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So Lv 55 cap is being held ransom with this Makeb even if I am a sub?


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TBH im getting sick with threads like this. if you DONT LIKE it dont play it. theres alot about rise of the hutt cartel we dont no about yet. as for broken promises in the past about things we were getting i.e same gender romances guild capitol ships and duel spec well F2P changed alot of time plans so its likely alot of this has been delayed and with the recent sacking/resignations at BW its possilbe some thing will inevitably have to be scrapped.


peoples expectations for this game before beta/before release what ever was so high all because star wars was the name. i love this game way it is. sure it has its problems like every mmo does but its only 1 years old and im quite happy biding my time and trusting things will get sorted in due time.


i for one cant wait of rise of the hutt cartel and looking forward to more info on it but seriously u dont like wots gonig on with game simple solution go back to wow or wot ever mmo you came from (if any) and stop coming to these forums to whine when nothing will change you either like game love game or hate it. no amount of whining here (outside pvp thread bout class power or screaming for nerfs) will change anything bw has planned UNLESS they ask for fan opinions.


When you pay 200 mill lus dollars towards a game then come back here and say they havent given you wot YOU wanted

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I'm honestly surprised this thread is still here since they've deleted every other thread complaining about the game. Complaining is apparently not allowed and rather than simply address the complaints they will delete them. Great customer service BW.


Maybe that's because that other thread of yours was a pure troll fest, your OP about "bleeding subs" and how everything is doom and gloom included.

This thread isn't all that different:"held ransom, give for free, Ohlen said six months ago, nickel and dime, and a variety of similar BS".

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I want I want I want. Your post makes you sound like a 12 year old ( If you are 12 I apologize).

How on earth is and developer to make any money? Those extra 5 levels are the carrot on the stick. Classic MMO design LOL.


To me the subscription gives me access to play the current game. If said game is upgraded I need to pay an upgrade fee to access those new features. After all those features were not part of the original game.

Be happy they aren't charging an extra dollar a month subscription. I do agree that the complete feature set of the xpac need to be outlined at least a month in advance of release.


its barely upgraded tho a new planet mabye the size of belsavis lol planets arent even big in this game $10 for an expansion o wait its not an expansion its a content update they promised us 4 months and are now charging us for

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its barely upgraded tho a new planet mabye the size of belsavis lol planets arent even big in this game $10 for an expansion o wait its not an expansion its a content update they promised us 4 months and are now charging us for


They are calling it an expansion pack so it's ok that they're charging for it. What is in it doesn't matter as long as they call it the right name.

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its barely upgraded tho a new planet mabye the size of belsavis lol planets arent even big in this game $10 for an expansion o wait its not an expansion its a content update they promised us 4 months and are now charging us for


what ou fail to accept is not everything is known about this rise of the hutt cartel expansion yet so maybe theres more to be announced that will actually make it an expansion.


for example take away the new dungeons and raids from mists of pandaria take away the new class and new race its just another zone with 5 new levels hardly an expansion. add dungeon raids new gear new crafting tier and bam you have an expansion.


we dont no wot else is coming with rise of the hutt cartel so best to reserve judgement until ALL info has been revealed

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Shame on EA for doing the EXACT same thing almost every other MMO in the past 12 years has been doing! How dare they try to make some money! How dare they expect you to pay 1/4 of the normal expansion cost so they can finance more content! How dare they make F2P inconvenient so you want to sub to unlock the whole game! How dare they make cosmetic items available for real-life cash to players! What has this world come to?


Oh, wait, those are all normal business practices...

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its barely upgraded tho a new planet mabye the size of belsavis lol planets arent even big in this game $10 for an expansion o wait its not an expansion its a content update they promised us 4 months and are now charging us for


Belsavis is arguably about the size of Outland or Northrend


Both expansions cost roughly $40 at release, if I recall correctly

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TBH im getting sick with threads like this. if you DONT LIKE it dont play it. theres alot about rise of the hutt cartel we dont no about yet. as for broken promises in the past about things we were getting i.e same gender romances guild capitol ships and duel spec well F2P changed alot of time plans so its likely alot of this has been delayed and with the recent sacking/resignations at BW its possilbe some thing will inevitably have to be scrapped.


peoples expectations for this game before beta/before release what ever was so high all because star wars was the name. i love this game way it is. sure it has its problems like every mmo does but its only 1 years old and im quite happy biding my time and trusting things will get sorted in due time.


i for one cant wait of rise of the hutt cartel and looking forward to more info on it but seriously u dont like wots gonig on with game simple solution go back to wow or wot ever mmo you came from (if any) and stop coming to these forums to whine when nothing will change you either like game love game or hate it. no amount of whining here (outside pvp thread bout class power or screaming for nerfs) will change anything bw has planned UNLESS they ask for fan opinions.


When you pay 200 mill lus dollars towards a game then come back here and say they havent given you wot YOU wanted


I agree with you completely. I dislike how EA has handled the game and I've unsubbed. Instead, I gave money to FunCom for TSW ($30), Arenanet for GW2 ($60), and SOE for Station Cash for DCUO ($20). That's $110 I just disposed of that could have gone to support EA and SWTOR, except the way EA has handled this game and its supporting community is atrocious.


(And before the opinions come flowing in, I am having a blast in TSW and GW2 with family and friends. You may not have liked them, I do. 'Nuff said.)


So, like the over 1 million people before me that sent this game spiraling into the F2P market, where they now have to give it away just to get enough people to play it, I have left and money that could have very well gone to EA in support of a game that I generally enjoy (and I do enjoy SWTOR), has gone to three other game development studios instead.


As far as posting here . . . nope, I'll stay until they fix yet another flaw in their programming. See, my subscription ended Dec 24th, yet I still have forum access . . . .

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So, like the over 1 million people before me that sent this game spiraling into the F2P market...


I like how people assume F2P, or even hybrid models, mean a game is failing when cash shops generate significant revenue for companies. That's like saying companies that make snack-size candy bars do it because the normal-sized ones don't sell (although per ounce, snack size ends up costing more and is quite probably more profitable).

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@ Juma - This is neither here nor there, but you do know that TSW is published by EA?


Yeah but the difference between swtor and TSW is that ea has no control over developer decisions in the TSW they are just the distributor there is a difference.


Hell the developers talk on the TSW forums the people who handle all the content updates actually talk with players and try to listen to their concerns.

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TBH im getting sick with threads like this. if you DONT LIKE it dont play it. theres alot about rise of the hutt cartel we dont no about yet. as for broken promises in the past about things we were getting i.e same gender romances guild capitol ships and duel spec well F2P changed alot of time plans so its likely alot of this has been delayed and with the recent sacking/resignations at BW its possilbe some thing will inevitably have to be scrapped.


peoples expectations for this game before beta/before release what ever was so high all because star wars was the name. i love this game way it is. sure it has its problems like every mmo does but its only 1 years old and im quite happy biding my time and trusting things will get sorted in due time.


i for one cant wait of rise of the hutt cartel and looking forward to more info on it but seriously u dont like wots gonig on with game simple solution go back to wow or wot ever mmo you came from (if any) and stop coming to these forums to whine when nothing will change you either like game love game or hate it. no amount of whining here (outside pvp thread bout class power or screaming for nerfs) will change anything bw has planned UNLESS they ask for fan opinions.


When you pay 200 mill lus dollars towards a game then come back here and say they havent given you wot YOU wanted


You'd think I just told you that you can no longer be a fan boy.

Why not follow your own logic? If you don't like the thread, Why read it? Heck, Why post? You like this thread more than you know. It's beyond me to tell people, "Don't play it".


Who said i don't like Swtor? See here:

If my regular MMO All-You-Can-Eatery, McBioKing, has a drop in customer satisfaction as how i perceive it, Why would i not want to say a thing or two about it if I would like to preserve our relationship?

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


You do realize that everything over 50 is endgame, right? This includes the planet Makeb and the level 51-55 missions and such. Sorry if you don't like this, but you're one voice in a sea of millions.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Buy the expansion and hush.

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I like how people assume F2P, or even hybrid models, mean a game is failing when cash shops generate significant revenue for companies. That's like saying companies that make snack-size candy bars do it because the normal-sized ones don't sell (although per ounce, snack size ends up costing more and is quite probably more profitable).


I know where you're coming from and I can't quite agree. A game usually is failing when they go to F2P. Games don't go F2P at the height of their success. Games usually don't launch as F2P. They go F2P after subs peter out and the game is looking like a sub model is no longer going to be feasible.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Imagine, if you will, the state of this board if PvP players are granted 5 levels for free, just on their say so, and the rest of the subs have to pay for it.


This is the problem I see with many of the complaints here, not thought through, or thought about at all.....just a sort of "me, me, what about me" mentality for anyone that feels they are entitled to something "extra" just because. This is also very hyped with such dramatic statements as "holding us hostage", rather then clearly defined, clearly reasoned arguments stating one's case with some sort of evidence to back such up.


No question that there are issues with the game, with furthering ourselves by purchasing an expansion. This is just not one of them.

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I know where you're coming from and I can't quite agree. A game usually is failing when they go to F2P. Games don't go F2P at the height of their success. Games usually don't launch as F2P. They go F2P after subs peter out and the game is looking like a sub model is no longer going to be feasible.




When a company notices something is creating revenue, no matter how it was used in the past, it can be utilized differently now if that money is reasonably going to be made. Did SWTOR lose subs? Yes. Was this expected? For anyone familiar with the lifecycle of MMOs, yes. A MMO will almost always have more players at launch than a year or two after. WoW is an anomaly and cannot be used for any reasonable comparison regarding subs or revenue.

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You'd think I just told you that you can no longer be a fan boy.

Why not follow your own logic? If you don't like the thread, Why read it? Heck, Why post? You like this thread more than you know. It's beyond me to tell people, "Don't play it".


He's not paying extra to post. ;p


Who said i don't like Swtor? See here:

If my regular MMO All-You-Can-Eatery, McBioKing, has a drop in customer satisfaction as how i perceive it, Why would i not want to say a thing or two about it if I would like to preserve our relationship?


If it is constructive, well thought out, demonstrated, by all means. Lots of issues to be addressed. "They are holding us hostage" is none of those, and the gist of this thread.

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Lets see do level 51-55 exist right now in the current game? No, they don't so they are 'expanding' levels. Can you go to this planet right now ? No, you can't so they are "expanding" the number of planets. Can you do any of these quests on this planet ? No, so they are 'expanding' the number of quests available. Can you use any of these new abilities mentioned in passing? No, so they are 'expanding' abilities.
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I know where you're coming from and I can't quite agree. A game usually is failing when they go to F2P. Games don't go F2P at the height of their success. Games usually don't launch as F2P. They go F2P after subs peter out and the game is looking like a sub model is no longer going to be feasible.


Actually, this is not true at all. MMOs are turning to micro-transactions, not to save any game but to just make more money. In fact, almost the only one that has not, is WoW. And, they don't want to. They have both worlds invested - both subscription and the Blizzard Store (aka - buy more things for in-game like the Cartel Market is here). They are ****** people more than any MMO out there, and people are flocking to this for God knows why.


However, take a look at new games that are coming out or just came out, they all went F2P on release or will as their model, because they know overall, they make more money on micro-transactions than they do subscriptions.


It is no longer about subscriptions - Bioware has made the distinction between F2P and subscribers by totally screwing the F2P players out of the smallest things, like UI and character limitations. The F2P model is the same as everyone else, except they are trying to get subs as well as the cartel market paying for this game, like Blizzard does with WoW, but just being more stupid about it and instead of just screwing people, they are bending them over at the waste and not even using Vaseline. Others in F2P do NOT limit UI, leveling, character creation, limits, etc. This was just stupid on Bioware's part.


Like others have said in the past, you speak with your wallet. I have and cancelled. There is no more reason to really post as to why. I loved and enjoyed the game, bought CE, participated in beta, helped the community in the CS forum with their problems... but no fanboy that tells you to leave if you don't like it bothers to see any of this that players do - they only focus on casting that last ditch attempt into trying to get the last word on getting rid of more players, instead of contributing to putting the pressure on Bioware to FIX the game, its bugs and tell them what they expect out of the game.


Someone mentioned that people are whining because they want, want, want. Well, genius, they don't make a game and release it to the public just to not give them what they want. That's the point of games and gaming, especially MMOs. Even Blizzard listens to what their community wants. Most companies actually do listen to the community and provide those wishlists by adding them in game. Hickman told us all they listen. Guess what? No, they don't - not with him in charge. That is a publicity stunt. All he cares about is the last dollar he can squeeze out of you. That's his job. He has already made his proven track record by crashing two other games, and his 'third time is a charm' is unfortunately this one.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.




Are people nowadays this ignorant to what expansions are?


pretty much EVERY MMO in the business has expansions, and free to play or not, they still charge for them, and usually alot more than 10$


in WoW, doesnt matter if you are a PVP player or a PVE player, you pay for the expansion


in GW, doesnt matter if you PVP, or PVE, you pay for every expansion they release


in EQ, you paid for all content,


in SWG, you paid for EVERY expansion


in DCUO, you pay for every new pack of any type


the list goes on, and the tactic doesnt change, hasnt for years, wont stop now,


this is seriously possibly the most senseless thing i have ever seen people complain about to a company


people need to start looking around for reality, and get a grip on it...

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Are people nowadays this ignorant to what expansions are?


pretty much EVERY MMO in the business has expansions, and free to play or not, they still charge for them, and usually alot more than 10$


in WoW, doesnt matter if you are a PVP player or a PVE player, you pay for the expansion


in GW, doesnt matter if you PVP, or PVE, you pay for every expansion they release


in EQ, you paid for all content,


in SWG, you paid for EVERY expansion


in DCUO, you pay for every new pack of any type


the list goes on, and the tactic doesnt change, hasnt for years, wont stop now,


this is seriously possibly the most senseless thing i have ever seen people complain about to a company


people need to start looking around for reality, and get a grip on it...


That's not really true. You're referring to non-subs. In a lot of those games subs don't pay for any of those expansions/DLC. If TOR wants to charge non-subs for Makeb, that's fine. Charging subs for it is an entirely different animal.

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Actually, this is not true at all. MMOs are turning to micro-transactions, not to save any game but to just make more money. In fact, almost the only one that has not, is WoW. And, they don't want to. They have both worlds invested - both subscription and the Blizzard Store (aka - buy more things for in-game like the Cartel Market is here). They are ****** people more than any MMO out there, and people are flocking to this for God knows why.


However, take a look at new games that are coming out or just came out, they all went F2P on release or will as their model, because they know overall, they make more money on micro-transactions than they do subscriptions.


I have no problems with micro-transactions. Every game is doing them. Knock yourself out as long as it's not P2W stuff (which TOR has done, but that's another topic).


What new games have come out as F2P right on release?

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