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Everything posted by TheDivineEmu

  1. That's not fraud you idiot. You probably never cancelled your wife's and now your pissed off about it. Leave
  2. Because no one cares anymore. Let it go. If you have a problem, leave and stop posting.
  3. Yay! An actual legitimate thread made by someone who isn't a 12 year old with nothing better to do other than complain about *insert random QQ here*. Well said, I'm happy to hear some positives on the forum for a change. For every crybaby out there whining on the forums there are hundreds and hundred of players having a great time. The vocal minority are certainly irritating. There's a lot to do in this game and the amount of content it has at launch is absolutely fantastic. I can't wait for the first major content patch!
  4. Bracketing level 50s together makes a lot of sense, but having a bolstered 10-49 bracket is still great so that friends can play together at a variety of levels. I hope they implement: 1) Bracket for Level 50s 2) Bolstered bracket 1-49 MMOs are a social experience, and this helps keep it social
  5. Alright bye... You're wrong. Bolstered PVP is excellent. Brackets is so fun when every level ending in a *9* gets to run around and ruin everyone below them. You won't be missed. NEXT.
  6. I PVP quite a bit and don't feel that there is a major issue. Some minor tweaks here and there for ALL classes (minor nerf/buffs) and everything should be good.
  7. Absolutely!!! Bioware has done an excellent job. I'm very satisfied with my purchase and ongoing subscription!
  8. TheDivineEmu


    I would love to know as well!
  9. Agreed. Bioware has done an excellent job and they deserve praise!
  10. Leave then? Stop trying to get attention. No one cares
  11. The PVP is great. Love the system. It allows you to participate in PVP at any level and with all your friends. Thats what MMOs are about!
  12. Level pacing is fine. There's too many people out there with nothing better to do than play for 20+ hours a day... That's the damn problem.
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