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Okay. so let's talk about the first expansion.


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Joke's on EA. I pre-ordered it whilst being a sub but I am probably letting my sub lapse the next time around. Gonna play for $10 as a F2P. Boned.


And yet, they got you to buy it at all.


I don't think you'd better start honking their nose just yet. :p

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Still cheaper than paying for the DLCs for Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Saints Row and a bunch of other games. Don't see how this expansion is any different.


If the content is released and is as equitable as the price they charge us, which is say $10 for subscribers, then its worth it. But if they charged us like $60 like a regular large expansion, I wouldn't pay for it. The thing is, what is your definition of value. If $10 is too much, then you are probably unfamiliar with how DLCs charge.

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Still cheaper than paying for the DLCs for Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Saints Row and a bunch of other games. Don't see how this expansion is any different.


If the content is released and is as equitable as the price they charge us, which is say $10 for subscribers, then its worth it. But if they charged us like $60 like a regular large expansion, I wouldn't pay for it. The thing is, what is your definition of value. If $10 is too much, then you are probably unfamiliar with how DLCs charge.


To be fair, those are all single player games and there is no expectation of continued service. What defines an "expansion" in an MMO is pretty clearly marked out already by the game's competitors. It is understandable that the current info release does not meet that standard.

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Everyone is on about the price - noone is upset that it is still at least 3 months away from release?


And yet they want everyone to kick in thier money now though. Kinda like Popeye's "Wimpy & the hamburger" in reverse. It better be one spectacular hamburger...

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Atm I've got no problem with the content and the pricing. It's the equivalent to a meaty BW RPG DLC at a very reasonable price to what those go for.


I do however still want a a 60$ box TOR 2.0 expansion one day. A proper expansion that can go toe to to with MOP and storm legion and the like. Hear that BW? Shut up and take my money!

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Still cheaper than paying for the DLCs for Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Saints Row and a bunch of other games. Don't see how this expansion is any different..


You know that none of those are subscription games, right?


The whole "regular content updates are paid by your subscription" is kind of the point of MMOs. :p


Also, if you don't like the look of Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts or Dead Money but you adore Old World Blues, you can pay $5 for Fallout: New Vegas DLC (as I did, was worth every penny).


DLC is ultimately a bunch of amusing sidequests, though. They're selling this as an expansion. You're going to have to buy it to access the game's new endgame. Now, if they later release other "Digital Expansions" all of which raise the level cap to 55 (and don't stack, that way you can choose which one you want)... well that would actually be pretty interesting, and I'd be curious to see how that worked. But that's not what they're doing right now.

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You know that none of those are subscription games, right?


The whole "regular content updates are paid by your subscription" is kind of the point of MMOs. :p


Also, if you don't like the look of Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts or Dead Money but you adore Old World Blues, you can pay $5 for Fallout: New Vegas DLC (as I did, was worth every penny).


DLC is ultimately a bunch of amusing sidequests, though. They're selling this as an expansion. You're going to have to buy it to access the game's new endgame. Now, if they later release other "Digital Expansions" all of which raise the level cap to 55 (and don't stack, that way you can choose which one you want)... well that would actually be pretty interesting, and I'd be curious to see how that worked. But that's not what they're doing right now.


I'm well aware of that, as I am sure you are too.


Those games offer about only 6-8 hours of game play at most. And before the ultimate edition the Fallout New Vegas expansions each were $20 each when they first came out. You are paying $10 for even more hours of content and if you have multiple alts, which then it is probably more.


To be honest I don't like how they worded it as an expansion and should have called it a DLC since it doesn't add more to the class story line, but more of an adventure pack. But right now, we are all just speculating about the content, so its pretty much a guess in the dark as to what it will bring.


I'm skeptical about this, but what if (and this is a big what if, now) they added like:

1 Planet

5 Levels

3 Flashpoints

3 Warzones

3 New Item Tiers

2 Ops


Do you then think it would have been a better value than a:

1 Planet

5 Levels


I think so. The fact that we don't exactly know what is comes with the expansion pack is a big mystery and if there is some clarification, people could make better consumer decisions.

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That's just false. They added 1 new race to each side, 2 new raids, which were good, but still only two. The only dungeons they added were ZA and ZG, which came after the launch of Cataclysm, so that doesn't count, and I listed the only two real areas they added. EVerything else was just changed, so very little work had to go into it. So an entire planet with new species of aliens, quests, story quests, and such will be enormous. Not to mention, no planet in this game has a 5 level range with with you are needed to be there for leveling, so Makeb will most likely be the biggest planet on this game. I'm not sure if we'll see new dungeons or raids, but I assume we'll see some. You are just whining.
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So you are 100% certain there will be no new operations at all? Pretty sure they never stated that. What we know about the xpac is not a whole lot. No reason to be saying they won't add new operations or flashpoints.


They would have posted in the "sales pitch line". But since the game launched one full year ago, we only got 2 ops and 2 warzones and one flashpoint.


Yep.. it`s totally realistic to ask for them to make one in 3 months and be decent.


You`ll get precisely what`s written in there.. one planet, twinked for mobs that give 5 levels worth of xp - assuming it gives that much and you don`t have to run ops/flashpoints for it, with one crap "global story arc".


Remember it took them one year to give us HK and half to give us one warzone...

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Ummm.... Blizzard rebuilt the entire old world in Cataclysm. They redid every single zone in the game outside of the other expansion (Outlands, Northrend). ON TOP OF THAT, they added all the elemental planes and areas as well as a mass of new dungeons and raids. What are you smoking? It was like the largest content expansion the game ever saw.



Whilst Blizzard is hardly the best example as their HQ sits atop a small mountain made of dollar bills, Cata was an absolutely enormous expansion. It fully justified the price tag that came with it, regardless of whether individual tastes were met by the choices they made (they did not, for example, cater to mine but that's not very surprising).


I'm still a bit surprised that people on a forum are getting upset at other people's opinion on whether something is value for money. If you believe it is, buy it. If you believe it isn't, feed back to the developer.


Why must everything be an argument where one side is right & the other is wrong? Do people today have so little self-worth that they must have their decisions validated by majority?

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If I had to guess. A lot of the dissatisfaction stems from the initial expectation that Makeb would be "free". Understandably, things change, But I also felt a twinge of disappointment when I found out they are charging for Makaeb.


Why should that be?


Personally, it stems from an unconscious (and irrational) assumption that Makaeb WAS intended to be free content and subsequently converted into a paid expansion to turn a quick buck. The optimist in me is hoping that they ADDED some additional content to what was originally planned that would justify the pricing change - maybe in the form of new FP's, and OP or heck even some sandbox elements to keep people busy. I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see. But if they ARE adding something we have yet heard about, the marketing department is doing a pretty lackluster job of pumping us up for it.


I know i know. Patience

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Everyone is on about the price - noone is upset that it is still at least 3 months away from release?


And yet they want everyone to kick in thier money now though. Kinda like Popeye's "Wimpy & the hamburger" in reverse. It better be one spectacular hamburger...


Well you could just wait unless you really, really want those 5 days it's not like the price is lower for preordering.

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Personally, it stems from an unconscious (and irrational) assumption that Makaeb WAS intended to be free content and subsequently converted into a paid expansion to turn a quick buck. The optimist in me is hoping that they ADDED some additional content to what was originally planned that would justify the pricing change - maybe in the form of new FP's, and OP or heck even some sandbox elements to keep people busy. I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see. But if they ARE adding something we have yet heard about, the marketing department is doing a pretty lackluster job of pumping us up for it.


I know i know. Patience


They never said it would be free.

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Looks good to me. I get a real chuckle when i see folks complaining about a video game. no offense but none of this changes the way i look at gaming as a hobby to unwind when life gets tense. I do avoid the forums or mainly, post with the usual cast of haters and spell-checkers.


I want someone to make a thread (even speculation) on what some of the other stuff we might get with this expansion!

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My only concerns are that this seems rushed. They are only offering a digital upgrade pre order for the expac. No standard? no CE? Also only 1 planet and 5 lvls for the update? I hope to God they have a bunch of operations planned and that they are challenging. I am right on the verge of cancelling my sub, but I might stick around for this expac if they release more details and options.
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I'm not really sure what all these people have been posting about "half an expansion." I played WoW before this, and the Cataclysm expansion, although fun, was not too much content.


While I have no problems with $10 for a small expansion, you seem to forget that Cataclysm was another nail in the coffin of WoW. It was also the first expansion that was SO bad that they gave it away for free (I got mine for resubbing).

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Honestly, my opinion on this is that paying subscribers should have gotten this DLC for free as part of their perks of being a paid subscriber.


However, I am not going to rush out and blindly pre-order until more information is revealed so that I can judge for myself if it is worth what I am being charged. Because from what has been revealed so far, it is not worth my $10.


Time will tell.

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Two areas?



Underwater area, giant tree, underground place, desert, battlefield, another battlefield that was a world PvP zone. That's six and that's not counting the full revamp of the entire old world (which admittedly, you didn't have to buy Cataclysm to access). Even just on zone content that's many times the additions.


Not comparable in size to Makeb at all.


While I have no problems with $10 for a small expansion, you seem to forget that Cataclysm was another nail in the coffin of WoW. It was also the first expansion that was SO bad that they gave it away for free (I got mine for resubbing).


I think that had less to do with the quality of the zones (many of which were pretty good) and more with the unrelenting focus on grind and the lack of content updates beyond daily areas and like a new raid somewhere.


...rather like ToR, in fact...

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I would also like to point out that there were some interviews back in the early days when Makeb was leaked that centered around them advancing their ability to tell stories in a manner other than Kill X of Y, etc.


If I'm not mistaken, they said that these new stories would be more innovative and creative, since they were mastering the content development pipeline and expanding what they could do with the technology to add more puzzles and such into the mix.


Seems like it might be a fun expansion. I'll definitely be preordering and see you all there. :)

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Those games offer about only 6-8 hours of game play at most. And before the ultimate edition the Fallout New Vegas expansions each were $20 each when they first came out. You are paying $10 for even more hours of content and if you have multiple alts, which then it is probably more.


Ah, I hadn't known that they used to be $20. That's pretty hefty, even for OWB. I sunk a lot more than 8 hours into that DLC, though. (Although the other ones were probably not quite so long or beefy.)


To be honest I don't like how they worded it as an expansion and should have called it a DLC since it doesn't add more to the class story line, but more of an adventure pack. But right now, we are all just speculating about the content, so its pretty much a guess in the dark as to what it will bring.


Yeah, see, I would actually be totally okay with what they're offering it if they called it an adventure pack, didn't raise the level cap and didn't shoehorn the class stories into somehow being continued by it. If it could stand on its own merits and there was no need to buy it to keep up with game development or access post-RotHC content updates, I'd be pretty content. That's probably not going to happen, though.


I'm skeptical about this, but what if (and this is a big what if, now) they added like:

1 Planet

5 Levels

3 Flashpoints

3 Warzones

3 New Item Tiers

2 Ops


Do you then think it would have been a better value than a:

1 Planet

5 Levels


I think so. The fact that we don't exactly know what is comes with the expansion pack is a big mystery and if there is some clarification, people could make better consumer decisions.


Well yeah, of course that's a better value. :p And if that's what we end up getting for $10, I'd call that a proper mini-expansion.


BW's PR department is not very good, honestly. (Look at their F2P page; does a terrible job of selling the benefits of playing.) I understand that they've gotten kind of gun-shy about giving details away, but people will kind of go stir-crazy from lack of good information. We're all boxing in the dark, here.


But we can really only go with what we know or say "wait for more information." It's the people who go with what they know and go "this sounds AMAZING AND **** YOU IF YOU THINK DIFFERENTLY" that worry me.

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They never said it would be free.


Shrug. you are probably right. The fact that I can't remember exactly where i got that impression highlights that. Regardless of what they actually said, a lot of people thought it would be "free", which leads this this (admittedly unreasonable) backlash.

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