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Will you try to get to 55 during the 5 day early access....


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In any game I play and in any expansion, I do not rush. I let the bow wave move beyond my reach so I don't get frustrated with "crowded zones". Besides, it will be there when I get there. No reason to rush. Also, in SWTOR there are no "world first" achievements so why bother. ;)
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I tend to play "fast" but I don't consider myself rushing, I just tend to be efficient with doing the quests.


Thats me and I always tend to run with someone (usually my brother).


A group of 4 with 2 that are actual players (a tank and healer) and companions that are well geared HK droids will move along the content pretty quick to 55.


It won't be rushed but it will be efficient.


But, I do have a number of alts to level after that either solo or grouped that I Imagine will be a different experience.

Edited by Quraswren
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I won't. Rushing to maximum level and then asking "what I am going to do now" is not what I aim.


I'll go at my own pace. If it occurs that during this time, I want to play exclusively one of my lvl 50, and that I finish the 5 level durig these 5 days, it would be a coincidence.

Edited by Altheran
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A story driven game like this isn't meant to be 'rushed', that would be a darn shame IMO. Maybe for WoW or other games like that, but not this one.


The real question is... which of my character classes shall represent their faction on my FIRST playthrus for each faction...hmm...


I'm thinking my Jedi Knight for the Republic, and my Imperial Agent for the Empire.

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Personally I think people who do such a thing are idiots, since they will probably complain that they are bored again at 50. Having said that, do whatever you want.


Personally, it takes me around 2-3 days per level from 48-50, so it will probably take 2 weeks or so for Makeb.

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Personally I think people who do such a thing are idiots, since they will probably complain that they are bored again at 50. Having said that, do whatever you want.


Personally, it takes me around 2-3 days per level from 48-50, so it will probably take 2 weeks or so for Makeb.


I personally think people who try and say how quick one levels (be it fast, slow or whatever) is an idiot, because it doesn't conform to their own gameplay & leveling agenda. Irony.

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Uhm, they have already stated the planet is the same size as their other planets and it has no class stories (Which tend to take the longest because of longer cutscenes).


I can get through any planet in about 2-3 hours of non stop playing - maybe less depending on how well they group the quests up.


So I suspect for my 10 bucks Ill get about 3 hours worth of content! Whoopie!

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I wont "try" to get to 55 during early access it will more than likely just happen on a couple of my toons at least. My brother and a few of our friends will be trying out the new content as usual and the levels just seem to come pretty quickly.


I am actually looking forward to the expansion, I know thats not the popular opinion, but I like this game for most part. Does it have problems, in a phrase "Hell Yeah" it does, but I wouldnt be here if I didnt enjoy it for the most part.

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It will most likely happen on my tank. He's one of the main tanks in my guild, so he's going to end up probably grouped up and running the content together with people mostly, which means I'll cut through it faster. Plus, I'll probably disregard most of the story to level him, as I can go back through it on my agent. I'd probably at least get my main leveled by the end of the 5 days :)
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News flash: Not everyone plays this game for story. Shocker I know. :D


what DO you play it for?


because of all the games to say this about.. I just... it just does not compute for me. like at all.


for me personally I have no idea how long it takes but with how slowly I usually level (I still only have a single lvl 50 character, though I do play her regularly), if I hit 55 during early access, I will definitely be disappointed. because that means that the planet is very small and very fast.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Uhm, they have already stated the planet is the same size as their other planets and it has no class stories (Which tend to take the longest because of longer cutscenes).


I can get through any planet in about 2-3 hours of non stop playing - maybe less depending on how well they group the quests up.


So I suspect for my 10 bucks Ill get about 3 hours worth of content! Whoopie!


2-3 hours? are you kidding me? it's imposible get 1 level in 2 hours when you are level 40

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