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The KEY to SWTOR Happiness is...


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to lower your expectations from the game and from its players.


play for yourself. play alongside others, but not with them.


take the game for what it is, and don't expect to get anything that it doesn't offer.


don't expect things to get better. just use it to get your star wars fix.


Not just Tor but pretty much any new mmo, lets look back over the past few years no mmo has done all that well, for a long period of time(post wow).. I have never had high expections for this game, in fact I have learned many years ago not to set the bar to high for new games, Even stand alone RPG's don't have near the hours of play they used to, and a few weeks ago I seen a business report that stated video game sales were down 25% across all platforms, not hard to figure out when all we get these days is just re-hashed stuff from year to year../sigh

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to lower your expectations from the game ... take the game for what it is, and don't expect to get anything that it doesn't offer ... don't expect things to get better ... just use it to get your star wars fix.




Also, play it as a stand alone RPG (or a lobby game) that serves up content from the net. There are other MMORPGs that handle end game much better than SWTOR to get your fix of that style of play. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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... a few weeks ago I seen a business report that stated video game sales were down 25% across all platforms, not hard to figure out when all we get these days is just re-hashed stuff from year to year../sigh


Gaming industry takin a page from Hollywood. Movies have been a rehash for years with nothing truely unique or different. For that matter you can add comic books and other forms of "story telling". It really seems like all the stories have been told. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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You got it all rong

Not going to be friend with some1 who is a part of the cancer killing the gaming industry (casuals, 95% of the playerbase)


I like to troll, making some1 roll a commando because they are much better than vanguards is fun.


I can't play at higher difficulties, since I've cleared all Nightmare Mode content


Stories? Ah you mean the "Do a fetch quest, run for 10 minutes, spacebar through the pr0n-level voice acting, start all over"? Nope.


Oh... so 95% of the playerbase is whats "killing the gaming industry"?

You do realise that if 95% of people stopped playing, there would be no game?

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its sad that people think telling others to LOWER their standards and expectations is ok.


Dont take the game for what it is



from yourself and from others!


Accepting less is why this genre in some much trouble since WOW hit the sceen


DEMAND MORE from yourself and from others and NEVER let someone tell you lowering your standards is the way to go!


And im not just speaking about the game either


Lower = not expecting the 2nd coming like many were expecting when TOR came out

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Dw Op


I'm pretty certain well over 50% of peeps here are effing hypocrites.

They know damn well how vile things can get. So they're either acting righteous for the cameras, or simply don't have a clue - which makes it even worst.


I feel sorry you feel this way about a game mate; and I can understand why.

I can't agree with making yourself more miserable though.


My 2cents? G tfo dude - even for a small while.

You'll come back (or not) fresh, with a readjusted healthy perspective on that stuff.

And you'll see it for what it is: small stuff.


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to lower your expectations from the game and from its players.


play for yourself. play alongside others, but not with them.


take the game for what it is, and don't expect to get anything that it doesn't offer.


don't expect things to get better. just use it to get your star wars fix.


I disagree. It's not about lowering your expectations. Rather, it is about keeping an open mind. Realize that the game, as any other game, will not be *exactly* as you built it up. Enjoy it for the things you like about it and understand that changes will be made and the game will grow, as MMOs do.

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12. Avoid the forums. They are full of haters who will dislike and bemoan every move EA makes.


Got to agree wholeheartedly on this one. Avoid the forums. Pay little to no attention to the angst and vitriol that you find there.


For God's sake... avoid the forums!

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Got to agree wholeheartedly on this one. Avoid the forums. Pay little to no attention to the angst and vitriol that you find there.


For God's sake... avoid the forums!


Being ironic? Posting about avoiding the forums on the forums that you want people to avoid as the only means of seeing a warning to avoid the same forums? :D

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People having little to no standards and accepting failure is why this world is in such a ****** place.




Reading these forums since '08 and not much has or will ever change. People love to be miserable and want everyone else to miserable with them.


Opinions are like a**holes....everyone's got one!!!

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People having little to no standards and accepting failure is why this world is in such a ****** place.


Obviously OP isn't asking you to apply this to IRL situations.


Feel free to set yourself up for disappointment then. OP's advice is more on the realistic side than the wishful thinking you wish people would have. The wold wouldn't be any better if everyone was walking around with 10 tons of disappointment on their back. It would probably be worse.


It's just foolish to expect so much when a game is developing. Resources can become limited, creativity can become limited, and many factors may come into play when trying to develop a game that is trying to appease everyone's massive expectations. Time is very important and often times a developer does not have enough of it to implement the things players are expecting. One of things that is often asked for is open-space exploration and combat with guild ships and group ships. I guess people don't realize but that's something that would take several months and dozens of people to make it a worthwhile reality. Yeah it would be pretty nice to have all that but at the moment other things are taking priority.


Not saying you shouldn't ask for things because you definitely should but you should do so at a more realistic level unless being disappointed is what you like. You have to learn to balance expectations and being okay with what you're getting. Ie. have an open mind.

Edited by Atrimentus
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to lower your expectations from the game and from its players.


play for yourself. play alongside others, but not with them.


take the game for what it is, and don't expect to get anything that it doesn't offer.


don't expect things to get better. just use it to get your star wars fix.


Expectations exist only in the small-mind. Expectations will let you down. Approach all things with an open-mind, and you may find you are not disappointed as often.

I was not disappointed with SW:TOR, though yes, it does have more polishing to do. But it will never be a perfect game, and I accept this.


Play alongside others, but not with them? I play here with RL family and friends. We've never had so much fun in any other MMO. Ever.


Hey, angst all you want. Some people love this game. For some people, it exceeded expectations. For some people, this game is exactly what they were looking for in an MMO.


Sorry the game didn't completely satisfy you, but there are others out there, so move on instead of trying to QQ about it like a fortune cookie.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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to lower your expectations from the game and from its players.


play for yourself. play alongside others, but not with them.


take the game for what it is, and don't expect to get anything that it doesn't offer.


don't expect things to get better. just use it to get your star wars fix.


In 2012 I expect an MMO to at least have the same features as one from the 90's. If that's too much to ask, we're in serious trouble.

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u said it like a console based game,

which is true,

swtor should never be a MMO,

it should be designed as kotor3 with some connection function,

maybe like BG2 or something,

but u shouldn't sad now, cause after 1yr, F2P is online now,

u don't have to spend any money for it,

it simply doesn't deserve it.


Quoted for truth....I have always championed the idea that if this game had come out as a console game with online co-op..It would have been solid gold!!!!!

An mmo..this is not!!


And also, everyone saying that it's the same complaints on all the mmo boards, I went and checked a couple of f2p titles I used to play heavily, and on most I couldn't find any doom and gloom threads < as you would say. I found some threads complaining about certain countries players , but not to many on this caliber of game play issues. Note I am talking about f2p forums....most are not that bad really. I'd like to see examples.

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How to enjoy SWTOR!


1) Have "fun" with the Legacy tree.

2) Realise that most of the budget went on voice acting. Love those voices people!

3)Realise that even though you're meant to feel epic, at low levels you will have your awesome Jedi pummeled by a Gangster with a silver frame.

4) Realise this isn't WoW. This is a game much more challenging! I mean, if you can put up with the 24 hour loading screens, lack of integrity and the fact these bugs have been floating around for months now, you are far above WoWs standards. Mhm.

5) Fanboys will vigorously defend this game with every movement their fingers can muster upon the keyboard. Realise this.

6) This game isn't going to get any better. They went F2P. I actually won a lot of money betting that it would. This means that they have almost nothing left, they're running on empty.

7) Accept that until level 50, you have no freedom. You will go to x, do y, and complete z. This is an on rails storyline.

8) No. Your tank companions won't get any better. Shut up and make ressing them as natural as breathing.

9) I never realised I found so much wrong with the game. Go figure.

10) Why am I subscribed? I am a rich guy and when I fancy a change from WoW, I come here and try to avoid as many "Strong" enemies as possible, which are far too overabundant. Which brings me to point 10! Subscribe or be gimped.


So. Flame on, fanboys.

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OP tries to be some kind of Fortune Cookie Confucius but fails.


This game has been getting better ever since I got it and they are always looking to improve it and add more stuff. Whether it's the content or meeting new people and making friends, doesn't matter to me, I enjoy it cuz I enjoy it.


The best way to enjoy SWTOR is to play for your love of Star Wars and the game. Definitely DO NOT come here and listen to the griefers.

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So I'm suppose to lower my expectations to the point that I'd enjoy getting kicked in the crotch multiple times? Well, it's not like the game is any worse than that experience....well, not by much anyway.


And here you are again...

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