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Decisions have no consequences?


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The more I play this game, the more this becomes apparent to me. Part of the appeal of the game is the decisions you make along the way. You choose to save someone or murder them, do the right thing or the wrong thing. But the more I play the more I realize these decisions really have no long term consequences. You might murder someone in cold blood as they beg for their lives and your companion does not approve. You get -200 affection. No biggie. Give them a couple of gifts and all is forgotten. You might kill hundreds of people. Again, no biggie. I did something with my toon the other day that prompted my companion to basically give me a lecture about how horrible I was. They were right too. But the next mission, everything was fine. My decision had no consequence at all in how they performed in combat or anything else really.


Yes, you can argue that ultimately your decisions push you either LS or DS but let's be honest here, the same gear you can get on one side you can get on the other side as well. It goes by different names, but it's completely comparable gear. There's really no advantages/disadvantages to going one way or the other.


Am I the only one who wants to see some decisions that have permanent, long term impacts? I'm not saying every decision should be that way, but I think some should. Some decisions should permanently turn your toon one way or the other. An extreme act of nobility or a an extreme act of savagery should permanently impact your toon in much more fundamental way than just 100 LS points. I think it would add a lot if there were decisions you could make that would cause your companions to just leave rather than deal with your crap or maybe stick around because they had to, but their combat effectiveness would be diminished because they didn't care. Vette is basically a good person. Why is she fighting hard for a vicious Sith Warrior who butchers everyone and loves it?

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The more I play this game, the more this becomes apparent to me. Part of the appeal of the game is the decisions you make along the way. You choose to save someone or murder them, do the right thing or the wrong thing. But the more I play the more I realize these decisions really have no long term consequences. You might murder someone in cold blood as they beg for their lives and your companion does not approve. You get -200 affection. No biggie. Give them a couple of gifts and all is forgotten. You might kill hundreds of people. Again, no biggie. I did something with my toon the other day that prompted my companion to basically give me a lecture about how horrible I was. They were right too. But the next mission, everything was fine. My decision had no consequence at all in how they performed in combat or anything else really.


Yes, you can argue that ultimately your decisions push you either LS or DS but let's be honest here, the same gear you can get on one side you can get on the other side as well. It goes by different names, but it's completely comparable gear. There's really no advantages/disadvantages to going one way or the other.


Am I the only one who wants to see some decisions that have permanent, long term impacts? I'm not saying every decision should be that way, but I think some should. Some decisions should permanently turn your toon one way or the other. An extreme act of nobility or a an extreme act of savagery should permanently impact your toon in much more fundamental way than just 100 LS points. I think it would add a lot if there were decisions you could make that would cause your companions to just leave rather than deal with your crap or maybe stick around because they had to, but their combat effectiveness would be diminished because they didn't care. Vette is basically a good person. Why is she fighting hard for a vicious Sith Warrior who butchers everyone and loves it?


I noticed the same thing. There are a few times where your decisions actually effect the outcome of your story, but they are usually very minor. I played through the consular story line as a light side jedi and became a hero. I'm guessing that even if you play through making dark side choices, you still end up a hero.

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Am I the only one who wants to see some decisions that have permanent, long term impacts?


Permanent consequences in MMO ? Never gonna happen. You kill 10 rats, 10 rats respawn the next minute.


Such is the way of the genre.

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Permanent consequences in MMO ? Never gonna happen. You kill 10 rats, 10 rats respawn the next minute.


Such is the way of the genre.


Funny though but before launch they had said that our decisions will have an impact on our class story. So far, I've only gotten more or less spam in my mail box from those I let live.

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There are moments where your descisions have consequences, like with the trooper.



You either safe a full base of republic prisoners from certain death OR you safe 1 SIS-agent you had an aafair with (as male char). YOu can't safe both.



I don't agree. I've a lvl 46 Trooper. I made that decision. It has had no consequences. For me........



I chose to save the agent. This caused her to send me an email saying she couldn't bear it any more and was leaving and here was a nice companion gift. I'm told that if you choose the soldiers you get an email from one of the agents relatives saying they were going through her things and here's a nice companion gift



So, again, even with that decision, what is the long term consequence? Yes, we agonize over the decision in the moment, but afterwards there's no real consequence.

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At the endings, the power base you build is crucial. That is built up through actions. Therefore your actions do have permanent consequences.


Where is this mysterious power base?


I've played many of the stories and nothing about the final boss fights changed based on my actions, being really good or really bad or somewhere in between led to the exact same place - kill the same final boss, become the champion / hero.

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I remember playing Daggerfall and going on a murder rampage killing innocent citizens. Eventually your reputation drops to where you are hated by everyone and city guards will attack you on sight. It was great!


I used to play a Pirates game (forget which one) that was similar to that. You would fight ships out on the seas and capture them. Once you did you had a choice. You could simply steal all the stuff and let everyone go or you could press some of the captives into service or go all the way to the other side and steal everything and then sink the ship killing everyone aboard. This had long term consequences. If you just stole the stuff then eventually, once you were famous enough, smaller ships would simply surrender. If you killed everyone every single time than every single ship would fight to the very last man even against long odds.

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There are moments where your descisions have consequences, like with the trooper.



You either safe a full base of republic prisoners from certain death OR you safe 1 SIS-agent you had an aafair with (as male char). YOu can't safe both.


But it makes precisely zero impact on the rest of the game apart from LS/DS points. The only consequences I can think of are being too DS as a JK which

affects your title General/ Jedi Master

, SI -

title again

, and Sith Warrior where you

get a companion as either an LS or DS version

. The SW one is the only one I would argue is a real meaningful consequence affecting anything else in the game.

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Play Agent storyline, there's definitely consequences there LOL. No spoilers for you though XD


Except at the end

intelligence is still dissolved, you are still a free agent regardless of the conversations you have and again the only thing that changes is a title.



So the consequences just like SI and JK are purely aesthetic. Well done aesthetic mostly but aesthetic

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Here are two:


As a Warriorz, saving Rathari leads Him to help you in the final fight.

As a Hunter, you can kill the Supreme Chancellor.


But he doesn't actually fight there's just a 15 second conversation and it is never mentioned again.

And if you don't kill him he resigns anyway either way. Though that is one of the better ones I agree.

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I can kind of go along with the SW one having consequences. Although I would also argue that a companions affection is quite meaningless in the end. I have a pure Light side Trooper. Tanno Vik loathes him. Dorne loves him. Affection w/Tanno is in the negatives to 100 at any given time. Affection w/Dorne is maxed. In the field, both are the same. They have no combat negatives or bonuses tied to affection.
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I can kind of go along with the SW one having consequences. Although I would also argue that a companions affection is quite meaningless in the end. I have a pure Light side Trooper. Tanno Vik loathes him. Dorne loves him. Affection w/Tanno is in the negatives to 100 at any given time. Affection w/Dorne is maxed. In the field, both are the same. They have no combat negatives or bonuses tied to affection.


Too true and this hits another topic too.

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Ya story arcs do hange if you let peopel live or not, or other options like this. It is not groundbreaking but it is more or less what they said. Of course hype is always added by people and then it becomes bigger then what it is, and expectation become more then the game can cover, but you do alter the story slightly and in some ways get a different ending.

If is like some games where you save the world or blow it up? Not really. Do some classes still end the same way regardles of who lives or dies in the story? Yup. But hey those people are dead or not dead, so that is different.

So yes the stories here are not so amazingly different and groundbreaking as the hype pre release was pushing them, but they are on the high end of quality that some other MMOs do not ofer, or might offer but only with text .

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To the whole companions leaving scenario they mentioned before launch. They actually had that in the early beta and while I like it, BW had too many people wish they hadn't so they changed it to how it is now. I can understand both sides wanting this and not wanting this so it's not a big deal to me.
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It's a scripted story driven MMO, you will arrive at the scripted end no matter what you do because that's how the game is designed...on rails. The illusion of choice is there, but it amounts to wiggling your spaceship, not direct control.
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But it makes precisely zero impact on the rest of the game apart from LS/DS points. The only consequences I can think of are being too DS as a JK which

affects your title General/ Jedi Master



I played my JK as pure DS.

Strangely at the end, Master Shan said I would not become a master and was promoted to a general, but my character did not receive the title General. Instead, I still got the title of Master


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To the whole companions leaving scenario they mentioned before launch. They actually had that in the early beta and while I like it, BW had too many people wish they hadn't so they changed it to how it is now. I can understand both sides wanting this and not wanting this so it's not a big deal to me.


Even if you don't have the companions leave, have them stay around, but have combat bonuses affected. What I would prefer is someone like Tanno (who hates me) has like a -5% buff or something on him while someone like Dorne (maxed out affection) has +20% on everything or just +20% on healing output (a DPS might have that buff applied to damage, a tank to Endurance, etc.....). That way companions who actually like your decisions fight harder for you and those who loathe you just phone it in basically.

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