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Unbelievable...transfers post poned again?


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But their system needs to be able to 1) do it on demand when the player requests it, 2) probably offer different tiers of transfer such as with and without gear, 3) perform the transfer without corrupting character data, and 4) charge you money for it.

And probably most important of all, 5) Customer Service needs the tools for tracking it and fixing it when something goes wrong so they can help you.


Even if their technology currently allows for each one of those steps, it's clear that they don't have them working together in a unified system yet.

Their upcoming copy to PTS effort will be the trial run for it because they can work on it without destroying the live character data.

Once that works, then they'll start offering it for the live service.


That was all available as early as the first round of voluntary transfers/merges. You went to the website, clicked your origin server, your toon, clicked the destination server, done. It even gave you a progress report on the page AND via email. (And it also had a price listed.. at the time, they were free, but the capability was pretty clearly there.) Took all of about 30 seconds to go through at the time even with the huge traffic.


So.... all that one is left to believe is that whoever did all that the first time got fired and nobody there still knows how to do it. The BS about "focused testing for PTS copies" is just that... total and utter BS.


Not like we're used to getting the truth or anything, but come on.

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They are rather catering to the handful of weirdos who want Swtor to be their sex-simulator, where they can dream about Twilek chicks making out while writing their embarassing fan-fiction. They are going to put a ton of hours into re-writing the romance options just so that people have a conversation like:




* (Make out)


...screen goes dark.


I think the whole reason behind this is greed. Some soulless marketing suit at EA probably thinks that they make more money by nailing players to their servers, so that they need to re-roll if they ever want to get all classes consolidated.


Regarding incompetence: Bioware-Austin is for the most part an EA clone which had the Bioware tag slapped on to trick customers. Except for the 2 doctors (who have quit Bioware months ago) the majority of the studio consists of refugees from SOE-Austin and Mythic Entertainment (remember the mess that SWG and Warhammer were). Jeff Hickman started as the head of customers service during the Dark Age of Camelot days and somehow gets to call himself a producer now, probably by being the cheapest option for EA and being a good yes-man.


I seriously hope that none of the people behind this game ever make an mmo again. Unfortunately Rich Vogel (who was responsible for the NGE in SWG which broke the game's back) and who was executive producer for Swtor already found new employment with Battlecry Studios (a sub-division of Bethesda), remind me not to buy their games.


To sum it up: the rejects and failures of past mmo projects somehow managed to become the lead designers for the biggest budget mmo in gaming history and then brought all their old buddies onboard. Those who were not affiliated with this core group only got temporary contracts and the results show the lack of character, the lack of talent and their contempt for their own playerbase as well as for the Kotor and Star Wars franchise.


battlecry are doing the elder scrolls mmo? if rich vogel is with them that's not good. i don't want to see the elder scrolls mmo make the mistake of thinking we have the elder scrolls name for a mmo lets go with a sub based model system. when they should stop and think the elder scrolls name doesn't mean it's going to beat wow in subs. they would be better of with a buy to play system. the mmo market is not one or two other mmos. it's about 7+ mmos i do hope they take that into account for the elder scrolls mmo. anyway it's a shame bioware won't put there focus on a transfer system for this game.

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Yeah, company decision making isn't something some CSR manager is going to explain to you or anyone. It's over their heads and not the sort thing companies of any sort tend to share.


And just because something has been done doesn't mean that it's easy to do. Nevermind that it's been just around three months since F2P which is hardly enough time to make any real decisions from a business perspective. Especially not around the holidays as some people surely got the game as a gift.


Honestly, BW's reasoning is NOT that hard to understand. I'm baffled as to why so many people don't get it.


Remember the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the girl stomping her foot and screaming ‘I want it NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!. That’s why they don’t understand. Their lil self-absorbed egos can’t conceive of something that doesn’t appease their personal desires within a hundredth of a microsecond.

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Remember the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the girl stomping her foot and screaming ‘I want it NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!. That’s why they don’t understand. Their lil self-absorbed egos can’t conceive of something that doesn’t appease their personal desires within a hundredth of a microsecond.


Bioware stated last April that they are working on character transfers...

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Remember the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the girl stomping her foot and screaming ‘I want it NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!. That’s why they don’t understand. Their lil self-absorbed egos can’t conceive of something that doesn’t appease their personal desires within a hundredth of a microsecond.


And watch out for the hissy fit they'll throw if the devs appease someone else's desires instead of their own first.

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I just want to move my chars to EU so I don't have to deal with the latency. I initially rolled on a US server (I know, my own choice) because I thought it would suit my work schedule . Turns out that the prime time population on the east coast is dropping earlier than I expected in the evenings/nights so it wasnt a particulary benefical move on my part (population didnt make up for latency). I could never imagine that it would take them this long to open up free transfers though.
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Because I'm sure they've been sitting around in the lounge saying, "Here's something people have been begging for and it's something we can do to get money from them, but instead, let's ignore that potential revenue stream and go have a beer."


Honestly? Wouldn't surprise me...

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Sad thing is, they'd make a cr@pton more money by getting this done and charging $25 for each character than they will with RotHC (I refuse to call it an expansion, even LOTRO has better "expansions" that add new game features). Even more, if they allowed people to transfer, they'd get people back who would then be MORE inclined to buy the expansion.


If they stopped trying to figure out ways to nickel and dime subs (F2P should expect to pay for new content... subs should not), they'd quickly see this.



- We don't want it

- ok, can we get some star wars-looking gear?

- it's $12

- but you said..



Had to put that in, just to make sure it stays around in some form.

Edited by JefferyClark
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Remember the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the girl stomping her foot and screaming ‘I want it NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!. That’s why they don’t understand. Their lil self-absorbed egos can’t conceive of something that doesn’t appease their personal desires within a hundredth of a microsecond.


Although that is funny, it couldn't be further from the truth. A hundredth of a microsecond in this case is really somewhere around 7 months since they've proven they could do the transfers (and 10 months since people have been asking for it)

Self absorbed egos? How is wanting your characters to be on the same server egotistical? I have crafters on other servers that could make equipment for the ones on my current server. I have 2 million credits over there that are just rotting. Not to mention the buffs that I unlocked. It has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with not redoing what I already did because this game wasn't good enough to keep subs.

Even the "personal desires" is wrong. There are tens of thousands of people that want this. It isn't just a few people.


And for me personally, I've asked very nicely. I didn't scream "NOW". I've even said that if they can't or won't do this now, then please tell us why. Give us a reason. This is a far cry from being a spoiled brat. It is a perfectly reasonable request.

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or maybe easier I imagine


Yeah, as much as I think SGR's are a waste of dev resources, it most likely was an easy thing to put in a few dialog lines. Who knows, it could be a really lame implementation of it anyway. They can add a few cutscenes and claim SGR, but that doesn't mean it's as deep or fun as the original story line romances were. It could be crap. Then the SGR fans could complain about that for another year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am on a server that is too under populated and need to transfer to a more populated one. I think they will wait until after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion to check up on the populations then before considering it. Edited by MastaKorgy
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SGRs were more important.



you literally make no sense, the writers, who write stories, dont program transfers and server things. If they did, we would be in a lot of trouble. Because you dont agree with something, but many people do agree, does not give you the right to make up statements, and falsely label them as fact.


honestly, some people are completely blind.

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