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We have more players than GW2?


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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.
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From my limited time on GW2, I felt that the game was pretty and had alot of fluff in the sense of things to see and listen to.


Once you got past the fluff (puzzles, jumping, vista points) it was just a boring PvE game with a world pvp endgame. Not even sure there's anything else to do atm. You can only attack a keeps walls for so long before you get bored of it.


Oh and I hated the combat system, always felt like I was waitting on CD's with my Necro. I also hated the fact that there was no pure healer spec's as that's what I enjoy doing in PvP. DPS bores me after a while.


No clue on how it's doing though, but I doubt it's doing badly.

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GW 2 has lost a lot of its active players once they hit the level cap. However, that's not a very good comparison, since you can expect most of them to come back to the game once content updates appear (such as the one coming early 2013). It is, after all, a B2P game :)
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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.


I don't know what GW2 game you're playing but that game still has queue's for WVW and multiple instances of Lions Arch where everyone gathers. That games player-base hasn't dwindled much at all.

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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.

I learned that from GW1 already, which is why I simply didn't buy GW2. Their endgame is very much focussed on PvP, though I must say, their PvP is pretty interresting. PvE and solocontent does exist at levelcap, but it definitely wasn't something they really focussed on. So it seems GW2 is indeed similar to GW1 in that regard. I don't mind, it's a good game, but it's just not my kind of game.

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From my limited time on GW2, I felt that the game was pretty and had alot of fluff in the sense of things to see and listen to.


Once you got past the fluff (puzzles, jumping, vista points) it was just a boring PvE game with a world pvp endgame. Not even sure there's anything else to do atm. You can only attack a keeps walls for so long before you get bored of it.


Oh and I hated the combat system, always felt like I was waitting on CD's with my Necro. I also hated the fact that there was no pure healer spec's as that's what I enjoy doing in PvP. DPS bores me after a while.


No clue on how it's doing though, but I doubt it's doing badly.


very well said. That is a good acessment of the game.


Guild Wars 2 has been in steep decline but from my sources it still has more active players than SWTOR. I guess they need to think about merging those servers. With that said, its an F2P game since the start with no paid content. So while its popular, its in no way generating as much revenue as SWTOR.


With that said i think GW2 is a bad game and i dont foresee a rosy future to it without some series changes to the combat system and design. Might be popular to be the guy that does things differently and become a commercial darling, but the players that play the game are the ones that really know. And the fact is it isnt a very compelling game at all. I wish i could get my money back cause i got burned bad by it. Its 3/10 material to me. Tried different things, the questing system was different and the graphics good but thats where the good ends. The whole game is just plain bad.

Edited by Nemmar
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but GW2 was supposed to be the greatest game ever. It was supposed to kill WoW and SWTOR. Everyone was going to play GW2 and nothing else.


Problem is the developers wanted to be hipsters.


If they had grabbed the GW1 combat system and slapped it in a persistant world as they promised initially, they would've gotten a winner.


Instead they thought they'd make us auto-attack alot and lose all elements of team-play by removing healers from the game. Bravo! They are hipsters beloved my the developing community but their game is in serious decline. If the game was sub based, it would've been the biggest fail of MMO's ever. Even as F2P since the start they are aproaching SWTOR levels of population.

Edited by Nemmar
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but GW2 was supposed to be the greatest game ever. It was supposed to kill WoW and SWTOR. Everyone was going to play GW2 and nothing else.


And it was supposed to put an end to grind... Sure. The moment I reached level 50 and realised that I need to run dozens of times through the same, trough dungeon in order to get a single set piece (because they do not drop from the enemies!) I said "never again".


Though I miss Jeremy Soule's music.

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Ah people are so gulible, and naive this days, they are so easly hyped by publicity.


Nah, everyone really just wants to spout doom and gloom in the hopes that they'll seem sage if they turn out to be right. And when they don't they continue on in the foolish belief that cynicism = wisdom.

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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.


Your short sidness is amusing. The game is the same as it was on launch. The 200+ numbers you see on fleet is only due to the many other servers that are deleted.

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Your short sidness is amusing. The game is the same as it was on launch. The 200+ numbers you see on fleet is only due to the many other servers that are deleted.



You missed my point. Im seeing a ton of people on every planet not just in fleet. Also 100+ on lowbie planets is a great sign as well. Im not seeing anyone in GW2. I spent 3 hours crafting tonight in GW2 and saw 1 other person near me. When I crafted the first few weeks it was live people were tripping over each other. Also made a new alt and saw hardly anyone in newbie areas. They dont have a /who function but I saw maybe 8 people doing quests in Human starting area.

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You do know that GW2 has an issue with server hopping. You might just be on a server people left, but they are all on another server. It is def an issue with the WvWvW, but again people seeing one thing and seeing the whole world that way.

Someone shoots up a school and all the sudden we need gun control.

It is sad how fast people can come to a conclusion after spending such little time in it.

Perception is reality right?

Oh how I wish I could live my life in the bubble some people do.


Also what is your point? More people play COD then SWTOR... I never got this compare two things for no reason but to show one has more of something even when that is a meaningless conversation to have.

Edited by Fraeblood
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GW 2 has lost a lot of its active players once they hit the level cap. However, that's not a very good comparison, since you can expect most of them to come back to the game once content updates appear (such as the one coming early 2013). It is, after all, a B2P game :)


This. If nothing else, it's new content. Atleast they dont charge $10-$20 for their content updates. O.o

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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.


So... Because you didnt like GW2 its a bad game.... Ok I see your logic. For that matter your probably on a low pop server since at the moment there is so much server hoping going on.


Imo GW2 is a great game, especially for people who love PvP. This game is great for people who love story. I happen to play both and from my xp I feel GW2 is more populated than this game. But again, thats just my xp. I have no solid figures to back that claim, but from all the absurd claims I see on this thread about how GW2 is failing I guess we can just say stuff and its true.


Maybe people can just enjoy a game for what it is instead of being a blind loyal fanboi to one game and completly destroy any other competition it may have.


As for everyone in this thread saying GW2 is bleeding subs... Source?

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But GW2 was supposed to be the greatest game ever. It was supposed to kill WoW and SWTOR. Everyone was going to play GW2 and nothing else.


People said the same thing about SWTOR. People like to talk. :D


You missed my point. Im seeing a ton of people on every planet not just in fleet. Also 100+ on lowbie planets is a great sign as well. Im not seeing anyone in GW2. I spent 3 hours crafting tonight in GW2 and saw 1 other person near me. When I crafted the first few weeks it was live people were tripping over each other. Also made a new alt and saw hardly anyone in newbie areas. They dont have a /who function but I saw maybe 8 people doing quests in Human starting area.




By the time I got to Hoth and Belsavis, I was lucky if I saw more than 80 people on during the peak hours. I was on Hoth a few days ago and I am currently working on Belsavis. I guess a majority of those people are quitting and leaving the game halfway through.

Edited by Aliveandwell
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I will never get the this game is better then this game talk. I feel bad for people who can't play many games and enjoy them for what they are. Loving one game just to hate another game is just silly. Love all games, or don't like games, but don't hate a game just cause you love other games.
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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.


I don't know the hard numbers for either game, but GW2 is still going strong. You forget that you can transfer to other servers 1 time every 24 hours. A lot of people do this for playing with guilds they join - you can join 5 at a time, friends stuck on other servers, so they move there and back later, move servers to complete world v world map completion, etc so your server may have an influx of players on it from day to day.


The instancing of the zones well for overflow will adjust, so as more people level higher, you aren't going to see overflow until you reach 80 or around there. The lower zones are still populated, just not like it was at release.


I don't think that GW2 has lost as many as TOR has, but the game has been out shorter time than TOR.

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Someone shoots up a school and all the sudden we need gun control.


Columbine happened in 1999. I think it's time we moved past that.


Oh. Wait ...


Anyways, I've never played Guild Wars 1 or 2.


This game seems to be doing better with its population now that its streamlined servers and gone free to play.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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There can be only one!


Am I doing it right?


Anyway, GW2's population is going to fluctuate a lot due to the payment model and how their content works, very similar to their first game when you would get 4x population spikes during the holiday events. The game is meant for that kind of drop in and out playstyle. So really you can't compare it to a standard mmorpg like SWTOR, Rift, or WoW.

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