earlier. A bug is in the game since 1.4.


Sure, here you go:


There's too much here to comment on, but I noticed a lot of people repeating "the bubble is getting nerfed. BW already said so." So I figured that could use some clarification.


We're currently undergoing a lot of class rebalance for a future major patch, so it's an understatement to say that things aren't locked down yet. However, the problem with Backlash (Lightning's incapacitate on Static Barrier) is mostly that it can be applied to any target, making an entire team of allies stun-bubbled. Since this is such great utility for the Lightning Sorcerer, we don't want to change the effect of Backlash, but we are considering making the Backlash effect only apply to the original caster - so you only get a Backlash when you put your Static Barrier on yourself.


That's just the current idea. We don't have any plans on making Static Barrier or Backlash worse than it currently is for the Sorcerer that uses it.


We're aware that even this change lowers the amount of group support Lightning offers, so that's something we have to figure out before we can pull the trigger on Backlash.


I wish I could tell you guys more, but there isn't enough locked down yet. Rest assured, it's not as simple as "too good - nerf. Next."


So you don't think I made this up below is the link.



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No, they didn't. That's purposely false information. A Dev reply about this would still be available to link if it were true...but it's not. And I highly doubt the bubble is "working as intended"...that's another guess on your part.


Purposely false eh? Look at the two links provided to quantify the truth. You can apologize now for calling this person a liar.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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My thinking is they will keep the stun for use on the caster only. There, problem solved. It wont change anything right now for sorcs/sages and as a melee its quite annoying so ill be happy with whatever change they plan on making.
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please stop spreading misinformation. The dev never said the stun would apply to caster only. What he said was that is ONE of the things they're looking at yet they also know should they do that then sorcs/sages lose team utility, they don't want that and would need to compensate in another area. That's almost a direct quote. The devs fully intended for this to be able to be cast on entire team. The resolve it fills was fully intended also because they know otherwise it would have filled resolve way to quickly and then you'd have an even larger melee issue with mara's and smashers running wild. There is no quick fix coming for bubble stun, nor is there a fix coming for smash damage. You can all stop crying as it's not going to change a thing.


This ^^

They don't want to shove a fast "fix" out. That and they made it sound like it was gonna be a few other changes to other classes as well (they did not say which other classes) and IMO will be in this spring with the new level roll out.


So if you don't see it on the PTS first don't expect it in the patch.

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Purposely false eh? Look at the two links provided to quantify the truth. You can apologize now for calling this person a liar.


No. The guy I called out said that Bioware said they'd "fix it", which implied that there was some sort of a "bug". Not only was the term "fix it" never used in those quotes, it was all "ideas" they were floating - in fact, here's exactly what he said that I seem to read differently than you:



we don't want to change the effect of Backlash, but
we are considering
making the Backlash effect only apply to the original caster



Yes, they are aware of how WE feel, but they have never stated they'd fix anything, just that they're considering changing it...

Edited by TUXs
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Purposely false eh? Look at the two links provided to quantify the truth. You can apologize now for calling this person a liar.


Thanks for digging out that quote man, that's what i was referring to.


No. The guy I called out said that Bioware said they'd "fix it", which implied that there was some sort of a "bug"


Do you even read the post? The first thing i said is that it is not a bug and it's working as intended!

Edited by Spoletta
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Thanks for digging out that quote man, that's what i was referring to.


Do you even read the post? The first thing i said is that it is not a bug and it's working as intended!


Please point out where they said they'd "fix it"?! You still haven't, nor do you know for certainty that ANY change will be made to it...you're guessing...and worse, claiming your guesses as fact.

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If a dev quote saying that they have acknowledged the issue, and stating how they intend to proceed is not enough for you then we can stop arguing right here. For me that is the most official thing you can get before it hits PTS.


I'm not arguing with, I'm pointing out where you're mistaken. If they were to do what you wrote above, I'd be thrilled...but that's the problem Spoletta...they haven't said how they're going to proceed.

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