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Who said PvP in TOR sucks?


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Or has the most issues.


Issues or not, people PvP enough to ***** and complain about it. They all say they don't care about it anymore, but they always come back for more. As flawed and imbalanced as people claim it is, it's still fun.

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PvP in this game is a love/hate relationship.


Compared to PvP in most other MMOs, the PvP in this game involves more complex mechanics and is more rewarding to those executing technically correct strategies. Most hardcore PvP players love these aspects because they allow a lot of scope for player skill to determine who wins a battle.


But an unavoidable side effect of having a more complex PvP combat system is that new/low skill players face a difficult learning curve. That is why even with the gear gap in 1.6 being the smallest it has ever been in the history of this game, the actual performance gap between low and high skill players in warzones is as high as it ever has been.


Another side effect of the very complex PvP combat system is that the knowledge base of the devs when it comes to PvP class balance does not approach that of the best players. A typical dev may work 50 hours a week, but he probably spends less than 2 hours a day actually playing PvP. Compare this to the top PvP players who easily top 8 hours a day in warzones. If the ToR PvP combat system were very simplistic, this might not matter. But in this game, there is NO WAY a player who spends 1/4 as much time in warzones will be able to perceive the game as accurately as the more experienced observer.


Mixed into this brew is the lack of new PvP gameplay since ToR's launch. We have seen two new warzones since launch and this has been counterbalanced by the elimination of open world PvP. That is not an impressive "content add" for one year of time. Somewhat counterbalancing this is the fact that warzone PvP in ToR is less repetitive than in some other MMOs because of the combat system's complexity. All in all, I still think there is a lot of potential in ToR's PvP. It is simply frustrating that one year after launch we are still talking about "potential". At a certain point even the most intriguing draft pick has to perform.

Edited by Macroeconomics
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How many of these threads are "great job bioware, well done with ..." ?? Your logic fails there =)


I like PvP. I like it as it is. With all it's stun locks, OP classes, balance problems. You live with them and you overcome them. If PvP was really bad, then people wouldn't play, and if they did(and hated it), they wouldn't complain as much as they do, because in the end, you wouldn't complain about something you don't give a crap about.

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I like PvP. I like it as it is. With all it's stun locks, OP classes, balance problems. You live with them and you overcome them. If PvP was really bad, then people wouldn't play, and if they did(and hated it), they wouldn't complain as much as they do, because in the end, you wouldn't complain about something you don't give a crap about.


alot of people eat at mcdonalds doesnt mean its good food lol

fine play your broken pvp and be happy...

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Just to comment the thread.


I have played alot of pvp in diffrent mmo game and also fps and hero game...

Swtor got a new thing to bring into the pvp world. and thats the long channeltime on exp blasting a door or taking a objekt... 8 sec is a hell long time in pvp and that why tor bring new skill and way to think into a game...


But there is still alot to fix.. fx theres alot of gfx spikes and small lags inside a warzone. The ballance between the classes is total unballanced.. And when these things is fixxed i think it could be good to new player like me to open up for some kind of arena game for 2-5 player a time. Why that? cuz its a great way and pretty fun to lern other class and how to fight them.


And the last thing I wanna bring is my frustatrition on how bioware totally break the game in 1.6 by bringing the gear to new 50s... first of all you ding and are ready to do operation all whitout to have a change do know your class.

And now you can just run into a warzone and defend a base more easyly then before. you dont have the try to survie style because of the gear...


Just my eye on the things.


(Sry for the bad spelling)

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alot of people eat at mcdonalds doesnt mean its good food lol

fine play your broken pvp and be happy...


If you didn't play PvP as well, you wouldn't be on these forums. Broken as it is, you play it as well, and even if you hate the unbalance, all you do is come here and complain. Threaten to unsub, but you stay, because you've put too much effort to grind your gear, learn your class. You can't just leave it.


PvP may be broken, but not all broken items are unusable.

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40,000 threads, totalling 720,000 posts.

17.5% of the (English)forum posts are related to PvP. It appears to be quite popular.


What kind of logic is that?


Just because something is talked about a lot, doesn't mean it's a good thing!


I bet there is even more written about the civil war in Syria, does that mean you want to vacation there? :D

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And all of it is negative. No- having 40k negative threads doesn't mean this is a good thing.


It is true indeed that no matter what state pvp is in- people will complain.


However- you know what you see on the forums of games that have something good about the pvp? You see guides on how to play the classes/specs in pvp- in this game, you see guides on what classes not to play ever, and any guides on how to play are always about 'how to counter class X', where class x is usually a marauders, and the guide is written by someone who only plays class x, and is in fact not a guide on how to beat them- but a not so subtle 'don't nerf me bro!' thread.


You see guides on how to gear- not on these forums.


You see discussion on warzone strategies, and on RWZ compositions- well not here you don't.



My point is- there is no healthy pvp conversation going on here- you don't even see videos oftten- nothing but negativity.


Why are people still here? Well- I play on a server that usually has 3 instances on both fleets, Nar Shaddaa, and at least one full one on Coru/DK/Tython/Korriban. We are well populated- but we get half hour WZ pops regularly off of the peak hours.


Before 1.2, my server had half that and could get 20 minute pops at 6am- because people were pvping, and often at that.


We stick it out because- there's other things in the game many people find entertaining - some people still hope the pvp in this game is going to make a come back - most classes do have one spec that is decent in normal WZs, even if it's not a role you want to do- there's not a whole lot of alternative when it comes to mmorpgs; GW2 is terrible and people are pissed off about it, LotRO has never been a big pvp game and it shows, WoW is slowly failing and the pvp is getting steadily worse there.


Simply put- if you want to play an mmo, your choices aren't exactly stellar for pvp right now, and not everyone wants to do FPS or MOBAs.



The main thing I think that both keeps people here and keeps people posting is that so many people did think this game's pvp was full of promise and moving in a good direction before 1.2- so they know BW is capable of doing something right.

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What kind of logic is that?


Just because something is talked about a lot, doesn't mean it's a good thing!


I bet there is even more written about the civil war in Syria, does that mean you want to vacation there? :D


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My biggest gripe with this games PVP is how tanks can out damage dps specs which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Another thing is they need to move quite a few of these powerful spells further up in trees to avoid a majority of these hybrid BS specs. But again we all know, Bioware is never going to nerf there Precious Warriors.
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It's not the PvP itself people hate, it's the Lolderpsmashers, the Bubble Sorcs, the Operatives that burst and kill you before you even stand back up again, the Premades that stomp PUGs, etc.


Are people still complaining about Operatives? You'd think the fact that no one wants to bring a DPS Operative into a rated match would convince people they aren't so powerful.

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Yet each and everyone one of you play PvP. No matter how much you complain, you can't deny how hypocritical all of you act. You play it, talk about it, hate it, and continue playing it.


You hate those premades, you despise them and blame BioWare for not making a separate queue, then you join your own premade. You complain about the gear gap, but you eventually grind your way to War Hero, then when the new players can get the good gear a lot faster, you complain cause it's too easy, and they don't have to grind like you.


So in the end, if PvP is so bad, why do you guys play it? Please give me a good answer, if you can.

Edited by -Holmes
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Just to comment the thread.

And the last thing I wanna bring is my frustatrition on how bioware totally break the game in 1.6 by bringing the gear to new 50s... first of all you ding and are ready to do operation all whitout to have a change do know your class.

And now you can just run into a warzone and defend a base more easyly then before. you dont have the try to survie style because of the gear...


Having harversted wh gear in the old system with 3 chars I say that closing the gap gear was the best move for pvp. It helps the occasional players to get decent gear. And also no more whines. Finally ppl cant hide behind gear.

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Are people still complaining about Operatives? You'd think the fact that no one wants to bring a DPS Operative into a rated match would convince people they aren't so powerful.


I personally don't give two hells about Operatives, I don't see them often so I can't really complain, however I have seen people complain about them.

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I love this game and its PvP but Lets face it besides a few tweaks to some classes the major problem with pvp at the end of the day is noobs.....they don't call, they don't respond to calls, they don't pass, they make bad decisions and do not adapt/improvise to the situation at hand, doing pugs is really a random draw and the team with most competent ppl that can push the team and compensate win. Not having a matchmaking system set by valor or expertise seals it, the thing is the 10-49 bracket is good for learning to PvP but if u get to lvl 50 and have valor1-20 and in pve gear ur surprised u get crushed and come to the forum and start qq but did u learn ur class? do you know your role? Are dumb enough to eat a master strike/ravage or get shot to death by ranged dps because u didn't take adv of line of sight? and so on....hey we all started somewhere but if u want to PvP are u atleast willing to learn/improve before posting qq threads?
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40,000 threads, totalling 720,000 posts.

17.5% of the (English)forum posts are related to PvP. It appears to be quite popular.



"(Name class) is OP

(Name class) is UP


(Name WZ) People not playing correctly

(Name WZ) People leaving WZ too early


(Name guild) I am the top PVP guild on my server hear me ROAR!!!


(Name Player) I am the best PvPer on my server


(Name type of gear) I want it now why do I have to earn it


(Name Ability) Tired of stun wars The Old republic


(Name Ability) L2P


I could go on. But if you take those posts away. you will be left with a lot less and you won't have to sift through those listed above to find real good posts on PVP.


Yes it is very popular.


I apologize I need coffee.:p

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The only thing you can say about the number of posts is that people tend to come to forums to vent. PVP satisfaction is very subjective. I played at launch, got 2 scoundrels (dead server) and 1 sentinel to 50. i was pretty happy with the game for about the first 3 months. Call it burnout, boredom, or lack of BW trust but I've pretty much moved away from the game as well as PVP after hitting mid 60's valor rank on those toons. I find endgame pvp well...lacking in variety. However, one persons boredom is another persons Fun. I still want to see swtor be successful and I like to see more reasons to continue with pvp past 50. Maybe I've been away too long but what are the rewards/incentives that I'm missing? For me, just ranking up isn't enough. I'm not looking for uber gear rewards so I can one shot someone.. I'd love to see some meaningful horizontal progression that couldn't be simply bought with cartel coins. And I'd rather be making a smuggling run! /vent off
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