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++ Who Designed Huttball? Please Hire Them To Create Another Warzone.


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Very well pointed, Zunayson. IMO, Huttball (like this map or not), is the WZ where you can mostly have different tasks to be done for each one of the ACs, in a way that, at least, most of them can use their unique talents to contribute to the team... even for a (only DPS) defender like myself.
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Whoever designed huttball, please break his legs and fire him. Whoever designed Alderaan, please make more. That is my favorite warzone and most of the people I have PVP'd with enjoy it as well. Huttball is, almost universally, despised, because more often than not you'll face a premade who are put together solely to dominate at Huttball and that will be the end of the story.


Now, if what you're talking about is just the map itself, not the idea of trying to get a PuG team to coordinate for a sport, then yeah, the map is cool and it would make for an awesome death match arena.


And huttball wouldn't be nearly so awful if it was its own separate queue - like a sports queue instead of just generic PVP - and there were multiple huttball maps you could randomly roll into.


+1 here

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Huttball sux, I want the choice to untick this wz because i get it 80% throughout my PVP days.


No. Cause all you will have then are pre-made warzone groups designed role-wise specifically for THAT MAP. The only ones that will stand a chance then are other groups that do the same thing.

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Huttball is always one sided. It's almost never an even match where both teams struggle for a cap. It's usually just a shutout 6-0 game where one side or the other just gets rolled.

Must be just your server then. On mine we have plenty of close calls. It's the only WZ that can be fun even while losing (unless you get completely stomped by a premade but thankfully those are a rarity on my server).

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They need to introduce CTF (capture the flag, for all you noobs :)). It's basically like Huttball, just that you bring the thingy to your own base instead. When you think about it, Huttball is just a revamped version of Assault so why not use more of the classic FPS modes.


CTF could easily be played on Novare if they got rid of the barriers and added some stairs to the bases. Place some barrier in the southern base area to make people go around, or the distance between the two bases will be too short IMO.

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Thumbs down to huttball. I pretty much like all the other maps. I still do not understand why we cannot choose. All the people who love it can play it as much as they want. Right now what is tolerable is the fact that ques pop so fast that I can leave it and wait a short time and join another.


I have read many of the arguments both ways and for me choice always wins out. In any event I get to choose not to play this so I guess it really doesn't matter.

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Thumbs down to huttball. I pretty much like all the other maps. I still do not understand why we cannot choose. All the people who love it can play it as much as they want. Right now what is tolerable is the fact that ques pop so fast that I can leave it and wait a short time and join another.


I have read many of the arguments both ways and for me choice always wins out. In any event I get to choose not to play this so I guess it really doesn't matter.


If you are allowed to choose warzones, then there would be another level of imbalance created. Certain classes and compositions are best for certain maps. You will create more problems doing so.

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I love pugging and playing vs premades in huttball,it makes it so much more satisfying when I beat them :).

Maybe I find it fun because I play a tank assassin,hybrid guardian,carnage marauder and hybrid sorc :p but I always find I can control a huttball game even if my team is filled with *******.Even if I'm going to lose its fun making life as dificult as possible for the other team to score :)

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Well i like all maps except Ancient Hyperzone. First you lack medals there, second 6 second caping time vs 8 second mezz kinda unbalanced, third 1 mistake and you lost game (if you lost pylon 1 round against same geared team, they will just def their pylon next 2 rounds and nothing u can do) Edited by HeIIbat
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People don't like Huttball because you actually need to be decent at this game to enjoy that map. All the below average players will just get pulled into fire or knocked back off the catwalks and finish the game with 4 medals.


The problem is pugs don't have voice communication like the premades they face 50% of the time. Voice comms is huge in huttball.

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