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PVP so much worse than what i remembered.....ugh.....


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Seriously BW....this is......kinda shameful imho. How can you allow PvP to have become such a bore? For people who are only pugging, weekly's feel impossible to complete in a week. (IE me.) This is because my dailies nearly always consist of 4 losses to complete them. That is not a formula for fun. This does not encourage a portion of your playerbase to subscribe or re-subscribe.

I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I work, 3 kids, wife, mtg, blah, blah, blah.....so dailies/weekly's take forever sometimes. It's same thing day after day. BADLY mismatched WZ's resulting in 4 losses to crawl through my dailies. There is nothing "random" about the draw of players to the WZ's anymore, it would appear. It almost always feels like its pug vs premade, geared vs non-geared.....don't get me started on how disappointing it is to see nothing but the same 3-4 AC's on, not only my team but, the enemy team too. Very sad state the game feels like its in right now.

I remember when Operatives stun locked folks to death all WZ long. This feels.....kinda worse? I mean everyone*smash* in the warzones is *smash* the same or similar team makeup *smash* and there is very little * smash* variety in how things *smash* play out. *smash-smash-SMASH*


Anyways....I hope the next patch actually does address pvp like you say it will. The current fun-factor is fading fast when the advanced classes represented are so imbalanced. It gets even worse when you are smashed into seeing why they are so imbalanced. Surely your metrics must have been showing you this for some times now? They must be registering just as many, if not more, quitters in WZ than ever before?

Although, I can't really speak on that too much since I will readily admit that I have become part of the problem with quitters. IE I find myself quitting much more than ever before due to the imbalances. I am regularly among the highest HP players on my team with one of the chars I'm working on.....and I only have 5 pieces of WH gear. No point in sticking around for that. When 17k is your highest HP player, you are in serious trouble 95/100 times.(random number pulled from my bum)

I look forward to logging in all the time.....but once logged in and WZ's start....disappointment soon follows due to the consistent losing of WZ's when pugging.

Yes, I know I should join a guild again and stop pugging. But the truth is, I don't have the time to commit to a guild. I work 2nd shift, have wife/kids, and no consistent times I can log ing. My work schedule is different every week. :(

Which blows and is no ones fault but my own by virtue of what I chose to do for $$ while I get me some more edumacation at the local tech college. I simply cannot join a random guild and get anything out of it really. Nor will they benefit from me being in their guild, so there ya have it. Im can't use VC due to wife and kids so I am almost condemned to life as a lonely little pugger right now. :D

I doubt I am the only one based on the bitterness and contempt all over these forums.

Also, with as much CC as you have, would it kill you to reset our CC break upon death? Seriously. I CC break, am immediately re-stunned(which is usually the stun lock of death) I respawn and have another dose of that shoved down my throat because I have no CC break still. This happened several times in a row, and in "multiple" matches over the last week. Again, this type of thing is not fun. (just heads up among friends BW. ;) )


BW, you should also consider making some WZ's that do not soley depend on 8 players per side. Like some 2-6 player WZ's could be fun and possibly allow for some better, finite balancing?

So yea, I'm getting my *** kicked on a team vs team basis. I fare "ok" individually. But losing way to many matches to allow for a feeling of "fun". I often feel frustrated with the losses, the composition im on and same for the one we are facing. Just doesn't feel as fun as it should.

I'm really hoping you have some cool stuff in store for getting open world PvP jump started again. That has the potential to be pretty fun.

Please hurry.......

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I'm not sure what you want BW to do about the issue you're having. I'm not trying to white knight for BW, but the game is doing exactly what it was meant to - drawing from the WZ queue pool on a first-come basis and generating a match.


You've already addressed the issue at hand with saying you're solo-queueing continuously, and you refuse to join a guild. Honestly, unless you're playing on Jung Ma, there's not a single server in the game that does not have at least one guild with the capability to field a team at any point during the day. Not every single guild is a hardcore PVP guild with strict scheduling guidelines and VOIP requirements. There's plenty of "casual" pvp guilds on ALL servers to join that will at least get you inside of a premade.


Since BW has refused to appreciate the utility of cross-server queueing (citing that keeping queues inside of a server keept he community more tight-knit), there's nothing else you can do. Join a guild, or stop queueing for WZ's if you're that frustrated - simple.

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I'm not sure making weeklies or rewards easier to get would equal more fun. Nor do I think it would mean fun if they could even possibly make all classes perfectly balanced. It is not fun because it is the same canned crap shoved down your throat, over and over again; then rinse and repeat. I mean; would you even care if it took you a month to complete a "weekly" if you were at least excited and engaged to be there? Edited by Technohic
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I still rather enjoy PvP and can get weeklies done on 3 toons without any real problem at all. Yes yes job g/f etc but still, it's very doable on either faction on TRE.


I like the idea of WZs with different numbers of people, but then smaller ones will mean its a full on premade, and larger ones would incorporate more lag :(

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I'm not sure what you want BW to do about the issue you're having.

It's a cry for help I think. He'd like Bioware to get a sitter for him and take his wife out to dinner and shopping once a week so he can get his weekly/daily missions done...a very reasonable request, I'm sure we'd all agree?!


All kidding aside...I know where you're coming from OP. My biggest suggestion, join a guild, don't be a hermit. I probably have just as much time as you do in a week, but I manage to get my weekly mission done on at least one toon every week - I even PuG a few wins each week when my guild is busy doing other things. Grouping with competent players is the #1 thing you can do!!! That's 100% up to you though...not bioware.


edit: Also, I agree 1000% with you on the CC's...they're freaking over the top in this game.

Edited by TUXs
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I'm a hermit, solo queued the majority through ranked etc. If you lose every time, you'll still gear up. Sometimes when you queue and see others in less than ideal gear, just steel yourself for the loss and give the other team as much hell as possible. It helps your teammates learn to play. The upside is, the other side is getting the same influx of new pvpers too so you'll get your wins on occassion too.
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@ OP - I won't put it as crass as the poster above me but it seems to me that you are blaming BioWare for your own busy schedule. I have no issue completing WZ dailies on 2 toons and I have all of your commitments. You don't even have to win to complete the daily, just play 2. Previously you had to win and that took upwarsd of 5 games on a bad day. If you are doing 4 WZ's that means you are playing 2 toons. If you are a busy person perhaps focus on one only?


They have already made farming gear obscenely easy and if people are coming into WZ's undergeared all the timet han I suggest it is a product of gearing alts over playing mains and there is nothing BW can do to stop that.


I'm all for you voicing your objections on your dissatisfaction with gameplay and mechanics, but to me your main gripe is that you are busy and should be able to play casually yet keep up with the hardcore - which is an impossible scenario for the most part.

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Seriously BW....this is......kinda shameful imho. How can you allow PvP to have become such a bore? For people who are only pugging, weekly's feel impossible to complete in a week. (IE me.) This is because my dailies nearly always consist of 4 losses to complete them. That is not a formula for fun. This does not encourage a portion of your playerbase to subscribe or re-subscribe.

I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I work, 3 kids, wife, mtg, blah, blah, blah.....so dailies/weekly's take forever sometimes. It's same thing day after day. BADLY mismatched WZ's resulting in 4 losses to crawl through my dailies. There is nothing "random" about the draw of players to the WZ's anymore, it would appear. It almost always feels like its pug vs premade, geared vs non-geared.....don't get me started on how disappointing it is to see nothing but the same 3-4 AC's on, not only my team but, the enemy team too. Very sad state the game feels like its in right now.

I remember when Operatives stun locked folks to death all WZ long. This feels.....kinda worse? I mean everyone*smash* in the warzones is *smash* the same or similar team makeup *smash* and there is very little * smash* variety in how things *smash* play out. *smash-smash-SMASH*


Anyways....I hope the next patch actually does address pvp like you say it will. The current fun-factor is fading fast when the advanced classes represented are so imbalanced. It gets even worse when you are smashed into seeing why they are so imbalanced. Surely your metrics must have been showing you this for some times now? They must be registering just as many, if not more, quitters in WZ than ever before?

Although, I can't really speak on that too much since I will readily admit that I have become part of the problem with quitters. IE I find myself quitting much more than ever before due to the imbalances. I am regularly among the highest HP players on my team with one of the chars I'm working on.....and I only have 5 pieces of WH gear. No point in sticking around for that. When 17k is your highest HP player, you are in serious trouble 95/100 times.(random number pulled from my bum)

I look forward to logging in all the time.....but once logged in and WZ's start....disappointment soon follows due to the consistent losing of WZ's when pugging.

Yes, I know I should join a guild again and stop pugging. But the truth is, I don't have the time to commit to a guild. I work 2nd shift, have wife/kids, and no consistent times I can log ing. My work schedule is different every week. :(

Which blows and is no ones fault but my own by virtue of what I chose to do for $$ while I get me some more edumacation at the local tech college. I simply cannot join a random guild and get anything out of it really. Nor will they benefit from me being in their guild, so there ya have it. Im can't use VC due to wife and kids so I am almost condemned to life as a lonely little pugger right now. :D

I doubt I am the only one based on the bitterness and contempt all over these forums.

Also, with as much CC as you have, would it kill you to reset our CC break upon death? Seriously. I CC break, am immediately re-stunned(which is usually the stun lock of death) I respawn and have another dose of that shoved down my throat because I have no CC break still. This happened several times in a row, and in "multiple" matches over the last week. Again, this type of thing is not fun. (just heads up among friends BW. ;) )


BW, you should also consider making some WZ's that do not soley depend on 8 players per side. Like some 2-6 player WZ's could be fun and possibly allow for some better, finite balancing?

So yea, I'm getting my *** kicked on a team vs team basis. I fare "ok" individually. But losing way to many matches to allow for a feeling of "fun". I often feel frustrated with the losses, the composition im on and same for the one we are facing. Just doesn't feel as fun as it should.

I'm really hoping you have some cool stuff in store for getting open world PvP jump started again. That has the potential to be pretty fun.

Please hurry.......


Bioware is not going to change the state of their entire game just because of your particular life situation. You say you can not join a guild, use voice chat or spend alot of time in the game or group with other people, I say you're out of luck because to balance a game around those 4 complaints is frankly conceited. If I chose to play the game by simply smashing my face on the keyboard then whine that bioware should create a mode catered to keyboard face smashers I would be ridiculed too. So to close, pvp is obviously not for you because you neither have the time (which is required just like grinding operations) nor the skill (complaining that games are always stacked against you is a skill issue)

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(complaining that games are always stacked against you is a skill issue)


Last night almost every WZ match I joined we were vsing a Rep Premade. We won once out of all the matches we had against them because none of our PvP Guilds were running Premades at the time (and trust me, if we were the Rep Premade would've been trampled). Are you saying that I have a skill problem because of Premades?

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Last night almost every WZ match I joined we were vsing a Rep Premade. We won once out of all the matches we had against them because none of our PvP Guilds were running Premades at the time (and trust me, if we were the Rep Premade would've been trampled). Are you saying that I have a skill problem because of Premades?


I don't know, afterwards did you complain about it? because in my quote i said complaining was the issue.

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I don't know, afterwards did you complain about it? because in my quote i said complaining was the issue.


I didn't complain about it. I wanted to, but didn't. The part of your post I quoted stated (or looked to state) that since he complained that the match was against him (because of Premades no doubt), that he had a skill issue.

Edited by Chlomamf
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I didn't complain about it. I wanted to, but didn't. The part of your post I quoted stated (or looked to state) that since he complained that the match was against him (because of Premades no doubt), that he had a skill issue.


did you also remember why he was complaining? about the 4 points he made about his life situation that prevented him from succeeding?

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did you also remember why he was complaining? about the 4 points he made about his life situation that prevented him from succeeding?


I did, and I don't see how life has anything to do with beating Premades. Regardless of what Gear you have, you will still get stomped by Premaders and their thousands of pocket healers. I don't have a gun IRL, does that mean that I will suck at shooting on SWTOR?

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I don't disagree with many of the replies. I am very aware I am a bit of a victim of my own circumstances and crying for the sake of crying. I know life would be easier if I were in a guild. I am well aware that I am in fact blaming BW for some of my disappointments which are in fact no fault of BW's.


That being said, I would debate that things are not working as intended and contribute far to much to the lower quality of PvP gameplay as well as sucking the fun out of doing dailies, weeklys, and pvp in general.


Ranked WZ's are not being used by premades, at a rate even close to how often those same premades use pug WZ ques, which in the spirit of sportsmanship and "fun", is not sportmanslike or fun for 50% of those involved. Yes I am also aware that it is unavoidable that 50% of the participants MUST lose the matches. :)

That said, it is not necessary for 50% of the participants to "feel" like things are so imbalanced that it's no longer "fun" to participate. While some here would suggest if one is not having fun, then they should stop queing.....I disagree emphatically with that line of thought.

That sounds like a dead end and a poorly thought out way to address things. If everyone did that it means no one is left except those benefitting from the current blemishes of PvP. When those players are left by themselves they will eventually grow bored and also stop queing. No more pvp.

I think I'd rather BW take a different approach. :)


I know all most of you hear is "I got pwned a lot and I am butthurt about it" but things are just not that simple. While that does play a part, it is not the whole pie. There is a little thing called fun. I think most would agree that losing does not necessarrily mean no fun. But when things are not even "competetive" for many of the players, the fun factor drops drastically. Now if BW wants your money, they better make things fun for you otherwise you will stop giving them your money. I am merely expressing that, for me, their current mechanics and balance are rapidly losing their fun factor. I am not alone. I see the other quitters. I read other posts on the forums and I read all the frustrated players in chat while playing. I pay for the ability to post on these forums and choose to let BW know they are falling short of my expectations while also suggesting things I may find fun if they implemented or adjusted. I see nothing wrong with that.


Yes, I WANT to play their game. But that will only last so long if I am not enjoying what they offer. After that, its BW who must adjust to my needs if they want to continue getting my money. It's also up to BW whether or not my money matters enough to make said adjustments or if those adjustments make sense for the game and its playerbase. I think enough players have voiced their unhappiness by eother posting regularly about it or ending their sub. I have ended my sub 3 times now.

I can't even get a RL friend to play after I offered to pay his first month back. Huh?

I think that speaks volumes about just how much frustration some players have with this game. I have PvP'd with him for 15+ years and he's a decent player so please don't suggest how "bad" he must be. It's actually kind of hard to be "bad" in this game. Most class rotations aren't too difficult.


There are a few small(imho) things that could be done to improve the overall QoL in SWTOR PvP.

Like resetting your CC breaker upon a death. For the record I don't think there is too much CC in this game. But I do think there are too few options to deal with CC.

To expand on the CC vs lack of CC defenses, there should absolutely be a 5-15 second window of immunity to ALL CC when I use my CC break, which imho "should" include ANYTHING that stops me from controlling my character in any capacity at all, including immobiliz, KB, stun, sleep, blind, slow, ANYTHING. Unless I am a ball carrier in HB. I think this could break HB if implemented, so it would need to exclude ball carriers.


Using their expertise system to "choose" players instead of by "random draw" could go a long way. Stop doing things "randomly", for starters. Why would you not use experise to balance teams and enhance every match to be a close contest? Why would you want to provide anything other than the most competetive environments for your customers? Best experience possible, hello? They preach this all the time but their actions are speaking a different language.

There are many things BW got right. But so many little things could be improved to have a very large overall impact on the player experience and enhancing their fun, while BW figures more and more out. I just think they are way too slow to adjust and way too heavy handed when they do.....

They do so many things we, as players, do not understand(yes I know some of you understand everything) and they offer little to no explanation or assistance from their staff here on these forums.(Although in their defense we do flame the living hell out of them when they do):o

Edited by WickedImage
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If you refuse to do the things necessary to succeed in a multiplayer game, its your own fault. I have the same commitments mentioned in your post and I still manage to find a way to win 75-80% of the wz's I play. Why you ask? I found a semi-hardcore PvP guild that doesn't discriminate against RL commitments. If you're a good player and can only play 4 games at a time, they have no problem letting you in a premade. Find some ear bud headphones, put one in one ear, type that you're listening but can't talk much due to kids, wife, etc and play for your allotted time. My guilds core group always reserves a spot for me now because they know what I can bring to the table while I'm logged on. It makes absolutely no sense to complain about all the cogs that turn an MMO engine if you're not willing to do them. That's a self inflicted problem, not a BW problem. Edited by Cowflab
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If you refuse to do the things necessary to succeed in a multiplayer game, its your own fault. I have the same commitments mentioned in your post and I still manage to find a way to win 75-80% of the wz's I play. Why you ask? I found a semi-hardcore PvP guild that doesn't discriminate against RL commitments. If you're a good player and can only play 4 games at a time, they have no problem letting you in a premade. Find some ear bud headphones, put one in one ear, type that you're listening but can't talk much due to kids, wife, etc and play for your allotted time. My guilds core group always reserves a spot for me now because they know what I can bring to the table while I'm logged on. It makes absolutely no sense to complain about all the cogs that turn an MMO engine if you're not willing to do them. That's a self inflicted problem, not a BW problem.


What a total "wag the dog" argument, You should not have to be a hardcore player to be competitive in PVP. I must of missed the swtor advert " Hey if your wife does give two sh*ts about you playing 4 - 5 hours a night and you have a penchant for child neglect, do we have a game for you!" . You may be just super lucky to be in a guild situation that you are in because that does not exist on all servers, I promise you that.

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To OP,

Don't listen to these trolls. I will tell you you how to up your chances without a considerable amount of time invested.


You have a couple of options really.

1. Check the gearing of your group at the start of the WZ, if you see too many people with under 18.5k hp leave and wait for a new one.


2. Keep some notes on the WZ's you do and identify the players you think are best. As soon as the match is over whisper them and throw them a compliment. Then ask them if they would like to play 1-2 games with you. 75% of the time they will say ok, unless they are in a 4 man premade, they won't have room for you. Make sure to have the best gear possible so your new partner doesn't feel gimped. Make sure you are fully augmented and using adrenals.


Follow my advice and you are sure to win more matches. Pvpers like to feel appreciated, so each party is getting something out the deal. You admit you need their help because they are good and you get help, its a win win. If its a hardcore premade your up against I would leave if I were you, and get to the next match.


EA knows about this problem and it is affecting more than just you. They don't care. Sadly this is the way to combat it if you want wins.

Edited by HaLeX
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I work, I have two children, play solo, without the guild, threw a game since March and before the f2p. Yesterday I took the weekly's and completed in about 4 hours. My main for more than a month full WH, half augmented, and customized.

What am I doing wrong?

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Seriously BW....this is......kinda shameful imho. How can you allow PvP to have become such a bore? For people who are only pugging, weekly's feel impossible to complete in a week. (IE me.) This is because my dailies nearly always consist of 4 losses to complete them. That is not a formula for fun. This does not encourage a portion of your playerbase to subscribe or re-subscribe.

I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I work, 3 kids, wife, mtg, blah, blah, blah.....so dailies/weekly's take forever sometimes. It's same thing day after day. BADLY mismatched WZ's resulting in 4 losses to crawl through my dailies. There is nothing "random" about the draw of players to the WZ's anymore, it would appear. It almost always feels like its pug vs premade, geared vs non-geared.....don't get me started on how disappointing it is to see nothing but the same 3-4 AC's on, not only my team but, the enemy team too. Very sad state the game feels like its in right now.

I remember when Operatives stun locked folks to death all WZ long. This feels.....kinda worse? I mean everyone*smash* in the warzones is *smash* the same or similar team makeup *smash* and there is very little * smash* variety in how things *smash* play out. *smash-smash-SMASH*


Anyways....I hope the next patch actually does address pvp like you say it will. The current fun-factor is fading fast when the advanced classes represented are so imbalanced. It gets even worse when you are smashed into seeing why they are so imbalanced. Surely your metrics must have been showing you this for some times now? They must be registering just as many, if not more, quitters in WZ than ever before?

Although, I can't really speak on that too much since I will readily admit that I have become part of the problem with quitters. IE I find myself quitting much more than ever before due to the imbalances. I am regularly among the highest HP players on my team with one of the chars I'm working on.....and I only have 5 pieces of WH gear. No point in sticking around for that. When 17k is your highest HP player, you are in serious trouble 95/100 times.(random number pulled from my bum)

I look forward to logging in all the time.....but once logged in and WZ's start....disappointment soon follows due to the consistent losing of WZ's when pugging.

Yes, I know I should join a guild again and stop pugging. But the truth is, I don't have the time to commit to a guild. I work 2nd shift, have wife/kids, and no consistent times I can log ing. My work schedule is different every week. :(

Which blows and is no ones fault but my own by virtue of what I chose to do for $$ while I get me some more edumacation at the local tech college. I simply cannot join a random guild and get anything out of it really. Nor will they benefit from me being in their guild, so there ya have it. Im can't use VC due to wife and kids so I am almost condemned to life as a lonely little pugger right now. :D

I doubt I am the only one based on the bitterness and contempt all over these forums.

Also, with as much CC as you have, would it kill you to reset our CC break upon death? Seriously. I CC break, am immediately re-stunned(which is usually the stun lock of death) I respawn and have another dose of that shoved down my throat because I have no CC break still. This happened several times in a row, and in "multiple" matches over the last week. Again, this type of thing is not fun. (just heads up among friends BW. ;) )


BW, you should also consider making some WZ's that do not soley depend on 8 players per side. Like some 2-6 player WZ's could be fun and possibly allow for some better, finite balancing?

So yea, I'm getting my *** kicked on a team vs team basis. I fare "ok" individually. But losing way to many matches to allow for a feeling of "fun". I often feel frustrated with the losses, the composition im on and same for the one we are facing. Just doesn't feel as fun as it should.

I'm really hoping you have some cool stuff in store for getting open world PvP jump started again. That has the potential to be pretty fun.

Please hurry.......


this game seems is not suitable for you. Its for no lifers. Especially for kids and student, simply ppl who have 4-5 hours per day reserved for game.


Or stop play pvp, play only pve. In pvp are premades, they often have min/maxed gear + voice chat and ideal setup. They play against PUG, because its alowed here. They have enough time to grind money and buy 63 pve mods. They have often more full wh geared chars, healers, dps, tanks, stealthers.



Find another game, for example counterstrike, when u just log in, fight and have fun without grind.



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