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Lag Hacks


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Do these exist? I've really been noticing alot lately, at a crucial turning point in a match, suddenly my player becomes almost uncontrollable for 20 seconds because of lag. The bomb is planted on the door by the enemy team and everything turns back to normal. I just always assumed it was poor server maintenance and programming by BW, seeing how they haven't fixed the ability lag yet, that has been here since day 1. But I see people talking about it alot now, saying there is a lag hack. If so, this is a very serious problem, and should go at the very top of BW's priority list. I don't know how many games I've quit playing cuz of hacks.
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well the main thing is something they do for themselves. This is an oldschool cheat that is very easy to do and is present in pretty much every videogame out there. I do wish these losers would die in a fire though haha.


Good news is though is that in my experience the kinds of people that do this have extremely horrible irl's.

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Yes, lag switches exists and are used more than EAware likes to admit.

If you are curious what that is and how it works, google "networking tools" and look for programs like "netlimiter".

These are legitimate programs by reputable companies made for IT purposes (and abused by cheaters).


Other games counter lag switches by immediately disconnecting the user, once client and server go out of sync.

Unfortunately, that's not an option in SWTOR, since the hero engine creates quite a bit of natural lag.

Scores of non-cheaters would constantly disco without a chance to reconnect to their warzone.


The natural lag of the game engine also makes it very hard to punish the cheaters - they will always claim that their lag was "natural". So unless they get reported over and over, they are basically safe from suspensions.


Unlike true hacks, such as speedhacks and teleporting, lag switches are pretty subtle and not readily noticed by the average player - nonetheless they are often game-deciding!

If you are an honest player, you will rarely benefit from lag (that's why we hate lag), so look for situations where people are clearly gaining an advantage from it.

A few obvious examples what can be done with lag switches:


- Player is near death and suddenly glitches out of range (i.e. to the nearest health buff)

- Player successfully caps (or disarms) a node/door while being attacked and taking damage

- Player skips through hazards without taking any damage

- Player passes the ball to a teammate after you received the message "You defeated the ball carrier"


Generally, if something funky happens, always report it and let EAware sort them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, lag switches exists and are used more than EAware likes to admit.

If you are curious what that is and how it works, google "networking tools" and look for programs like "netlimiter".

These are legitimate programs by reputable companies made for IT purposes (and abused by cheaters).


Other games counter lag switches by immediately disconnecting the user, once client and server go out of sync.

Unfortunately, that's not an option in SWTOR, since the hero engine creates quite a bit of natural lag.

Scores of non-cheaters would constantly disco without a chance to reconnect to their warzone.


The natural lag of the game engine also makes it very hard to punish the cheaters - they will always claim that their lag was "natural". So unless they get reported over and over, they are basically safe from suspensions.


Unlike true hacks, such as speedhacks and teleporting, lag switches are pretty subtle and not readily noticed by the average player - nonetheless they are often game-deciding!

If you are an honest player, you will rarely benefit from lag (that's why we hate lag), so look for situations where people are clearly gaining an advantage from it.

A few obvious examples what can be done with lag switches:


- Player is near death and suddenly glitches out of range (i.e. to the nearest health buff)

- Player successfully caps (or disarms) a node/door while being attacked and taking damage

- Player skips through hazards without taking any damage

- Player passes the ball to a teammate after you received the message "You defeated the ball carrier"


Generally, if something funky happens, always report it and let EAware sort them out.


Hmm yes, it would be hard to spot the difference between these lag events, real and deliberate.


One obviously natural one is when you stun or CC an opponet on the move and they snap back to the location point where the CC/stun was applied.


More suspicious as you say are those where opponents instantly reposition out of the danger zone at, and usually only at moments of imminent incoming death for them. I have caught one or two of those moments on video. Problem being, of course, that it might just be lucky coincidence for them that a lag spike 'repositions' them in their favour. To be sure its nothing but a natural occurence, you need to spot them doing it again (at those crucial moments and no other).


Doing that is difficult.


But yes, some of these conveniently timed insta leaps out of danger do look suspicious

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Do these exist? I've really been noticing alot lately, at a crucial turning point in a match, suddenly my player becomes almost uncontrollable for 20 seconds because of lag. The bomb is planted on the door by the enemy team and everything turns back to normal. I just always assumed it was poor server maintenance and programming by BW, seeing how they haven't fixed the ability lag yet, that has been here since day 1. But I see people talking about it alot now, saying there is a lag hack. If so, this is a very serious problem, and should go at the very top of BW's priority list. I don't know how many games I've quit playing cuz of hacks.


On my realm i WARNED players about hacking lags, but all considered me NOOB. So i stoped to prove i am right even if i have seen enough to take conclusion. Ya, indeed, they can bug or lag the game so they can HACK undetected. Those programs exist since WOW game and are designed to work here too. You can see players untouchable like they are far away from you even if you are on top of them, you will see players vanishng, using /stuck bug to disapear 20-30 m away, you will see speed hack, lag hack and many more, ALL NBOT INVESTIGATED PROPER YET:


Good job DEVS. Be sure we love u for that! :eek:

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  • 2 months later...
On my realm i WARNED players about hacking lags, but all considered me NOOB. So i stoped to prove i am right even if i have seen enough to take conclusion. Ya, indeed, they can bug or lag the game so they can HACK undetected. Those programs exist since WOW game and are designed to work here too. You can see players untouchable like they are far away from you even if you are on top of them, you will see players vanishng, using /stuck bug to disapear 20-30 m away, you will see speed hack, lag hack and many more, ALL NBOT INVESTIGATED PROPER YET:


Good job DEVS. Be sure we love u for that! :eek:


Wow I have come up against a lot of the hacks since the release and thought I could identify them well... today I am playing PVP and every 2nd match was against the same team... sure enough all of a sudden there is massive lag when we are winning or trying to capture a node...

So I think it is me and leave the match

Next few matches against other teams, no problems... This lag kept happening... but only against this team

I asked on the open fleet chat and was told it is a lag hack... "phwfff" I said... how can they lag another player on another client when the game is server based?

Well after doing some research online and even finding a few forum/websites that detail how to do it...

I now believe it to be true...

This is a major problem because this goes beyond client hacks...

Anyway... when is Bio going to Fix the holes in the program and actually introduce a deterrent that will actually "deter" the hacking

A one week suspension is a joke... if they only play once a week, why would they care... how about making it a month to start then 3 months... then kicked completely

And before someone replies to this and says... it isn't a hack and hacks don't exist... and have you any proof?

Guess what I do... I have setup a recording device that is separate to the PC and recorded the different hacks... I have yet to send them to Bio as I can't get a response from Bio as to where I can send it.

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I'm not gonna lie, I feel that this is happening quite a bit. There are a few players that when I'm against them in WZ's, my packets will spike enormously throughout a match -- as you said -- at critical times.


There is no way -- I don't mean in the "omg, no wai!" sense -- to cause lag to happen on your machine, besides actually directly breaking into your machine and screwing with the network stack, or hacking the ISP and messing with their switches. If you're seeing a packet spike, that has everything to do w you and your ISP, and absolutely nothing to do with anything that anyone else on the internet is doing. You can believe whatever nonsense you care to, based on whatever irrational standards you enjoy, but that's the reality from a computer / network engineering perspective.

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Well funny these should be mentioned.. I was in VS today and I play a sniper.. I ducked into cover but none of my cover abilities were available because i got knocked out of cover but never came out of cover.. but as soon as our side cleared out the door the lag stopped and repeated itself on the other door.. when we were fighting again.. Its bizarre cause i seldom if ever hit a lag spike between my connection and the fact that like many of you i have a pretty potent gaming rig.. not likely to happen frequently.. I'm going to pay more attention to who we are fighting when this occurs
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Well a lot of people in the CS area are reporting greater than average Lag spikes since Friday. Does this mean this is the cause, no idea, are there lag switches out there? yup first ran into people useing them when I played Xbox live MW2. The fix there was noob tube or equip a RPG (sadly we have nothing like that) until they rage quit. Also different goal in that game.


The real question I have is can they even tell? With the lag that poops up every so often and effects some but not others? Or is this a side effect of lag swtiches?

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Well funny these should be mentioned.. I was in VS today and I play a sniper.. I ducked into cover but none of my cover abilities were available because i got knocked out of cover but never came out of cover.. but as soon as our side cleared out the door the lag stopped and repeated itself on the other door.. when we were fighting again.. Its bizarre cause i seldom if ever hit a lag spike between my connection and the fact that like many of you i have a pretty potent gaming rig.. not likely to happen frequently.. I'm going to pay more attention to who we are fighting when this occurs




In the past week, there has been a few times where I was in cover and couldnt use my cover abiltilties. At first I thought it was another SS popping me out out of cover with ability, then I noticed it wasn't. Also a few times after getting out of CC I couldnt go back into cover either...again no ability used to prevent me. So just chalked it up as a hack.

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So much ignorance of how network communications actually work going on in this thread.


Someone using a 'lag switch' would not benefit from it. The game would rubber band you back to the position you were at when you re-sync. Using it to avoid envrionmental damage or 'pass the ball after dieing' would not work either - these are things that the server controls. If the server thinks your dead, it automatically handles the ball being transferred, and any packets from a lagged client saying "Hey I'm passing the ball" are ignored (Server: Lol nope, you're dead son). Claims of this happening could be from passes being mid-air while the carrier dies (and could also be combined with the known bug of the pass circle not showing up, but rewatching this on video will clearly show the beacon of light over the carrier disappearing before they die, showing a pass).


Similarly, lagging yourself out in a fire trap would not help as the server would know where you are and still apply the damage, and your death.


Also, the 'lag attack' that you guys commonly see, the one which affects your framerates, is occured by the server loading a new instance of the warzone for another group of players. This has been noticed if you are the center of huttball at the time, you'll see a bunch of nametags pop up for a few seconds during the lag, then disappear. It also shows up in Novare, right in the center of the map where the speed boost is. Your client is loading, and then unloading the profiles of all these players. Why the system bothers sending this information to a completely different instance is just another case of this game's horribly inefficient coding.


Source: I'm a coder on an MMORPG Project.

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I don't see a whole lot of suspicious activity. That said, I have seen a few questionable occurances. I get the 30 second lag at crucial moments, I've seen people stutter around then warp across fire pits. Last night I saw something really odd.


I, and 4 other teammates, were in the endzone of our own goal. This enemy Vanguard guy with a really long nonsensical name had the ball. All 5 of us were attacking him, and then he simply vanished. Combat ended, we all stood around, rotating in place, trying to figure out what had just happened.


3 seconds later, the enemy team scored a point. The Vanguard became visible again, did /laugh, and then we killed him.


Two things: First of all, going into stealth resets the Huttball. And second, Vanguards don't even have stealth. 5 of us saw this. I know at least 2 filed a report.

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Where's the self entitled computer/software/network/system/game designer engineering expert who tells us that there's no hacks and/or cheats in this game?! Usually, there's at least one of these fellows in a thread like this :(


Oh they've already enlightened us with their incredible knowledge, oops I mean denial.

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I'm not gonna lie, I feel that this is happening quite a bit. There are a few players that when I'm against them in WZ's, my packets will spike enormously throughout a match -- as you said -- at critical times.


OMG!! I just returned from the game after a LONG break.


First thing I noticed, against 'specific' players I suddenly spike huge lag bursts, can't function properly, cannot hit buttons, etc. This happens repeatedly with these same players, every single time I face them. They have unrealistically high performance at the end as well. Extremely suspicious.


I am not quick to claim hacks, but my first impression was - this is a hack.

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I've heard of lag switches before, and have been paying attention a bit more. There are a couple of people in particular on PoT5 who seem to 'bring the lag' with them when they are close.


Or I may be reading into it; in any case I'll watch them a bit longer.

Edited by Monterone
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