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Bolstered WFs are a joke.


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I love this system. Keeps me at my toes all the times knowing that lowbies can kill me even though they have less skills and skill levels. Also knowing that I have a chance to beat higher level players. I hope they will keep bolster for good.
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I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


PVP is a side part of the game, not its main focus. you want pvp, go back to arenas or play real games like COD and BF3. PVP in RPGs are for challenged people with no hand eye coordination in fps games.

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I don't recall a line in the EULA where your selecting a warzone to enter guarenteed that every single possible condition you can think of has been made perfectly equal so "skill will prevail".


You're level 15. In WoW when I used to play BGs at level 10 I got facerolled by twinked level 19s spamming Sinister Strike or I facerolled greenies myself with my single high end piece of gear.


By comparison I took my Jedi Guardian into PvP the other day and helped a level 12 Jedi Sage and a level 26 DPS Commando take down a level 34 Sith Juggernaut, backed up by a level 15 Sith Sorcerer and a level 18 Sniper Agent.


No game I've ever played has given me that kind of experience. What I'd like to have happen is they fix the damn lag in Warzones so I can enjoy it more consistently.


It's an MMO. There will always be some degree of gear and skill differential. Just accept it and have fun with it. Taking down higher level classes isn't "unfair". It's part of the damn challenge. A real PvPer would enjoy said challenge instead of moaning about it.

Edited by Bakarn
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When I was in Early Start, Republic only had level 10~19 and Imperials had a few 20+ , Republic team that I was with still steam rolled them in Void Star, they were so busy doing other things they forgot all about the doors, and by the time its Our turn to Defend, We totally destroy their asses. Now I dont' know how you are playing the game, but Booster worked.


But when you are fighting against a Level 50 player and you are Level 10, thats where the Gap is Huge. You can barely make a dent in the LEVEL 50 player but when You focus fire and kill off everyone else, that Level 50 loner will not be able to win.


Each Warzone has a Goal that you need to accomplish, you only lose when you lose focus and start trying to rake kills and damage, if your team focus on the Doors at Voidstar, getting the ball and passing it in Huttball, or holding and ninja the undefended turrets then you will always win or come close to winning.


I have seen too many players trying to kill the enemy that they totally forgot to attack the ball carrier, protect the ball carrier, passing the damn Huttball, or defend the door that we lose. And its not because of Level difference, its just bad coordination. So try coordinating your attack.

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Oh for the love of God I hope you guys are planing on removing the WF bolster and adding brackets cause as it is now its a total joke. I am not sure if SWTOR was just lazy and didnt want to worry about PvP balance or they think bolster is just a good idea but both are wrong.


I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


I can think of only 2 reasons a bolstered PvP system would work.

1. It allows friends/guildies of ALL level to join a WF together.


2. You are lazy and dont want to have to worry about dealing with the balance issues that would arise from a bracket none bolstered system.


Now the reasons it is bad.

1. Difference in skills, when you got a bunch of low 20s/teens vs high 20s/30s the team with the higher levels, more amount of stuns/CC and just generally more skills WILL win.


2. A guild group of a few 40s can join a BG that have TONS more time PvPing together and wipe the floor with the other team and any new people that are in that BG will be turned off from WFs for ever like that. Granted that can happen in any game/PvP system but your not going to find some 40s beating up on 20s and teens in other MMO BGs.


3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.


4. "Getting murdered in my bracket at level 19, oh well I will level up get some better gear and at 28/29 I will join that bracket and see if its better." Well not with a bolstered non-bracket system you wont, if one side is winning the BGs all the time and your getting murdered it will stay that way till...




1. Proper matchmaking can address this i.e Each team has few of each general level range.


2. Irrelevant. Any coordinated team will beat an uncoordinated team under the current system.


3. Gear still matters but just not as much. Focus is more on fun and team play rather than IPWN gear which is great IMO. Arena gear BS is why I left WoW a couple of years ago.


4. I murder players 20+ levels above me on a regular basis. My record is murdering a player a L42 with a L21 toon.


I'm telling you RIGHT NOW... that the system is popular with most and people will keep playing. The only exception is those players that need their gear crutch to 'feel' competitive.

Edited by Hellapain
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I'm fairly certain the matchmaking system attempts to group you with people around your level. I only have anecdotal evidence, but I do vaguely remember a dev saying something to that effect. This morning I played a warzone on my level 11 and everyone was between 10 and 30. Immediately after that, I logged onto my level 38 and joined a warzone where everyone was above level 35. It could have been a weird quirk I suppose, but I like to think that once there is a healthy population of level 50s, seeing anything other than level 50s (as a level 50, of course) in warzones will be a rare thing.
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Honestly, the higher level you are, the better you contribute, and admittedly, the average level increases towards 50, it will become "Oh, noes, we have lowbies in" since lowbies will have less abilities and no talents spent (meaning their abilities are weaker even with the boost). However, I think the insta-queues make up for it, and frankly, the distribution so far has been pretty nice.
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I love the system. I go in on my lvl 15 smuggler and get top damage and kills. Obviously, lacking skills is not a big issue. Learn to play your class the best with the skills u have. The biggest difference i have seen, is higher level you have more more defensive abilities and survivability.
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Bolster is fine. If you're decent at PvP you can go in at 10 and hold your own against a lvl 20-30 guy 1v1.


Obviously as you level, things will get easier, but at lvl 10 you already have a fair number of abilities that when bolstered make you more than capable of staying afloat. Early on (10 or soon after) as an operative I had a stun, an aoe blind, stealth, ranged burst, melee burst, and my cc breaker ability.


It may be more difficult for some classes who don't have as diverse a kit to start with, but that doesn't mean that bolster should go away. It just means that those classes need to try harder :)

^^this, All we need is 1-49 and 50


also Premades always beat pugs

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Oh for the love of God I hope you guys are planing on removing the WF bolster and adding brackets cause as it is now its a total joke. I am not sure if SWTOR was just lazy and didnt want to worry about PvP balance or they think bolster is just a good idea but both are wrong.


I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.



I'm telling you RIGHT NOW...I LOVE THE BOLSTER SYSTEM and if they add brackets and remove the bolster system I will not play PvP.


There is this other game where they have brackets, OP gear from arena, no bolster system etc.. However, I consider that games PvP a TOTAL JOKE. I can't remember the name of the game. :D

Edited by Hellapain
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If the game allows participation in pvp from level x and beyond, it should be as balanced as possible for that entire range. If they don't want to put in that kind of effort they should've just made it level cap content.


Choice is everything. The lack of options regarding which warzones we participate in is bad design.


TOR will be large enough that they didn't need to use such extremes controlling the WZ queues. The bolster mechanic is decent, but the queue could still use some form of brackets.


As for other games.... TOR has yet to improve in pvp design comparatively. It plays very much like the competition.


And no, not every class/spec gets comparable utility, dps, durability - which is exacerbated by the enormous level gaps currently in WZ.

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I am just wondering what caused ANYONE within this thread or game to even consider that the game was designed around PvP or even designed with PvP as the core mechanic. Did leveling to lvl 10 not clue you in? Story? Hello? PvE?


Level 10 is advanced classes. That's when they differentiate and you leave the core worlds story wise.


Got nothing to do with PvP design. They've got Mythic designing the PvP side of the game. Shows how little you know.

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Bolster is fine. If you're decent at PvP you can go in at 10 and hold your own against a lvl 20-30 guy 1v1.


Obviously as you level, things will get easier, but at lvl 10 you already have a fair number of abilities that when bolstered make you more than capable of staying afloat. Early on (10 or soon after) as an operative I had a stun, an aoe blind, stealth, ranged burst, melee burst, and my cc breaker ability.


It may be more difficult for some classes who don't have as diverse a kit to start with, but that doesn't mean that bolster should go away. It just means that those classes need to try harder :)


This. The game is fine as is. I'd rather not split it into brackets and have to wait forever for a warzone to pop.

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If you split WFs into brackets it will solve all the imbalance problem because you'll never see another WF unless you wait for an hour before they pop up.


As an Assassin my primary moves are Shock (1), Maul (10), Discharge (12), and Force Lightning (probably 2) in PvP. Yes being higher level gives you some cool bag of tricks but the primary damaging stuff doesn't require a high level. No you're not going to be an effective ball carrier without say Force Speed or something similar, but not everyone has to be the hero. In fact the guy getting mauled by 4 guys while your ball carrier moves or you're capturing an objective is probably just as valuable, and Bolster ensures you got enough HP to keep the enemy occupied a while. Obviously a level 12 isn't going to expect to win a 1 on 1 against a level 40 but that's not the sole or the even the prodominent form of fighting in a WF.

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