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New Shinarika Shadow / Assassin PvP Video.


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Jedi Shadow PvP


And so the series continues...


17/1/23 : http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Shadow#220923e-1-c72e832f

2/31/8: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Shadow#20-7c8ef78cif-30f

5/5/31: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Shadow#3c-f-13e72e8f2f

27/0/14: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Shadow#e79e162fe-0-8830f

0/27/14: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Shadow#0-c8cf78cif-8830f





0:17 - 1:54

2:57 - 3:34

4:55 - 5:38



1:55 - 2:30



02:35 - 2:56



3:35 - 4:52

7:30 - 8:00



5:42 - 7:29

8:01 - 9:55



Note: 17/1/23 is not 23/1/17. It is a new Balance Hybrid I've made. I will have a later tutorial video covering the basics of it. From the strengths to weaknesses etc.

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Another solid video, thanks Shin. Not quite sure what I think of the 17/1/23. Guess I'll have to wait for the next vid.


In a basic nutshell, it's a highly mobile balance-type playstyle with a huge force pool for great overall sustained damage and control.

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In a basic nutshell, it's a highly mobile balance-type playstyle with a huge force pool for great overall sustained damage and control.


Honestly, I do not see the point of this build, at least for my own playstyle. It just seems to give up a lot of Balance's damage from the top of the tree, and lower Infil points, all for what seems to be nothing more than 20% force regen. When I play full Balance, I put 2 points into Sharpened mind, and I never ever have issues with force. I can even afford to use project for more than just keeping the Twin Disciplines buff up. Whether that's because I play Balance wrong or whatever, I don't know. I'm greatly anticipating a video more dedicated to explaining your new hybrid, because I must be missing something.


Nevertheless, the new video is amazing as always. Glad to have you back.

Edited by RankorSSGS
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Honestly, I do not see the point of this build, at least for my own playstyle. It just seems to give up a lot of Balance's damage from the top of the tree, and lower Infil points, all for what seems to be nothing more than 20% force regen. When I play full Balance, I put 2 points into Sharpened mind, and I never ever have issues with force. I can even afford to use project for more than just keeping the Twin Disciplines buff up. Whether that's because I play Balance wrong or whatever, I don't know. I'm greatly anticipating a video more dedicated to explaining your new hybrid, because I must be missing something.


Nevertheless, the new video is amazing as always. Glad to have you back.


Yeah, I said the same thing when my guildie showed me the build but I was pretty wrong. This spec tends to rely on DS a lot and it can upkeep it very frequently. Think of it as harder hitting dots.

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Shinarika, you are having such an easy time facerolling with your shadow, abusing the crap out of every possible build combo, effortlessly getting a lot of kills, yet for some reasons you want warriors nerfed. Well frankly speaking, after looking at those videos, i am not sure who they really have to nerf, them, or your precious shadow.


And all these hybrid builds, Jesus Christ. Smuglers, Agents cannot even dream about having so many versatile builds. This is my gripe with the entire consular/inquisitor class, too many goodies too low in the skill tree for both AC.


I don't understant how someone can call snipers OP, when such abominations as assassins exist. Everytime someone will whine about my class, i will link them your videos.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Finally home. So it's 1.6 regen/second with two points into one with the force/blood of sith. With a 15 second cd on FiB/DF with one target, assuming you get all 10 procs you're looking at .75 r/s (20 force every 15 seconds) and 2.25 r/s with 3 targets (good luck with maintaining that). Well, assuming I didn't screw up my math, which is always a possibility.


So likely more consistent regen over a primary balance build.


This is probably going to suck doing this as solo queue, but off to see how it plays...

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Shinarika, you are having such an easy time facerolling with your shadow, abusing the crap out of every possible build combo, effortlessly getting a lot of kills, yet for some reasons you want warriors nerfed. Well frankly speaking, after looking at those videos, i am not sure who they really have to nerf, them, or your precious shadow.

I've got the class nerfed before, won't be anything new. The issue with warriors is the fact that smash stacking is quite frankly, beneficial to a more supportive team effort than picking another class. How on earth is it logical that an AoE is allowed to be the hardest hitting move without any target caps?


And all these hybrid builds, Jesus Christ. Smuglers, Agents cannot even dream about having so many versatile builds. This is my gripe with the entire consular/inquisitor class, too many goodies too low in the skill tree for both AC.

I cannot see how this is an issue. Such creativity can only promote to a more diverse experience. I only wish the same for other classes.


I don't understant how someone can call snipers OP, when such abominations as assassins exist. Everytime someone will whine about my class, i will link them your videos.

Shadows are a creative class but they're far from overpowered. They are solid at best.

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Shinarika, you are having such an easy time facerolling with your shadow, abusing the crap out of every possible build combo, effortlessly getting a lot of kills, yet for some reasons you want warriors nerfed. Well frankly speaking, after looking at those videos, i am not sure who they really have to nerf, them, or your precious shadow.


And all these hybrid builds, Jesus Christ. Smuglers, Agents cannot even dream about having so many versatile builds. This is my gripe with the entire consular/inquisitor class, too many goodies too low in the skill tree for both AC.


I don't understant how someone can call snipers OP, when such abominations as assassins exist. Everytime someone will whine about my class, i will link them your videos.


Awwww poor baby. The thing with smashers, is its easy. It's a joke to be able to do what the spec does. Playing the assassin like Shin does takes tremendous skill. And even with that skill, the class struggles to find homes in competitive pvp. Your PT always will have a home, your sniper will too if you're good. Operatives are a must these days. Assassins are node guarders at best, and ignored at worst. So no, no nerfs.

Edited by RankorSSGS
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Awwww poor baby. The thing with smashers, is its easy. It's a joke to be able to do what the spec does. Playing the assassin like Shin does takes tremendous skill. And even with that skill, the class struggles to find homes in competitive pvp. Your PT always will have a home, your sniper will too if you're good. Operatives are a must these days. Assassins are node guarders at best, and ignored at worst. So no, no nerfs.


As a sniper i would rather prefer to have more warriors than asassins naturally. Since the metagame shifts after every balance patch, i am not looking forward at all to seeing in warzones more shadows like shinarika if melee get a huge nerf. Yes i can handle often a class that is supposed to hard counter me, but jeez, never have i felt more delegated to a support role when asassins are lurking arround doing all the wz objectives. I guess this is the price i have to pay to be a full ranged dps spitting machine.

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As a sniper i would rather prefer to have more warriors than asassins naturally. Since the metagame shifts after every balance patch, i am not looking forward at all to seeing in warzones more shadows like shinarika if melee get a huge nerf. Yes i can handle often a class that is supposed to hard counter me, but jeez, never have i felt more delegated to a support role when asassins are lurking arround doing all the wz objectives. I guess this is the price i have to pay to be a full ranged dps spitting machine.


I'll gladly trade you right now. If i do get lucky enough to find my way into a competitive game, I'm stuck half afk guarding the friendly node while my team gets to actually do something where the action is. Node guards are really all that makes the class wanted at all. Is that doing the objectives? I guess so, but its not fun.


Oh, and you won't be seeing more assassins like Shin, even if warriors do get nerfed. The only people who would leave warriors to go to assassins are FOTMers, and I guarantee no FOTMer has Shins skills.

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I'll gladly trade you right now. If i do get lucky enough to find my way into a competitive game, I'm stuck half afk guarding the friendly node while my team gets to actually do something where the action is. Node guards are really all that makes the class wanted at all. Is that doing the objectives? I guess so, but its not fun.


Oh, and you won't be seeing more assassins like Shin, even if warriors do get nerfed. The only people who would leave warriors to go to assassins are FOTMers, and I guarantee no FOTMer has Shins skills.


I understant your gripe. Different classes are different i guess. But everytime you pop force shroud and cleanse my leth dots i am a sad sniper. At least they gave us 30% accuracy cd ehich is damn useful against deflection.

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Finally home. So it's 1.6 regen/second with two points into one with the force/blood of sith. With a 15 second cd on FiB/DF with one target, assuming you get all 10 procs you're looking at .75 r/s (20 force every 15 seconds) and 2.25 r/s with 3 targets (good luck with maintaining that). Well, assuming I didn't screw up my math, which is always a possibility.


So likely more consistent regen over a primary balance build.


This is probably going to suck doing this as solo queue, but off to see how it plays...


That's along the lines. The constant regen and high mobility + 5s resil helps this spec to be what it can be.

Like I said, I will have a tutorial video concerning it in the future.

Edited by Xinika
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No 31/10/0? LOL I realize that is one of the "noob" specs, but I like it. Great for PvE dailies which I use my assassin for any more because I have virtually 0 down time yet can still kill quickly. Always wondered how it would do in PvP.


There was a time when such a spec shined, but those days are of them olden':cool:

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And all these hybrid builds, Jesus Christ. Smuglers, Agents cannot even dream about having so many versatile builds. This is my gripe with the entire consular/inquisitor class, too many goodies too low in the skill tree for both AC.


I don't understant how someone can call snipers OP, when such abominations as assassins exist. Everytime someone will whine about my class, i will link them your videos.


I actually wish all classes could be as dynamic. It's less predictable, and frankly a lot more fun for everyone who plays the class. So many options on what to do, you are bound to find something you like. Unfortunately or me with this one, it happens to be the "has-been" build, but that's why I have alts and thats not to say I wouldn't give it a go anyway.


You should link to these videos as examples of what other classes should be, IMO.


EDIT: I know Bioware probably doesn't want the hybrids because it's hard to balance, but that always confuses me because it leads one to believe that they care about balance in PvP and I don't think they really do. So long as PvE is as hard as they like to complete then it's good.

Edited by Technohic
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I actually wish all classes could be as dynamic. It's less predictable, and frankly a lot more fun for everyone who plays the class. So many options on what to do, you are bound to find something you like. Unfortunately or me with this one, it happens to be the "has-been" build, but that's why I have alts and thats not to say I wouldn't give it a go anyway.


You should link to these videos as examples of what other classes should be, IMO.


Yeah the main reason as to why I have no other 50's is due to how many builds this class has to offer. I use to switch it up all the time and with free respecs with the field respec its been a lot of fun.

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