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So Lv 55 cap is being held ransom with this Makeb even if I am a sub?


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Now list all the companies that charged money for an expansion pack:


a) after saying it would be a free content update.


They never stated it would be free. Once again for people that cannot seem to grasp that. They said they were talking about it and then decided not to.

b) That brought nothing new to the table (as of the information that we have at this point).


You have no clue as the rest of us do what Makeb expansion is gonna bring.

c) generated as much vitriol amongst the community as this one.


It generated vitriol amongst the vocal minority on the forums, nothing more.

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i'm ok with having to pay for an expansion. every MMO so far has required players to purchase expansions one way or the other.


what i'm disappointed about is not being able to buy the expansion using Cartel Coins.


Except Eve but yeah a lot of the aggro would go away if the content was available with Cartel Coins.

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It generated vitriol amongst the vocal minority on the forums, nothing more.


A) Actually they did say it was free June E3 video

B) We have some idea actually if you go digging through the dev tracker. It is highly unlikely they will add anything particularly new and whizzy that they haven't advertised already.

C) Ah yes "the vocal minority". Well yes by definition the people on the forums are the vocal minority ie the people who care enough to comment. You know what everyone else does instead? They leave; good job no-one's doing that then....oh wait


If you mean the vocal minority of the forum community though that's distinctly more arguable. There are a lot of threads / comments about Makeb and almost none of them are positive.

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It's a shame that we haven't heard about any big PvP additions coming in the Hutt Cartel patch that might entice PvPers to spend their money, but hopefully BioWare does have a bone to throw that crowd in the works.


You have to expect, though, that the level cap will inevitably rise in a game which centers around vertical progression. That is par the course for MMOs which use this design model, and those level cap increases almost always come in the form of expansions, sold at an additional cost to the player.


No one is holding anything for ransom. MMO expansions should be seen as sequels to the original game, because that's exactly what they are. You wouldn't expect to receive Mass Effect 2 and 3 for free just because you purchase Mass Effect.



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It's a shame that we haven't heard about any big PvP additions coming in the Hutt Cartel patch that might entice PvPers to spend their money, but hopefully BioWare does have a bone to throw that crowd in the works.


You have to expect, though, that the level cap will inevitably rise in a game which centers around vertical progression. That is par the course for MMOs which use this design model, and those level cap increases almost always come in the form of expansions, sold at an additional cost to the player.


No one is holding anything for ransom. MMO expansions should be seen as sequels to the original game, because that's exactly what they are. You wouldn't expect to receive Mass Effect 2 and 3 for free just because you purchase Mass Effect.




QFT but when I buy an expansion I expect to get, well an expansion :(

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i completely agree OP. I recently bought a car. Gas should be free forever ! i mean...i bought the car! now i gotta pay for gas too ?!?!?!


THEN i went to burger king. because mcdonalds sucks. but anyways i bought this meal deal for $4.99...and they offer an EXPANSION to large size ! and GET THIS ! they want to charge extra for it ?!?!! zomg !!!


seriously, how many of these people crying about paying for an expansion threads do we have to tolerate?


Had to be the funniest response I ever saw today. LOL.

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I keep face palming every time someone quotes Holinyx's post and actually takes it seriously. That person's using pure sarcasm and in about the only way it comes clear in post writing. I understood it plain as day and got a little chuckle out of it. Then we get the folks that can't see it for what it is and totally rage because they just don't understand sarcasm. You've effectively let Holinyx troll you and that wasn't even his intent. He was making fun of the OP and doesn't actually agree with him.


Okay. Carry on.

Edited by Sith_Ecks
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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


I want I want I want. Your post makes you sound like a 12 year old ( If you are 12 I apologize).

How on earth is and developer to make any money? Those extra 5 levels are the carrot on the stick. Classic MMO design LOL.


To me the subscription gives me access to play the current game. If said game is upgraded I need to pay an upgrade fee to access those new features. After all those features were not part of the original game.

Be happy they aren't charging an extra dollar a month subscription. I do agree that the complete feature set of the xpac need to be outlined at least a month in advance of release.

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Wow yet another person who just focus's on just the pvp aspect of the game. If you don't like the story that the game brings, why the hell to you even play?


I am not this kind of person, however I have a few friends that for some reason or another only play MMO's mainly for the PvP. I don't really understand it myself, but these type of people for some reason enjoy the PvP aspect of MMO's above everything else. They like the challenge, the competition (..I guess...) that PvP gives them and it's PvPing that , for them, is the most enjoyable aspect of the game.


For me it's everything else. I don't mind PvP but I usually don't go out of my way for it. Which is funny, because when me and my friends first started playing the game at launch we all rolled on a PvP server since there were some people that only wanted to play if it was a PvP server. At launch the PvP server we were on wasn't very bad. I leveled my Juggernaut to 50 with minimal problems from Republic players on the open worlds. At that point in time, there just really weren't a whole lot of people out trying to kill the other faction unless it was during queued up PvP warzones or Ilum (back when Ilum actually had a fair amount of PvP on it).


Me and my friends consistently went through and beat every flashpoint as we reached the appropriate level range. The ones that enjoyed PvP did so early on through out reaching lvl 50. I started relatively fresh at 50, before they gave you free warzone gear like they do now, and worked my way up to obtaining a full set of Battlemaster gear, which was the highest until they introduced War Hero. I absolutely hated the look of the WH set though and crafted my own augmented version of the BM set, and then began to outfit it with WH mods. I actually have somewhat come to like warzones now, since I'm moderately well geared. It was quite horrific starting out with nothing, as you might be able to imagine. I decked my companions out in pvp gear as it was way better than any pve gear they were wearing. So yeah, PvP is kinda fun when you are geared for it and way more fun if you have friends to coordinate with while you are playing. Not sure I would PvP much by myself. I have before and found it not nearly as enjoyable.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


So you have never bought a MMO xpac before and you have no idea how it works?


You win the coveted Fur Lined Bathtub for uninformed whining.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Troll much?


Seriously, this is ridiculous with the whining sense of entitlement by some players. And, yes, complaining about having to pay for content beyond what the original game was is definitely whining and acting entitled.

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I'm honestly surprised this thread is still here since they've deleted every other thread complaining about the game. Complaining is apparently not allowed and rather than simply address the complaints they will delete them. Great customer service BW.


To be fair, your thread wasn't so constructive. I think the header was something like "Do you think Swtor is bleeding out subscribers". I mean come on, what did you think was going to happen?


This thread is probably going to be deleted too since it seems too hostile.

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So you have never bought a MMO xpac before and you have no idea how it works?


You win the coveted Fur Lined Bathtub for uninformed whining.


The problem is that nothing in Rise of the Hutt Cartel really justifies being called an "expansion pack." From the information that has been released it is closer to a content patch than anything. Just slapping the term "expansion pack" on something doesn't make it one. The fear is that from now on, all content patches will be termed "expansion packs" and everyone will be charged for them. To me that seems like a reasonable concern. What we've been told is included is, at most, a days worth of content. That's hardly an expansion pack IMO.

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