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Who here will be doing the grind for full EWH?


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I've been here since beta.


Ok sorry - but then why do you say it's about losing a gear advantage? For most veterans is not about that!


My point is that after playing this game for a year, aside from the glorious Founder title, I have nothing to show for that a newbie who started in November cannot already have as well.


Why should I grind for EWH, if the gear isn't much better than what I already have?

But more importantly, in a couple of patches, EAware will give EWH out for free and all my efforts are negated again, just as they were with BM gear and now with WH gear.


In my opinion, SWTOR treats long-term customers (and especially PVP'ers!) like crap just to please newbies and people who don't want to put in the time and effort.


That might be the trend in every MMO, but that still doesn't make it right! :mad:

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Hi, I just un-subbed cos there's nothing left for me to do in the game any more. All I did was PVP and the new gear is not worth grinding for so it's game over for me.


So will you be grinding a set of full EWH?


Can I ask you an honest question. Lets say the gear was up to your standards of working towards, after you got that, does that mean you would quit then?

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Ok sorry - but then why do you say it's about losing a gear advantage? For most veterans is not about that!


My point is that after playing this game for a year, aside from the glorious Founder title, I have nothing to show for that a newbie who started in November cannot already have as well.


Why should I grind for EWH, if the gear isn't much better than what I already have?

But more importantly, in a couple of patches, EAware will give EWH out for free and all my efforts are negated again, just as they were with BM gear and now with WH gear.


In my opinion, SWTOR treats long-term customers (and especially PVP'ers!) like crap just to please newbies and people who don't want to put in the time and effort.


That might be the trend in every MMO, but that still doesn't make it right! :mad:

So you'd rather a new player that started with F2P be completely crushed in PvE gear (uh-oh no recruit gear because that is handing out gear for free) by people who have been here since launch sporting 13 levels higher PvP gear? And for that player to have to grind endlessly for years and always be a few tiers behind the people that subbed since the start? Just might as well give god mode to subbers since launch against everyone else and make a single 10-50 bracket. The warzones would be deserted within a year when the people from launch eventually get bored.

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The OPs opinion and the response of most people in this thread is why I really like the 1.6 gear changes. I'm already loving matches where everybody is roughly Warhero and skill defines the winners.


As for things to do at endgame I have plenty to do until next update. If you're out things to do you either need to get out of your parents basement and spend less than 18 hours in game or realize that PvP is one small corner of the game and there are tons of other things to do if you're bored.

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Hi, I just un-subbed cos there's nothing left for me to do in the game any more. All I did was PVP and the new gear is not worth grinding for so it's game over for me.


So will you be grinding a set of full EWH?


No, I'll be pvping because I enjoy pvping. Impossible concept to comprehend isn't it.

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Im basically already done with the grind. Just need 3 Enhancements, Doubt I will get Implants or Earpiece since they are not better then my warhero ones. Plus if you have BM shells all you need to do is grab the Bracers to get all your Armoring & mods. It made it easier for me since I use 4 Advanced Resolve Armoring 27's



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So you'd rather a new player that started with F2P be completely crushed in PvE gear (uh-oh no recruit gear because that is handing out gear for free) by people who have been here since launch sporting 13 levels higher PvP gear? And for that player to have to grind endlessly for years and always be a few tiers behind the people that subbed since the start? Just might as well give god mode to subbers since launch against everyone else and make a single 10-50 bracket. The warzones would be deserted within a year when the people from launch eventually get bored.


Uhm, at launch that's exactly what we did - we would go in 1-50 warzones (yes, there was only 1 bracket) in PVE gear (there was no recruit gear) and get our *****es kicked until we could purchase Centurion gear at level 50 - and the warzones weren't deserted at all, even though we were split on 70 different servers.


We did it and we are still playing - why should it be any different for newbies now?


By the way, I support recruit gear, because a) it's just 350K for a full set (I make more in one day doing dailies with my 50s) and b) because the way expertise affected combat was changed since launch, so it was necessary for balance.


But your attitude is exactly what's wrong with MMO's today - no effort, no patience, no hard work - just freebies and instant gratification and complaining how "OP" those are who worked and optimized their toons for many months.


Gear gap was never the problem - laziness of the newbs is and EAware caters to it.

Edited by Totaltrash
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Uhm, at launch that's exactly what we did - we would go in 1-50 warzones (yes, there was only 1 bracket) in PVE gear (there was no recruit gear) and get our *****es kicked until we could purchase Centurion gear at level 50 - and the warzones weren't deserted at all, even though we were split on 70 different servers.


We did it and we are still playing - why should it be any different for newbies now?


By the way, I support recruit gear, because a) it's just 350K for a full set (I make more in one day doing dailies with my 50s) and b) because the way expertise affected combat was changed since launch, so it was necessary for balance.


But your attitude is exactly what's wrong with MMO's today - no effort, no patience, no hard work - just freebies and instant gratification and complaining how "OP" those are who worked and optimized their toons for many months.


Gear gap was never the problem - laziness of the newbs is and EAware caters to it.

Be consistent. Recruit gear is free and handing out gear is catering to lazy casuals. Stop being a lazy casual lol. You probably enjoyed the 10-50 bracket because you rushed to 50 and stomped level 10s. I don't see how one otherwise could have enjoyed the situation on either side unless you need a gear advantage to not be owned by level 10s. Also those 70 full servers were more or less empty 2-3 months after launch. 2 million subs left the game because the system worked so great.


With your logic the gear progression should look like this.

  • Centurion = unranked comms
  • Battlemaster = ranked comms + battlemaster trade in
  • War hero = A new war hero comms currency with 1:3 trade in from ranked comms + battlemaser trade in.
  • EWH = A new EWH comms currency with 1:3 trade in from war hero comms + war hero trade in.

I'm sure if you are a good for nothing with no life this would be awesome while you kick level 10s in the combined 10-50 bracket. If this is not what you meant then you are a lazy casual that don't want to put the time in. Did I get your retarded reasoning right?

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Hell I still don't have full war hero on any of my guys, I tend to get bored and take long breaks from the game. I guess i'll get around to it at some point, but I'm never in any hurry to have the best gear, just enough to be able to compete is fine.
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Be consistent. Recruit gear is free and handing out gear is catering to lazy casuals. Stop being a lazy casual lol. You probably enjoyed the 10-50 bracket because you rushed to 50 and stomped level 10s. I don't see how one otherwise could have enjoyed the situation on either side unless you need a gear advantage to not be owned by level 10s. Also those 70 full servers were more or less empty 2-3 months after launch. 2 million subs left the game because the system worked so great.


With your logic the gear progression should look like this.

  • Centurion = unranked comms
  • Battlemaster = ranked comms + battlemaster trade in
  • War hero = A new war hero comms currency with 1:3 trade in from ranked comms + battlemaser trade in.
  • EWH = A new EWH comms currency with 1:3 trade in from war hero comms + war hero trade in.

I'm sure if you are a good for nothing with no life this would be awesome while you kick level 10s in the combined 10-50 bracket. If this is not what you meant then you are a lazy casual that don't want to put the time in. Did I get your retarded reasoning right?


No what he is saying is before all this free gear **** when you hit 50 what ever gear you had when you hit 50 you had to use to pvp as a "fresh 50" if you maxed merc and normal wz comms you could buy 4(?) champ bags get enough cent and champ comms for 2-3 pieces of gear if you were lucky u could get a champion token for a hand in for a piece of champion gear then grind away for 60 valor getting a massive 800 valor per win then trade in 1k normal comms and 1k merc comms for a battlemaster comm and use daily/weekly rewards for battlemaster bags.


So yes you would enter a wz in terrible gear and get steamrolled by full bm players back then this free gear **** when you hit 50 now is a joke.

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What...I don't understand. Isn't PVP more enjoyable when you can seriously say that Skill beats Stuff? Now, there isn't much difference between War Hero and the Elite one, so the power gap is closer now.

Oh and by the way, the main attraction for PVP player isn't to play against another Player? To show off who's the best, fair and square?


I welcome this change, and I am looking forward to see how I can optimize my armor sets now.


Actually the main attraction are rhe plethora of different classes and bilds you can experience. And alts are an important formula in all this. Previously youbcould at best have only one min maxed toon at a time. Now you can experience so much stuff that it is incredible.

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No what he is saying is before all this free gear **** when you hit 50 what ever gear you had when you hit 50 you had to use to pvp as a "fresh 50" if you maxed merc and normal wz comms you could buy 4(?) champ bags get enough cent and champ comms for 2-3 pieces of gear if you were lucky u could get a champion token for a hand in for a piece of champion gear then grind away for 60 valor getting a massive 800 valor per win then trade in 1k normal comms and 1k merc comms for a battlemaster comm and use daily/weekly rewards for battlemaster bags.


So yes you would enter a wz in terrible gear and get steamrolled by full bm players back then this free gear **** when you hit 50 now is a joke.

Yes this grind was so awesome that by February I could get one warzone going once a week for about 2 weeks until they stopped completely. Because of that I rolled an alt on another server and prepared it for 50 by buying a battlemaster bag. It never hit 50 because by the end of February there were a total of 9 people on the entire server. Then I didn't play for a couple of months until I rerolled a final time on ToFN and by the time I hit 50 there was a new system in place.


The old system was a joke and anyone actually thinking it was good probably also likes Cartel shop gambling bags and ghost servers.

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I guess alting isn't for you.


I'll be grinding alright. War hero gear for my upcoming army of alts :)


I fully agree with you pal. I have many alts that doesn't have a single warzone comm, so thank to my main I'll be gearing them. Besides I want to reach valor 70 so I can "uniform" my whole Havoc squad ins warhero shells. :cool:

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i found a better way around the gear gap..i just farm elite war hero force mystic braces..pop the mods and put it into armor...sure i lose the armor effect for the class..i feel only class that truly need the armor effect is juggs/guardians cause of the 10% dammage boost they get from force leap..


it is quicker this way to gear out toon in all lvl 63 mods.i choose the power way some might go with critical..i will get the elite wh armor sets..like ugly and few others im not rushing to have my toons in elite wh in a few days..you can farm the elite braces and belts use the mods as temporary fix until you grind out the full elite wh set..

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