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F2P is worthless


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SWTOR has a Facebook page that seems to get a lot of use and F2P players on facebook can use that for feedback and may people appear to be doing just that.


There is also the SWTOR twitter feed for information etc.


F2P players can read all of the forums, they just can't post here.


Monitoring the forums takes money and people. As bad as the forums are they would be even worse, IMO, with the addition of F2P player postings.


As for a forum just for F2P, well they have Facebook and twitter and can read all of the SWTOR forum posts so I'm not sure it would add anything to those options.


Contrary to popular belief not everyone is on twitter or facebook or has any intention/desire to join them.

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First off, Free to play users of SWTOR need to be able to voice there concerns or opinion based on the service they use. They should at the very least get a sub forum where they can talk about and discuss the platform of the game they use.


Secondly, the caps that are put on F2P are not only limiting to the content in the nature they are designed to be but limiting in nature as to the effectiveness they are at prompting or generating interest in the game and its content. Examples are both the Flashpoint and Space Mission caps. For the Flashpoints I can understand the 3 rolls a week on the final boss of a Flashpoint but having it auto force and automatically use one of those rolls when none of the gear that drops pertains to my class is unacceptable. The system should be on use only, where I the player chose if I am going to use my limitation cap. Having it automatically used only allows for three flash points a week. Which not only limits the interest I have in the content but the any reason I have to que for it. As for the Space Missions since they are repeatable it is understandable, again, why the cap is there. But given that you only get the quest rewards in full once a day there is minimal reason to run them in succession. I would suggest that it is changed to simply remove the rewards for completing them via experience and Comms after the 3 limitations per week have been used and continue to allow people to do the space missions but with no rewards.


Thirdly, remove some of the subscriber spam. Not everything needs to inform the player that they are not a subscriber to the game. Players themselves would know and be fully aware. I suggest coming up with a less irritating icon to signify that a person is not a subscriber other then the Cartel Coins icon.


Fourthly, Lower the limit of the Quick Travel. Two Hours is extremely excessive. 1 hour is more then acceptable. Also allow players a Fleet Pass that is available for use only once per week. Its tacky as balls to have that as a cartel purchase but not as a free to play user.


Lastly, there needs to be a Cartel Market item that allows access to the Legacy Global Unlocks. Being unable to purchase any of the legacy system features unless subscribing is poor product management. Specifically since you can access every other feature through the Cartel Market.


That is my constructive feedback for the Free to Play system.


To the part about legacy if a free to play player can buy the extra character slots and then meet the legacy level requirements then I see no reason to limit the legacy items they can buy as long as its available to all.

I assuming there is an option to purchase access to the legacy system. How ever it cant be a one time unlock. Since we subscribers pay an ongoing fee to have it then free to play players should have to renew access to the legacy system too. Then again at that point with all the stuff your buying wouldn't 15 bucks a month be cheaper?

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Grasping at straws are we now? F2P are potential customers. If BW can't see that then I understand why SWTOR is sinking faster than titanic.


You are saying on one hand that F2P should be there to entice people to subscribe. On the other hand you are saying that we should give F2Pers features they want for free that do come with a sub.


How is that holding water?


If they want these features, they should sub.

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To the part about legacy if a free to play player can buy the extra character slots and then meet the legacy level requirements then I see no reason to limit the legacy items they can buy as long as its available to all.

I assuming there is an option to purchase access to the legacy system. How ever it cant be a one time unlock. Since we subscribers pay an ongoing fee to have it then free to play players should have to renew access to the legacy system too. Then again at that point with all the stuff your buying wouldn't 15 bucks a month be cheaper?

For the Legacy system unlocks you can buy select things. The Global unlocks aren't available in the Market. More specifically anything offered in the Other tab of the Legacy System is offered in specificity to the feature you want to unlock. For example the GTN legacy unlock for the ship is 900 Cartel Coins. Excessive and abusive towards the player. And depending on the feature the prices all vary from 175 - 450 cartel coins. So obviously there is some room for improvement with the system.[/color][/color]

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Wow.....really? Do you actually PLAY this game? Grasping at straws....my ignore list is FULL of "free to play" credit spammers. You really need to login once and a while..


BW is sinking not because of it's players...but because of it's lack of attention TO it's players!


My ignore list is full of subscribers and not single one F2Pyer.


So by your magnificent criteria noone should be allowed to post on the forums.

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The next point is the preferred status is really worse than F2P. limiting battle ground or new player creation seems ok but removing quick bars that someone has paid for with the purchase of the game and other such annoyances nearly make me want to stop playing all together.


Technically I believe a sub is more like a rental rather than a purchase. At any rate Preferred now has 4 quickbars just like we had prior to F2P (at least I don't recall a non-custom UI setting that had 6). Personally I never needed more than 4 quickbars, barely have anything on my 5th quickbar (which I could cram onto my 3rd & 4th quickbars if needed) and my 6th is completely empty. I don't see how Preferred got the short end of the stick with 4 quickbars.


I agree some restrictions should be tweaked or completely lifted (like I've heard about limitations on loot rolls in FP which seems completely stupid). It's certainly not a perfect system but I think with continued constructive feedback the devs can create a good F2P model.

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Contrary to popular belief not everyone is on twitter or facebook or has any intention/desire to join them.


True, but not everyone plays MMOs, and from what I've read, only a small percent of MMO players actually use the forums.


The way many of the threads in these forums go it might actually be a good idea to forbid F2P players from even reading them. Then they could make their own mind up how they feel about the game :rolleyes:

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tera f2p- till lvl 28 only among other restrictions.

aoc f2p- can choose only 2 melee class among other restrictions.

swtor- can play any class, any advance class, can finished class quest, can reach max level, can buy unlocks via in game credit, etc.


sad so many cheap trollers (<<<<< lowest class of trolls.) who knows only how to cry and complain.

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tera f2p- till lvl 28 only among other restrictions.

aoc f2p- can choose only 2 melee class among other restrictions.

swtor- can play any class, any advance class, can finished class quest, can reach max level, can buy unlocks via in game credit, etc.


sad so many cheap trollers (<<<<< lowest class of trolls.) who knows only how to cry and complain.

Honestly if you math it out F2P users pay more then what a subscriber would for the same access by almost double the cost initially. In the long run it balances itself out. As well as any secondary costs that get added in to the mix.


Its almost a mirrored parity between the two avenues with subscribers only marginally winning out in the long run due to certain features sold in the Cartel Market not being purchasable account wide.


EA/Bioware are truly evil money grubbing geniuses because no matter what happens they win out. Either they make a lot of money from the F2P, oor they can state that SWTOR is a success from sub numbers.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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i Think The F2p Option is Working Great, just like it does in DC Universe online. we see alot more people. cool new loot , much more, Free 2 Play isnt what it use to be, and thats death of the game. f2p works great for some games, and this is one of them. ive been around since early beta. and i took a couple months break back a bit. and came back a month before f2p, and i dont know what it is but im enjoying the game again, like i did in beta and launch. i just feel like good things are coming, but of course there are some cons , along with the pros. like what some others were saying if you Just play the f2p. your not gonna have the best experience. I look at it as a permanant trial if you stay f2p. ive met alot of new people , they started out f2p and then subbed, thats pretty much what the idea is obviously , but just thought id give my 2cents.



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SO the other day I let my sub lapse to see what was available with F2P. First and foremost the fact that F2P players can not post to the forums HAS to change; like it or not these players are part of the community now and have be be able to report issues interact with devs and the player base at large. Next I agree with the increased cost for respecs and the slower leveling but the level of restriction on these players does not encourage anyone to stick with swtor and become a sub or a preferred status player. The next point is the preferred status is really worse than F2P. limiting battle ground or new player creation seems ok but removing quick bars that someone has paid for with the purchase of the game and other such annoyances nearly make me want to stop playing all together. all in all very poorly done Bio-Ware using the cartel market to add vanity items to increase income and opening the game up to F2P to allow people to try before they buy are good ideas don't chase of prospective customers by making their experience with swtor second class.




It's funny how you say free should have less restrictions, so that it encourages more people to sub? Why would you sub if you are not restricted?

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I like the Lotro f2p set up. Why? because I can pick it up and play whenever I want and haven't payed a penny... oh damn - that's not a sustainable business model is it?

This is the really tricky bit with f2p. You need to inconvenience new players enough so they pick up a sub or buy extras but not so much that they walk away. Personally I feel that charging for UI elements and faster XP is wrong and bordered pay2win but f2p'ers don't need free access to quick travel or fleet passes, more than 1 FP, WZ or Operation per week, access to bonus series quests, non-human races or force user classes.


I'm sure given time this will all settle down. A premium and f2p forum would be a good thing otherwise the f2p'ers wont visit the website and see the new stuff they're not getting.

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What is the point of people saying "(insert thing here) is worthless" ? You dont like it? Leave! :)


That is the last thing you ever want to tell any kind of consumer. I used to work in retail and I knew from the start that the whole "If you don't like it, leave" mentality will just not fly at all. Unless the consumer in question is being extremely rude and harassing others, you never tell them to just leave because they don't like what they see.

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It's funny how you say free should have less restrictions, so that it encourages more people to sub? Why would you sub if you are not restricted?


Because if they actually ENJOY the game instead of being ANNOYED by the various completely illogical and obtrusive restrictions they might pay.

But i guess scaring off potential customers is the best way to keep this game "pure"...


Oh and "less restrictions" does not equal "no restrictions"... some people need to get that through their thick skulls...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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See my sig.


Sure, but that point will never come.

But restricting F2P to the point where it isnt fun is not the way to go either... you cant make a good movie trailer by only showing the end-credits...

You need to get the player to feel invested in the game and wanting more. Not feeling like they are being forced to play on an inferior version of the game.


There is plenty of stuff to lure people into subbing. Flashpoints, PvP, Spacemissions, Crafting, Basically anything you do at lvl 50 and more.

BUT, stupid restrictions like locking the "hide headslot" option or unify colours makes no sense.

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Sure, but that point will never come.

But restricting F2P to the point where it isnt fun is not the way to go either... you cant make a good movie trailer by only showing the end-credits...

You need to get the player to feel invested in the game and wanting more. Not feeling like they are being forced to play on an inferior version of the game.


There is plenty of stuff to lure people into subbing. Flashpoints, PvP, Spacemissions, Crafting, Basically anything you do at lvl 50 and more.

BUT, stupid restrictions like locking the "hide headslot" option or unify colours makes no sense.


The question is not whether that point will come because it's already here. The game has to be financed and if there's a way to play 100% for free, then it's obviously the paying community who is financing that model. Who else?

Sure, it's good for the game. But still, it's very important that the subscribers don't feel pranked, cause if they do then they'll start unsubbing. And if they do so, then there will be no F2P, no preferred status and no SWTOR left.

Edited by Cretinus
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It's funny how you say free should have less restrictions, so that it encourages more people to sub? Why would you sub if you are not restricted?


Because its so awesome game that you want to subscribe?


Becaue they are releasing a ton of playable high quality content that its better to sub than buy it all off?


Hmmm, i can sense problems with those ROFL


Its no wonder they charge for quickslots and hide helmet ahahahahahh

Edited by GrandMike
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