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Sith Raider Armor...Really Bioware?


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So let me get this straight, people have been crying for a simple hood-up, black robe (like the one in your sith warrior progression trailer) since the game was released and you give us another cheap, lazy recolor of an outfit that is already easily available in-game. You gave jedi knights what they want (hood-down, brown robe) but you failed to please us sith warriors. I have been waiting week after week only to see junk being added to the cartel shop (2 recolors of pilot suit? really?) and was hoping some archetypal sith gear would be added to the cartel shop...and instead I get this crap http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/thumbnails/45/262/630/630/sithraiderarmor.png


You sound very surprised - perhaps you haven't seen the Tionese, Columi and Rakata armor for Inquisitors?


Three tiers of copied/pasted gear graphics.


And, this was when they had a full staff of people working on the game.

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You sound very surprised - perhaps you haven't seen the Tionese, Columi and Rakata armor for Inquisitors?


Do you realise the same applies to every other class? It's not just Inquisitors. And the same goes for PvP armor. We've had several "different sets" where the only differences were: Stats and the color theme.

Edited by Gereorth
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I gotta say, as happy as I am to see a hood-down and relatively no-frills Jedi armor -- the price for it (an outfit that only one character can use) leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I hear you. Then they add insult to injury by jacking the price up from the usual 1,200 coins to 1,440.


The majority of sets currently available have mods, and cost less. Even the two pilots suits, with exactly the same number of pieces in the sets and no mods, cost less than the two new sets.


Those armor sets were already overpriced for a single character unlock at $12 a pop, taking them to $14.40 is shameless price gouging, especially given that they're empty shells, so there's no justification for the price increase.


I won't even get started on the whole recoloring issue.....

Edited by Valethar
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You know what I hate?


The Phantom chest piece makes my lower robes jet black. I've want a jet black outfit for quite a while but the Supreme Inquisitor robes don't actually gimme that. All I want is a decent looking chest piece (not the ****** Phantom) that I can unify to for a black as midnight on a moonless night look. Is that too much to ask?

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I hear you. Then they add insult to injury by jacking the price up from the usual 1,200 coins to 1,440.

I suppose the price is up because you have two more items in those sets - a belt and bracers.


ETA: Which doesn't mean, of course, that the sets are not horribly overpriced. They ARE....

Edited by Calarand
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In my opinion, they really need to stop throwing out reskins of old armor. Like one of the guys said earlier, they have STARWARS to take from. So many options. It's really coming off to a lot of people as lazy and half assed on biowares part.


Also in my opinion, it seems like the artists make a bunch of items on paper, figure out which designs are the worst ones, then put them in the game. I don't want my sin tank to look like swampthing. I don't want my smuggler to look like a cowboy. Please give us better gear, or get rid of the artists and the guy who approves the designs and hire new/better people.


Why can 't we have the good gear shown at character creation and in the videos from a while back?


For once, make the RIGHT decision. Common sense = money in this case.

Edited by mavsynchroid
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I suppose the price is up because you have two more items in those sets - a belt and bracers.


ETA: Which doesn't mean, of course, that the sets are not horribly overpriced. They ARE....


The two new sets have exactly the same number of pieces that the experimental pilot suit and the covert pilot suit have. The only difference in the sets is that the Sith and Jedi armor sets exchanged the helmets for bracers. All four sets have no mods, but the two pilot's suits cost 1,200 coins each, where the two new ones cost 1.440.


I see no justification for a price increase.

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The two new sets have exactly the same number of pieces that the experimental pilot suit and the covert pilot suit have. The only difference in the sets is that the Sith and Jedi armor sets exchanged the helmets for bracers. All four sets have no mods, but the two pilot's suits cost 1,200 coins each, where the two new ones cost 1.440.


I see no justification for a price increase.


There is... The Jedi armor is the only hood-down Jedi robe and it's been requested a lot. Plenty of people are actally willing to get it so why not milk the hell out of them?

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Still no plain black hood up armor without all the plastic pieces or 80s shoulder pads added... *sigh*


well heres to hoping in the next few months they come up with something, Maras has a choice of either looking like a sorcerer or looking like a reject from robocop.....


I'd drop 50 bucks on just a plain black hood up robe without all the bedazzling done to it

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There is... The Jedi armor is the only hood-down Jedi robe and it's been requested a lot. Plenty of people are actally willing to get it so why not milk the hell out of them?


It's people like you who they will continue to milk their cash from. They put a shiny in front of your eyes and you just ignore common sense.


As for this armor, if they add a cape it would be worth it, but in its current state this exact armor is available to warriors. I believe it's the set called sovereign mind. Even the warrior legacy gear is the same model but just a darker shade. Add a cape to it and then I'll consider buying it off the gtn.

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So let me get this straight, people have been crying for a simple hood-up, black robe (like the one in your sith warrior progression trailer) since the game was released and you give us another cheap, lazy recolor of an outfit that is already easily available in-game. You gave jedi knights what they want (hood-down, brown robe) but you failed to please us sith warriors. I have been waiting week after week only to see junk being added to the cartel shop (2 recolors of pilot suit? really?) and was hoping some archetypal sith gear would be added to the cartel shop...and instead I get this crap http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/thumbnails/45/262/630/630/sithraiderarmor.png


The imps get W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R they want. The devs are such obvious fans of the empire that it sorta makes me sick. With that said, pain is just weakness leaving the body so rub it with a brick.

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I happen to agree. I regret spending my cartel coins so quickly, to be honest.


going back to Sith Raider's Armor - I bet there is absolutely no one buying it. ;)


I bought it for Scourge b/c I hated that all equipment placed on him looks like Pub side

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The same for the Valiant Jedi set only it has a hood down.


You know, some of these links are starting to look untrustworthy to me. Why not just upload to imageshack or photobucket or something I know isn't likely stuffed to the brim with malware.

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