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Pop culture referances & Easter Eggs in TOR


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When you compare it to the little cunfusing, occasionally hillarious over the top barrage of jokes and pop culture references in WoW, SW:TOR is actually quite somber, tied-to-it's own-Galaxy type of a game. I'm pretty much positive virtually all of us view this mostly as a good thing. Still, I'm sure at least some pop culture references and such have ended up in the game. Let us talk about them. Have you found any?


From top of my head, I can think of running in to only one that seemed apparent:


During Kira's introduction quest in Coruscant, she says " Now you see me..now you don't" as she activates her stealth generator. This was the line Imoen in Baldur's Gate(PC) would always use when entering Stealth. Imoen and Kira are also quite similar in personality& appereance.


Jedi Knight spoilers in following paragraph omg dont read

This one is much more vague;

There are significant similarities in motivations of Sith Emperor and Sarevok, the bad guy end boss of Baldur's Gate. They want the same thing. Means they pursue to achieve it are same.


Baldur's Gate was first RPG ever released by Bioware.

Edited by Stradlin
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Pop culture reference wise there are a couple in the nal hutta cantina where the BH/IA start their adventures.


There are a protocol droid and a wookie playing the SW chess thingy with wookie being upset and the droid having his arms torn out of the sockets, an obvious "let the wookie win" reference heh.


Same cantina has a couple of guys doing the SNL "what is love" dance/skit complete with the bobbing head.




On a more serious note, when the imperials defeat


in their flashpoint his last words

""And in the end as the darkness takes me, I am nothing." Now i know how you felt my friend"

are meant for/the words of

Malak from KOTOR. He is the friend referenced and "in the end I am nothing" is his last line when the player (as Revan) defeats him on the star forge.


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the droids around fleet some times beep the mighty morphin power rangers song.






Are you being serious?


How have I not noticed this before?


Dear god, for missing this I must commit harakiri. *stabs gut with lightsaber*


It doesn't... hurt. *dies*


*Resurrects at nearest med-station*


Well now I feel much better:p

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I recall on Hutta in Nemro's palace there is a Duros doing the "Night at the Roxbury" dance and head bob to a Twi'lek dancer.


I saw the head bob but he didn't do the dance. Does he still do it after you pull aggro?

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Basically, the programmers and writers were under pretty strict orders not to include any non-Star Wars related pop-culture references. A couple might've snuck in after all, but Daniel "Abs" Erickson was pretty clear about it. You won't find anything more obvious than all characters and many companions at some point or another saying "I've got a bad feeling about this."


You might find a few Mass Effect references here and there though, including a couple of NPC names, though not even a tenth of the amount of Star Wars references you could find in Mass Effect. It's really no more than a hand full.

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Basically, the programmers and writers were under pretty strict orders not to include any non-Star Wars related pop-culture references. A couple might've snuck in after all, but Daniel "Abs" Erickson was pretty clear about it. You won't find anything more obvious than all characters and many companions at some point or another saying "I've got a bad feeling about this."


You might find a few Mass Effect references here and there though, including a couple of NPC names, though not even a tenth of the amount of Star Wars references you could find in Mass Effect. It's really no more than a hand full.


Which, for me at least, was awesome. I was very happy to find a game that could respect its own setting. Unfortunately, the Christmas-themed "Life Day" items now have me questioning the creative intent of the current developers. Life Day has a place in Star Wars. Life Day is not Christmas. Christmas does not have a place in Star Wars.

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There are actually many many more, they are just incredibly subtle and generally you won't notice them unless your observant or looking for them.


For example a section of the Dune Sea on Tatooine is called "The Desert of the Real" most wouldn't notice that as a very subtle Matrix reference :)

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There are actually many many more, they are just incredibly subtle and generally you won't notice them unless your observant or looking for them.


For example a section of the Dune Sea on Tatooine is called "The Desert of the Real" most wouldn't notice that as a very subtle Matrix reference :)


Your post is an example of "older than they think." The Matrix line is a quote from Jean Baudrillard, a sociologist who wrote Simulacra and Simulation, a philosophical treatise in 1981, 18 years before the Matrix.

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There are actually many many more, they are just incredibly subtle and generally you won't notice them unless your observant or looking for them.


For example a section of the Dune Sea on Tatooine is called "The Desert of the Real" most wouldn't notice that as a very subtle Matrix reference :)


Yes I know what you mean there is one that I have seen but I cant think of what or where >.<

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Your post is an example of "older than they think." The Matrix line is a quote from Jean Baudrillard, a sociologist who wrote Simulacra and Simulation, a philosophical treatise in 1981, 18 years before the Matrix.


Really? Now I had no idea about that in truth had no idea who that even was til now thanks for the correction it was enlightening :). On topic though there are many others like this mostly in dialogues and quest titles all over the place. You just have to keep your eyes open :)

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Which, for me at least, was awesome. I was very happy to find a game that could respect its own setting. Unfortunately, the Christmas-themed "Life Day" items now have me questioning the creative intent of the current developers. Life Day has a place in Star Wars. Life Day is not Christmas. Christmas does not have a place in Star Wars.


Exactly! Which is probably why it was ridiculously overpriced and the speeder was ugly. I still think it was some conspiracy to programmers saying F-U to people who wanted the Life Day in Swtor. Programmers can we vindictive, but its so subtle you barely notice it lol

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You won't find anything more obvious than all characters and many companions at some point or another saying "I've got a bad feeling about this."


Hey now, even OP proves this somewhat inaccurate:l


I'm noticing the less pop culture referances there are and better they are hidden, more I like the idea of them existing. It's good fun to spot or think you've managed to spot something. Stops being fun if it is too obvious!


I seem to remember there being some pretty apparent Dune -nod in Sith Inq's Tatooine part but I can't quite recall it anymore:l

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