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Patch 1.6 and the frustrated PVPer


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After finally achieving lvl 50 on my Trooper and after having suffered through the initial gear imbalance of a fresh 50 PVPer and working my way through full battlemaster gear and finally having enough rank warzones to purchase my first piece of war hero gear. The 1.6 patch made all that effort null and void. I feel like all that time and effort was wasted. Its a complete let down. I am sure there are other players under similar circumstances.


We should get an opportunity to get our ranked warzone commendations back or SWTOR should allow battle master gear to be exchanged at a reduced cost or even traded in. This is completely frustrating and unfair.


What say the community? What say you Dev's? Do you think its fair?

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Lol.. that is pretty much every mmo with a tier system for gear. New patch comes out, that means mean tier of gear. The new tier becomes the old tier. And, if you are really that impressed with the fact that you grinded full BM set.. when that really does not even take long then Idk what to tell you.. Either suck it up or leave I guess. This type of thing happens to many players in many games and its just something you need to deal with. Be happy you are still not in Recruit gear.. at least you can accomplish some nice numbers with BM gear.
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I'm not happy at all with war hero being made to cost the same as battlemaster. Why even bother doing flashpoints or operations. I have more endurance selecting the war hero mods that I want than a standard set of tank black hole gear. PvP gear should not be given away like this.


I originally thought bioware had a great idea that endgame content could be achieved and you could be the most powerful character PvP wise if you just put the time in. In effect it gives everyone equal opportunity but I don't play a game to have things given to me or handed to other people. I've been a loyal subscriber since launch and have actively promoted this game to help it succeed because I want it to. I've even bought the game for friends and family. This makes me want to delete my character right now and quit. What's the point? Something that took me months of solid playing can now be achieved in 3-4 days and the cycle is just going to continue. Why do I want to spend another 3 months to grind elite when It'll just become dirt cheap.


And yes I know new gears come out and make old ones not worthwhile anymore but not to the extreme nature of this. Why should someone who's been level 50 for a week or 2 be able to run in top tier gear?

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I originally thought bioware had a great idea that endgame content could be achieved and you could be the most powerful character PvP wise if you just put the time in.


Yeah, because the gear should determine how good of a PVP'er you are, not your skill. :rolleyes:

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I originally thought bioware had a great idea that endgame content could be achieved and you could be the most powerful character PvP wise if you just put the time in. In effect it gives everyone equal opportunity but I don't play a game to have things given to me or handed to other people. I've been a loyal subscriber since launch and have actively promoted this game to help it succeed because I want it to. I've even bought the game for friends and family. This makes me want to delete my character right now and quit. What's the point? Something that took me months of solid playing can now be achieved in 3-4 days and the cycle is just going to continue. Why do I want to spend another 3 months to grind elite when It'll just become dirt cheap.


Were you only playing for the gear and the advantage or did you play for fun over the last year? Personally I'm really not bothered over the 1.6 changes, for the first time in a while the game is closer to putting people on a level footing when it comes to PvP.


Thats's a good thing, after all: would you not rather come out on top against another player knowing that it was down to skill rather than gear?

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We knew about the new cost structure and the removal of BM gear a number of weeks ago (whenever 1.6 went up on the PTS). Anybody who was spending WZ comms on BM gear and ranked comms on WH gear after that point was making a poor decision (or at least a very short-term one).


Keep in mind that you can now acquire WH gear as quickly as any new 50s can. You can catch up to min/maxed WH geared opponents much faster than before. Why is this bad?

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These people are in for a few big surprises later on in life.


Gas is down to $4.19 a gallon? That's completely ridiculous because last week I filled up at $4.24!!


My Facebook stock is down to $16 a share? Unimaginable!! I paid over $40 so this must be incorrect.


SWTOR is F2P? Inconceivable!! I want a 10 month refund for all the fees I paid!!!


War Hero gear is cheaper?? I want my comms back!!!!




So many new players feel they got ripped off over one pair of battlemaster boots. What about those of us who bought multiple sets of War Hero gear? They probably should owe me about 15,000 ranked comms...right?

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Its sucks because those that started collecting when it first came up wasted their time.


Any game that has you collect gear is going to be about the gear, then skill comes in to whatever degree. If i wanted to play something that was purely dependent on skill I'd play a game like counter-strike. Everyone is giving the same equipment and weapon choices at the beginning of the match, then the best player or team wins.


Gear grind is what gives you a goal in the game, how many people do you think would still be playing this game or warzones if leveling up or getting new gear didn't increase stats? It'd be fun till you finished the story and you'd move on like any other single player game.

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You have 300 threads with people whining about Sorcs? A few months later you have a buff to melee.


You have 300 threads with people whining about getting roflstomped in recruit gear? A few months later you have practically free WH gear.


You have 300 threads by bad Sages whining about Marauders? A few months later you have a "reworked" resolve system and a bubble stun epidemic.


And people say Bioware doesn't listen to them...


Don't worry, whatever change they make next that is sure to annoy just about everybody? Yeah, that will be a hidden nerf to smashmonkeys.

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If you didn't have it already and are in Battlemaster, your grind is going to be simple. Particularly if you prematurely aug'd the set. We all knew it was coming. What you do is build up your comms before, purchase big improvements, and then grind it out. Full set is quick. Far better than how we used to get gear when the game started. Not to mention that the result is actually greater parity and at a faster rate.
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Getting good gear cheaply is a problem now? Shrinking gear gap is a problem?


This is a very alt-friendly game, and even more so now that you can quickly get your new alts to a competitive gear level in PvP. There is still the Elite War Hero set for progression, for long-term goal, for carrot.


Yeah, I grinded for Champion gear and old Battlemaster and then War Hero. So what? I had fun doing it and I'll have fun getting the next tier. Only difference is that this time I'll have to groan less often about having 4 people with 15k HP on my team.

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Welcome to mmos- the EWH gear is almost zero in stat boosts from WH, most pieces have all of a +4 total- so be happy it'll take little time to get WH gear now, for once we should see some actual balance in pvp.


Err- gearwise... the class balance is still absurd, CC and TTK for several classes both need a big look at... but at least gear's finally balancing out a little.

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People hide behind lies and cry because they dont have a huge gear advantage anymore.


And they have this illogical need for something they do in a video game to mean something other than entertainment. Newsfalsh kids, IT"S A VIDEO GAME! It doesn't mean anything. It's not even real rewards. Pixels. If a popular form of entertainment means more to you than entertaining yourself, it's time to seek therapy.


I have zero sympathy for people who only PvP for welfare gear. Spend a few hours in game, got some epics, feel good about your life. OH NOES! Some one else can get the same thing I got, my life is over :( If your time is so damn important to you that you need to place a "value" on it when entertaining yourself, you shouldn't be wasting it on video games. Seek professional help instead.

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And they have this illogical need for something they do in a video game to mean something other than entertainment. Newsfalsh kids, IT"S A VIDEO GAME! It doesn't mean anything. It's not even real rewards. Pixels. If a popular form of entertainment means more to you than entertaining yourself, it's time to seek therapy.


I have zero sympathy for people who only PvP for welfare gear. Spend a few hours in game, got some epics, feel good about your life. OH NOES! Some one else can get the same thing I got, my life is over :( If your time is so damn important to you that you need to place a "value" on it when entertaining yourself, you shouldn't be wasting it on video games. Seek professional help instead.


;) this man speaks truth

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