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Okay so recently my server has been attacked by a different type of spammer, no it is not the gold sellers but it is in fact low level players spamming general chat asking people to give them money.


Seriously? I mean I know some people feel there are too many money sinks and to a degree I agree. However, I also feel that it is still quite easy to get money through crafting and dailies yet what actually annoys me is that at low level at least in my opinion it is not that important to have a lot of cash because the missions you do give rewards that pretty much pay for your needs. I should also add that yes equipping companions can be a bit expensive but if that is the case do some pvp or maybe a flashpoint as these generally give decent cash for lowbies.


Look I know it is small issue but last night on the fleet this one player was spamming so much I was tempted to report them and thus it prompted me to make a thread. So what do you think?

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Well... in some cases begging in this game is understandable. If you are a new player, especially a FTP'er, and all you do is questing, then you'll barely have credits even to buy class skills, which are pretty expensive in this game. Buying your first speeder at lvl 15 is a brick wall for many newbies, thus becoming a first time when some of them decide to beg. Edited by Trollokdamus
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Well... in some cases begging in this game is understandable. If you are a new player, especially a FTP'er, and all you do is questing, then you'll barely have credits even to buy class skills, which are pretty expensive in this game. Buying your first speeder at lvl 15 is a brick wall for many newbies, thus becoming a first time when some of them decide to beg.


LOl, even if someone is struggling, begging is never excusable. Just because speeders are available at L15 doesn't automatically mean your character is entitled to it...otherwise they would be handed out free. If gamers don't wish to game for their money, why should others game it for them. That's what it boils down to.


And actually, while I haven't tested this, FTP members may have more expendenable credits for that speeder at L15 than another new player who has chosen the sub route. With less XP than subs, they will have to do more quests to gain L15. That means more credits from enemy mobs, more credits from quest rewards and more items to vendor for cash. You could also argue that with less crew skills, they will be spending far less on crew missions. Granted this will probably balance out with the fact they have less gathered resources to sell, but crafting itself can be a costly business at lower levels so I would only recommend it to a player with a first-time character if they were really dedicated to crafting.

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I didn't say begging is excusable, i said it's understandable. Different words, different meaning.

Speaking about speeders - if they are made available at lvl 15, then it's implied that the game should provide you with means to make the required amount of money by the time you get access to them. But from my experience it doesn't. I wasn't able to collect enough credits to buy the first speeder on any of my alts, so had to invest my main's money into it.

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LOl, even if someone is struggling, begging is never excusable. Just because speeders are available at L15 doesn't automatically mean your character is entitled to it...otherwise they would be handed out free. If gamers don't wish to game for their money, why should others game it for them. That's what it boils down to.


And actually, while I haven't tested this, FTP members may have more expendenable credits for that speeder at L15 than another new player who has chosen the sub route. With less XP than subs, they will have to do more quests to gain L15. That means more credits from enemy mobs, more credits from quest rewards and more items to vendor for cash. You could also argue that with less crew skills, they will be spending far less on crew missions. Granted this will probably balance out with the fact they have less gathered resources to sell, but crafting itself can be a costly business at lower levels so I would only recommend it to a player with a first-time character if they were really dedicated to crafting.


Exactly. :mon_trap:

Also - F2P get speeder at 25, not 15 ... so even more time/credits. :rolleyes:


There really is no excuse for begging. Credits are NOT hard to get even as F2P - which I did for awhile. Loved the game so I subbed. But even as F2P - I had all the credits I needed and then some just from crafting/killing/questing/scavenging etc.


I have no sympathy for beggars - esp when the excuse is "I just started on this server and my first toon can someone give me 75K to get this epic purple????????" Srsly? :rak_04:

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Speaking about speeders - if they are made available at lvl 15, then it's implied that the game should provide you with means to make the required amount of money by the time you get access to them. But from my experience it doesn't.


Not to gang up on you ... but I don't know what you were doing, maybe just questing like you said before, but I played to 15 as FTP and had over 40K saved up from selling drops I couldn't use, crafting, questing, and gathering extra's.


I subbed at that point simply because I didn't want to wait another 10 levels to get my pilots license.


I haven't made an alt yet that didn't have at least 20K by level 12 or so. Really - credits are not hard, you just have to play the game, as provided, and credits will pour in.


Now - my Sorc main is lvl 33 and has just broken 350K - after buying most of my slot items in my orange gear for myself and Khem, and I'm looking at a few more orange pieces for him in two levels. My Merc alt at 29 has nearly 450K - from some good drops and a lot of crafting, and is also decked out in oranges as well as companion - mostly anyway she doesn't need great gear like Khem does IMO.


Plus I have a ton of crap in my cargo I could sell- but I hate getting rid of stuff I may someday use, esp when it's mats, and several hundred pieces of crafting mats I just sent to my 3rd alt.


I'm probably one of the poorer players, from browsing other threads about credit-making in-game. So, credits are not hard to get. Just play the game.

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Well i gues many peopel at low ( and highlevel) are pissed of treasure hunting....ive a level 50 character and NO MATTER what grade Purple Gemstones i look for.. i rarely get one...( rank 22 stuff )

ive sent my companions for GEMSTONES so many times... like 300 times... and so often they returned with green quality or failed the mission...now mx highlevel char is poor...XD

i just wish the rate was higher to get purple quality gemstones and powercrystals

then i made an agent and used diplomacy , underworldtrading and sclicing and ive decent money for my level without spending my enire game time at GTN..lol'

then i hear some peopel hav over 100million credits... when i ask them they say they are artificer or cybertechs...

and if i ask how long they play.. like 1-2 years...

so its not the craft skill alone.. they simply where here when the rates where higher to get stuff.. like slicing was more profitable than now..... and its only logicaly that if u start with decent money its easier to make more of it...


and no, pvp dont gives GOOD money...4-8k for like 15 minutes is not good.... i makemore money within 10 minutes lol




but ive to say since i play often alone ( or with my wife ) we ONLY play with orange gears and blue mods in them ( soem purples ) because we dott want to die / respawn to often.. time = life .. life = worthy...



Edit2: some say they have woked hard for their money.. they lie.. most of them do...

ive spoken to 4 diferent people ...and they all told me that if was WAY easier to make money than now...


that isnt an excuse to beg.. or corse not...but peopel need to stop spreadignlies like " oh hey it very easy..."


simply.. ist not.. especialyl if you want to gear up...i dotn see why i walk around in green gear liek an idiot.. its takes to much time to kill in green gear...ALSO.. in green gear you have to change more often.. when wearing blue/purple mods you can run in them long time and enjoy gameplay instead of changing and looking ugly....


most of the green stuff loks weird.. and some people want to look good...if i want to look liek an idiot while grinding my arse off.. id play WoW...

Edited by Prysha
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simply.. ist not.. especialyl if you want to gear up...i dotn see why i walk around in green gear liek an idiot.. its takes to much time to kill in green gear


What? Level up in whatever you happen to have available. Green, blue, orange with mods. Whatever. You get free purples at 50, and the leveling is so fast it's too much of a waste of time to try and "gear up" every 2 levels anyways.

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You know, FTPers don't get rewards from quests.


Getting credits (and gear) might be rather tough for them.



Don't be an avaricious and individualist bastard, help the noobs.


I would ask that you remain constructive and I never actually said I would not help them I just stated how its becoming a problem and a lot of people get annoyed with it especially by repeated pleading which to some including myself can be classified as spam. I know FTP has some restriction and if one of those people came to me PRIVATELY I might consider helping them. EDIT: I would also judge it on a case by case basis if they came to me but generally I wont give out money as I still stand by my belief it is possible to still make enough credits even as FTP.

Edited by theUndead
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I thought the cartel market made speeders available at level 10?


If you have level 2, I think it is? In legacy - that and 40K will get you a speeder at lvl 10 yes. I think we were mostly talking about 1st characters which is why I didn't mention it.

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