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Are we seriously supposed to preorder with this little info?


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and there will continue to be silence. People need to understand that this game is no longer being developed, but marketed for as much profit as is possible. This entire "pre-order" was a flimflam. They changed the name from "content update" to "expansion" while changing nothing, saying nothing, doing nothing beyond a marketing ploy to gain quick and easy revenue. The plan worked, communication (that was centered only around pre-pay marketing and nothing about developement) will now cease in its entirety leaving payers with their jaws hanging open.....as is often the case after being swindled. LOL


They stopped development?


I'll believe it when they announce maintenance mode, until then you're just making things up.


And if you read the updates you would understand they took the original makeb material and expanded upon it.

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I have a bridge to sell you. :)


Okay, so I assume you are implying I am gullible personally. Maybe not everybody (you did not answer my question about that), just me.


I've played this game extensively for a year. I play almost every day. I really, really like the game. Given that, isn't it perfectly reasonable to want more, from the same source of content that I already like very much?

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You have plenty of info! For crying out loud! Its $10 for a new big planet, 5 levels, and tons of the usual goodies. Quit trying to act like you don't know anything and they are trying to cheat you! You don't know much more about any other expansion in any other game. Come on people...


yeah but EA/Bioware has lost the credit (at least Bio-ware has…)they once had, given as many mistakes and errors are still in the game and their empty promises and failure to deliver anything remotely resembling proper customer service... so them putting out a half brained blurb about the expansion pack is akin to a two time convict telling you he is just going to hold your wallet for you...


Don’t buy anything until properly informed or you can see what you are getting…


Also this all implies that you can actually purchase the expansion since… there a are many of us who cannot use our payment methods anymore.

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They stopped development?


I'll believe it when they announce maintenance mode, until then you're just making things up.


And if you read the updates you would understand they took the original makeb material and expanded upon it.


They expanded on the original material (about which we were told almost nothing) and expanded it to a new entity (about which we have been told almost nothing). Expanding on hollow promises with more hollow promises (now for only $10!).


Till it is launched, it is vaporware.


It boggles my mind that people would pay extra for this in the first place, let alone pay in advance for something they know virtually nothing about. Wise up people. You aren't supporting some struggling game maker. You are blindly subsidizing development (over and above your subscription) for a giant, multi-billion dollar corporation. That corporation should be bending over backwards to win back the millions who have left the game. The smart thing to do would have been to give this free to everyone who has ever subscribed to the game. The goodwill that would generate would be far more valuable than the short-term revenue it will generate.

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They expanded on the original material (about which we were told almost nothing) and expanded it to a new entity (about which we have been told almost nothing). Expanding on hollow promises with more hollow promises (now for only $10!).


Till it is launched, it is vaporware.


It boggles my mind that people would pay extra for this in the first place, let alone pay in advance for something they know virtually nothing about. Wise up people. You aren't supporting some struggling game maker. You are blindly subsidizing development (over and above your subscription) for a giant, multi-billion dollar corporation. That corporation should be bending over backwards to win back the millions who have left the game. The smart thing to do would have been to give this free to everyone who has ever subscribed to the game. The goodwill that would generate would be far more valuable than the short-term revenue it will generate.


I completely agree with your last thought. That would have been a massive boon for the game.

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The smart thing to do would have been to give this free to everyone who has ever subscribed to the game. The goodwill that would generate would be far more valuable than the short-term revenue it will generate.


*chuckle* This is EA we're talking about. If that is the sort of behavior you expect from your game provider, you're going to be eternally disappointed here.

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call the waaambulance!

if you actually read the blogs and dev dispatches you would know that they did give out as much info on the xpac as they could while not spoiling anything. would you like them to do this like hollywood, show you the cool exciting bits and then make you pay to sit through crap interrupted by the cool **** you saw int he preview?


Are you deliberately slow? :confused:

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We have lots of information about Rise of the Hutt Cartel on the way as we approach its launch, so make sure to keep your eye on the website and community blog!


I suppose this is our answer...Yes they expect us to pay for something we know nothing about :|


This really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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I can't believe people are still whining about this...


It isn't like you aren't going to buy it, so suck it up and pay for it now. If you are still playing the game you will pay the 10 bucks for the expansion if you are a sub regardless of how little it adds to the game just because it raises the level cap and adds a new area.


If that is all that this expansion offers you'll still pay for it because anyone still subscribed to the game won't want to be left behind to rot at level 50 while everyone else is 5 levels higher and running around on Makeb.


If you are thinking about un-subbing then by all means don't pre-order. The only thing you get with pre-order is 5 days early access and if you are already thinking about unsubscribing then those 5 days won't matter one way or the other.


Regardless, stop whining about something that isn't going to change. You'll get information when it's available and not a moment sooner and you really only have about 7 hours to make a decision on it anyway.

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Normally I am very supportive of Bioware, but trying to rush us into preordering this expansion with basically zero info out on it seems like we're being taken advantage of.


We have three days left to meet the deadline and the only things we know about what we are purchasing is that it has 5 more levels and a new planet. I believe there will be more to it than that, hopefully new Ops, FPs, and WZs, but for all we know there won't be.


How can you expect us to fork out money on such an unknown quantity?


My suggestion is to make up your mind based on what we already know, not what we hope is going to be in it. For me, ten dollars is nothing for a planet and five more levels. Anything else will be gravy. Now if they were charging $40-60 dollars like WOW does for one of their expansions then I would expect way more.

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I can't believe people are still whining about this...


It isn't like you aren't going to buy it, so suck it up and pay for it now. If you are still playing the game you will pay the 10 bucks for the expansion if you are a sub regardless of how little it adds to the game just because it raises the level cap and adds a new area.


If that is all that this expansion offers you'll still pay for it because anyone still subscribed to the game won't want to be left behind to rot at level 50 while everyone else is 5 levels higher and running around on Makeb.


If you are thinking about un-subbing then by all means don't pre-order. The only thing you get with pre-order is 5 days early access and if you are already thinking about unsubscribing then those 5 days won't matter one way or the other.


Regardless, stop whining about something that isn't going to change. You'll get information when it's available and not a moment sooner and you really only have about 7 hours to make a decision on it anyway.


actually it is like i won't buy it. the planet stories are average at best and I couldn't care less about endgame. I doubt this "expansion" is going to magically be full of grade A content that changes everything. That combined with the non existent release date I'll gladly hold on to the buying potential of my own money and not give BW an interest free loan. Also after the "expansion" launches there is a 50/50 chance upon my first login Kaidan will appear out of nowhere and ask if I'd like to go have a toss in the hay because not letting him die is a huge turn on for him.

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Well, as a comparison data point, I preordered SW:ToR when all I knew was it was "a star wars mmo". And this new content is much cheaper, and seems to me like "a new planet (big as DK/Coruscant at least), new talents/abilities, 5 more levels" is more for me to go on, so I had no problem spending the 9.99 now.


And I imagine they will either extend the early access offers or bring them back prior to launch, for what it's worth.

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BioWare does not force anybody to pre-order. Those who are not comfortable with it, can wait until expansion will be live to get it. I got enough information to pre-order. I paid more for little expansion packs in EQ2 - which were no more then couple new quests /shrug.

Pre-order is voluntary.


Edit. If 5 days headstart is so important to you guys you have no other choice then pre-order... but it's not a reason to complain imo.

Edited by Evensong
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No, we're not supposed to pre-order with this little info. We're supposed to wait until it's released, watch the content released, then decide whether or not to buy it. And to all the people against this thread, you guys are being illogical. First of all "Then don't complain when the price is raised for people who didn't pre-order." Pre-ordering gives you 5 days early access! Paying more, and not getting the early access? Most illogical thing I've ever heard on these forums. And the other thing "I bought lunch for $? and I thought it was worth it." This is about more info, and I'm sure you didn't just pay for a mystery meal. Wow, some people just need to learn logic.
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I'll do you haters a favor.... QUIT!!! If you are complaining about 10$, you shouldn't be playing video games in the first place.

Sorry, but the OP is perfectly right.


I couldn't care less about 5 more levels added on top of a game not designed for it with absolutely NO info on how it's being done.

One planet "as big as the current biggest" is a cool addition... for a free refresh, not for a paid expansion. I remember days when expansions almost added as much as the initial game content, each 12~18 months, with free content added inbetween (housing, massive redesign, 3D engine upgrade...).


So... why would I pre-order an expansion with what we know? And for such a ridiculous 5-days early access on top of that? Oh, they'll probably add some stupid pet with a unique color scheme and a "World discoverer" title, too...


I should add I don't have any confidence in the team given its track record, full of half polished things (group finder, ranked warzones... Ilum?) and game-breaking bugs remaining for months (there still is a bug in EV's pylons encounter for example, and no, it's not a player issue... rather a broken script with wrong conditions players have to counter, something you often face when an unfinished script/program is taken to someone else), so, why the hell should I pre-order this expansion?

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People spend MORE then that on pre-orders all the time. Just check consoles sales. Hell, people pre-ordered Call of Duty with NO info. They just went, "Take my money!". It could've been the worse game in history and it wouldn't have mattered.


Spend or don't spend. For $10 bucks, I'm fine with it. I spend more on movies for 2hrs of "entertainment".

Edited by Moondragon
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Yep. The devs are giving as much info as how they made so much money selling the cartel packs, which blew all their metrics away.


Lets look at $10 that can buy you roughly 3 Crime Lord Pack.


An exclusive sample of the finest goods from the Cartel. Each pack contains very rare bonus items found nowhere else!

•Two rare bonus items with a chance of super rare!

•Chance for a super rare bonus are greater than from a Black Market Cartel Pack

•One boost item, for either Experience or Social points

•One crafting material of at last prototype quality

•One companion gift of at least prototype quality


Look at the similar volume of info for the expansion:


The first Digital Expansion for The Old Republic™ introduces an aggressive new enemy threatening the future of the galaxy: the Hutt Cartel

•Experience 5 new levels, including story-driven missions, as the level cap increases to 55!

•Face-off against a frightening new enemy when you battle the nefarious Hutt Cartel.

•The fate of the new planet Makeb is at stake... and in your hands.

•Stay tuned for more information coming soon - Over the next few months we will reveal more exciting new features!



Aren't we all excited? I am going to die when I see Makeb.

Edited by Banegio
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Okay, so I assume you are implying I am gullible personally. Maybe not everybody (you did not answer my question about that), just me.


I've played this game extensively for a year. I play almost every day. I really, really like the game. Given that, isn't it perfectly reasonable to want more, from the same source of content that I already like very much?


I liked this game, but it could be a lot better. And they could actually show some effort fixing bugs and stuff. And with Makeb announced months ago, and being made as many of us were subscribed...


Imagine if any other MMO talked about and hyped up this big content patch for months and months. And then all of a sudden they said, "Hey! Thanks for your subscriber money. But you're gonna have to pay us even more if you want this next content patch. We're gonna raise the level cap and slap "expansion" on it. So if you dont buy it, well you might as well quit."


I feel anybody who was subjected to that with any other game, most would have quit instantly. But just because this is the only SW MMO we're supposed to suck it up and buy it anyways? Seems kind of silly, and I feel if it wasnt Star Wars, everyone would probably feel this way.


Maybe it's not so much as gullible as it is a blind, "BioWare with a SW IP can do no wrong", mindset.

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