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Annoucement of 1st Paid Expansion on 1 year Anniversay?


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Paid expansion? No sir. I already pay the subscription and there are other f2p MMOs that bring them for free.


Full quality expansion packs with plenty of content are free only in your little fantasy world, in reality they need to be paid for especially if they are boxed.

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^This and no new lvl cap, what for? You reach the new lvl cap in like 6-8 hrs and then? Its back to the same. There is no need for a higher lvl. You can beat every enemy you encounter in this game with lvl 50. Doesnt needs to turn into WoW where it goes up to like lvl 80 now.


Paid expansion? No sir. I already pay the subscription and there are other f2p MMOs that bring them for free.


actually no I can't think of a nother F2P mmo that gives free expansions








all have full paid expansions.


with that said they should wait a bit for the first expansion announcement.

Edited by sstanks
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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?


haha, yeah ... but what you mentioned would already be pretty cool ^^

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Don't think there will be much new content or classes. Not with the vioce over they decided to do. Just adding a few quests and they need to hire the actors and what not. I don't think they have the money to sink into that really. Not for a new class or a new planet with quests.


I don't think they thought it thru what Voice over would cause if they were to release new content. They put too many eggs in one basket with voice over.


It is a cool feature, but makes development of new content very hard and costly.

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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?

- A 10 level Cap increase would nullify all existing Operations, flashpoints and completely throw the balance of PvP (not that there's any balance now) off. I hope they NEVER raise the level cap, all it does is add pretend 'content'

- New races will be coming...in the cartel market. They've already stated this

- New armor/weapons are already available...in the cartel market

- Player housing is a MUST long term!!!

- Guilds need a helluva lot more than just some ship...

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- A 10 level Cap increase would nullify all existing Operations, flashpoints and completely throw the balance of PvP (not that there's any balance now) off. I hope they NEVER raise the level cap, all it does is add pretend 'content'

As a player who have gone through a level cap increase in a different MMO 3 times, i can safely say that there is absolutely nothing to fear about.


Operations. Yeah, they'll become pretty much retired, but you can't expect any content to remain actual forever. It's a MMO after all, a game which is supposed to constantly grow, evolve and move on. Besides, all the old stuff will still be there, so if at any point you'll feel like running them again, nothing will stop you from doing it.


Flashpoints. Their status will change from "end-game" to "leveling" ones. You will still be able to experience the story at certain moments while leveling, so it's not a big deal as well.


PvP balance... it's a myth really. Something you can try to achieve, but will never fulfill. Anyway, people will quickly adapt to the new picture which will take place after the level cap increase happens.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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As a player who have gone through a level cap increase in a different MMO 3 times, i can safely say that there is absolutely nothing to fear about.


Operations. Yeah, they'll become pretty much retired, but you can't expect any content to remain actual forever. It's a MMO after all, a game which is supposed to constantly grow, evolve and move on. Besides, all the old stuff will still be there, so if at any point you'll feel like running them again, nothing will stop you from doing it.


Flashpoints. Their status will change from "end-game" to "leveling" ones. You will still be able to experience the story at certain moments while leveling, so it's not a big deal as well.


PvP balance... it's a myth really. Something you can try to achieve, but will never fulfill. Anyway, people will quickly adapt to the new picture which will take place after the level cap increase happens.


I disagree with you on PvP balance. It's easy to achieve, but it can't be done by just examining metrics and charts.


As for the rest...you don't see the problem with that?! Making the Operations and FP's obsolete means there's NO end game PvE content. That would be STUPID at this stage...utterly stupid of them.

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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?


So you have obviously not been paying attention to the vitriol in these forums for the past year any time BW has said anything and given even the slightest indication of a time frame. So no, this month would be the worst possible time for them to announce a new expansion unless it's already boxed and sitting in Target's stockroom (which it isn't, I was there yesterday and looked).


The list you provided is the perfect example of why the game is where it is now. Complete unmanaged expectations by the playerbase. I am perfectly content waiting for them to put out updates on their 6-8 week schedule while working on Makeb and the Super Secret Space Project, in between quashing the bugs. I wouldn't expect (nor should there be) any announcement of a full expansion at least until the spring/summer. Any attempt to do so beforehand will simply create more toxicity in the community than we already have.



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The list you provided is the perfect example of why the game is where it is now. Complete unmanaged expectations by the playerbase.


Ah! So you wanna blame the PLAYERS for the state the game is in huh?! Because a list of things we'd LIKE is what ruined the game?! Expecting updates and new quests is seriously that out of line in your opinion?? That's complete bunk lol.


I'll agree with you that people need to tone WAY back their expectations...but in no conceivable way are unrealistic expectations the root of this games problems. Lack of content for PvP, PvE, RP, crafting and Space are!

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Someone please explain me why every single member of community seems to be bent on having this. Am I the only one who has no problem with having no house?


Because for those of us who HAVE played games with it, we understand how much it can bring to a game. I firmly believe that MMOs are all about "stuff"...collecting, looting, crafting, earning, buying "stuff". Housing, when done right, allows players a place to show off their "stuff".


If you ever played SWG, you'd realize that EVERY player, at some point, became a collector and a decorator - not by choice, quite by accident for most. Player housing is an amazing way to connect players with the world, unlike ANY other game mechanic I've ever witnessed. Players who do nothing but PvP will show off PvP "stuff". Pilots will show off space "stuff". PvEers will show off boss "stuff". Crafters will display top end "stuff" they've crafted. All these tiny displays become museums of a players time in-game. Player housing is the greatest non-combat mini-game EVER invented imo!!!

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Because for those of us who HAVE played games with it, we understand how much it can bring to a game. I firmly believe that MMOs are all about "stuff"...collecting, looting, crafting, earning, buying "stuff". Housing, when done right, allows players a place to show off their "stuff".


If you ever played SWG, you'd realize that EVERY player, at some point, became a collector and a decorator - not by choice, quite by accident for most. Player housing is an amazing way to connect players with the world, unlike ANY other game mechanic I've ever witnessed. Players who do nothing but PvP will show off PvP "stuff". Pilots will show off space "stuff". PvEers will show off boss "stuff". Crafters will display top end "stuff" they've crafted. All these tiny displays become museums of a players time in-game. Player housing is the greatest non-combat mini-game EVER invented imo!!!


Meh ... I had a couple of houses in SWG mainly because they were given to me. All my "stuff" was just inside like a storeage unit. I only had a half way decient looking place when I "paid a decorator" to arrange my stuff and add to it. It's fun if you like to do that sort of stuff. I next to never spent any time in my "houses". I was usually in the clubs on my entertainer or out in the field on my PvP oriented Combat toon. ;)

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- A 10 level Cap increase would nullify all existing Operations, flashpoints and completely throw the balance of PvP (not that there's any balance now) off. I hope they NEVER raise the level cap, all it does is add pretend 'content'

- New races will be coming...in the cartel market. They've already stated this

- New armor/weapons are already available...in the cartel market

- Player housing is a MUST long term!!!

- Guilds need a helluva lot more than just some ship...



A 5-level increase is already coming. Guaranteed. It's in videos they've already released. So sorry old chap, you're endgame gear will become obsolete anyway.

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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?


They already said guild ships are int he far far far far far far distant future, they will most prob NEVER have player housing and they can bearly make a few content patches with new wz or raids, making 2 new classes with voices and story to lv 60 would take them far too long, the way its headed and f2p im not sure what they will do. lotro keeps pumping out content and thats got less players, they have an expansion every year.

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Housing would depend largely on how they implemented it. Look at lotro, player housing there is a forgotten relic. The housing neighborhoods are ghost towns. Players have been begging, pleading, threatening, petitioning, anything-ing to get a revamp to the housing set up there and it will never happen because lotro is f2p now and it isn't profitable enough for them to touch it, so it sits and rots.


Housing would be nice but it seems to be a vocal few that want it the most and to EA, the cost of implementing a feature like that vs the profits it would bring in, aren't enough to justify the cost. So I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing it any time soon. In fact, that goes for a lot of cool side features this game sorely needs. It's all going to be weighed by costs and potential profits now. Such is the life of a f2p game sadly enough.

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OK...more specifically, a link to where they stated 5 levels please. That link stated a cap increase, no number.


It's in the "presentation" video from this past summer. Still looking for it. :cool:


Edit: OK they didn't mention how many levels.


@1:47 level cap raise is mentioned.


Just prior to that they mention character transfer.


Also of note they mention "continuing your personal Starwars Saga" @ 1:57 (whatever that means :rolleyes: )



Edited by Urael
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In my experience there are two types of "expansions"


- one where any and all new stuff comes out in an expansion. the only updates that happen between this type of expansion are bug fixes. EQ1 was like this. Every six months players would have to dish out another ~$25 for an expansion.


- one where major changes are implemented in an expansion and in between these major changes are content patches. New group and raid content is released, new features are implemented within the frame work of existing content. WoW is like this. Every two years Blizzard releases an expansion that costs ~$50 to buy.


SWTOR is following the WoW model. The basic game was released a year ago but we have gotten a lot of new content and features since that initial release. The first "expansion" has already been announced - new planet, new level cap, new race to play. It might not be as grand a scale as you may want, but it is still an expansion.

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I would love to hear about a new expansion. But I think BW and EA are going to wait before investing in it and see how this new model plays out. If anything, you may have an announcement in the Summer or the Winter of next year. I'm thinking Winter.


There are tons of small little things they have to implement in the game first like guild progression and features. Though I would love to see new ships added at some point. Still love the Guild Capital Ship idea. So much potential if BW is willing to go out on a limb and make it happen.

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