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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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They said we wouldn't have to pay for the content patches. This is an expansion. Unless you're a total ninny who has never before played a MMO or videogame with DLC, there was always going to be a paid xpac model on top of the CM and sub.


There have been two content patches so far that we haven't had to pay for since F2P launched.


No there's not. Other MMOs use a model where subs don't have to pay for content expansions but F2Pers do. That's how it should be.

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Majority of flames could have been avoided if BW PR got their heads out of their arses.


So many questions and all we have is a completely useless FAQ.


Would be nice if they announced this DE and explained about the philosopy behind DEs a bit (main method going into the future? Complement to standard full xpacks? will it be purchasable via CM once it launches? etc. etc.).


Hard to moan/defend atm, we don't really know buttkiss.

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If you cant afford 10 dollars for an expansion, you probably shouldnt be paying 15 a month as a subscriber. Bioware needs cash to keep the game going, and for a level cap increase/new story/new planet/im sure tons of new features, 10 dollars is not a bad price. Compared with the 60 dollar tag on any WoW expansion I'de say ide say its a bargain.


In addition to this, just because you pay a subscription does not mean you get everything free. All f2p did was allow non-subbers to play 1-50 and try several other limited features of the game. The game is the same as ever for subscribers, and until BW adds some form of a "lifetime subscription" pay model I dont think we can expect to be exempt from paying for new content.

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And this is exactly that. An update.

it is NOT an expansion.


Standard practice in the MMO industry would beg to differ with you. New content that adds new questing areas and raises the level cap is generally considered an expansion, and is not free.


Now, you can complain that you expected more in this expansion, but to say that it should be completely free is simply not consistent with the industry. I think the pricing at $10 is reasonable, given that it's only 5 levels and one new planet.

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I don't really have a problem myself, as I have many other ways to keep myself entertained, but a game with weeks or months of enjoyment runs for 60 bucks, but this little blip of content will run for 1/6th of that, it just seems like it should be much cheaper. I mean, it isn't Horse Armor or Hearthfire, but it ain't Shivering Isle/Going Rogue/whateverisonEQLiverightnow/etc. It's a nice step in the right direction for content I guess, but the pricing seems like two steps in the wrong direction.


It will also cost 1/6th of $60. Well played.

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And the price is commensurate. So what is the problem?


I think the problem is in the marketing. If they just said, "We plan on releasing small content patches every 6 months and charging people $10 for them" people would be fine with it. But instead they talk about how HUGE of an EXPANSION it is and how its the first game EXPANSION. We know what an expansion is. This isn't it. The price is perfectly fair for what they are delivering, but they aren't delivering what they are marketing.


It was the same with the F2P option. If they just said "We are expanding our free trial to level 50 so people can enjoy the story aspect of the game" people would have been fine with it. Instead they hyped their awesome FREE TO PLAY model and how the game would be FREE TO PLAY. We know what F2P is. This isn't it. They released a trial version that costs $56 a month to be on par with a normal subscriber.


As a matter of physical reality, there is no real crime being delivered here. Small content patch, $10. Seems fair. I think people are getting frustrated and fed up with their terrible marketing. You can't just throw around incorrect terms and descriptions then get all super offended when people call you out on it.

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Please stop referring to this as "DLC"... DLC is something you have for non-subscription games.

You know what we call DLC in subscription based games? Updates.

And this is exactly that. An update.

it is NOT an expansion.


in the same way that a meatball mashed into a bun is not a hamburger.


DLC stands for downloadable content, it can be free or pay. I can't think of any subscription games that have it, but that doesn't mean the term doesn't fit. People are struggling to define it because:

- Based on what they listed as included it seems to small to be an expansion

- It seems a little larger than an update, plus the fact that it's pay makes update not seem to fit.

People are calling it DLC because it seems to fit better than update or expansion.

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It will also cost 1/6th of $60. Well played.


You aren't following my logic. Indeed, it feels like your logic is flawed. Of course it's 1/6th of 60 bucks, my mentally handicapped sister could see that. I'm saying that it's even less than 1/6th of the content the game offers.

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Missing the point completely. This should be free to subscribers for two reasons.


1. Subs funded the development of this content. Not F2P.

2. You nickel and dime your freemium customers, not your subs. Your subs are your loyal customers. Hook them up.

3. They kind of sort of said it would be free to subs. Just saying.

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I think the problem is in the marketing. If they just said, "We plan on releasing small content patches every 6 months and charging people $10 for them" people would be fine with it. But instead they talk about how HUGE of an EXPANSION it is and how its the first game EXPANSION. We know what an expansion is. This isn't it. The price is perfectly fair for what they are delivering, but they aren't delivering what they are marketing.


It was the same with the F2P option. If they just said "We are expanding our free trial to level 50 so people can enjoy the story aspect of the game" people would have been fine with it. Instead they hyped their awesome FREE TO PLAY model and how the game would be FREE TO PLAY. We know what F2P is. This isn't it. They released a trial version that costs $56 a month to be on par with a normal subscriber.


As a matter of physical reality, there is no real crime being delivered here. Small content patch, $10. Seems fair. I think people are getting frustrated and fed up with their terrible marketing. You can't just throw around incorrect terms and descriptions then get all super offended when people call you out on it.


Ok, well you don't play a game because of marketing.

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You aren't following my logic. Indeed, it feels like your logic is flawed. Of course it's 1/6th of 60 bucks, my mentally handicapped sister could see that. I'm saying that it's even less than 1/6th of the content the game offers.


How do you know? We don't know everything that's in the patch. And not all levels are equal. Did levels 1-5 go faster for you than level 45-50?


I'm pretty sure you're going to get your money's worth, especially since we don't know what the new "systems" are that Hickman has referred to.

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If I recall correctly, there is an item that has been data mined and appears on sites like TOR head and darth hater as some sort of token and it deffo had Class Story IV in the details....I am hopeful this is the story content being referenced in the Makeb expansion.




I finally did find it:




However, it is still a little ambiguous. Not necessarily Chapter 4 class story but not necessarily "Not" either. Good ole' BW. Again, all the more reason to wait till more information to be released.

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If you cant afford 10 dollars for an expansion, you probably shouldnt be paying 15 a month as a subscriber. .


I agree it is the principle. But I pre-ordered it anyway.


As to your comment,


While it may be rare, some people's budget only can allot for a certain amount of entertainment. Perhaps this is their outlet.


Who are you to say that they SHOULDN'T be paying for a subscription?

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How do you know? We don't know everything that's in the patch. And not all levels are equal. Did levels 1-5 go faster for you than level 45-50?


I'm pretty sure you're going to get your money's worth, especially since we don't know what the new "systems" are that Hickman has referred to.


Yeah, I bet we'll get our moneys worth from it. I'm sure "We'll die when we see it" too, right?

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I don't mind paying, but I expected an expansion to include...



- New level cap

- New planet

- New Chain planet quest and side quests (and the quests should be different than the one's in game currently)

- New chapter in the CLASS story lines, which are all that anyone really cared about anyway.

- At least 5 new FPs. A level 51, level 53 and then 3 level 50's that follow some sort of story arch like Taral V/Maelstrom Prison.

- New WZ

- New Op

- New mini game

- New race

- Tons of new QoL changes.



I bet we get the first three on the list and that's it.

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If the FAQ, you can click "I'm a sub, why am I paying for this S*$&" (I don't remember the question :p ) But here's the answer


You do not have to pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel, players who pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel receive five (5) days of Early Access if they pre-order by January 7, 2013 11:59PM CT // 5:59AM GMT


So it looks like if Subs don't pay for it, we just get it when it's released.

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Silly for speculating you're right on an expansion you know little about. :cool:

Again not one example, not one. :)


Unless of course you can't show that it was 100% free and the best quote around is they were not sure if it would be charged for or not. Which is established and has been for a long time now.


Free is 100% free, there is no such thing as 50% free. :D


No class story would definitely hurt but I could have swore I read something on act 4.


That would have to be class story right?


Now to just find where I read it.


Ch4 is just world story, there is no seperated class story in Makeb or any planned for the future (at the moment) they have stated this twice now. :confused:

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