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Playing as a female character


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I'm always playing female characters on behalf of there being a better selection of outfits. The girls can wear anything but some of the stuff looks silly on male characters. I have never been bugged by someone who mistook me for actually being a girl. I'm open to the possibility that me being a total *** 100 % of the time has something to do with it. Real girls are only trouble 25 % of the time :)


I get a lot of comments on my outifts but I don't think that has much to do with me playing a female character. Possibly that it looks better on a smaller female model but not because they think I'm a chick per se.

Edited by MidichIorian
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For me it's easy, I'm an Altoholic so I have al the combos. :)


I like creating characters and roleplay their way through the game making decisions based on what I believe they would do in that situation, over 64 char I think I'm pretty much down the middle when it comes male/female ratio of chars I think in favour of the men, but not by much.


Also as a side note, my guildmaster in WoW was a female, and she played exclusively with male chars ;)

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Normally, I assume all toons are played by guys on the other end. When it turns out to be a woman it's a pleasant surprise.


My thoughts exactly.... I play as both male & female characters too. Considering how much time I invest in each storyline, sometimes I just wanna look at somethin sexy knowhatumtalmbout....

Besides....what's tha point in trying to spit game to a female( u hope) on a mmo? If that's tha only contact u have wit a female, u seriously need to step ya game up and get out tha house more lol.

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I play both, working on having at least one of each gender for each class since I like to see the minor differences and do the different romances available for each gender.. When I play, I don't worry about speculating who's behind the character... I prefer to act as if the character I see is who it is.. *chuckle* Less confusion that way
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As a female who plays as female characters and sometimes male, I haven't noticed any difference between the two in terms of how you are treated by other players. People still usually presume that I am a dude regardless of my character's gender.


That's because on the internet all girls are really guys and all little kids are really the FBI :cool:

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I play male avatars because I'm a guy. I know the reason many guys say they play females in MMORPGs is because they'd rather look at a girls butt than a guy. I do not know about you but I'm too busy looking around at what might shoot said butt off to be looking AT it. LOL. So I do not have any problems. Besides, I find the morons who would hit on a bunch of pixels in a game creepy :p
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The overwhelming majority of male gamers play mostly or only female characters.

The overwhelming majority of female characters in the game are played by male gamers.


Female gamers playing male characters on the other hand, is much more rare. I have never seen one.

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There's no reason to be judgemental of anyone's lifestyle. I certainly am not perfect and neither is anyone else. I have 11 characters, 7 Female and 4 Male. I chose them for various reasons, mainly the romancable companions; but I've never received any kind of negative anything towards any character regarding gender. The only thing I hear is people letting loose a death cry when they fall in pvp. :D
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Female gamers playing male characters on the other hand, is much more rare. I have never seen one.


i have a guildie who is female and i dont think she has even one character.


i play female characters because people seem to be nicer to female characters in general.


i remember in swg as an entertainer i would earn quadruple the amount of tips as a female entertainer than a male one :D

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I pretend everyone is a dude lol




I play a female IA - I do not do the dancer girl outfits, just not my thing. Trench coat or jacket.

Make no secret that I am male - but for the most part no one asks and I don't get Fleet-stalked at all.

Only real difference I have noticed is that other players are much more forgiving of "bonehead moments" in FP runs with a female toon:D


If you really find yourself getting harassed and it's not to the extent that you can report - do what I did with my Twi'lek Entertainer in SWG and invite them to voice-chat/Mumble/Vent/whatever and greet them with your best "Michael Clark Duncan goes to prison" impersonation - trust me, it works:D No need to ignore, they will never bother you again

Edited by Stressfire
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The overwhelming majority of male gamers play mostly or only female characters.

The overwhelming majority of female characters in the game are played by male gamers.


Female gamers playing male characters on the other hand, is much more rare. I have never seen one.


My main is male and, while I have not experienced much sexism or misogyny directed towards myself (there's been one incident), I'm not exactly shouting it to the world and am apprehensive when my guild takes PUGs into TeamSpeak.


It's far more likely that your "rare" woman-playing-male-characters is simply because no one has come and said "Yes, I am a lady" out of fear of harassment.

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Once I had a guy start bugging me because my female character was in a dancing girl outfit, he kept saying I looked hot and how it was distracting for him.


It wasn't even an RP server either. Some people really need to spend some time away from the game...


It's only a "warning sign" when you keep trying to convince your RL girlfriend to paint herself blue, wear red contacts, and speak with an English accent.


Personally, if male wants to RP a female toon, I really don't care and don't judge. The "creepy" factor is minimal, as there is 0% chance that I will be getting into any sort of adult-type situations in a damn game:rolleyes:

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I coin flip mostly. I have male toons in my MMOs and female toons. When I admit to this fact, I usually get "***" faces from people until they hear the reason I play female toons, especially on story arcs I am already familiar with... I play an average of 3 hours in a sitting of an MMO. 3 hours of watching a woman's backside running is a little more appealing to me than a hulking man's. Sorry if I come off sexist and objectifying, that's just the truth of it. Now, I am an RPer. Cut my teeth gaming on AD&D back in the day and my podcasting chops on "Essence of RP" on WoW Radio. So I mix it up in SWTOR more than I ever did in WoW so that my Sith Inquisitor can marry my Jedi Knight and have a Smuggler son who is pursued by a Bounty Hunter in the employ of the Sith Warrior apprentice of the Inquisitor and is also working for Imperial Intelligence doing some counter intellegance against a Trooper with One Man Army Syndrome. *deep breath* I think that's the story I am using for the Black Legacy...
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I'm a male player who plays exclusively female characters in SWTOR. I find it hard to play a male in SWTOR for two main reasons, both relating to the visuals.


1. Hairstyles for men are atrocious outside of the military-style cuts. Too many Bieber/Jersey Shore/salon styles.


2. Body types. In order, we have: An anorexic, a body with pecs that jut out as far as the women's breasts, Andre the Giant, and the fat man. There's no "normal."


Which really sucks, as some of the more awesome voice actors are PC males. David Hayter, Nolan North...

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I find it most amusing that in nearly every post in this thread in which a male player is playing a female avatar they list rationalizations for why as if they will be looked down upon unless they provide a good reason.


im sure the aliens in the universe feel peeved when they they see humans playing as another species, we should stick to playing humans only

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Once I had a guy start bugging me because my female character was in a dancing girl outfit, he kept saying I looked hot and how it was distracting for him.


Hm. I got some... persistent comments for my female scoundrel from one player and she's not scantily-clad. So you don't have to use the sexier outfits to attract attention.




(IIRC, he said he thought she was cute, and she is in all her snarky awesomeness, so I thanked him. Pointed out after the umpteenth compliment that I was a guy, and he went away eventually. *eyebrow*)



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Not so much nowdays!

But a year ago or so when i was level my female shadow, she was at mid 30 and a level 50 shadow was hanging around me and helping me whit quests and Datacrones, I also got her real mail, and when she find out that i was a guy she stop respond!!

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Huh. I'm a female player running about 2:1 female:male toons and the /only/ time gender was an issue (either my toons or me as a player) was running the HEROIC/AREA-4s in the final zone of Hoth, when the guy I was running with asked if I was a man or a woman. I play endgame with two female toon tanks, and if ever I would expect some kind of sexism, it'd be then.


The one issue I do see may be as a result of an assumption I saw while reading the thread: that the players behind the toons are male. I've had to /ignore quite a few players while playing with a couple of friends of mine who were also women playing female toons because the guy (and I'm pretty sure they were guys) were casually using sexist or mysoginistic language in Group chat. It was nothing directed at us, but it made us uncomfortable nonetheless.

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I'm a man and my main is a male marauder. He's the only one I really think of as a reflection of myself. Got him to 50 and started playing a female inquistor, had a couple strange encounters so far, not like she's wearing the slave outfit either, just saber marshal robes. On Korriban some guy was following me around "helping", he kept taking his clothes off, dancing, and trying to get me to join his guild. It was funny at first but got old quick, he went on ignore and eventually went away. Had another person whisper "nice ***" I just replied "I've got a dick under these robes". :D:rolleyes:


Today on Taris I had another random guy start following me and healing me, he followed me around for a good half hour, seems to happen alot, random people stopping what they're doing and trying to "help", never happened on my marauder.

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