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Annoucement of 1st Paid Expansion on 1 year Anniversay?


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That video is WAY too old to believe ANY of it... it even says at the end of it "Coming in July. Play for free up to level 15."


Really? July? Level 15?


and? that's accurate. In July they added the free to level 15. Then in August they announced the full free 2 play option.



Everything in the video is still coming they just changed the time table. In several recent interviews they have stated that Makeb and the level cap increase is coming.

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That video is WAY too old to believe ANY of it... it even says at the end of it "Coming in July. Play for free up to level 15."


Really? July? Level 15?


Regardless. A raise in Level Cap has always been in the works. That is the way of things in themeparks. Have to have new rides and a new sense of accomplishment. A new treadmill for the skinner box. Get used to it. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Regardless. A raise in Level Cap has always been in the works. That is the way of things in themeparks. Have to have new rides and a new sense of accomplishment. A new treadmill for the skinner box. Get used to it. :cool:


I'm not doubting that Urael...I however dislike lies and rumors being spread as truth...I have NEVER seen them officially state or in any say that it would be 5 levels. It could be 25 or it could be 1...5 is a flipping guess, not fact! (unless someone can provide a REAL link)

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I'm not doubting that Urael...I however dislike lies and rumors being spread as truth...I have NEVER seen them officially state or in any say that it would be 5 levels. It could be 25 or it could be 1...5 is a flipping guess, not fact! (unless someone can provide a REAL link)


Still looking. I am thinking it was GA. So... that said .. yeah I wouldn't consider that as "fact". TBH, industry "convention" has been either 5 or 10 over the last few years. It is not unreasonable to think it will be in this range. :cool:

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I'm not doubting that Urael...I however dislike lies and rumors being spread as truth...I have NEVER seen them officially state or in any say that it would be 5 levels. It could be 25 or it could be 1...5 is a flipping guess, not fact! (unless someone can provide a REAL link)


There used to be someone on the forum that claimed to have definate info about it being 5 levels............ however he's almost certainly quit now. :confused::D

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There used to be someone on the forum that claimed to have definate info about it being 5 levels............ however he's almost certainly quit now. :confused::D


Yeah, gotta love all the guys who claim to know someone high up at Bioware...Even if he did/does know, it's not official until Bioware says it.

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I disagree with you on PvP balance. It's easy to achieve, but it can't be done by just examining metrics and charts.


As for the rest...you don't see the problem with that?! Making the Operations and FP's obsolete means there's NO end game PvE content. That would be STUPID at this stage...utterly stupid of them.

This thread is about an expansion. Obviously it won't bring a level cap increase alone, such thing is supposed to come with a set of fresh hm FP's and a couple of OPs to start with.

Speaking about PvP balance, i'm yet to see a game that has achieved it.

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I think G may be thinking of JeremyCrow. I always found his posts reasonable. :cool:


Hmm.... it could of been him, and generally he was (although I remember the 5 level thing being vague), it's just strange the number of people that have professed undying commitment to SWTOR (even to the point of insider knowlege)...... then quit themselves. :confused:

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This thread is about an expansion. Obviously it won't bring a level cap increase alone, such thing is supposed to come with a set of fresh hm FP's and a couple of OPs to start with.

Speaking about PvP balance, i'm yet to see a game that has achieved it.


You expect far too much from an expansion imo. This game completely suffers from end game activities now...increasing the cap would only exacerbate the issue. This is a F2P game, not W0W.

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I'd love to see this one:


Switched to the unreal 3 engine. Game now runs like a charm, every animation glitching and animation canceling/lag issues have been fixed now. Experience a smoother gameplay like you already do in WoW.


Oh and a new class:




trees are:


Dancer, Musician, Image Designer.

Edited by neocoma
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You expect far too much from an expansion imo. This game completely suffers from end game activities now...increasing the cap would only exacerbate the issue. This is a F2P game, not W0W.



Do you remember ages ago when the pricing survey was leaked where they were asking people how much they would pay for Makeb? All the questions mentioned 5 new levels.


Also, it wouldn't make sense to release 10 levels with one planet, that's too short. 5 levels, however, is conceivable, Corellia has 3 levels, so something twice that size would work.

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You expect far too much from an expansion imo. This game completely suffers from end game activities now...increasing the cap would only exacerbate the issue. This is a F2P game, not W0W.

I'm used to WoW and its quality of expansions, that's true, and i realize that TOR can't match it. So i've decided to check out what an expansion of a smaller game can offer. I heard about Rift, a game with a much smaller playerbase than TOR has, working on its first expansion. Let's see what features it has:

- two new continents filled with story.

- 10 more levels.

- 4 new souls (specs).

- 7 new dungeons (FP's).

- 3 new raids (OP's).

- loads of brand new features.

As i said, Rift has a fewer number of subscribers and no cash shop, thus their income is smaller. And still they manage to create an expansion of such scale. Why then TOR can't do the same?


p.s. Knowing people on this forum... first one who replies with something like "Why are you still here? Go play your precious Rift then!" will be cursed and will get no more loot drops for the next 6 (six) months!

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I'd love to see this one:


Switched to the unreal 3 engine. Game now runs like a charm, every animation glitching and animation canceling/lag issues have been fixed now. Experience a smoother gameplay like you already do in WoW.


Oh and a new class:




trees are:


Dancer, Musician, Image Designer.



I don't think they could do that now.


However I see no reason it couldn't be in as crafting skill or hobby....... LOTROs music system would be good too.

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I'm used to WoW and its quality of expansions, that's true, and i realize that TOR can't match it. So i've decided to check out what an expansion of a smaller game can offer. I heard about Rift, a game with a much smaller playerbase than TOR has, working on its first expansion. Let's see what features it has:

- two new continents filled with story.

- 10 more levels.

- 4 new souls (specs).

- 7 new dungeons (FP's).

- 3 new raids (OP's).

- loads of brand new features.

As i said, Rift has a fewer number of subscribers and no cash shop, thus their income is smaller. And still they manage to create an expansion of such scale. Why then TOR can't do the same?


p.s. Knowing people on this forum... first one who replies with something like "Why are you still here? Go play your precious Rift then!" will be cursed and will get no more loot drops for the next 6 (six) months!


I wish I could answer that for you...it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. I HOPE you're right, but honestly, there has been NOTHING that Bioware has done that has made me think "gosh, that's MORE than I expected"...and my expectations are already low. If they release what you listed, I'll never be able to say that again. :)

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8< -- there has been NOTHING that Bioware has done that has made me think "gosh, that's MORE than I expected"...and my expectations are already low. If they release what you listed, I'll never be able to say that again. :)


So true. :D


In a game with levels there will always be the cry to "raise" the level cap to have something else to do for a sense of accomplishement. I think that perhaps you are looking for games like the old Pre-CU SWG and the upcoming The Repopulation that will be entirely skills bases sand boxes where "crafted gear" was/will be the determiner for end game content and PvP viability and balance. :cool:

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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?


That's a pretty terrible case of wide eyed optimism you've got there :p

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I think an expansion could work very well IF they tweaked how endgame is so people have a reason to get it..others most could argue that there's no reason to buy an expansion if its the same type of endgame there is right now. It would work to their advantage if in conjunction with the announcement of a paid expansion that they announced a modified F2P system, F2P 2.0. A more lenient system that focuses on giving incentive to people rather than restrictiveness and outright force people to spend for even the most basic of features. Edited by Atrimentus
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I would love to have an expansion announcement right now, now would be the perfect time to announce and draw attention back to the game in a way that F2P can't. If this were a well-managed MMO it would have had an expansion in development since before release even. However this is in fact not a well-managed MMO. Therefore all bets are off. There may never be an expansion. We may just get Makeb-style DLCs every 18 months.
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I wish I could answer that for you...it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. I HOPE you're right, but honestly, there has been NOTHING that Bioware has done that has made me think "gosh, that's MORE than I expected"...and my expectations are already low. If they release what you listed, I'll never be able to say that again. :)

I feel the same way.

By saying "Why then TOR can't do the same?" i didn't imply that i expect Bioware to bring an addon of the same quality as Rift did. I know that they are not capable of it, so was just wondering why is this happening.

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