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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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what are you gonna do?


did you buy the expansion?




are you gonna buy it?


or perhaps you want more info about it?


or you will never buy it?



i want to see what the people are going to do.


give me your coments :)


and if you want to know. i've already pre-ordered


Nope, we are not going to buy it (Me and my wife both have accounts). In fact, it was the tipping point to having us hit cancel. Since launch we have bought 6 month subscriptions. They announced FTP just a week or so after we had renewed.


The game has been just so so to this point. We feel that it lacks core features. Just one example is the lack of being able to mail our entire guild. By design, they avoid features like this. They have said it would clog up the servers... I can understand this, the game runs like a pig. I custom built two top of the line computes to run this game and it still slogs here and there.


Frankly, the mass exodus has forever changed this game. The plans they had are gone. The devs they had are gone. What is left is a shell that is desperate to survive. In their bid for cash, they have traded customer service. Makeb was supposed to be free to subscribers. I frankly did not believe them. They proved me right.


I really hope the best for this game; it should be great. In the future, if they prove they can design value added content I may check it out. Till then, I say NO. They cannot have my ten dollars. It is not much money. Ten dollars is so cheap, why would they risk my two six month subscriptions over it?


It was a tipping point for me. It's just bad PR on their part. Seriously, a content update should be nothing but positive. How badly mismanaged are they that they have managed to drive a wedge between them and a section of their subscribers?

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$10 I bought it to cuz of the discount for early buyers... plus its only $10 and being a new player everything is still shiney to me :)


So strange to see people are still in the mind set of "it will get better, no company is perfect..." etc. EA started feeding poison to SWTOR early in the game. Just a little after March, many of the great people that made this game happen left, let go, gone. I was hoping that maybe...MAYBE EA wouldn't move into SWTOR but there EA was, from the beginning. For a long time, I kept talking to friends that were thinking of unsubbing or have already, telling them SWTOR will not fall. That it wouldn't go the way of the mainstream games of today... yet, I am hear to say I was wrong. All my RL friends left a while back, not even interested in coming back. Really not sure how much longer SWTOR will be around or worth subbing anymore. And I hate saying that. Same old fail, out dated PvP, gear > skill MMO crap standard as the rest of the MMO's. No events for months to change up a little of the old grind. CM becoming more and more the "game" and core of SWTOR. I have really started to move to other games (and I don't really want too as I want to love this game!) Sadly, I am starting to see switching from sub to F2P might be the way to go for me. :(


TL;DR version - I will wait until probably Jan 7th to make up my mind. Been a CE, Headstart subscriber and hate to see EA kill a great game as it usually does with everything EA is in. At least its a good thing I can switch to F2P and maybe raid once a week or a FP as it wouldn't cost anything else.


in regards to the above quote... ... ...



Can anyone say ... Earth and Beyond" ...


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Well, I would rather buy it after they release information on it. To me it sounds like just another planet to level on then after that you'll be back on fleet again doing the same ol' gear grind in the same ol' content. If they expect me to pay $20 as a subscriber if I don't pre order early on then they can forget about it. This content seems necessary to keep playing though, otherwise you won't be end game. I just don't know if I'll want to keep playing next year, I'm on my way out the door because I don't like their new business model.
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Pass. There isn't anything that interests me in what we know so far of the expansion.


The developers have squandered any faith I had in them. A year without any expansion to class story, and with RotHC seeming to be their biggest expansion of 2013 it looks like *two* years without any expansion to class story. Romance options suck. Cartel market is full of crap cosmetics one after another instead of unlocks like legacy banks, character slots, name changes or character transfers that I'd happily drop cash on.


Aside from Legacy and HK-51, there hasn't been *anything* useful to me (as a story-focused player) in the game for a whole year. I'm done giving them money. I'll be back to give them cash when, IF EVER, they put some focus on story players again.

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I haven't decided if I'm going to buy the so-called "expansion" or not. Definitely not right now, I just can't see coughing up $10 for something there's next to no information about. Sure, that's not a lot of money, but I don't pay for something that I don't know anything about... especially something that's not even coming out for quite a while.


Once there's more information-- a lot more information-- I'll think more seriously about the expansion pack. Right now it doesn't sound all that interesting, but maybe once we know more. I probably will buy it if I'm still playing SWTOR (and still subscribed), but each day it seems less and less likely that I'll be sticking around that long...

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what are you gonna do?


did you buy the expansion?




are you gonna buy it?


or perhaps you want more info about it?


or you will never buy it?



i want to see what the people are going to do.


give me your coments :)


and if you want to know. i've already pre-ordered


My wife and I both have accounts. We're not buying it. We're still playing it and will probably still play up to its release and see what we want to do from there. We still enjoy leveling alts and buying little things on the cartel market here and there.

Edited by Rezakh
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With the complete lack of communication from EA/Bioware to the player base, I doubt I will pre-purchase the 'expansion'.


With all of the issues that they have continued to introduce into the game and lack of any resolution on issues that have affected the game play of thousands of their subscribers (see the CTD post - 50 pages and they say the issue is only affecting a 'small number' of subscribers), they now expect us to pre-purchase an expansion with zero real information on it. I am not asking for a 100% release of information, but something other than 'Buy now, details later' would be appreciated. The utter lack of communication in regards to known issues does not give me any hope that an expansion can be launched with success.


With the decline in their ability to handle the current issues, I am loathe to give them money now when they may not be operating a game in 3-4 months.

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I probably will but I'm hesitant to put my faith in the old republic been burned to many times. They tend to make grandiose claims that far exaggerate what they're offering. Doesn't help that there's so little information out before the pre order deadline offer , which makes me think that it's lacking in content or they'd be hyping it more.

Well I hope at least there's going to be a new cinematic with the Imperial agent in it , even HK got one before the agent...:rolleyes:

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$10 I bought it to cuz of the discount for early buyers... plus its only $10 and being a new player everything is still shiney to me :)




in regards to the above quote... ... ...



Can anyone say ... Earth and Beyond" ...


In regards to your spoiler, I still miss that game on some levels . . . .


In answer to the OP: No, I have not purchased it, and won't. My sub ends today (Dec 24th) at some point . .. obviously I can still post. :rolleyes: I do not agree with how EA has handled this game during the past year, and sadly will no longer be supporting it at all, not even in F2P + CM. I'm already in transit to other games.


It is a damned shame. I like many facets of SWTOR. Unfortunately, I cannot support EA on it anymore. Additionally, I have absolutely no faith in Hickman doing anything to SWTOR over the next 12 months except run it completely into the ground. :mad:

Edited by Jumajin
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I pre-ordered this morning. It's only $10 and I figure I won't miss it in 6 months. I still have fun playing and I've been around since launch. Just PLEASE fix the match to chest on companions, bogus server crashes, gold seller spam, and PVP hacking. Will that ever happen? No, probably not. But my alternative MMO has all of these issues and maybe even more. Plus this one is Star Wars.
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All you people who are canceling your subs/complaining about it not being free QQ some more. It's only 9.99 I spend more on coffee in a week then the expansion costs. Just get over it.


For some of us its not about the money its the disappointment of the way the game is going, lack of information about Makab, money isnt the only factor for many.

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Im going to get it, but I dont have any hopes for it. It is said that the individual class story is over, which in my oppinion is a huge aspect of the game. Without those i wouldnt have leveled my alts, and proberly quit the game a long time ago, as grinding raids becomes so boring for me. And I think of how badly section x was done... You can't move without getting attacked. At first those codes had a drop rate of what, 10%?. And there are like 6 of them in there, and you need 3. But i can only wait and see.

But what I do see, is new bugs....

Edited by ibervang
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Not buying, my sub lapsed a few days ago and not renewing it. Not going f2p either. The game had so much potential and it has been wasted. Leveled 4 toons to 50, the planet quests got very boring upon repeating. And the f2p model they introduced is far inferior to LOTRO, which I play and have played since before it was f2p.


It is just not worth the money to me, the actual price is not the point, it is that the game as it is today is not worth what they are charging. And the utter lack of detail on the expansion screams bait and switch to me, not putting my money into that.

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I'm genuinely amazed at the amount of people who say that they're bored with the game. Even if you just play the class quests there is tonnes of story to be experienced.


But maybe the people who are bored spacebarvtgrough all the dialogue and want a substantial PVE or PVP endgame. I don't know.

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What bothers me is their complete lack of communication letting us know what exactly to expect in this so called "expansion" and the fact that they are dangling a early access reward if you pre order early on. So if you want to be a responsible and educated buyer you will be punished because they probably aren't going to reveal any more details before the deadline on the 7th. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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I will wait for more information. I rarely buy an empty box with the promise of something cool inside. That includes cartel packs too.


Not to mention, we are not only buying an empty husk at this point with the promise of something good, but we also have to wait atleast 3 months or more for it. Who knows what their definition of spring is? The way they go it could be October 2013.

Edited by Lunafox
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