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I've seen a lot of MMO launches...


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Queues are something you just have to deal with when it comes to popular MMO launches. All the major launches have had them but I can't think of a single mmo that I've played at launch (or ever for that matter) that had over hour long queues at 11am EST.


It's getting a little out of hand BW.

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Queues are something you just have to deal with when it comes to popular MMO launches. All the major launches have had them but I can't think of a single mmo that I've played at launch (or ever for that matter) that had over hour long queues at 11am EST.


It's getting a little out of hand BW.


Age of Conan, Star Trek, and DC Online come to mind so not sure what games you have played where queues was not an issue

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Personally I am tired of all of you QQ types here. I have played almost every major MMO released over the past decade for at least a couple months each and I can honestly say, this game is the best one since WoW BY FAR!


The QQ here is just freaking unbelievable. Oh noes...UI is awful, I am quitting!! Really? Because the UI is better than the one WoW launched with and used for a good while... AND it is better than the ones in KoToR games which everyone said they LOVED. AND... the dev team has stated this is an area that is very high on their priority list to improve.


Q times are too long? Well, no one wants to wait...I will grant you. But did anyone play Burning Crusade on launch day? Yeah... enough said. EXACTLY the same experience... exactly! and that was after WoW had already been out for a while.


So basically, shut up until you know what you are talking about, because you are only making yourselves look like morons honestly.


The game is very stable over all and the storyline is well done and thought out. This is by far one of the best MMO launches and experiences thus far.

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First game I've played that had ques and game breaking bugs that would crash you out or could only be fixed with a client restart and NO GRACE PERIOD for the que.


Back to back 1hour+ ques are *********** ridiculous. Ques period are ridiculous. They knew this was comming, they should have the hardware infrastructure to handle it. Have they learned NOTHING from other mmo launches?


The bugs are ridiculous...


PS Fanboys: It's not my computers fault that this game sucks.

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Did I not just say all popular mmo launches have queues? Did I not say that? *Reads back* oh yeah, I did.


However, I can remember logging in from work on launch day to each of these games and not waiting in queue. 5pm est? Yeah, the queues would be starting to pile up. That is not the same as having hour long queues at 11am est. I can't even imagine how long those queues will be at peak times.

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Queues are something you just have to deal with when it comes to popular MMO launches. All the major launches have had them but I can't think of a single mmo that I've played at launch (or ever for that matter) that had over hour long queues at 11am EST.


It's getting a little out of hand BW.


Obviously you weren't playing Wow when Wrath of the Lich King launched. I would have killed for 1 hour queues.


One thing to remember is that schools/colleges have usually gone on holiday break by this time. So I wouldn't think anything of the queue. I had to wait in queue at 6am EST today, granted not long, but most people are usually sleeping at, or by that time.

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Personally I am tired of all of you QQ types here. I have played almost every major MMO released over the past decade for at least a couple months each and I can honestly say, this game is the best one since WoW BY FAR!


The QQ here is just freaking unbelievable. Oh noes...UI is awful, I am quitting!! Really? Because the UI is better than the one WoW launched with and used for a good while... AND it is better than the ones in KoToR games which everyone said they LOVED. AND... the dev team has stated this is an area that is very high on their priority list to improve.


Q times are too long? Well, no one wants to wait...I will grant you. But did anyone play Burning Crusade on launch day? Yeah... enough said. EXACTLY the same experience... exactly! and that was after WoW had already been out for a while.


So basically, shut up until you know what you are talking about, because you are only making yourselves look like morons honestly.


The game is very stable over all and the storyline is well done and thought out. This is by far one of the best MMO launches and experiences thus far.



Would you please pass the glass of delusion you're drinking? I'd love to be as positive about the game as all the fanboys.

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Queues are something you just have to deal with when it comes to popular MMO launches. All the major launches have had them but I can't think of a single mmo that I've played at launch (or ever for that matter) that had over hour long queues at 11am EST.


It's getting a little out of hand BW.


This was gold release. People have been playing for over a week, that was launch. Queues were longish yesterday, anywhere from 5-30 minutes on some servers. Popular servers get hit the hardest.

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you are right op, all the major launches have had queues. they have all had unnannounced downtime due to server overloads and crashes.


To give bioware due credit, whenever my server was supposed to be up it has been up. Queue or no queue it has been available.


Plus the queues for me have been managable, just start up the game 30 mins before you want to play.

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I keep seeing people say "that mmo had queues!" and I just want to say I'm not saying others didn't. I'm saying I can't remember any that had this long of queues at way off-peak hours.


Why the hell does everyone have to jump my nuts like a slapped their mothers when I'm not even ************ that hard. I'm just saying it's starting to look rough and I'm scared to see how the servers will look during peak hours. You kids need to calm down. I'm still very happy with this launch and game.

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I saw dozens of servers that has LIGHT usage... quit crying.


When you have a **** load of full servers and a few lights that's how you know BW opened the extra servers too late. The others filled up before the new servers were available.


I also don't have a level 36 on any of the light servers. :p

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Playing on Twisting Nether Horde during Cataclysm's release.


I had to wait a maximum of 5 minutes to get on. My boyfriend had to wait 2 minutes. We levelled throughout the night. Encountered zero bugs, encountered zero memory leaks (lol Taris), encountered zero problems with addons and encountered zero problems with regards to tooltip descriptions (lol, this actually is in the game).


It is no longer "normal" than MMO launches have queues, game breaking bugs or the like. WoW hasn't had anything this bad since TBC and that was released a fair few years ago. This is 2011, it isn't the dark ages.

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Playing on Twisting Nether Horde during Cataclysm's release.


I had to wait a maximum of 5 minutes to get on. My boyfriend had to wait 2 minutes. We levelled throughout the night. Encountered zero bugs, encountered zero memory leaks (lol Taris), encountered zero problems with addons and encountered zero problems with regards to tooltip descriptions (lol, this actually is in the game).


It is no longer "normal" than MMO launches have queues, game breaking bugs or the like. WoW hasn't had anything this bad since TBC and that was released a fair few years ago. This is 2011, it isn't the dark ages.


Cataclysm was not an MMO launch.

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In my experience, this is one of the best launches I have seen. The game feels ready, hardly any bugs, very complete, no crashes. Only the waiting time is a small issue, but very common.


Therefor I say: hurray Bioware.

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I have been playing for a week and have never been placed in queue. Not even last night shortly after the servers were brought back up.


Based on my personal experience I must jump to the conclusion that this was the best launch of any mmo ever.

Edited by SyrisX
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Welcome to the launch of a hotly anticpated (day 1)MMO. You are obviously new to this


They could still try to fix it. This is like Toyota releasing a car with a flaw and doing a recall 2 months later...





Oh wait. That did happen. Seriously. If every company in the world followed the MMO practice, your house would be on fire right now and you would lose data on your computer every other hour.

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Personally I am tired of all of you QQ types here.


The QQ here is just freaking unbelievable. Oh noes...UI is awful, I am quitting!!


So basically, shut up until you know what you are talking about, because you are only making yourselves look like morons honestly.



Constructive post. Please take your own advice, ESPECIALLY the highlighted part.

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